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Tournament Rounds

J300 Bradenton \ Eddie Herr International Junior Tennis Championships [Q], 2015, J300 Boys

IMG/Bollettieri Sports Academy

Molleker, Rudolf[1] [GER]  
    Molleker, Rudolf[1]
Karsten, Altus [RSA] 61 60 
Donarski, Sid [CAN]  
    Hammond, Robert
Hammond, Robert [USA] 62 61 
Hoyos Franco, Alejandro [COL]  
    Ortiz Tovar, Edson David
Ortiz Tovar, Edson David [MEX] 75 63 
Poling, Karl [USA]  
    Este, Miguel Angel[13]
Este, Miguel Angel[13] [VEN] 75 76(6) 
Bittoun Kouzmine, Constantin[2] [FRA]  
    Ambrozy, Adam (WC)
Ambrozy, Adam (WC) [USA] 26 76(3) 63 
Pilones, Gabriel (WC) [USA]  
    Pilones, Gabriel (WC)
Carvajal, Gabriel [ECU] 63 63 
Colton, Chase [USA]  
    Colton, Chase
Nemeth, Gabriel [BRA] 76(6) 64 
Antonopoulos, Christos [GRE]  
    Antonopoulos, Christos
Martinez, Mirko[12] [SUI] 63 63 
Galarneau, Alexis[3] [CAN]  
    Divar, Carlos
Divar, Carlos [ESP] 62 62 
Zabot Pasini, Giovani [BRA]  
    Zabot Pasini, Giovani
Afanasev, Dennis [USA] 75 26 75 
Flores, Luis [MEX]  
    Flores, Luis
Jorgeson, John [USA] 36 75 62 
Rodriguez Mojica, Marcelo Arturo [PAN]  
    De Krom, Michiel[15]
De Krom, Michiel[15] [NED] 61 62 
Cuypers, Seppe[4] [BEL]  
    Cuypers, Seppe[4]
Lima Wagner, Rafael [BRA] 57 62 64 
Kiger, Mac [USA]  
    Mejia, Nicolas
Mejia, Nicolas [COL] 64 61 
Chakravarthi, Caleb [USA]  
    Suarez Rivas, Jesus Santiago
Suarez Rivas, Jesus Santiago [MEX] 75 62 
Leschly, Lane [USA]  
    Shimizu, Yuta[10]
Shimizu, Yuta[10] [JPN] 62 64 
Lah, Sven[5] [SLO]  
    Lah, Sven[5]
Abdel-Aziz, Mohamed [EGY] 76(5) 60 
Muamba, Nicaise [CAN]  
    Muamba, Nicaise
Small, Johnathan [USA] 62 64 
Fernandez Del Valle, Pedro [MEX]  
    Soyfer, Daniel
Soyfer, Daniel [USA] 46 76(4) 76(4) 
Hill, Sean [USA]  
    Benchetrit, Elliot[9]
Benchetrit, Elliot[9] [MAR] 75 63 
Stevens, Bart[6] [NED]  
    Stevens, Bart[6]
Tsakiris, Costandino (WC) [GRE] 60 60 
De Alencar, Manoel Felipe [BRA]  
    Berdusco, Brian (WC)
Berdusco, Brian (WC) [USA] 75 63 
Scott, Fletcher [USA]  
    Ho, Ray
Ho, Ray [TPE] 63 62 
Atanasov, Martin [BUL]  
    Peck, Joshua[11]
Peck, Joshua[11] [CAN] 60 62 
Arcila, Sebastian[7] [PUR]  
    Eskeland, Jacob
Eskeland, Jacob [NOR] 67(3) 61 62 
Mitchell, Nicholas (WC) [USA]  
    Baez, Sebastian
Baez, Sebastian [ARG] 60 63 
Boscardin Dias, Gabriel [BRA]  
    Boscardin Dias, Gabriel
Dominguez Soto, Alex [ESP] 67(2) 63 64 
Kovats, Peter (WC) [USA]  
    Penchyna Cardenas, Gerardo[16]
Penchyna Cardenas, Gerardo[16] [MEX] 60 61 
Van Slyke, Jack W[8] [CAN]  
    Mcnally, John
Mcnally, John [USA] 60 63 
Raj, Shikhar (WC) [IND]  
    Dong, Zhenxiong (WC)
Dong, Zhenxiong (WC) [CHN] 57 61 62 
Barbosa De Menezes, Leonardo [BRA]  
    Wojcik, Jakub
Wojcik, Jakub [USA] 61 64 
Tsygura, Kyrylo [USA]  
    Tsygura, Kyrylo
Ramirez Mejia, Juan Martin[14] [COL] 61 63 
Molleker, Rudolf[1] [GER]  
    Molleker, Rudolf[1]
Hammond, Robert [USA] 61 60 
Ortiz Tovar, Edson David [MEX]  
    Ortiz Tovar, Edson David
Este, Miguel Angel[13] [VEN] 57 61 61 
Ambrozy, Adam (WC) [USA]  
    Ambrozy, Adam (WC)
Pilones, Gabriel (WC) [USA] 61 62 
Colton, Chase [USA]  
    Antonopoulos, Christos
Antonopoulos, Christos [GRE] 62 63 
Divar, Carlos [ESP]  
    Divar, Carlos
Zabot Pasini, Giovani [BRA] 62 62 
Flores, Luis [MEX]  
    De Krom, Michiel[15]
De Krom, Michiel[15] [NED] 61 61 
Cuypers, Seppe[4] [BEL]  
    Mejia, Nicolas
Mejia, Nicolas [COL] 64 63 
Suarez Rivas, Jesus Santiago [MEX]  
    Shimizu, Yuta[10]
Shimizu, Yuta[10] [JPN] 61 76(4) 
Lah, Sven[5] [SLO]  
    Lah, Sven[5]
Muamba, Nicaise [CAN] 62 46 62 
Soyfer, Daniel [USA]  
    Benchetrit, Elliot[9]
Benchetrit, Elliot[9] [MAR] 63 61 
Stevens, Bart[6] [NED]  
    Stevens, Bart[6]
Berdusco, Brian (WC) [USA] 63 62 
Ho, Ray [TPE]  
    Peck, Joshua[11]
Peck, Joshua[11] [CAN] 36 63 76(6) 
Eskeland, Jacob [NOR]  
    Baez, Sebastian
Baez, Sebastian [ARG] 64 62 
Boscardin Dias, Gabriel [BRA]  
    Penchyna Cardenas, Gerardo[16]
Penchyna Cardenas, Gerardo[16] [MEX] 16 63 76(2) 
Mcnally, John [USA]  
    Mcnally, John
Dong, Zhenxiong (WC) [CHN] 62 62 
Wojcik, Jakub [USA]  
    Tsygura, Kyrylo
Tsygura, Kyrylo [USA] 60 46 62 
Molleker, Rudolf[1] [GER]  
    Molleker, Rudolf[1]
Ortiz Tovar, Edson David [MEX] 62 75 
Ambrozy, Adam (WC) [USA]  
    Ambrozy, Adam (WC)
Antonopoulos, Christos [GRE] 64 62 
Divar, Carlos [ESP]  
    De Krom, Michiel[15]
De Krom, Michiel[15] [NED] 46 64 62 
Mejia, Nicolas [COL]  
    Mejia, Nicolas
Shimizu, Yuta[10] [JPN] 16 64 64 
Lah, Sven[5] [SLO]  
    Benchetrit, Elliot[9]
Benchetrit, Elliot[9] [MAR] 76(4) 57 64 
Stevens, Bart[6] [NED]  
    Stevens, Bart[6]
Peck, Joshua[11] [CAN] 36 64 61 
Baez, Sebastian [ARG]  
    Baez, Sebastian
Penchyna Cardenas, Gerardo[16] [MEX] 61 57 64 
Mcnally, John [USA]  
    Mcnally, John
Tsygura, Kyrylo [USA] 63 46 76(5) 
Molleker, Rudolf[1] [GER]  
Ambrozy, Adam (WC) [USA]   
De Krom, Michiel[15] [NED]  
Mejia, Nicolas [COL]   
Benchetrit, Elliot[9] [MAR]  
Stevens, Bart[6] [NED]   
Baez, Sebastian [ARG]  
Mcnally, John [USA]   
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