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Tournament Rounds

Junior Koper Open, 2015, Boys 12

Varzandeh, Tom [GER]  
    Varzandeh, Tom
Protic Zakelj, Jaka (WC) [SLO] 63 75 
Glavas, Dino (Q) [CRO]  
    La Cava, Ivan
La Cava, Ivan [ITA] 63 62 
Obrul, Lun [SLO]  
    Obrul, Lun
Hadzimehmedovic, Romeo (Q) [SRB] 60 30 Ret'd 
Pall, Noel (Q) [HUN]  
    Pall, Noel (Q)
Dolenc, Taj (Q) [SLO] 76(2) 60 
Olsson, Oliver [GER]  
    Olsson, Oliver
Dominko, Sebastian (WC) [SLO] 63 60 
Znuderl, Marsel [SLO]  
    Brady, Patrick
Brady, Patrick [GBR] 63 63 
Boco, Giovanni (Q) [ITA]  
    Boco, Giovanni (Q)
Deli, Merse (LL) [HUN] 75 62 
Blasius, Noah [GER]  
    Krajnik, Luka
Krajnik, Luka [SLO] 61 62 
Pampanin, Pietro [ITA]  
    Pampanin, Pietro
Kirbis, Aljaz [SLO] 60 60 
Dimitrijevic, Jan [SLO]  
    Dimitrijevic, Jan
Stramput, Vuk David [SRB] 60 60 
Kalocsai, Peter [HUN]  
    Chen, Derrick
Chen, Derrick [GBR] 75 36 75 
Schiessl, Erik [GER]  
    Schiessl, Erik
Korent, Tristan Alessandro (LL) [SLO] 60 60 
Gruenig, Gregory [SUI]  
    Medjedovic, Hamad
Medjedovic, Hamad [SRB] 63 63 
Artnak, Bor [SLO]  
    Engelmann, Marius Philipp
Engelmann, Marius Philipp [USA] 60 60 
Suedhoff, Konstantin [GER]  
    Suedhoff, Konstantin
Tomori, Benedek [HUN] 62 60 
Mitrovic, Fran [CRO]  
    Mitrovic, Fran
Bozic, Ian (WC) [SLO] 63 62 
Najvirt Kolaric, Maj (WC) [SLO]  
    Mihalache, Mihai
Mihalache, Mihai [ROU] 60 60 
Sturmigh, Luca [ITA]  
    Erceg, Lovre
Erceg, Lovre [CRO] 60 61 
Jovanovic, Marko [SRB]  
    Jovanovic, Marko
Popovic, Taj [SLO] 60 61 
Kuthy, Kolos (LL) [HUN]  
    Beutel, Mika
Beutel, Mika [GER] 60 60 
Peric, Nikola [SLO]  
    Cikojevic, Ante
Cikojevic, Ante [GER] 62 62 
Janicijevic, Mateja [SRB]  
    Janicijevic, Mateja
Gavelli, Alessandro [ITA] 63 60 
Mileusnic, Gordan Fran [SLO]  
    Lazell, Harry
Lazell, Harry [GBR] 61 61 
Suntar, Jon Lan [SLO]  
    Suntar, Jon Lan
Foldi, Tamas [HUN] 60 60 
Zivkovic, Luka [SRB]  
    Stepanov, Timofey (WC)
Stepanov, Timofey (WC) [SUI] 60 60 
Premzl, Maj (WC) [SLO]  
    Premzl, Maj (WC)
Agic, Dragan (Q) [GER] 62 62 
Reydellet, Sylvain [FRA]  
    Reydellet, Sylvain
Ramic, Elvis (LL) [SLO] 60 60 
Buzeti, Vid [SLO]  
    Fellin, Christian
Fellin, Christian [ITA] 31 Ret'd 
Bill, Alen [CRO]  
    Bill, Alen
Korelc, Robert [SLO] 60 62 
Deliano, Lucas [GER]  
    Deliano, Lucas
Flander, Tristan [SLO] 63 61 
Csermak, Balint (Q) [HUN]  
    Stoiber, Niki
Stoiber, Niki [AUT] 61 60 
Topolic, Marko [SRB]  
    Topolic, Marko
Emersic Potocnik, Gal [SLO] 61 76(7) 
Varzandeh, Tom [GER]  
    La Cava, Ivan
La Cava, Ivan [ITA] 60 63 
Obrul, Lun [SLO]  
    Obrul, Lun
Pall, Noel (Q) [HUN] 61 60 
Olsson, Oliver [GER]  
    Brady, Patrick
Brady, Patrick [GBR] 64 64 
Boco, Giovanni (Q) [ITA]  
    Boco, Giovanni (Q)
Krajnik, Luka [SLO] 62 61 
Pampanin, Pietro [ITA]  
    Pampanin, Pietro
Dimitrijevic, Jan [SLO] 63 75 
Chen, Derrick [GBR]  
    Chen, Derrick
Schiessl, Erik [GER] 61 62 
Medjedovic, Hamad [SRB]  
    Medjedovic, Hamad
Engelmann, Marius Philipp [USA] 62 61 
Suedhoff, Konstantin [GER]  
    Mitrovic, Fran
Mitrovic, Fran [CRO] 63 62 
Mihalache, Mihai [ROU]  
    Erceg, Lovre
Erceg, Lovre [CRO] 61 61 
Jovanovic, Marko [SRB]  
    Jovanovic, Marko
Beutel, Mika [GER] 62 62 
Cikojevic, Ante [GER]  
    Janicijevic, Mateja
Janicijevic, Mateja [SRB] 62 46 62 
Lazell, Harry [GBR]  
    Lazell, Harry
Suntar, Jon Lan [SLO] 76(6) 64 
Stepanov, Timofey (WC) [SUI]  
    Stepanov, Timofey (WC)
Premzl, Maj (WC) [SLO] 64 62 
Reydellet, Sylvain [FRA]  
    Reydellet, Sylvain
Fellin, Christian [ITA] 64 57 64 
Bill, Alen [CRO]  
    Bill, Alen
Deliano, Lucas [GER] 61 61 
Stoiber, Niki [AUT]  
    Topolic, Marko
Topolic, Marko [SRB] 75 63 
La Cava, Ivan [ITA]  
    Obrul, Lun
Obrul, Lun [SLO] 62 64 
Brady, Patrick [GBR]  
    Brady, Patrick
Boco, Giovanni (Q) [ITA] 60 75 
Pampanin, Pietro [ITA]  
    Chen, Derrick
Chen, Derrick [GBR] 60 61 
Medjedovic, Hamad [SRB]  
    Medjedovic, Hamad
Mitrovic, Fran [CRO] 63 60 
Erceg, Lovre [CRO]  
    Erceg, Lovre
Jovanovic, Marko [SRB] 62 64 
Janicijevic, Mateja [SRB]  
    Lazell, Harry
Lazell, Harry [GBR] 62 64 
Stepanov, Timofey (WC) [SUI]  
    Reydellet, Sylvain
Reydellet, Sylvain [FRA] 61 63 
Bill, Alen [CRO]  
    Topolic, Marko
Topolic, Marko [SRB] 64 67(5) 63 
Obrul, Lun [SLO]  
    Obrul, Lun
Brady, Patrick [GBR] 76(2) 62 
Chen, Derrick [GBR]  
    Medjedovic, Hamad
Medjedovic, Hamad [SRB] 61 64 
Erceg, Lovre [CRO]  
    Erceg, Lovre
Lazell, Harry [GBR] 62 06 60 
Reydellet, Sylvain [FRA]  
    Reydellet, Sylvain
Topolic, Marko [SRB] 46 61 75 
Obrul, Lun [SLO]  
    Medjedovic, Hamad
Medjedovic, Hamad [SRB] 60 62 
Erceg, Lovre [CRO]  
    Erceg, Lovre
Reydellet, Sylvain [FRA] 76(6) 76(8) 
Medjedovic, Hamad [SRB]  
    Medjedovic, Hamad
Erceg, Lovre [CRO] 62 63 
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