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Tournament Rounds

USA F16A Futures [Q], 2015, M25

Wake Forest Tennis Center

Harrington, Hunter[1] [USA]  
    Harrington, Hunter[1]
Chamdani, Adrian [USA]  
    Chamdani, Adrian
Bhakthavachalam, Gandhi [USA] 64 62 
Dunbar, Ethan [USA]  
    Dunbar, Ethan
Le, Kevin [USA] 62 60 
Allen, James Perry [USA]  
    Fleck, Kevin M.
Fleck, Kevin M. [USA] 75 16 64 
Haviland, Ryan[2] [USA]  
    Haviland, Ryan[2]
Lohrbach, Peter [USA]  
    Brown, Hardy M.
Brown, Hardy M. [USA] 63 61 
Galloway, Robert [USA]  
    Galloway, Robert
Thigpen, Patrick [USA] 60 60 
Thomson, Collin (WC) [USA]  
    Kan, Maksim
Kan, Maksim [UZB] 62 60 
Daciek, Patrick[3] [USA]  
    Daciek, Patrick[3]
Fiegel, Cole R. [USA]  
    Fiegel, Cole R.
Silva, Charles [BRA] 62 62 
Robles, Austin [USA]  
    Kumar, Kavir
Kumar, Kavir [USA] 16 60 62 
Brooklyn, Matthew [GBR]  
    Kelly, Robert
Kelly, Robert [USA] 61 76(3) 
Becerra Jeria, Serge[4] [CAN]  
    Becerra Jeria, Serge[4]
Melendez, Elijah [USA]  
    Melendez, Elijah
Shick, Collin [USA] 64 64 
Ansari, Austin [USA]  
    Stachowiak, Nick
Stachowiak, Nick [USA] 75 Ret'd 
Patel, Prakrut Kartik [IND]  
    Dunbar, Jacob
Dunbar, Jacob [USA] 60 61 
Ramirez, Luis Fernando[5] [VEN]  
    Ramirez, Luis Fernando[5]
Lodha, Brijesh [IND]  
    Gornet, Alexander
Gornet, Alexander [USA] 60 60 
Sakariya Saumil Kamlesh, Saumil [IND]  
    Natarajan, Aneesh
Natarajan, Aneesh [USA] 63 60 
Gonzalez, Enrique [VEN]  
    Whittingham, Keith R
Whittingham, Keith R [USA] 76(1) 76(4) 
Colorado, Max[6] [USA]  
    Colorado, Max[6]
Preston, Parrish [USA]  
    Pennington, Beck
Pennington, Beck [USA] 60 60 
Kirchheimer, Strong [USA]  
    Kirchheimer, Strong
Rosensteel, Christopher [USA] 62 63 
Haywood, Robert [USA]  
    Yates, Trey
Yates, Trey [USA] 75 62 
Halbauer, Drew [USA]  
    Halbauer, Drew
Beltrame, Sebastian [USA]  
    Beltrame, Sebastian
Migliano, Francesco [ITA] 62 64 
Thomson, Mathew (WC) [GBR]  
    Eubanks, Christopher
Eubanks, Christopher [USA] 60 61 
Lauture, Philippe A. [USA]  
    Janglin, Oscar
Janglin, Oscar [SWE] 62 62 
Yun, Daniel [USA]  
    Yun, Daniel
Gates, Claiborne [USA] 62 75 
Mendes, Antony [BRA]  
    Dennis, Yancy
Dennis, Yancy [USA] 64 76(3) 
Staton, Aderes [USA]  
    Kodali, Anudeep
Kodali, Anudeep [USA] 60 62 
Lalchandani, Karan [IND]  
    Hadzic, Keni
Hadzic, Keni [USA] 63 64 
Harrington, Hunter[1] [USA]  
    Chamdani, Adrian
Chamdani, Adrian [USA] 64 62 
Dunbar, Ethan [USA]  
    Dunbar, Ethan
Fleck, Kevin M. [USA] 64 61 
Haviland, Ryan[2] [USA]  
    Haviland, Ryan[2]
Brown, Hardy M. [USA] 61 62 
Galloway, Robert [USA]  
    Kan, Maksim
Kan, Maksim [UZB] 64 16 62 
Daciek, Patrick[3] [USA]  
    Fiegel, Cole R.
Fiegel, Cole R. [USA] 16 62 63 
Kumar, Kavir [USA]  
    Kelly, Robert
Kelly, Robert [USA] 64 76(4) 
Becerra Jeria, Serge[4] [CAN]  
    Becerra Jeria, Serge[4]
Melendez, Elijah [USA] 64 61 
Stachowiak, Nick [USA]  
    Dunbar, Jacob
Dunbar, Jacob [USA] 76(5) 76(5) 
Ramirez, Luis Fernando[5] [VEN]  
    Gornet, Alexander
Gornet, Alexander [USA] 63 31 Ret'd 
Natarajan, Aneesh [USA]  
    Whittingham, Keith R
Whittingham, Keith R [USA] 60 61 
Colorado, Max[6] [USA]  
    Pennington, Beck
Pennington, Beck [USA] 62 76(5) 
Kirchheimer, Strong [USA]  
    Kirchheimer, Strong
Yates, Trey [USA] 61 26 75 
Halbauer, Drew [USA]  
    Beltrame, Sebastian
Beltrame, Sebastian [USA] 26 61 63 
Eubanks, Christopher [USA]  
    Eubanks, Christopher
Janglin, Oscar [SWE] 62 64 
Yun, Daniel [USA]  
    Dennis, Yancy
Dennis, Yancy [USA] 26 61 76(6) 
Kodali, Anudeep [USA]  
    Kodali, Anudeep
Hadzic, Keni [USA] 61 61 
Chamdani, Adrian [USA]  
    Dunbar, Ethan
Dunbar, Ethan [USA] 67(1) 76(7) 42 Ret'd 
Haviland, Ryan[2] [USA]  
    Haviland, Ryan[2]
Kan, Maksim [UZB] 64 75 
Fiegel, Cole R. [USA]  
    Kelly, Robert
Kelly, Robert [USA] 62 63 
Becerra Jeria, Serge[4] [CAN]  
    Becerra Jeria, Serge[4]
Dunbar, Jacob [USA] 16 62 63 
Gornet, Alexander [USA]  
    Gornet, Alexander
Whittingham, Keith R [USA] 61 62 
Pennington, Beck [USA]  
    Kirchheimer, Strong
Kirchheimer, Strong [USA] 75 75 
Beltrame, Sebastian [USA]  
    Beltrame, Sebastian
Eubanks, Christopher [USA] 62 75 
Dennis, Yancy [USA]  
    Dennis, Yancy
Kodali, Anudeep [USA] 75 06 62 
Dunbar, Ethan [USA]  
Haviland, Ryan[2] [USA]   
Kelly, Robert [USA]  
Becerra Jeria, Serge[4] [CAN]   
Gornet, Alexander [USA]  
Kirchheimer, Strong [USA]   
Beltrame, Sebastian [USA]  
Dennis, Yancy [USA]   
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