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Tournament Rounds

Vilamoura International U14, 2015, Girls 14

Vilamoura Tennis Academy

Edibson Messiah, Dami[1] [ESP]  
    Edibson Messiah, Dami[1]
Sa, Madalena [POR]  
    Zheng, Qinwen
Zheng, Qinwen [CHN] 62 61 
Bondarenko, Mariya [RUS]  
    Bondarenko, Mariya
Ribeiro Da Cunha, Carlota Maria [POR] 61 63 
Mendes, Matilde [POR]  
    Joziasse, Finn[16]
Joziasse, Finn[16] [NED] 62 46 61 
Banks, Amarni[9] [GBR]  
    Banks, Amarni[9]
Mendes, Francisca [POR] 60 60 
Chaves, Leonor [POR]  
    Novikova, Nika
Novikova, Nika [LTU] 63 62 
Teles, Brigida [POR]  
    Bourbotte, Zoe
Bourbotte, Zoe [FRA] 64 63 
Dimitrijevic, Jelena [SRB]  
    Baptista, Joana[8]
Baptista, Joana[8] [POR] 62 62 
Maia, Ines[4] [POR]  
    Maia, Ines[4]
Mars, Femke [NED]  
    Mars, Femke
Fedosenkova, Maria [ESP] 64 62 
Magun, Lea [SUI]  
    Magun, Lea
Oliveira, Leonor [POR] 61 60 
Jesus, Rita [POR]  
    Morrissey, Katherine[14]
Morrissey, Katherine[14] [IRL] 60 60 
Van Zeller, Teresa[12] [POR]  
    Kostromitina, Anastasiya
Kostromitina, Anastasiya [RUS] 76(4) 62 
Dirninger, Ghada [AUT]  
    Dirninger, Ghada
Almeida, Beatriz [POR] 61 60 
Edwards, Lucy [GBR]  
    Pedrosa, Catarina
Pedrosa, Catarina [POR] 10 Ret'd 
    Mesochoritou, Galateia[5]
Mesochoritou, Galateia[5] [GRE]   
Fonte, Maria[7] [POR]  
    Fonte, Maria[7]
Luescher, Sophie [SUI] 60 46 76(3) 
Mountain, Maia [GBR]  
    Dotti, Joana
Dotti, Joana [POR] 61 60 
Cardoso Fabbri, Carolina [BRA]  
    Cardoso Fabbri, Carolina
Van Harten, Nicole [NED] 63 60 
Gingeira, Lara [POR]  
    Boisseau, Leopoldine[11]
Boisseau, Leopoldine[11] [FRA] 62 61 
Garcia, Camila[15] [POR]  
    Garcia, Camila[15]
Baglow, Eleanor [GBR] 61 64 
Bouzas Maneiro, Jessica [ESP]  
    Bouzas Maneiro, Jessica
Silva, Rita [POR] 60 60 
Lynn Browne, Georgia Lily [IRL]  
    Oliveira, Ines
Oliveira, Ines [POR] 64 63 
    Arkadianou, Anna[3]
Arkadianou, Anna[3] [GRE]   
Costa Vehse, Laura[6] [ESP]  
    Costa Vehse, Laura[6]
Mccabe, Rebecca [IRL]  
    Rodrigues, Maria
Rodrigues, Maria [POR] 16 05 Ret'd 
Gladoshchuk, Ekaterina [RUS]  
    Gladoshchuk, Ekaterina
Neves, Sara [POR] 62 46 75 
Tanqueiro, Madalena [POR]  
    Jensrud, Karina[10]
Jensrud, Karina[10] [NOR] 61 16 61 
Mould, Lillian[13] [GBR]  
    Mould, Lillian[13]
Tardivel, Clara [FRA] 61 63 
Roque De Pinho, Maria Luisa [POR]  
    Zykute, Fausta
Zykute, Fausta [LTU] 61 60 
Rodriguez, Coral [ESP]  
    Rodriguez, Coral
Santos, Rita [POR] 63 26 61 
    C Silva, Rebeca[2]
C Silva, Rebeca[2] [POR]   
Edibson Messiah, Dami[1] [ESP]  
    Zheng, Qinwen
Zheng, Qinwen [CHN] 76(6) 63 
Bondarenko, Mariya [RUS]  
    Joziasse, Finn[16]
Joziasse, Finn[16] [NED] 67(4) 63 62 
Banks, Amarni[9] [GBR]  
    Banks, Amarni[9]
Novikova, Nika [LTU] 60 61 
Bourbotte, Zoe [FRA]  
    Baptista, Joana[8]
Baptista, Joana[8] [POR] 61 76(5) 
Maia, Ines[4] [POR]  
    Mars, Femke
Mars, Femke [NED] 46 76(1) 60 
Magun, Lea [SUI]  
    Magun, Lea
Morrissey, Katherine[14] [IRL] 60 63 
Kostromitina, Anastasiya [RUS]  
    Kostromitina, Anastasiya
Dirninger, Ghada [AUT] 63 62 
Pedrosa, Catarina [POR]  
    Mesochoritou, Galateia[5]
Mesochoritou, Galateia[5] [GRE] 62 61 
Fonte, Maria[7] [POR]  
    Fonte, Maria[7]
Dotti, Joana [POR] 61 63 
Cardoso Fabbri, Carolina [BRA]  
    Boisseau, Leopoldine[11]
Boisseau, Leopoldine[11] [FRA] 64 62 
Garcia, Camila[15] [POR]  
    Garcia, Camila[15]
Bouzas Maneiro, Jessica [ESP] 26 64 63 
Oliveira, Ines [POR]  
    Arkadianou, Anna[3]
Arkadianou, Anna[3] [GRE] 60 61 
Costa Vehse, Laura[6] [ESP]  
    Costa Vehse, Laura[6]
Rodrigues, Maria [POR] 60 60 
Gladoshchuk, Ekaterina [RUS]  
    Gladoshchuk, Ekaterina
Jensrud, Karina[10] [NOR] 75 63 
Mould, Lillian[13] [GBR]  
    Mould, Lillian[13]
Zykute, Fausta [LTU] 60 75 
Rodriguez, Coral [ESP]  
    C Silva, Rebeca[2]
C Silva, Rebeca[2] [POR] 63 60 
Zheng, Qinwen [CHN]  
    Zheng, Qinwen
Joziasse, Finn[16] [NED] 61 62 
Banks, Amarni[9] [GBR]  
    Banks, Amarni[9]
Baptista, Joana[8] [POR] 63 63 
Mars, Femke [NED]  
    Magun, Lea
Magun, Lea [SUI] 64 16 63 
Kostromitina, Anastasiya [RUS]  
    Mesochoritou, Galateia[5]
Mesochoritou, Galateia[5] [GRE] 64 63 
Fonte, Maria[7] [POR]  
    Fonte, Maria[7]
Boisseau, Leopoldine[11] [FRA] 62 62 
Garcia, Camila[15] [POR]  
    Arkadianou, Anna[3]
Arkadianou, Anna[3] [GRE] 60 61 
Costa Vehse, Laura[6] [ESP]  
    Costa Vehse, Laura[6]
Gladoshchuk, Ekaterina [RUS] 61 61 
Mould, Lillian[13] [GBR]  
    C Silva, Rebeca[2]
C Silva, Rebeca[2] [POR] 76(3) 64 
Zheng, Qinwen [CHN]  
    Zheng, Qinwen
Banks, Amarni[9] [GBR] 62 64 
Magun, Lea [SUI]  
    Mesochoritou, Galateia[5]
Mesochoritou, Galateia[5] [GRE] 76(5) Ret'd 
Fonte, Maria[7] [POR]  
    Arkadianou, Anna[3]
Arkadianou, Anna[3] [GRE] 61 46 63 
Costa Vehse, Laura[6] [ESP]  
    C Silva, Rebeca[2]
C Silva, Rebeca[2] [POR] w/o 
Zheng, Qinwen [CHN]  
    Zheng, Qinwen
Mesochoritou, Galateia[5] [GRE] 60 63 
Arkadianou, Anna[3] [GRE]  
    Arkadianou, Anna[3]
C Silva, Rebeca[2] [POR] 61 60 
Zheng, Qinwen [CHN]  
    Zheng, Qinwen
Arkadianou, Anna[3] [GRE] 61 63 
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