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Tournament Rounds

Portimao International Tournamente U14, 2015, Boys 14

Clube de Tenis Portimao e Rocha

Maia, Hugo[1] [POR]  
    Maia, Hugo[1]
Lopez Andujar, German [ESP] 61 62 
Navrotchi, Maxime [LUX]  
    Navrotchi, Maxime
Das, Terence (Q) [IND] 64 76(6) 
Videira, Guilherme [POR]  
    Aguiar, Joao (Q)
Aguiar, Joao (Q) [POR] 64 75 
Matias, Afonso (WC) [POR]  
    Christiansen, Rudolf Niklas[15]
Christiansen, Rudolf Niklas[15] [GER] 60 60 
Correia, Francisco[12] [POR]  
    Correia, Francisco[12]
Dinse, Enzo [FRA] 63 60 
Montijano Garcia, Alvaro [ESP]  
    Montijano Garcia, Alvaro
Morgan, Evan [POR] 75 60 
Stenzer, Moritz (Q) [USA]  
    Stenzer, Moritz (Q)
Dussaubat, Arthur [POR] 63 64 
Szczupak, Daniel [BRA]  
    Deli, Mihaly[6]
Deli, Mihaly[6] [HUN] 62 62 
Barreto Sanchez, Diego Augusto[3] [ESP]  
    Barreto Sanchez, Diego Augusto[3]
Barbieri, Henrique [POR] 61 61 
Vergara, Andres (Q) [CAN]  
    Vergara, Andres (Q)
Belerique, Bernardo [POR] 62 64 
Henderson, Russell [GBR]  
    Henderson, Russell
Gomes Gaspar Sutil Roque, Vasco [POR] 16 64 62 
Rodeia, Andre [POR]  
    Rodeia, Andre
Vasa, Iiro[14] [FIN] 64 36 64 
Pragana, Antonio Pedro[11] [POR]  
    Pragana, Antonio Pedro[11]
Haage, Maximilian [GER] 62 61 
Louisor, Nicolas (WC) [FRA]  
    Morais, Eduardo
Morais, Eduardo [POR] 60 63 
Van Nieuwenhove, Alexander [BEL]  
    Van Nieuwenhove, Alexander
Ruivinho Graca, Pedro Dimas [POR] 62 60 
Adonis, Heber (Q) [POR]  
    Adonis, Heber (Q)
Brun, Thomas George[8] [SUI] 46 62 64 
Johann, Lars[7] [GER]  
    Nunez Serrano, Alvaro (WC)
Nunez Serrano, Alvaro (WC) [ESP] 64 64 
Mugeiro, Joao [POR]  
    Zimmermann, Ilias
Zimmermann, Ilias [SUI] 60 61 
Herin, Joe (LL) [FRA]  
    Herin, Joe (LL)
Leote Prata, Vasco (WC) [POR] 64 61 
Alves, Joao Pedro (WC) [POR]  
    Lafont, Nicolas[9]
Lafont, Nicolas[9] [FRA] 63 63 
Arcos Del Valle, Jose Antonio[13] [ESP]  
    Arcos Del Valle, Jose Antonio[13]
Guerreiro, Tomas [POR] 60 60 
Dias, Tomas (WC) [POR]  
    Rossi, Geremia (Q)
Rossi, Geremia (Q) [SUI] 63 60 
Araujo, Pedro [POR]  
    Teixeira, Bernardo (Q)
Teixeira, Bernardo (Q) [POR] 61 60 
Storer Danelon, Gabriel [BRA]  
    Storer Danelon, Gabriel
Serra Vieira, Bernardo[4] [POR] 36 63 60 
Goncalves, Manuel[5] [POR]  
    Goncalves, Manuel[5]
Peterson, Patrick [EST] 60 60 
Fouzas, Charalampos [GRE]  
    Fouzas, Charalampos
Luis, Tomas [POR] 62 57 75 
Pereira Lopes, Miguel [POR]  
    Pereira Lopes, Miguel
Parreiro, Joao (LL) [POR] 36 62 75 
Mangold, Gian [SUI]  
    Mansilla Diez, Mario[10]
Mansilla Diez, Mario[10] [ESP] 64 62 
Ross, Matthis[16] [GBR]  
    Ross, Matthis[16]
Prazeres, Pedro [POR] 60 60 
Silva, Guilherme [POR]  
    Immler, Keanu Elias
Immler, Keanu Elias [AUT] 63 62 
De Sousa, Alexander (Q) [GBR]  
    De Sousa, Alexander (Q)
Pinho, Tomas [POR] 62 57 61 
Silva, Martim (WC) [POR]  
    Buzonics, Dominik[2]
Buzonics, Dominik[2] [HUN] 61 60 
Maia, Hugo[1] [POR]  
    Maia, Hugo[1]
Navrotchi, Maxime [LUX] 61 60 
Aguiar, Joao (Q) [POR]  
    Christiansen, Rudolf Niklas[15]
Christiansen, Rudolf Niklas[15] [GER] 60 61 
Correia, Francisco[12] [POR]  
    Correia, Francisco[12]
Montijano Garcia, Alvaro [ESP] 76(6) 26 64 
Stenzer, Moritz (Q) [USA]  
    Deli, Mihaly[6]
Deli, Mihaly[6] [HUN] 61 64 
Barreto Sanchez, Diego Augusto[3] [ESP]  
    Barreto Sanchez, Diego Augusto[3]
Vergara, Andres (Q) [CAN] 60 61 
Henderson, Russell [GBR]  
    Rodeia, Andre
Rodeia, Andre [POR] 63 63 
Pragana, Antonio Pedro[11] [POR]  
    Pragana, Antonio Pedro[11]
Morais, Eduardo [POR] 61 61 
Van Nieuwenhove, Alexander [BEL]  
    Adonis, Heber (Q)
Adonis, Heber (Q) [POR] 62 61 
Nunez Serrano, Alvaro (WC) [ESP]  
    Nunez Serrano, Alvaro (WC)
Zimmermann, Ilias [SUI] 62 61 
Herin, Joe (LL) [FRA]  
    Lafont, Nicolas[9]
Lafont, Nicolas[9] [FRA] 67(0) 64 64 
Arcos Del Valle, Jose Antonio[13] [ESP]  
    Arcos Del Valle, Jose Antonio[13]
Rossi, Geremia (Q) [SUI] 75 64 
Teixeira, Bernardo (Q) [POR]  
    Storer Danelon, Gabriel
Storer Danelon, Gabriel [BRA] 46 62 61 
Goncalves, Manuel[5] [POR]  
    Goncalves, Manuel[5]
Fouzas, Charalampos [GRE] 62 60 
Pereira Lopes, Miguel [POR]  
    Mansilla Diez, Mario[10]
Mansilla Diez, Mario[10] [ESP] 61 62 
Ross, Matthis[16] [GBR]  
    Ross, Matthis[16]
Immler, Keanu Elias [AUT] 36 64 63 
De Sousa, Alexander (Q) [GBR]  
    Buzonics, Dominik[2]
Buzonics, Dominik[2] [HUN] 63 61 
Maia, Hugo[1] [POR]  
    Maia, Hugo[1]
Christiansen, Rudolf Niklas[15] [GER] 63 60 
Correia, Francisco[12] [POR]  
    Deli, Mihaly[6]
Deli, Mihaly[6] [HUN] 63 62 
Barreto Sanchez, Diego Augusto[3] [ESP]  
    Barreto Sanchez, Diego Augusto[3]
Rodeia, Andre [POR] 46 64 61 
Pragana, Antonio Pedro[11] [POR]  
    Pragana, Antonio Pedro[11]
Adonis, Heber (Q) [POR] 76(3) 63 
Nunez Serrano, Alvaro (WC) [ESP]  
    Nunez Serrano, Alvaro (WC)
Lafont, Nicolas[9] [FRA] 57 62 62 
Arcos Del Valle, Jose Antonio[13] [ESP]  
    Arcos Del Valle, Jose Antonio[13]
Storer Danelon, Gabriel [BRA] 64 64 
Goncalves, Manuel[5] [POR]  
    Goncalves, Manuel[5]
Mansilla Diez, Mario[10] [ESP] 75 16 75 
Ross, Matthis[16] [GBR]  
    Buzonics, Dominik[2]
Buzonics, Dominik[2] [HUN] 16 61 62 
Maia, Hugo[1] [POR]  
    Maia, Hugo[1]
Deli, Mihaly[6] [HUN] 64 60 
Barreto Sanchez, Diego Augusto[3] [ESP]  
    Pragana, Antonio Pedro[11]
Pragana, Antonio Pedro[11] [POR] 16 75 61 
Nunez Serrano, Alvaro (WC) [ESP]  
    Arcos Del Valle, Jose Antonio[13]
Arcos Del Valle, Jose Antonio[13] [ESP] 64 60 
Goncalves, Manuel[5] [POR]  
    Buzonics, Dominik[2]
Buzonics, Dominik[2] [HUN] 75 26 76(4) 
Maia, Hugo[1] [POR]  
    Maia, Hugo[1]
Pragana, Antonio Pedro[11] [POR] 75 67(8) 63 
Arcos Del Valle, Jose Antonio[13] [ESP]  
    Arcos Del Valle, Jose Antonio[13]
Buzonics, Dominik[2] [HUN] 62 64 
Maia, Hugo[1] [POR]  
    Maia, Hugo[1]
Arcos Del Valle, Jose Antonio[13] [ESP] 63 64 
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