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Egypt F26 Futures [Q], 2015, M25

Jhun, Alexander[1] [GBR]  
    Jhun, Alexander[1]
Farinola, Damian [AUS]  
    Farinola, Damian
Papac, Tomislav Edward [AUS] 64 62 
Giannuzzi, Alessio [ITA]  
    Giannuzzi, Alessio
Luck, Joshua [RSA] 62 63 
Roberto, Riccardo [ITA]  
    Roberto, Riccardo
Moyano, Agustin[15] [ARG] 62 64 
Castro, Matias[2] [ARG]  
    Castro, Matias[2]
Ibrahim, Yaseen [RSA]  
    Sibona, Alberto
Sibona, Alberto [ITA] 64 62 
Shamel, Omar [EGY]  
    Mise, Marin
Mise, Marin [CRO] 60 60 
Gudozhnikov, Nikita [RUS]  
    Mugabe, Duncan[12]
Mugabe, Duncan[12] [UGA] 60 63 
Kolisnyk, Olexiy[3] [UKR]  
    Kolisnyk, Olexiy[3]
Hatem, Mostafa [EGY]  
    Hatem, Mostafa
Shlenov, Sergey [RUS] 61 62 
Turchi, Anthony [FRA]  
    Turchi, Anthony
Ramirez, Luis Fernando [VEN] 46 63 54 Ret'd 
Rodriguez Taverna, Santiago [ARG]  
    Rodriguez Taverna, Santiago
Oakley, Keelan[16] [GBR] 76(4) 16 62 
Schott, Hugo[4] [FRA]  
    Schott, Hugo[4]
Iliescu, Berk [TUR]  
    Iliescu, Berk
Ragy, Muhammad [EGY] 60 60 
Dubey, Ritesh [IND]  
    Cannell, Joel
Cannell, Joel [GBR] 60 60 
Matejcek, Mario [AUS]  
    Petrenko, Anatoliy[14]
Petrenko, Anatoliy[14] [UKR] 63 75 
Lago, Tommaso[5] [ITA]  
    Lago, Tommaso[5]
Fermosell, Jaime [ESP]  
    Richard, Antoine
Richard, Antoine [CAN] 61 64 
Matyukov, Matvey [RUS]  
    Ridout, Charlie
Ridout, Charlie [GBR] 64 62 
Satta, Francesco [ITA]  
    Dowson, Dan[9]
Dowson, Dan[9] [GBR] 63 61 
Perez Mota, Mauricio[6] [ARG]  
    Perez Mota, Mauricio[6]
Schold, Tommaso [ITA]  
    Lulli, Gregorio
Lulli, Gregorio [ITA] 61 62 
Nagyi, Norbert [AUT]  
    Allemby, James
Allemby, James [GBR] 64 57 62 
El Sallaly, Akram [EGY]  
    Guerses, Gustavo[10]
Guerses, Gustavo[10] [BRA] 63 75 
Ly, Nam Hoang[7] [VIE]  
    Ly, Nam Hoang[7]
Lynch, Kevin [USA] 63 61 
Diab, Omar [EGY]  
    Felline, Christian
Felline, Christian [ITA] 63 64 
Erkeev, Ernest [RUS]  
    Davanzo, Killian
Davanzo, Killian [SUI] 63 62 
Petersen, Bjoern [GER]  
    Petersen, Bjoern
Aswat, Imran[13] [GBR] 64 57 63 
Hudson, Oliver[8] [GBR]  
    Hudson, Oliver[8]
Cappeau, Guillaume [FRA] 62 63 
Naqvi, Mehdi [GBR]  
    Solpi, Niccolo
Solpi, Niccolo [ITA] 63 62 
Algeri, Marc [FRA]  
    Sikman, Philip
Sikman, Philip [GBR] 61 57 63 
Vu, Artem [VIE]  
    Galoppini, Davide[11]
Galoppini, Davide[11] [ITA] 63 63 
Jhun, Alexander[1] [GBR]  
    Jhun, Alexander[1]
Farinola, Damian [AUS] 64 61 
Giannuzzi, Alessio [ITA]  
    Roberto, Riccardo
Roberto, Riccardo [ITA] 57 64 75 
Castro, Matias[2] [ARG]  
    Sibona, Alberto
Sibona, Alberto [ITA] 36 63 76(6) 
Mise, Marin [CRO]  
    Mugabe, Duncan[12]
Mugabe, Duncan[12] [UGA] 64 63 
Kolisnyk, Olexiy[3] [UKR]  
    Kolisnyk, Olexiy[3]
Hatem, Mostafa [EGY] 76(7) 76(3) 
Turchi, Anthony [FRA]  
    Rodriguez Taverna, Santiago
Rodriguez Taverna, Santiago [ARG] 75 64 
Schott, Hugo[4] [FRA]  
    Schott, Hugo[4]
Iliescu, Berk [TUR] 63 60 
Cannell, Joel [GBR]  
    Cannell, Joel
Petrenko, Anatoliy[14] [UKR] 63 75 
Lago, Tommaso[5] [ITA]  
    Richard, Antoine
Richard, Antoine [CAN] w/o 
Ridout, Charlie [GBR]  
    Dowson, Dan[9]
Dowson, Dan[9] [GBR] 64 61 
Perez Mota, Mauricio[6] [ARG]  
    Perez Mota, Mauricio[6]
Lulli, Gregorio [ITA] 61 41 Ret'd 
Allemby, James [GBR]  
    Guerses, Gustavo[10]
Guerses, Gustavo[10] [BRA] 60 Ret'd 
Ly, Nam Hoang[7] [VIE]  
    Ly, Nam Hoang[7]
Felline, Christian [ITA] 67(4) 60 61 
Davanzo, Killian [SUI]  
    Petersen, Bjoern
Petersen, Bjoern [GER] 62 61 
Hudson, Oliver[8] [GBR]  
    Hudson, Oliver[8]
Solpi, Niccolo [ITA] 61 63 
Sikman, Philip [GBR]  
    Galoppini, Davide[11]
Galoppini, Davide[11] [ITA] 62 61 
Jhun, Alexander[1] [GBR]  
    Jhun, Alexander[1]
Roberto, Riccardo [ITA] 62 63 
Sibona, Alberto [ITA]  
    Mugabe, Duncan[12]
Mugabe, Duncan[12] [UGA] 75 75 
Kolisnyk, Olexiy[3] [UKR]  
    Rodriguez Taverna, Santiago
Rodriguez Taverna, Santiago [ARG] 63 76(1) 
Schott, Hugo[4] [FRA]  
    Cannell, Joel
Cannell, Joel [GBR] 75 64 
Richard, Antoine [CAN]  
    Dowson, Dan[9]
Dowson, Dan[9] [GBR] 75 76(5) 
Perez Mota, Mauricio[6] [ARG]  
    Guerses, Gustavo[10]
Guerses, Gustavo[10] [BRA] 62 60 
Ly, Nam Hoang[7] [VIE]  
    Ly, Nam Hoang[7]
Petersen, Bjoern [GER] 67(5) 60 64 
Hudson, Oliver[8] [GBR]  
    Galoppini, Davide[11]
Galoppini, Davide[11] [ITA] 76(1) 64 
Jhun, Alexander[1] [GBR]  
Mugabe, Duncan[12] [UGA]   
Rodriguez Taverna, Santiago [ARG]  
Cannell, Joel [GBR]   
Dowson, Dan[9] [GBR]  
Guerses, Gustavo[10] [BRA]   
Ly, Nam Hoang[7] [VIE]  
Galoppini, Davide[11] [ITA]   
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