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Tournament Rounds

Junior Orange Bowl, 2007, Boys 14

Fernandes, Tiago[1] [BRA]  
    Fernandes, Tiago[1]
Parczyk, Leonard (Q) [USA] 60 64 
Harrison, Christian [USA]  
    Harrison, Christian
Ross, Joseph [JAM] 60 61 
Stakhovsky, Leonard[17] [UKR]  
    Stakhovsky, Leonard[17]
Merino, Ismael [PER] 63 62 
Berman, Sean [USA]  
    Berman, Sean
Zwaan, Mike [USA] 60 62 
Rinaldi, Michael[9] [USA]  
    Rinaldi, Michael[9]
Tjon, Justin [AHO] 61 60 
Ramos, Francisco [POR]  
    Ramos, Francisco
Taylor, Johnathan [BAH] 60 62 
Anez, Donovan[17] [VEN]  
    Anez, Donovan[17]
Szabo, Krisztian [HUN] 62 61 
Watkins, Michael [GBR]  
    Watkins, Michael
Pacheco, Franco A. [USA] 61 61 
Efferding, Jeremy[6] [USA]  
    Al Biter, Ahmed
Al Biter, Ahmed [USA] 63 16 75 
Fickey, Brandon T. (Q) [USA]  
    Berman, Kyle
Berman, Kyle [USA] 62 62 
Torres, Cesar[17] [PER]  
    Torres, Cesar[17]
Krueger, Mitchell [USA] 62 62 
Aguila, Juan Antonio [PAR]  
    Vinsant, Shane
Vinsant, Shane [USA] 61 61 
Conejero, Ivan[9] [CHI]  
    Conejero, Ivan[9]
Muramatsu, Yuki [JPN] 62 62 
Watson, Gordon [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon
Okita, Lucas [ARG] 64 61 
David, Damien[17] [CAN]  
    David, Damien[17]
Vongman, Jeff [USA] 62 64 
Halebian, Alexios (Q) [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios (Q)
Thiem, Dominic [AUT] 63 64 
Giron, Marcos[4] [USA]  
    Giron, Marcos[4]
Lahlou, Ismail [MAR] 62 63 
Lin, Winston [USA]  
    Lin, Winston
Isaza, Andres [COL] 62 62 
Novikov, Dennis [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis
Blehman, Nick [GER] 61 63 
Gonzalez, Pedro [VEN]  
    Akhmaev, Iznaur
Akhmaev, Iznaur [RUS] 63 36 64 
Nguyen, Edward[9] [CAN]  
    Nguyen, Edward[9]
Khalil, Kamil [LBN] 63 62 
Ramos Salazar, Cristobal [MEX]  
    Mccall, Daniel
Mccall, Daniel [USA] 75 62 
Morgan, George[17] [GBR]  
    Morgan, George[17]
Hauser, Jens [SUI] 62 60 
Khuram, Faizan [PAK]  
    Stojovic, Vladmir
Stojovic, Vladmir [SRB] 61 60 
Sborowitz, Matias[8] [CHI]  
    Sborowitz, Matias[8]
Altamrano, Arturo [ECU] 64 63 
Abunku, Frederick [USA]  
    Grinter, Jaden
Grinter, Jaden [NZL] 64 64 
Gabbi, Lisandro[17] [ARG]  
    Gabbi, Lisandro[17]
Polonsky, Alexander [RUS] 76(5) 60 
Pramming, Oliver [DEN]  
    Pramming, Oliver
Carter, Robert (Q) [GBR] 64 76(4) 
Dallasta, Andrea[9] [ITA]  
    Dallasta, Andrea[9]
Sultan, Ziad [KUW] 61 61 
Hodgson, Ibian [ARU]  
    Broady, Liam
Broady, Liam [GBR] 60 62 
Bulitski, Aliaksandr[17] [BLR]  
    Bulitski, Aliaksandr[17]
Feoli, Maurizio [CRC] 64 63 
Elias, Patrick [GER]  
    Elias, Patrick
Cullen, Edward [COK] 60 61 
Bogomolov, Boris [USA]  
    Bogomolov, Boris
Lindmark, Stefan [SWE] 62 62 
Gal, Omri [ISR]  
    Ochotta, Andrew[17]
Ochotta, Andrew[17] [CAN] 60 63 
Tsivadze, George [GEO]  
    Tsivadze, George
Tahir, Jason [USA] 64 75 
Guidotti, Alessio (Q) [ITA]  
    Fratangelo, Bjorn[9]
Fratangelo, Bjorn[9] [USA] 61 62 
De Coster, Mika [USA]  
    De Coster, Mika
Sahyoun, Karl [FRA] 63 61 
James, Harry [NZL]  
    Kripak, Daniel[17]
Kripak, Daniel[17] [ISR] 62 61 
Longinotto, Martin [URU]  
    Peliwo, Filip (Q)
Peliwo, Filip (Q) [POL] 60 60 
George, Fabrice [USA]  
    Hidalgo, Diego[5]
Hidalgo, Diego[5] [ECU] 61 61 
Nguyen, Quoc-Daniel [USA]  
    Nguyen, Quoc-Daniel
Levine, Josh (Q) [USA] 63 63 
Ireland, James (Q) [GBR]  
    Hundal, Vikram S.[17]
Hundal, Vikram S.[17] [USA] 64 76(2) 
Wood, Nick (Q) [USA]  
    Petrone, Alexander (Q)
Petrone, Alexander (Q) [USA] 62 62 
Moritani, Soichiro [JPN]  
    Shyla, Yaraslav[9]
Shyla, Yaraslav[9] [BLR] 64 62 
Skattum, Johan [NOR]  
    Skattum, Johan
Ceccarello, Andrea (Q) [ITA] 64 63 
Gonzalez Semartin, Federico [ARG]  
    Hachiya, Shoki[17]
Hachiya, Shoki[17] [JPN] 64 62 
Mugevicius, Lukas [LTU]  
    Richmond, John Harrison
Richmond, John Harrison [USA] 64 62 
Glennon, Connor [GBR]  
    Glennon, Connor
Porumb, Ciprian Alexandru[3] [ROU] 67(4) 64 64 
Ivashka, Ilya [BLR]  
    Ivashka, Ilya
De Vroome, Max [NED] 67(8) 64 64 
Alensandrov, Stanislav [BUL]  
    Krueger, Martin[17]
Krueger, Martin[17] [GER] 62 63 
Arconada, Imanol (Q) [ARG]  
    Mylokostov, Denys
Mylokostov, Denys [UKR] 76(5) 67(5) 76(1) 
Richter, Rudy [GUA]  
    Egger, Emmett A.[9]
Egger, Emmett A.[9] [USA] 60 61 
Pasareanu, Alexandru (Q) [CAN]  
    Pasareanu, Alexandru (Q)
Rhoualem, Karim [CAN] 62 62 
Kwok, William [USA]  
    Cammarata, Alberto[17]
Cammarata, Alberto[17] [ITA] 64 62 
Korinek, Andrew [USA]  
    Korinek, Andrew
Kajishita, Reiki [JPN] 63 62 
Sierra, Roberto [PAN]  
    Simon, Spencer L.[7]
Simon, Spencer L.[7] [USA] 60 60 
Formento, Daniel [PAR]  
    Styslinger, Mac (Q)
Styslinger, Mac (Q) [USA] 62 61 
Pavic, Mate [CRO]  
    Bettles, Andrew[17]
Bettles, Andrew[17] [GBR] 63 61 
Vieyra, David [CAN]  
    Petronijevic, Uros (Q)
Petronijevic, Uros (Q) [SRB] 75 61 
Gonzalez, Jhonatan [VEN]  
    Newman, Spencer
Newman, Spencer [USA] 60 60 
Hart, Steffen [NED]  
    Hart, Steffen
Hill, Thomas [BAR] 61 61 
Brockstedt, Christian Bartels (Q) [DEN]  
    To, Chak-T[17]
To, Chak-T[17] [HKG] 61 61 
Ristic, Stefan [SRB]  
    Patino, Luis
Patino, Luis [MEX] 64 63 
Bednarczyk, Daniel Adam [CAN]  
    Galvao, Vitor[2]
Galvao, Vitor[2] [BRA] 62 61 
Fernandes, Tiago[1] [BRA]  
    Fernandes, Tiago[1]
Harrison, Christian [USA] 63 60 
Stakhovsky, Leonard[17] [UKR]  
    Berman, Sean
Berman, Sean [USA] 46 61 75 
Rinaldi, Michael[9] [USA]  
    Rinaldi, Michael[9]
Ramos, Francisco [POR] 61 36 60 
Anez, Donovan[17] [VEN]  
    Watkins, Michael
Watkins, Michael [GBR] 63 46 62 
Al Biter, Ahmed [USA]  
    Al Biter, Ahmed
Berman, Kyle [USA] 63 63 
Torres, Cesar[17] [PER]  
    Vinsant, Shane
Vinsant, Shane [USA] 75 64 
Conejero, Ivan[9] [CHI]  
    Conejero, Ivan[9]
Watson, Gordon [USA] 61 63 
David, Damien[17] [CAN]  
    David, Damien[17]
Halebian, Alexios (Q) [USA] 63 75 
Giron, Marcos[4] [USA]  
    Giron, Marcos[4]
Lin, Winston [USA] 76(2) 76(6) 
Novikov, Dennis [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis
Akhmaev, Iznaur [RUS] 61 36 61 
Nguyen, Edward[9] [CAN]  
    Mccall, Daniel
Mccall, Daniel [USA] 62 16 62 
Morgan, George[17] [GBR]  
    Morgan, George[17]
Stojovic, Vladmir [SRB] 61 62 
Sborowitz, Matias[8] [CHI]  
    Sborowitz, Matias[8]
Grinter, Jaden [NZL] 63 61 
Gabbi, Lisandro[17] [ARG]  
    Pramming, Oliver
Pramming, Oliver [DEN] 64 64 
Dallasta, Andrea[9] [ITA]  
    Dallasta, Andrea[9]
Broady, Liam [GBR] 63 06 63 
Bulitski, Aliaksandr[17] [BLR]  
    Elias, Patrick
Elias, Patrick [GER] 61 63 
Bogomolov, Boris [USA]  
    Ochotta, Andrew[17]
Ochotta, Andrew[17] [CAN] 62 60 
Tsivadze, George [GEO]  
    Fratangelo, Bjorn[9]
Fratangelo, Bjorn[9] [USA] 60 61 
De Coster, Mika [USA]  
    De Coster, Mika
Kripak, Daniel[17] [ISR] 60 57 61 
Peliwo, Filip (Q) [POL]  
    Hidalgo, Diego[5]
Hidalgo, Diego[5] [ECU] 62 61 
Nguyen, Quoc-Daniel [USA]  
    Hundal, Vikram S.[17]
Hundal, Vikram S.[17] [USA] 62 64 
Petrone, Alexander (Q) [USA]  
    Shyla, Yaraslav[9]
Shyla, Yaraslav[9] [BLR] 57 61 63 
Skattum, Johan [NOR]  
    Skattum, Johan
Hachiya, Shoki[17] [JPN] 57 62 64 
Richmond, John Harrison [USA]  
    Glennon, Connor
Glennon, Connor [GBR] 16 63 64 
Ivashka, Ilya [BLR]  
    Krueger, Martin[17]
Krueger, Martin[17] [GER] 61 64 
Mylokostov, Denys [UKR]  
    Egger, Emmett A.[9]
Egger, Emmett A.[9] [USA] 61 61 
Pasareanu, Alexandru (Q) [CAN]  
    Cammarata, Alberto[17]
Cammarata, Alberto[17] [ITA] 64 36 64 
Korinek, Andrew [USA]  
    Simon, Spencer L.[7]
Simon, Spencer L.[7] [USA] 60 61 
Styslinger, Mac (Q) [USA]  
    Bettles, Andrew[17]
Bettles, Andrew[17] [GBR] 61 64 
Petronijevic, Uros (Q) [SRB]  
    Newman, Spencer
Newman, Spencer [USA] 61 64 
Hart, Steffen [NED]  
    To, Chak-T[17]
To, Chak-T[17] [HKG] 63 64 
Patino, Luis [MEX]  
    Patino, Luis
Galvao, Vitor[2] [BRA] 62 62 
Fernandes, Tiago[1] [BRA]  
    Fernandes, Tiago[1]
Berman, Sean [USA] 63 60 
Rinaldi, Michael[9] [USA]  
    Rinaldi, Michael[9]
Watkins, Michael [GBR] 75 36 63 
Al Biter, Ahmed [USA]  
    Vinsant, Shane
Vinsant, Shane [USA] 75 26 61 
Conejero, Ivan[9] [CHI]  
    Conejero, Ivan[9]
David, Damien[17] [CAN] 64 63 
Giron, Marcos[4] [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis
Novikov, Dennis [USA] 63 46 64 
Mccall, Daniel [USA]  
    Morgan, George[17]
Morgan, George[17] [GBR] 64 61 
Sborowitz, Matias[8] [CHI]  
    Sborowitz, Matias[8]
Pramming, Oliver [DEN] 75 63 
Dallasta, Andrea[9] [ITA]  
    Elias, Patrick
Elias, Patrick [GER] 64 30 Ret'd 
Ochotta, Andrew[17] [CAN]  
    Fratangelo, Bjorn[9]
Fratangelo, Bjorn[9] [USA] 63 63 
De Coster, Mika [USA]  
    Hidalgo, Diego[5]
Hidalgo, Diego[5] [ECU] 62 26 62 
Hundal, Vikram S.[17] [USA]  
    Shyla, Yaraslav[9]
Shyla, Yaraslav[9] [BLR] 76(7) 64 
Skattum, Johan [NOR]  
    Skattum, Johan
Glennon, Connor [GBR] 36 63 64 
Krueger, Martin[17] [GER]  
    Egger, Emmett A.[9]
Egger, Emmett A.[9] [USA] 60 64 
Cammarata, Alberto[17] [ITA]  
    Simon, Spencer L.[7]
Simon, Spencer L.[7] [USA] 75 63 
Bettles, Andrew[17] [GBR]  
    Newman, Spencer
Newman, Spencer [USA] 62 61 
To, Chak-T[17] [HKG]  
    Patino, Luis
Patino, Luis [MEX] 63 75 
Fernandes, Tiago[1] [BRA]  
    Fernandes, Tiago[1]
Rinaldi, Michael[9] [USA] 61 60 
Vinsant, Shane [USA]  
    Vinsant, Shane
Conejero, Ivan[9] [CHI] 57 62 75 
Novikov, Dennis [USA]  
    Morgan, George[17]
Morgan, George[17] [GBR] 64 75 61 
Sborowitz, Matias[8] [CHI]  
    Sborowitz, Matias[8]
Elias, Patrick [GER] 26 63 75 
Fratangelo, Bjorn[9] [USA]  
    Hidalgo, Diego[5]
Hidalgo, Diego[5] [ECU] 60 62 
Shyla, Yaraslav[9] [BLR]  
    Shyla, Yaraslav[9]
Skattum, Johan [NOR] 61 60 
Egger, Emmett A.[9] [USA]  
    Egger, Emmett A.[9]
Simon, Spencer L.[7] [USA] 36 64 62 
Newman, Spencer [USA]  
    Newman, Spencer
Patino, Luis [MEX] 60 62 
Fernandes, Tiago[1] [BRA]  
    Vinsant, Shane
Vinsant, Shane [USA] 75 64 
Morgan, George[17] [GBR]  
    Morgan, George[17]
Sborowitz, Matias[8] [CHI] 63 60 
Hidalgo, Diego[5] [ECU]  
    Shyla, Yaraslav[9]
Shyla, Yaraslav[9] [BLR] 26 64 75 
Egger, Emmett A.[9] [USA]  
    Newman, Spencer
Newman, Spencer [USA] 36 62 63 
Vinsant, Shane [USA]  
    Morgan, George[17]
Morgan, George[17] [GBR] 63 26 75 
Shyla, Yaraslav[9] [BLR]  
    Newman, Spencer
Newman, Spencer [USA] 36 62 63 
Morgan, George[17] [GBR]  
    Morgan, George[17]
Newman, Spencer [USA] 36 63 75 
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