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J5 Cordoba \ El Ombu Internacional Cup, 2015, J30 Boys

Maldonado Rodriguez, Mateo Francisco[1] [ECU]  
    Maldonado Rodriguez, Mateo Francisco[1]
Aubone, Franco David (WC) [ARG]  
    Aubone, Franco David (WC)
Figueiredo Abreu, Bernardo (Q) [BRA] 76(4) 64 
Kuiper, Federico Horacio [ARG]  
    Kuiper, Federico Horacio
Marques De Moraes, Gabriel (Q) [BRA] 61 61 
    Sala, Jorge Luis (Q)
Sala, Jorge Luis (Q) [ARG]   
Santos, Gabriel[11] [BRA]  
    Santos, Gabriel[11]
Aranguren, Francisco [ARG]  
    Aranguren, Francisco
Farfan, Lucas (Q) [ARG] 62 76(1) 
Pairola, Julian [ARG]  
    Vallejo Alvarez, Juan Pablo
Vallejo Alvarez, Juan Pablo [PAR] 63 62 
    Baez, Sebastian[7]
Baez, Sebastian[7] [ARG]   
Bazzoni, Gaston[4] [ARG]  
    Bazzoni, Gaston[4]
Gagiotti, Alfonso [ARG]  
    Redfern Navarro, Julian
Redfern Navarro, Julian [BRA] 75 61 
Roldan, Javier [ARG]  
    Roldan, Javier
Guimaraes Freitas, Joel [BRA] 76(2) 62 
    Tamagnone, Agustin[13]
Tamagnone, Agustin[13] [ARG]   
Santos, Luiz Eduardo[9] [BRA]  
    Santos, Luiz Eduardo[9]
Acosta, Felipe (WC) [ARG]  
    Acosta, Felipe (WC)
Falabella, Lautaro Agustin [ARG] 63 61 
Cozzi, Ivo Eduardo [ARG]  
    Cozzi, Ivo Eduardo
Menacho Vargas, Cesar Gabriel [BOL] 62 61 
    Biotti, Mateo Gaston[8]
Biotti, Mateo Gaston[8] [ARG]   
Bianco, Natan[6] [ARG]  
    Bianco, Natan[6]
Pruner Neto, Antonio (Q) [BRA]  
    Tantera, Julian (WC)
Tantera, Julian (WC) [ARG] 26 75 62 
Zaidman, Nicolas [ARG]  
    Zaidman, Nicolas
Larregina, Matias Adrian [ARG] 62 61 
    Kroenlein Cantanhede, Igor Regis[10]
Kroenlein Cantanhede, Igor Regis[10] [BRA]   
Rivolo, Marco [ARG]  
    Rivolo, Marco
Oliveira, Christian (Q) [BRA]  
    Oliveira, Christian (Q)
Rodriguez, Luciano [ARG] 60 61 
Berger, Luciano [ARG]  
    Saffratti, Marco (WC)
Saffratti, Marco (WC) [ARG] 64 61 
    Vallejo, Joaquin[3]
Vallejo, Joaquin[3] [PAR]   
Sprovieri, Leonardo[5] [ARG]  
    Sprovieri, Leonardo[5]
Borges Filho, Jean Carlos [BRA]  
    Borges Filho, Jean Carlos
Guidi, Lorenzo [USA] 63 62 
Zwan Dutra, Luiz Paulo [BRA]  
    Zwan Dutra, Luiz Paulo
Collo, Maximiliano [ARG] 61 61 
    Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato[12]
Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato[12] [PER]   
Mendoza, Francisco Lautaro [ARG]  
    Mendoza, Francisco Lautaro
Monteiro Dos Santos, Gabriel (LL) [BRA]  
    Monteiro Dos Santos, Gabriel (LL)
Martinez Villamil, Felipe [ARG] 62 60 
Villarruel, Matias Nicolas [ARG]  
    Villarruel, Matias Nicolas
Lamelza, Bautista [ARG] 61 60 
    Santinho Bueno Dos Reis, Arion[2]
Santinho Bueno Dos Reis, Arion[2] [BRA]   
Maldonado Rodriguez, Mateo Francisco[1] [ECU]  
    Aubone, Franco David (WC)
Aubone, Franco David (WC) [ARG] 62 60 
Kuiper, Federico Horacio [ARG]  
    Kuiper, Federico Horacio
Sala, Jorge Luis (Q) [ARG] 64 62 
Santos, Gabriel[11] [BRA]  
    Aranguren, Francisco
Aranguren, Francisco [ARG] 62 61 
Vallejo Alvarez, Juan Pablo [PAR]  
    Baez, Sebastian[7]
Baez, Sebastian[7] [ARG] 75 63 
Bazzoni, Gaston[4] [ARG]  
    Bazzoni, Gaston[4]
Redfern Navarro, Julian [BRA] 62 60 
Roldan, Javier [ARG]  
    Tamagnone, Agustin[13]
Tamagnone, Agustin[13] [ARG] 63 26 64 
Santos, Luiz Eduardo[9] [BRA]  
    Acosta, Felipe (WC)
Acosta, Felipe (WC) [ARG] 61 63 
Cozzi, Ivo Eduardo [ARG]  
    Biotti, Mateo Gaston[8]
Biotti, Mateo Gaston[8] [ARG] 62 60 
Bianco, Natan[6] [ARG]  
    Tantera, Julian (WC)
Tantera, Julian (WC) [ARG] 64 62 
Zaidman, Nicolas [ARG]  
    Zaidman, Nicolas
Kroenlein Cantanhede, Igor Regis[10] [BRA] 61 63 
Rivolo, Marco [ARG]  
    Oliveira, Christian (Q)
Oliveira, Christian (Q) [BRA] 64 62 
Saffratti, Marco (WC) [ARG]  
    Saffratti, Marco (WC)
Vallejo, Joaquin[3] [PAR] 63 36 60 
Sprovieri, Leonardo[5] [ARG]  
    Sprovieri, Leonardo[5]
Borges Filho, Jean Carlos [BRA] 62 61 
Zwan Dutra, Luiz Paulo [BRA]  
    Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato[12]
Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato[12] [PER] 63 46 62 
Mendoza, Francisco Lautaro [ARG]  
    Monteiro Dos Santos, Gabriel (LL)
Monteiro Dos Santos, Gabriel (LL) [BRA] 62 63 
Villarruel, Matias Nicolas [ARG]  
    Villarruel, Matias Nicolas
Santinho Bueno Dos Reis, Arion[2] [BRA] 64 62 
Aubone, Franco David (WC) [ARG]  
    Aubone, Franco David (WC)
Kuiper, Federico Horacio [ARG] 61 60 
Aranguren, Francisco [ARG]  
    Baez, Sebastian[7]
Baez, Sebastian[7] [ARG] 64 60 
Bazzoni, Gaston[4] [ARG]  
    Bazzoni, Gaston[4]
Tamagnone, Agustin[13] [ARG] 67(3) 61 62 
Acosta, Felipe (WC) [ARG]  
    Acosta, Felipe (WC)
Biotti, Mateo Gaston[8] [ARG] 60 61 
Tantera, Julian (WC) [ARG]  
    Zaidman, Nicolas
Zaidman, Nicolas [ARG] 62 62 
Oliveira, Christian (Q) [BRA]  
    Oliveira, Christian (Q)
Saffratti, Marco (WC) [ARG] 63 46 62 
Sprovieri, Leonardo[5] [ARG]  
    Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato[12]
Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato[12] [PER] 57 64 61 
Monteiro Dos Santos, Gabriel (LL) [BRA]  
    Villarruel, Matias Nicolas
Villarruel, Matias Nicolas [ARG] 60 60 
Aubone, Franco David (WC) [ARG]  
    Aubone, Franco David (WC)
Baez, Sebastian[7] [ARG] 63 64 
Bazzoni, Gaston[4] [ARG]  
    Acosta, Felipe (WC)
Acosta, Felipe (WC) [ARG] 61 61 
Zaidman, Nicolas [ARG]  
    Zaidman, Nicolas
Oliveira, Christian (Q) [BRA] 61 57 60 
Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato[12] [PER]  
    Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato[12]
Villarruel, Matias Nicolas [ARG] 62 63 
Aubone, Franco David (WC) [ARG]  
    Aubone, Franco David (WC)
Acosta, Felipe (WC) [ARG] 62 62 
Zaidman, Nicolas [ARG]  
    Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato[12]
Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato[12] [PER] 64 46 61 
Aubone, Franco David (WC) [ARG]  
    Aubone, Franco David (WC)
Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato[12] [PER] 76(3) 75 
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