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Tournament Rounds

USA F33 Futures [Q], 2015, M25

Daciek, Patrick [USA]  
    Daciek, Patrick
Valenzuela, Benjamin [CHI]  
    Bradley, Julian
Bradley, Julian [IRL] 61 60 
Switzler, Brant Vaughan [USA]  
    Switzler, Brant Vaughan
Buehler, Tim [GER] 75 63 
Guerrero, Robert [ECU]  
    Wiersholm, Henrik
Wiersholm, Henrik [USA] 60 20 Ret'd 
Wojcik, Jakub [USA]  
    Wojcik, Jakub
Mopuri, Saitejas [IND] 63 61 
Ojeda, Tomas [ARG]  
    Ojeda, Tomas
Hogle, Dave [USA] 61 62 
Desormeaux, Bailey [USA]  
    Ephron, Christopher G.
Ephron, Christopher G. [USA] 62 60 
Staff, Michael Atlesonn [NOR]  
    Wynan, Jarred
Wynan, Jarred [AUS] 60 61 
Vaks, Mikhail[2] [RUS]  
    Vaks, Mikhail[2]
Dzib Peraza, Everth [MEX]  
    Roberts, Justin
Roberts, Justin [BAH] 75 62 
Berg, Conor [USA]  
    Berg, Conor
Sakariya Saumil Kamlesh, Saumil [IND] 60 60 
Small, Johnathan [USA]  
    Small, Johnathan
Galarza, Enrico [PAR] 61 61 
Roberts, Davey [USA]  
    Roberts, Davey
Simons, Mark [GER] 46 63 63 
Kirkov, Vasil [USA]  
    Kirkov, Vasil
Sakaan, Omar [USA] 60 60 
Findel-Hawkins, Jack [GBR]  
    Savi, Bruno
Savi, Bruno [BRA] 75 64 
Thompkins, Jared [USA]  
    Thompkins, Jared
Hadlich, Vinicio [BRA] 64 76(4) 
Galloway, Robert[3] [USA]  
    Galloway, Robert[3]
Breault, Zachary [USA]  
    Beddow, Samuel
Beddow, Samuel [GBR] 60 61 
Adamson, Tristan M [USA]  
    Oshima, Riki
Oshima, Riki [JPN] 60 62 
Rojas, Ricardo [CHI]  
    Howells, William
Howells, William [USA] 62 63 
Ross, Gianni [USA]  
    Ross, Gianni
Hadzic, Keni [USA] 60 63 
Kandath, Matthew [USA]  
    Battistone, Brian
Battistone, Brian [USA] 57 61 63 
Hiramatsu, Shinnosuke [JPN]  
    Hiramatsu, Shinnosuke
Breault, Joshua [USA] 60 60 
Bertran, Peter [DOM]  
    Bertran, Peter
Vance, Jamie G. [USA] 61 60 
Ponwith, Nathan[4] [USA]  
    Ponwith, Nathan[4]
Kalyuzhnyy, Vadym [UKR]  
    Kalyuzhnyy, Vadym
Butler, Sebastien [GBR] 64 60 
Tuff, Tripp [USA]  
    George Jr, Viju
George Jr, Viju [USA] 67(5) 64 63 
Vance, Jack W. [USA]  
    Webb, Dane
Webb, Dane [USA] 60 61 
Link, Joel Vincent [GER]  
    Link, Joel Vincent
Mudge, Robbie [USA] 62 63 
Chin, Daniel [USA]  
    De Zutter, Cedric
De Zutter, Cedric [BEL] 60 60 
Bivens, Dejon [USA]  
    Bivens, Dejon
Amor, Garry Singh [IND] 61 75 
Bhakthavachalam, Gandhi [USA]  
    Bhakthavachalam, Gandhi
Hobbs, Jefferson [USA] 60 61 
Bakalov, Boris Nicola[5] [BUL]  
    Bakalov, Boris Nicola[5]
Soldier Mukadam, Amyn [USA]  
    Dunbar, Ethan
Dunbar, Ethan [USA] 62 62 
Heitmann, Gereon [GER]  
    Heitmann, Gereon
Tellez, Pablo [COL] 62 75 
Mcdaniels, Mitchell Thomas [USA]  
    Libaud, Arthur
Libaud, Arthur [FRA] 76(5) 62 
Patel, Ravi [GBR]  
    Patel, Ravi
Silva, Charles [BRA] 63 61 
Aggarwal, Shubham [USA]  
    Boscarino, Federico
Boscarino, Federico [ARG] 64 75 
Ellen, Keanu D [USA]  
    Ellen, Keanu D
Boggs, Brian [USA] 60 64 
    Hakak, Gal[9]
Hakak, Gal[9] [ISR]   
Wynan, Jake[6] [AUS]  
    Wynan, Jake[6]
Siqueira, Rafael [BRA]  
    Ely, Andrew
Ely, Andrew [USA] 61 62 
Smith, Roy [USA]  
    Smith, Roy
Dynka, Tom [CAN] 61 62 
Holt, Brandon [USA]  
    Sutter, Noah
Sutter, Noah [USA] w/o 
Gandhi, Akash [IND]  
    Lynch, Kevin
Lynch, Kevin [USA] 60 60 
Gonzalez Muniz, Ignacio [ESP]  
    Gonzalez Muniz, Ignacio
Muldowney, Francis [USA] 60 60 
Dawson, Davis Mark [USA]  
    Dawson, Davis Mark
Feng, Ruiyang [CHN] 62 62 
Akhmaev, Iznaur [RUS]  
    Shapovalov, Denis[10]
Shapovalov, Denis[10] [CAN] 61 63 
Betella, Luciano[7] [ARG]  
    Betella, Luciano[7]
Bechtel, Evan A. [USA]  
    Lima Wagner, Pedro
Lima Wagner, Pedro [BRA] 63 57 63 
Chain, Matheus [BRA]  
    Chain, Matheus
Mason, Thomas [USA] 60 46 64 
Pecherkin, Mikhail [RUS]  
    Pecherkin, Mikhail
Small, Karlyn [USA] 64 63 
Frost, Matt [GBR]  
    Frost, Matt
Tagashira, Kent [GUA] 62 61 
Nguyen, Denis [USA]  
    Nguyen, Denis
Ahumada Garrido, Javier Angel Ignacio [CHI] 60 61 
Zhu, Evan [USA]  
    Zhu, Evan
Demeterfi, Dominic [USA] 60 60 
Hausman, Christian E [USA]  
    Chang, Jonathan[12]
Chang, Jonathan[12] [USA] 60 60 
Platzeck Cavalcante, Pedro[8] [BRA]  
    Platzeck Cavalcante, Pedro[8]
Markes, Colin [USA]  
    Markes, Colin
Sebastian, Patrick [USA] 60 63 
Moreno, Jose Ricardo Martinez [MEX]  
    Gozun, Alexandru
Gozun, Alexandru [MDA] 60 63 
Le, Kevin [USA]  
    Ambrozy, Adam
Ambrozy, Adam [USA] 61 20 Ret'd 
Garman, Andrew [USA]  
    Garman, Andrew
Van Amerom, Nick [NED] 60 61 
Donaldson, Brandon [USA]  
    Donaldson, Brandon
Parker, Chase [USA] 62 62 
Lathrop, Hunter (WC) [USA]  
    Richmond, John Harrison
Richmond, John Harrison [USA] 60 62 
Schuetze, Caspar [GER]  
    Stewart, Mitchell[11]
Stewart, Mitchell[11] [USA] 62 61 
Daciek, Patrick [USA]  
    Daciek, Patrick
Bradley, Julian [IRL] 62 76(4) 
Switzler, Brant Vaughan [USA]  
    Wiersholm, Henrik
Wiersholm, Henrik [USA] 61 64 
Wojcik, Jakub [USA]  
    Wojcik, Jakub
Ojeda, Tomas [ARG] 62 62 
Ephron, Christopher G. [USA]  
    Wynan, Jarred
Wynan, Jarred [AUS] 63 64 
Vaks, Mikhail[2] [RUS]  
    Roberts, Justin
Roberts, Justin [BAH] 36 76(3) 61 
Berg, Conor [USA]  
    Small, Johnathan
Small, Johnathan [USA] 26 64 64 
Roberts, Davey [USA]  
    Kirkov, Vasil
Kirkov, Vasil [USA] 61 62 
Savi, Bruno [BRA]  
    Savi, Bruno
Thompkins, Jared [USA] 63 62 
Galloway, Robert[3] [USA]  
    Galloway, Robert[3]
Beddow, Samuel [GBR] 63 64 
Oshima, Riki [JPN]  
    Oshima, Riki
Howells, William [USA] 75 67(2) 63 
Ross, Gianni [USA]  
    Ross, Gianni
Battistone, Brian [USA] 36 64 76(4) 
Hiramatsu, Shinnosuke [JPN]  
    Bertran, Peter
Bertran, Peter [DOM] 64 36 76(4) 
Ponwith, Nathan[4] [USA]  
    Ponwith, Nathan[4]
Kalyuzhnyy, Vadym [UKR] 62 62 
George Jr, Viju [USA]  
    Webb, Dane
Webb, Dane [USA] 64 60 
Link, Joel Vincent [GER]  
    Link, Joel Vincent
De Zutter, Cedric [BEL] 63 63 
Bivens, Dejon [USA]  
    Bhakthavachalam, Gandhi
Bhakthavachalam, Gandhi [USA] 67(3) 61 64 
Bakalov, Boris Nicola[5] [BUL]  
    Bakalov, Boris Nicola[5]
Dunbar, Ethan [USA] 67(4) 76(6) 62 
Heitmann, Gereon [GER]  
    Libaud, Arthur
Libaud, Arthur [FRA] 64 63 
Patel, Ravi [GBR]  
    Patel, Ravi
Boscarino, Federico [ARG] 60 57 62 
Ellen, Keanu D [USA]  
    Hakak, Gal[9]
Hakak, Gal[9] [ISR] 60 62 
Wynan, Jake[6] [AUS]  
    Wynan, Jake[6]
Ely, Andrew [USA] 60 61 
Smith, Roy [USA]  
    Sutter, Noah
Sutter, Noah [USA] 16 64 62 
Lynch, Kevin [USA]  
    Gonzalez Muniz, Ignacio
Gonzalez Muniz, Ignacio [ESP] 75 26 62 
Dawson, Davis Mark [USA]  
    Shapovalov, Denis[10]
Shapovalov, Denis[10] [CAN] 61 64 
Betella, Luciano[7] [ARG]  
    Lima Wagner, Pedro
Lima Wagner, Pedro [BRA] 64 60 
Chain, Matheus [BRA]  
    Chain, Matheus
Pecherkin, Mikhail [RUS] 76(4) 64 
Frost, Matt [GBR]  
    Nguyen, Denis
Nguyen, Denis [USA] 64 62 
Zhu, Evan [USA]  
    Zhu, Evan
Chang, Jonathan[12] [USA] 36 63 75 
Platzeck Cavalcante, Pedro[8] [BRA]  
    Markes, Colin
Markes, Colin [USA] 36 75 61 
Gozun, Alexandru [MDA]  
    Ambrozy, Adam
Ambrozy, Adam [USA] 16 64 63 
Garman, Andrew [USA]  
    Donaldson, Brandon
Donaldson, Brandon [USA] 62 75 
Richmond, John Harrison [USA]  
    Stewart, Mitchell[11]
Stewart, Mitchell[11] [USA] 63 62 
Daciek, Patrick [USA]  
    Wiersholm, Henrik
Wiersholm, Henrik [USA] 62 63 
Wojcik, Jakub [USA]  
    Wynan, Jarred
Wynan, Jarred [AUS] 63 63 
Roberts, Justin [BAH]  
    Small, Johnathan
Small, Johnathan [USA] 64 64 
Kirkov, Vasil [USA]  
    Kirkov, Vasil
Savi, Bruno [BRA] 63 62 
Galloway, Robert[3] [USA]  
    Oshima, Riki
Oshima, Riki [JPN] 76(2) 36 63 
Ross, Gianni [USA]  
    Ross, Gianni
Bertran, Peter [DOM] 62 63 
Ponwith, Nathan[4] [USA]  
    Ponwith, Nathan[4]
Webb, Dane [USA] 26 63 64 
Link, Joel Vincent [GER]  
    Link, Joel Vincent
Bhakthavachalam, Gandhi [USA] 63 61 
Bakalov, Boris Nicola[5] [BUL]  
    Bakalov, Boris Nicola[5]
Libaud, Arthur [FRA] 76(3) 20 Ret'd 
Patel, Ravi [GBR]  
    Patel, Ravi
Hakak, Gal[9] [ISR] 61 62 
Wynan, Jake[6] [AUS]  
    Wynan, Jake[6]
Sutter, Noah [USA] 63 62 
Gonzalez Muniz, Ignacio [ESP]  
    Shapovalov, Denis[10]
Shapovalov, Denis[10] [CAN] 62 63 
Lima Wagner, Pedro [BRA]  
    Chain, Matheus
Chain, Matheus [BRA] 36 62 61 
Nguyen, Denis [USA]  
    Nguyen, Denis
Zhu, Evan [USA] 64 26 60 
Markes, Colin [USA]  
    Markes, Colin
Ambrozy, Adam [USA] 75 06 64 
Donaldson, Brandon [USA]  
    Stewart, Mitchell[11]
Stewart, Mitchell[11] [USA] 62 61 
Wiersholm, Henrik [USA]  
    Wiersholm, Henrik
Wynan, Jarred [AUS] 61 64 
Small, Johnathan [USA]  
    Kirkov, Vasil
Kirkov, Vasil [USA] 61 60 
Oshima, Riki [JPN]  
    Ross, Gianni
Ross, Gianni [USA] 62 64 
Ponwith, Nathan[4] [USA]  
    Ponwith, Nathan[4]
Link, Joel Vincent [GER] 61 62 
Bakalov, Boris Nicola[5] [BUL]  
    Patel, Ravi
Patel, Ravi [GBR] 64 62 
Wynan, Jake[6] [AUS]  
    Shapovalov, Denis[10]
Shapovalov, Denis[10] [CAN] 26 63 64 
Chain, Matheus [BRA]  
    Nguyen, Denis
Nguyen, Denis [USA] 61 60 
Markes, Colin [USA]  
    Stewart, Mitchell[11]
Stewart, Mitchell[11] [USA] 62 61 
Wiersholm, Henrik [USA]  
Kirkov, Vasil [USA]   
Ross, Gianni [USA]  
Ponwith, Nathan[4] [USA]   
Patel, Ravi [GBR]  
Shapovalov, Denis[10] [CAN]   
Nguyen, Denis [USA]  
Stewart, Mitchell[11] [USA]   
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