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Peru F5 Futures [Q], 2015, M25

Vellbach, Gustavo[1] [ARG]  
    Vellbach, Gustavo[1]
Marilaf, Enrique [CHI] 60 61 
Hoyos, Daniel [PER]  
    Olichowski, Ivan
Olichowski, Ivan [ARG] 62 63 
Fligler, Ian [ARG]  
    Leiva Biason, Oscar Matias
Leiva Biason, Oscar Matias [CHI] 75 64 
Fleming, David [CHI]  
    Fleming, David
Castro Aravena, Rodrigo[10] [CHI] 60 60 
Brandao, Filipe[2] [BRA]  
    Brandao, Filipe[2]
Navarro, Simon [CHI] 60 30 Ret'd 
Vinces, Daniel (WC) [PER]  
    Derdoy, Felipe
Derdoy, Felipe [ARG] 62 61 
Rodriguez Diaz, Victor Javier [COL]  
    Lavaselli, Gonzalo
Lavaselli, Gonzalo [ARG] 63 63 
Calvis, Alejo [ARG]  
    Sanchez, Rodrigo[16]
Sanchez, Rodrigo[16] [PER] 60 60 
Ficovich, Juan Pablo[3] [ARG]  
    Lacalle, Felipe
Lacalle, Felipe [CHI] 57 64 61 
Cori Gamero, Francesco Alejandro (WC) [PER]  
    Ozcoidi, Agustin
Ozcoidi, Agustin [ARG] 64 64 
Lauz Nakasone, Gustavo Alonso (WC) [PER]  
    Lauz Nakasone, Gustavo Alonso (WC)
Garcia Elias, Alonso [PER] 62 75 
Rodriguez Sanchez, Javier Renato [PER]  
    Moreno, Federico[9]
Moreno, Federico[9] [ARG] 63 75 
Nunez, Victor[4] [CHI]  
    Nunez, Victor[4]
Le-Fort, Matias [CHI] 61 60 
Michaux, Alejo [ARG]  
    Michaux, Alejo
Abde Celis, Jorge [CHI] 36 62 62 
Fort, Joaquin [PER]  
    Donayre, Andres (WC)
Donayre, Andres (WC) [PER] 63 64 
Ortiz, Oscar Gabriel [ARG]  
    Ortiz, Oscar Gabriel
Irarrazabal, Gerardo[15] [CHI] 60 63 
Perez Mota, Mauricio[5] [ARG]  
    Perez Mota, Mauricio[5]
Camargo Adamek, Mauricio Ezequiel [ARG] 60 60 
Olivares, Francisco [CHI]  
    Olivares, Francisco
Cabieses, Hercillo [PER] 60 61 
Chaw, Victor [PER]  
    Chaw, Victor
Olaechea, Julio [PER] 60 Ret'd 
Robles, Armando [PER]  
    Moral, Franco[11]
Moral, Franco[11] [CHI] 61 61 
Lagos, Vicente[6] [CHI]  
    Lagos, Vicente[6]
Ringdal Noerstenaes, Karl Adrian [NOR] 36 62 63 
Elias, Nicolas [PER]  
    Jorge, Jorge
Jorge, Jorge [PER] 60 61 
Aguilar, Federico Juan [ARG]  
    Aguilar, Federico Juan
Salvagno, Juan Bautista [URU] 62 62 
Lacalle, Eduardo [CHI]  
    Peck, Joshua[13]
Peck, Joshua[13] [CAN] 76(4) 76(4) 
Ore, Junior A.[7] [USA]  
    Ore, Junior A.[7]
Cavero, Jorge (WC) [PER] 61 62 
Monges, Sergio [PER]  
    Monges, Sergio
Best, Franco [PER] 63 61 
Taco, Takeshi (WC) [PER]  
    Ku Meza, Andre
Ku Meza, Andre [PER] w/o 
Zamora, Diego [PER]  
    Vallebuona, Duilio[14]
Vallebuona, Duilio[14] [PER] 60 60 
Villarruel, Santiago[8] [ARG]  
    Villarruel, Santiago[8]
Cavero, Enrique [PER] 64 60 
Callirgos, Horacio (WC) [PER]  
    Callirgos, Horacio (WC)
Suzanne, Andre (WC) [PER] 64 64 
Moncada, Juan Cruz [ARG]  
    Supruniuk, Sacha
Supruniuk, Sacha [ARG] 62 63 
Blanco, Agustin [ARG]  
    Bertucci, Federico Nicolas[12]
Bertucci, Federico Nicolas[12] [ARG] 60 60 
Vellbach, Gustavo[1] [ARG]  
    Vellbach, Gustavo[1]
Olichowski, Ivan [ARG] 61 62 
Leiva Biason, Oscar Matias [CHI]  
    Fleming, David
Fleming, David [CHI] 62 63 
Brandao, Filipe[2] [BRA]  
    Brandao, Filipe[2]
Derdoy, Felipe [ARG] 61 62 
Lavaselli, Gonzalo [ARG]  
    Sanchez, Rodrigo[16]
Sanchez, Rodrigo[16] [PER] 64 26 62 
Lacalle, Felipe [CHI]  
    Ozcoidi, Agustin
Ozcoidi, Agustin [ARG] 62 16 62 
Lauz Nakasone, Gustavo Alonso (WC) [PER]  
    Moreno, Federico[9]
Moreno, Federico[9] [ARG] 61 61 
Nunez, Victor[4] [CHI]  
    Nunez, Victor[4]
Michaux, Alejo [ARG] 60 61 
Donayre, Andres (WC) [PER]  
    Donayre, Andres (WC)
Ortiz, Oscar Gabriel [ARG] 60 63 
Perez Mota, Mauricio[5] [ARG]  
    Perez Mota, Mauricio[5]
Olivares, Francisco [CHI] 75 64 
Chaw, Victor [PER]  
    Chaw, Victor
Moral, Franco[11] [CHI] 76(5) 63 
Lagos, Vicente[6] [CHI]  
    Lagos, Vicente[6]
Jorge, Jorge [PER] 46 64 60 
Aguilar, Federico Juan [ARG]  
    Peck, Joshua[13]
Peck, Joshua[13] [CAN] 61 60 
Ore, Junior A.[7] [USA]  
    Ore, Junior A.[7]
Monges, Sergio [PER] 46 62 63 
Ku Meza, Andre [PER]  
    Vallebuona, Duilio[14]
Vallebuona, Duilio[14] [PER] 61 61 
Villarruel, Santiago[8] [ARG]  
    Villarruel, Santiago[8]
Callirgos, Horacio (WC) [PER] 61 60 
Supruniuk, Sacha [ARG]  
    Bertucci, Federico Nicolas[12]
Bertucci, Federico Nicolas[12] [ARG] 61 46 62 
Vellbach, Gustavo[1] [ARG]  
    Fleming, David
Fleming, David [CHI] 64 61 
Brandao, Filipe[2] [BRA]  
    Sanchez, Rodrigo[16]
Sanchez, Rodrigo[16] [PER] 76(5) 62 
Ozcoidi, Agustin [ARG]  
    Moreno, Federico[9]
Moreno, Federico[9] [ARG] 64 63 
Nunez, Victor[4] [CHI]  
    Nunez, Victor[4]
Donayre, Andres (WC) [PER] 26 63 76(4) 
Perez Mota, Mauricio[5] [ARG]  
    Chaw, Victor
Chaw, Victor [PER] 57 63 64 
Lagos, Vicente[6] [CHI]  
    Peck, Joshua[13]
Peck, Joshua[13] [CAN] 61 67(6) 62 
Ore, Junior A.[7] [USA]  
    Vallebuona, Duilio[14]
Vallebuona, Duilio[14] [PER] 57 64 64 
Villarruel, Santiago[8] [ARG]  
    Bertucci, Federico Nicolas[12]
Bertucci, Federico Nicolas[12] [ARG] 64 67(8) 61 
Fleming, David [CHI]  
Sanchez, Rodrigo[16] [PER]   
Moreno, Federico[9] [ARG]  
Nunez, Victor[4] [CHI]   
Chaw, Victor [PER]  
Peck, Joshua[13] [CAN]   
Vallebuona, Duilio[14] [PER]  
Bertucci, Federico Nicolas[12] [ARG]   
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