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Tournament Rounds

J300 Charleroi-Marcinelle \ Astrid Bowl Charleroi Belgain International Championships, 2016, J300 Boys

Olivieri, Genaro Alberto[1] [ARG]  
    Olivieri, Genaro Alberto[1]
Kypson, Patrick [USA]  
    Kypson, Patrick
Onclin, Gauthier (WC) [BEL] 63 62 
Sanchez Izquierdo, Nikolas (Q) [ESP]  
    De La Bassetiere, Constant
De La Bassetiere, Constant [FRA] 62 62 
    Aguilar, Juan Carlos Manuel[15]
Aguilar, Juan Carlos Manuel[15] [BOL]   
Meligeni Alves, Felipe[10] [BRA]  
    Meligeni Alves, Felipe[10]
Liu, Yi Zhou [CHN]  
    Beumer, Boris (Q)
Beumer, Boris (Q) [NED] 75 63 
Crawford, Oliver [GBR]  
    Crawford, Oliver
Herman, Louis (WC) [BEL] 61 76(1) 
    Storrie, Ryan James[7]
Storrie, Ryan James[7] [GBR]   
Lim, Alberto[4] [PHI]  
    Lim, Alberto[4]
Reynolds, Finn (LL) [NZL]  
    Oliel, Yshai
Oliel, Yshai [ISR] 62 61 
Rotsaert, Alexandre [USA]  
    Cuypers, Seppe
Cuypers, Seppe [BEL] 63 63 
    Canter, Alexis[16]
Canter, Alexis[16] [GBR]   
Rikl, Patrik[9] [CZE]  
    Rikl, Patrik[9]
Lin, Jack Mingjie [CAN]  
    Dubrivnyy, Artem (LL)
Dubrivnyy, Artem (LL) [RUS] 63 64 
Ruehl, Tim [GER]  
    Ruehl, Tim
Vandeweghe, Theo (WC) [BEL] 63 62 
    Mcnally, John[5]
Mcnally, John[5] [USA]   
Sigouin, Benjamin[6] [CAN]  
    Sigouin, Benjamin[6]
Klier Junior, Gilbert [BRA]  
    Klier Junior, Gilbert
Pisane, Tom (WC) [BEL] 76(10) 75 
Cernoch, Brian [USA]  
    Cernoch, Brian
Santinho Bueno Dos Reis, Arion (LL) [BRA] 60 62 
    Kirkin, Ergi[11]
Kirkin, Ergi[11] [TUR]   
Holt, Brandon[13] [USA]  
    Holt, Brandon[13]
Colson, Tibo (WC) [BEL]  
    Koelle, Lucas
Koelle, Lucas [BRA] 76(5) 63 
Wang, Chukang [CHN]  
    Sokolovskiy, Mikhail
Sokolovskiy, Mikhail [RUS] 61 75 
    Clarke, Jay[3]
Clarke, Jay[3] [GBR]   
Benchetrit, Elliot[8] [MAR]  
    Benchetrit, Elliot[8]
Bergs, Zizou [BEL]  
    Bergs, Zizou
Galarneau, Alexis [CAN] 75 60 
Seyboth Wild, Thiago (Q) [BRA]  
    Seyboth Wild, Thiago (Q)
Moore, Ewan [GBR] 75 36 63 
    Kirkov, Vasil[12]
Kirkov, Vasil[12] [USA]   
Ellis, Blake[14] [AUS]  
    Ellis, Blake[14]
Decloet, Jordan (WC) [BEL]  
    Siimar, Mattias
Siimar, Mattias [EST] 61 61 
Van Tilburg, Ronetto (Q) [NED]  
    Ross, Gianni
Ross, Gianni [USA] 46 63 62 
    Wu, Yibing[2]
Wu, Yibing[2] [CHN]   
Olivieri, Genaro Alberto[1] [ARG]  
    Kypson, Patrick
Kypson, Patrick [USA] 57 60 63 
De La Bassetiere, Constant [FRA]  
    Aguilar, Juan Carlos Manuel[15]
Aguilar, Juan Carlos Manuel[15] [BOL] 16 62 61 
Meligeni Alves, Felipe[10] [BRA]  
    Meligeni Alves, Felipe[10]
Beumer, Boris (Q) [NED] 64 61 
Crawford, Oliver [GBR]  
    Storrie, Ryan James[7]
Storrie, Ryan James[7] [GBR] 61 62 
Lim, Alberto[4] [PHI]  
    Oliel, Yshai
Oliel, Yshai [ISR] 76(2) 67(4) 64 
Cuypers, Seppe [BEL]  
    Cuypers, Seppe
Canter, Alexis[16] [GBR] 63 60 
Rikl, Patrik[9] [CZE]  
    Rikl, Patrik[9]
Dubrivnyy, Artem (LL) [RUS] 63 62 
Ruehl, Tim [GER]  
    Mcnally, John[5]
Mcnally, John[5] [USA] 64 36 63 
Sigouin, Benjamin[6] [CAN]  
    Sigouin, Benjamin[6]
Klier Junior, Gilbert [BRA] 62 62 
Cernoch, Brian [USA]  
    Kirkin, Ergi[11]
Kirkin, Ergi[11] [TUR] 26 62 62 
Holt, Brandon[13] [USA]  
    Holt, Brandon[13]
Koelle, Lucas [BRA] 76(2) 61 
Sokolovskiy, Mikhail [RUS]  
    Clarke, Jay[3]
Clarke, Jay[3] [GBR] 61 63 
Benchetrit, Elliot[8] [MAR]  
    Benchetrit, Elliot[8]
Bergs, Zizou [BEL] 64 64 
Seyboth Wild, Thiago (Q) [BRA]  
    Seyboth Wild, Thiago (Q)
Kirkov, Vasil[12] [USA] 62 57 64 
Ellis, Blake[14] [AUS]  
    Ellis, Blake[14]
Siimar, Mattias [EST] 75 61 
Ross, Gianni [USA]  
    Wu, Yibing[2]
Wu, Yibing[2] [CHN] 64 61 
Kypson, Patrick [USA]  
    Aguilar, Juan Carlos Manuel[15]
Aguilar, Juan Carlos Manuel[15] [BOL] 60 64 
Meligeni Alves, Felipe[10] [BRA]  
    Storrie, Ryan James[7]
Storrie, Ryan James[7] [GBR] 75 62 
Oliel, Yshai [ISR]  
    Cuypers, Seppe
Cuypers, Seppe [BEL] w/o 
Rikl, Patrik[9] [CZE]  
    Mcnally, John[5]
Mcnally, John[5] [USA] 46 63 64 
Sigouin, Benjamin[6] [CAN]  
    Sigouin, Benjamin[6]
Kirkin, Ergi[11] [TUR] 63 63 
Holt, Brandon[13] [USA]  
    Clarke, Jay[3]
Clarke, Jay[3] [GBR] w/o 
Benchetrit, Elliot[8] [MAR]  
    Seyboth Wild, Thiago (Q)
Seyboth Wild, Thiago (Q) [BRA] 76(5) 64 
Ellis, Blake[14] [AUS]  
    Ellis, Blake[14]
Wu, Yibing[2] [CHN] 61 60 
Aguilar, Juan Carlos Manuel[15] [BOL]  
    Storrie, Ryan James[7]
Storrie, Ryan James[7] [GBR] 62 64 
Cuypers, Seppe [BEL]  
    Mcnally, John[5]
Mcnally, John[5] [USA] 64 76(6) 
Sigouin, Benjamin[6] [CAN]  
    Sigouin, Benjamin[6]
Clarke, Jay[3] [GBR] 76(3) 46 61 
Seyboth Wild, Thiago (Q) [BRA]  
    Ellis, Blake[14]
Ellis, Blake[14] [AUS] 75 64 
Storrie, Ryan James[7] [GBR]  
    Storrie, Ryan James[7]
Mcnally, John[5] [USA] 75 62 
Sigouin, Benjamin[6] [CAN]  
    Sigouin, Benjamin[6]
Ellis, Blake[14] [AUS] 64 36 63 
Storrie, Ryan James[7] [GBR]  
    Sigouin, Benjamin[6]
Sigouin, Benjamin[6] [CAN] 64 63 
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