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Tournament Rounds

Eddie Herr International Junior Tennis Championships [Q], 2007, J300 Girls

IMG / Bollettieri Sports Academy

Abu Mushref, Linda [BRN]  
    Abu Mushref, Linda
Hjertquist, Josefin [SWE] 63 62 
Cuellar, Angry [USA]  
    Broady, Naomi
Broady, Naomi [GBR] 60 60 
Paliivets, Katarena [CAN]  
    Mills, Danielle
Mills, Danielle [USA] 63 63 
Ritchey, Stehanie [CRC]  
    Windley, Jade
Windley, Jade [GBR] 60 60 
Burdette, Mallory [USA]  
    Burdette, Mallory
Frederika, Nadia [INA] 61 60 
Tomljanovic, Ajla [AUS]  
    Tomljanovic, Ajla
Johnson, Madeleine [USA] 60 61 
Minokoshi, Mai [JPN]  
    Ahn, Kristie
Ahn, Kristie [USA] 62 64 
Shumilina, Santa [RUS]  
    Vidov, Stephanie
Vidov, Stephanie [USA] 26 63 63 
Frilling, Kristy [USA]  
    Frilling, Kristy
D'ortona, Giadagiovanna [ITA] 62 60 
Lytovchenko, Anastasiya [UKR]  
    Bolender, Brooke
Bolender, Brooke [USA] 62 61 
Hesse, Amandine [FRA]  
    Hesse, Amandine
Botto, Bianca [PER] 60 75 
Maisak, Marharita [BLR]  
    Maisak, Marharita
Smith, Nicole [CAN] 36 75 61 
Gilchrist, Nadja [USA]  
    Gorgodze, Ekaterine
Gorgodze, Ekaterine [GEO] 26 63 64 
Lopez, Ivette [MEX]  
    Eslami, Naseem
Eslami, Naseem [USA] 62 62 
Miko, Zsofia [HUN]  
    Capra, Beatrice
Capra, Beatrice [USA] 61 62 
Alexander, Jessica [USA]  
    Alexander, Jessica
Slater, Laura [GBR] 64 63 
Granillo, Alejandra [MEX]  
    Granillo, Alejandra
Berner, Hannah [USA] 63 63 
Janowicz, Olivia [USA]  
    Janowicz, Olivia
Pekhova, Polina [BLR] 62 62 
Rasch, Alexandra [GUA]  
    Tomljanovic, Hana
Tomljanovic, Hana [CRO] 16 62 61 
Stephens, Sloane [USA]  
    Rodier, Charlotte
Rodier, Charlotte [FRA] 63 62 
Magnusson, Caroline [SWE]  
    Yacaman, Andrea
Yacaman, Andrea [COL] 62 63 
Davidson, Bronwyn [RSA]  
    Rohonyi, Reka
Rohonyi, Reka [HUN] 26 60 63 
Cornish, Stephanie [GBR]  
    Cornish, Stephanie
Lazarevic, Sara [CAN] 63 75 
Radeva, Nelly [USA]  
    Radeva, Nelly
Rae, Jocelyn [GBR] 64 63 
Mladenovic, Kristina [FRA]  
    Mladenovic, Kristina
Gajic, Katarina [CAN] 60 60 
Bonic, Barbara [SRB]  
    Bonic, Barbara
Ishizu, Sachie [JPN] 36 63 63 
Kalivas, Cassandra [SWE]  
    Kalivas, Cassandra
Bereszlenyi, Lea [HUN] 61 61 
Anghelescu, Alexandra [USA]  
    Anghelescu, Alexandra
Konjuh, Andrea [CRO] 63 62 
Zanevska, Maryna [BEL]  
    Zanevska, Maryna
Fraser, Emily [USA] 63 62 
Goldfeld, Ester [USA]  
    Goldfeld, Ester
Calderon, Paola [PUR] 75 63 
Monell, Emilia [USA]  
    Monell, Emilia
Brook, Victoria [GBR] 63 Ret'd 
Kania-Chodun, Paula [POL]  
    Dabrowski, Gabriela
Dabrowski, Gabriela [CAN] 63 61 
Abu Mushref, Linda [BRN]  
    Broady, Naomi
Broady, Naomi [GBR] 63 63 
Mills, Danielle [USA]  
    Mills, Danielle
Windley, Jade [GBR] 46 63 62 
Burdette, Mallory [USA]  
    Tomljanovic, Ajla
Tomljanovic, Ajla [AUS] 57 63 62 
Ahn, Kristie [USA]  
    Ahn, Kristie
Vidov, Stephanie [USA] 64 63 
Frilling, Kristy [USA]  
    Frilling, Kristy
Bolender, Brooke [USA] 62 64 
Hesse, Amandine [FRA]  
    Hesse, Amandine
Maisak, Marharita [BLR] 63 61 
Gorgodze, Ekaterine [GEO]  
    Gorgodze, Ekaterine
Eslami, Naseem [USA] 62 63 
Capra, Beatrice [USA]  
    Alexander, Jessica
Alexander, Jessica [USA] 63 36 63 
Granillo, Alejandra [MEX]  
    Janowicz, Olivia
Janowicz, Olivia [USA] 61 62 
Tomljanovic, Hana [CRO]  
    Rodier, Charlotte
Rodier, Charlotte [FRA] 61 62 
Yacaman, Andrea [COL]  
    Yacaman, Andrea
Rohonyi, Reka [HUN] 62 62 
Cornish, Stephanie [GBR]  
    Cornish, Stephanie
Radeva, Nelly [USA] 75 76(4) 
Mladenovic, Kristina [FRA]  
    Mladenovic, Kristina
Bonic, Barbara [SRB] 75 63 
Kalivas, Cassandra [SWE]  
    Anghelescu, Alexandra
Anghelescu, Alexandra [USA] 60 60 
Zanevska, Maryna [BEL]  
    Zanevska, Maryna
Goldfeld, Ester [USA] 61 63 
Monell, Emilia [USA]  
    Dabrowski, Gabriela
Dabrowski, Gabriela [CAN] 62 60 
Broady, Naomi [GBR]  
    Mills, Danielle
Mills, Danielle [USA] 75 64 
Tomljanovic, Ajla [AUS]  
    Tomljanovic, Ajla
Ahn, Kristie [USA] 67(4) 61 61 
Frilling, Kristy [USA]  
    Frilling, Kristy
Hesse, Amandine [FRA] 63 64 
Gorgodze, Ekaterine [GEO]  
    Alexander, Jessica
Alexander, Jessica [USA] 64 46 61 
Janowicz, Olivia [USA]  
    Rodier, Charlotte
Rodier, Charlotte [FRA] 64 64 
Yacaman, Andrea [COL]  
    Cornish, Stephanie
Cornish, Stephanie [GBR] 61 64 
Mladenovic, Kristina [FRA]  
    Mladenovic, Kristina
Anghelescu, Alexandra [USA] 63 62 
Zanevska, Maryna [BEL]  
    Dabrowski, Gabriela
Dabrowski, Gabriela [CAN] 61 75 
Mills, Danielle [USA]  
Tomljanovic, Ajla [AUS]   
Frilling, Kristy [USA]  
Alexander, Jessica [USA]   
Rodier, Charlotte [FRA]  
Cornish, Stephanie [GBR]   
Mladenovic, Kristina [FRA]  
Dabrowski, Gabriela [CAN]   
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