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Tournament Rounds

M15 Castelo Branco 10 [Q], 2016, M25

Zgombic, Fran Zvonimir[1] [CRO]  
    Zgombic, Fran Zvonimir[1]
Almeida, Tiago [POR]  
    Almeida, Tiago
Coelho, Fabio [POR] 63 64 
Clarke, Curtis [GBR]  
    Gomar Monio, Luis
Gomar Monio, Luis [ESP] 61 61 
Rocha, Francisco [POR]  
    Ouvrard, Victor[12]
Ouvrard, Victor[12] [FRA] 36 63 62 
Cabral, Francisco[2] [POR]  
    Cabral, Francisco[2]
Canas Garcia, Juan Pablo [ESP]  
    Canas Garcia, Juan Pablo
Rosa, Guilherme [POR] 63 61 
Ramalho, Rodrigo [POR]  
    Ramalho, Rodrigo
Fernandez-Espinar, Carlos [ESP] 63 46 63 
Semedo, Miguel [POR]  
    Barkai, Yannai[16]
Barkai, Yannai[16] [ISR] 63 64 
Falcao, Goncalo[3] [POR]  
    Falcao, Goncalo[3]
Altmann, Josef [CRC] 60 61 
Bourcet, Tony [FRA]  
    Bourcet, Tony
Almeida, Manuel [POR] 64 61 
Marrero Curbelo, Ivan [ESP]  
    Marrero Curbelo, Ivan
Orazzo, Gennaro [ITA] 61 61 
Davanzo, Killian [SUI]  
    Ortega Palacios, Alejandro[14]
Ortega Palacios, Alejandro[14] [ESP] 63 63 
Hannestad, Benjamin[4] [DEN]  
    Hannestad, Benjamin[4]
James, Yannik [GRN] 36 76(4) 76(5) 
Faria, Francisco [POR]  
    Magalhaes, Rodrigo
Magalhaes, Rodrigo [POR] 62 76(5) 
Henderson, Russell [GBR]  
    Henderson, Russell
Scott, Dylan [USA] 61 60 
Syromolotov Netrebin, Yuri [ESP]  
    Syromolotov Netrebin, Yuri
Dominguez Alonso, Pedro[13] [ESP] 63 26 64 
Oakley, Luke[5] [GBR]  
    Oakley, Luke[5]
Alcolea Salido, Yahir [ESP] 62 61 
Beumer, Boris [NED]  
    Beumer, Boris
Pires, Bernardo [POR] 75 63 
Alaix, Alejandro [ESP]  
    Alaix, Alejandro
Contzen, Julian [POR] 60 63 
Ferreira, Goncalo [POR]  
    Ferreira, Goncalo
Davies, George [GBR] 67(5) 64 63 
Radionov, Motvey[6] [ISR]  
    Radionov, Motvey[6]
Anguelov, Chris [BUL] 62 36 63 
Vaz Viana, Afonso [POR]  
    Rodrigues, Pedro Gabriel
Rodrigues, Pedro Gabriel [BRA] 64 61 
Dominguez Alonso, Jose [ESP]  
    Guaita-Pais, Enric
Guaita-Pais, Enric [ESP] 63 67(4) 64 
Mosciatti, Marco [ITA]  
    Mosciatti, Marco
Elbaz, Shahar[15] [ISR] 76(6) 61 
Dudockin, Daniel[7] [ISR]  
    Deus, Miguel
Deus, Miguel [POR] 64 63 
Moya Moreno, Alejandro [ESP]  
    Gomez, Ibai
Gomez, Ibai [ESP] 64 61 
Blanco Guadalupe, Jorge [ESP]  
    Blanco Guadalupe, Jorge
Hidalgo Salgado, Jose Maria [ESP] 61 64 
Osorio, Henrique [POR]  
    Pedrosa, Bruno[11]
Pedrosa, Bruno[11] [POR] 62 62 
Seateun, Nathan[8] [FRA]  
    Seateun, Nathan[8]
Vallejo, Miguel [ESP] 63 62 
Campos, Jose [POR]  
    Campos, Jose
Medeiros, Bruno [POR] 26 62 63 
Verpeaux, Vincent [FRA]  
    Verpeaux, Vincent
Bove, Federico [ITA] 61 63 
Ladron De Guevara Hidalgo, Manuel [ESP]  
    Clarke, Jay[9]
Clarke, Jay[9] [GBR] 63 62 
Zgombic, Fran Zvonimir[1] [CRO]  
    Zgombic, Fran Zvonimir[1]
Almeida, Tiago [POR] 61 61 
Gomar Monio, Luis [ESP]  
    Gomar Monio, Luis
Ouvrard, Victor[12] [FRA] 75 10 Ret'd 
Cabral, Francisco[2] [POR]  
    Cabral, Francisco[2]
Canas Garcia, Juan Pablo [ESP] 64 76(4) 
Ramalho, Rodrigo [POR]  
    Barkai, Yannai[16]
Barkai, Yannai[16] [ISR] 63 62 
Falcao, Goncalo[3] [POR]  
    Bourcet, Tony
Bourcet, Tony [FRA] 60 46 62 
Marrero Curbelo, Ivan [ESP]  
    Marrero Curbelo, Ivan
Ortega Palacios, Alejandro[14] [ESP] 16 63 63 
Hannestad, Benjamin[4] [DEN]  
    Hannestad, Benjamin[4]
Magalhaes, Rodrigo [POR] 61 62 
Henderson, Russell [GBR]  
    Syromolotov Netrebin, Yuri
Syromolotov Netrebin, Yuri [ESP] 62 64 
Oakley, Luke[5] [GBR]  
    Oakley, Luke[5]
Beumer, Boris [NED] 63 63 
Alaix, Alejandro [ESP]  
    Alaix, Alejandro
Ferreira, Goncalo [POR] 75 63 
Radionov, Motvey[6] [ISR]  
    Rodrigues, Pedro Gabriel
Rodrigues, Pedro Gabriel [BRA] 63 62 
Guaita-Pais, Enric [ESP]  
    Mosciatti, Marco
Mosciatti, Marco [ITA] 63 67(2) 62 
Deus, Miguel [POR]  
    Deus, Miguel
Gomez, Ibai [ESP] 36 64 61 
Blanco Guadalupe, Jorge [ESP]  
    Blanco Guadalupe, Jorge
Pedrosa, Bruno[11] [POR] 75 63 
Seateun, Nathan[8] [FRA]  
    Seateun, Nathan[8]
Campos, Jose [POR] 61 60 
Verpeaux, Vincent [FRA]  
    Clarke, Jay[9]
Clarke, Jay[9] [GBR] 57 64 62 
Zgombic, Fran Zvonimir[1] [CRO]  
    Zgombic, Fran Zvonimir[1]
Gomar Monio, Luis [ESP] 62 64 
Cabral, Francisco[2] [POR]  
    Cabral, Francisco[2]
Barkai, Yannai[16] [ISR] 36 64 60 
Bourcet, Tony [FRA]  
    Bourcet, Tony
Marrero Curbelo, Ivan [ESP] 63 62 
Hannestad, Benjamin[4] [DEN]  
    Syromolotov Netrebin, Yuri
Syromolotov Netrebin, Yuri [ESP] 76(7) 61 
Oakley, Luke[5] [GBR]  
    Oakley, Luke[5]
Alaix, Alejandro [ESP] 67(5) 76(2) 64 
Rodrigues, Pedro Gabriel [BRA]  
    Mosciatti, Marco
Mosciatti, Marco [ITA] 62 63 
Deus, Miguel [POR]  
    Deus, Miguel
Blanco Guadalupe, Jorge [ESP] 61 62 
Seateun, Nathan[8] [FRA]  
    Clarke, Jay[9]
Clarke, Jay[9] [GBR] 61 63 
Zgombic, Fran Zvonimir[1] [CRO]  
Cabral, Francisco[2] [POR]   
Bourcet, Tony [FRA]  
Syromolotov Netrebin, Yuri [ESP]   
Oakley, Luke[5] [GBR]  
Mosciatti, Marco [ITA]   
Deus, Miguel [POR]  
Clarke, Jay[9] [GBR]   
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