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Tournament Rounds

US Open [Q], 2017, Grand Slam (Men's)

USTA National Tennis Center

Mayer, Leonardo[1] [ARG]  
    Mayer, Leonardo[1]
Janvier, Maxime [FRA] 64 64 
Sakharov, Gleb [FRA]  
    Sakharov, Gleb
Michnev, Petr [CZE] 60 62 
Novikov, Dennis [USA]  
    Novikov, Dennis
Uchiyama, Yasutaka [JPN] 63 26 75 
Galovic, Viktor [CRO]  
    Marterer, Maximilian[18]
Marterer, Maximilian[18] [GER] 62 64 
Shapovalov, Denis[2] [CAN]  
    Shapovalov, Denis[2]
Kudla, Denis [USA] 63 64 
Oliveira, Gonzalo [VEN]  
    Elias, Gastao
Elias, Gastao [POR] 62 46 61 
Mcdonald, Mackenzie [USA]  
    Mcdonald, Mackenzie
Maden, Yannick [GER] 64 63 
Satral, Jan [CZE]  
    Satral, Jan
Sousa, Pedro[19] [POR] 63 62 
Robert, Stephane (ALT) [FRA]  
    Robert, Stephane (ALT)
Giustino, Lorenzo [ITA] 64 62 
Dancevic, Frank [CAN]  
    Dancevic, Frank
Vanni, Luca [ITA] 46 64 64 
Giron, Marcos [USA]  
    Garin, Cristian
Garin, Cristian [CHI] 63 64 
Domingues, Joao [POR]  
    Albot, Radu[27]
Albot, Radu[27] [MDA] 60 61 
Stakhovsky, Sergiy[4] [UKR]  
    Stakhovsky, Sergiy[4]
Vatutin, Alexey [RUS] 62 61 
Moriya, Hiroki [JPN]  
    Auger-Aliassime, Felix
Auger-Aliassime, Felix [CAN] 63 63 
Safranek, Vaclav [CZE]  
    Safranek, Vaclav
Masur, Daniel [GER] 76(5) 36 63 
Gunneswaran, Prajnesh [IND]  
    Hanfmann, Yannick[24]
Hanfmann, Yannick[24] [GER] 61 64 
Cecchinato, Marco[5] [ITA]  
    Aragone, Jc (WC)
Aragone, Jc (WC) [USA] 46 62 64 
Bellotti, Riccardo [ITA]  
    Bellotti, Riccardo
Collarini, Andrea [ARG] 75 63 
Ignatik, Uladzimir [BLR]  
    Ignatik, Uladzimir
Gonzalez, Maximo [ARG] 64 26 60 
Santillan, Akira [AUS]  
    Santillan, Akira
Ofner, Sebastian[23] [AUT] 36 63 64 
Kukushkin, Mikhail[6] [KAZ]  
    Kukushkin, Mikhail[6]
Kovalik, Jozef [SVK] 61 63 
Kamke, Tobias [GER]  
    Kamke, Tobias
Rubin, Noah [USA] 61 64 
Klahn, Bradley [USA]  
    Klahn, Bradley
Polmans, Marc [AUS] 62 06 62 
Andreozzi, Guido [ARG]  
    Andreozzi, Guido
Kozlov, Stefan[29] [USA] 64 61 
Bublik, Alexander[7] [KAZ]  
    Norrie, Cameron
Norrie, Cameron [GBR] 62 62 
Gabashvili, Teymuraz [RUS]  
    Bangoura, Sekou (WC)
Bangoura, Sekou (WC) [USA] 76(12) 46 62 
Chiudinelli, Marco [SUI]  
    Chiudinelli, Marco
Mott, Blake [AUS] 63 62 
Bhambri, Yuki [IND]  
    Soeda, Go[22]
Soeda, Go[22] [JPN] 46 16 63 
Gojowczyk, Peter[8] [GER]  
    Gojowczyk, Peter[8]
Milojevic, Nikola [SRB] 67(6) 64 64 
Opelka, Reilly [USA]  
    Opelka, Reilly
Sarkissian, Alexander [USA] 67(5) 63 76(2) 
Harrison, Christian [USA]  
    Harrison, Christian
Mcgee, James [IRL] 62 10 Ret'd 
Nedovyesov, Aleksandr [KAZ]  
    Travaglia, Stefano[30]
Travaglia, Stefano[30] [ITA] 76(5) 75 
Stebe, Cedrik-Marcel[9] [GER]  
    Stebe, Cedrik-Marcel[9]
Setkic, Aldin [BIH] 64 62 
Basic, Mirza [BIH]  
    Basic, Mirza
Groth, Sam [AUS] 64 76(4) 
Trungelliti, Marco [ARG]  
    Trungelliti, Marco
Hiltzik, Jared (WC) [USA] 76(5) 63 
Gonzalez, Alejandro [COL]  
    Gonzalez, Alejandro
Ebden, Matthew[26] [AUS] 46 64 64 
Bagnis, Facundo[10] [ARG]  
    Bagnis, Facundo[10]
Ivashka, Ilya [BLR] 62 60 
Quiroz, Roberto [ECU]  
    Menendez-Maceiras, Adrian
Menendez-Maceiras, Adrian [ESP] 62 46 75 
Marchenko, Illya [UKR]  
    De Loore, Joris
De Loore, Joris [BEL] 36 63 64 
Lee, Duckhee [KOR]  
    Lee, Duckhee
Melzer, Gerald[25] [AUT] 64 63 
Ruud, Casper[11] [NOR]  
    Ruud, Casper[11]
Popko, Dmitry [KAZ] 64 60 
Bolelli, Simone [ITA]  
    Bolelli, Simone
Brands, Daniel [GER] 62 63 
Klein, Brydan [GBR]  
    Millot, Vincent
Millot, Vincent [FRA] 36 63 76(7) 
Ito, Tatsuma [JPN]  
    Ito, Tatsuma
De Schepper, Kenny[32] [FRA] 26 63 64 
Krajinovic, Filip[12] [SRB]  
    Krajinovic, Filip[12]
Rosol, Lukas [CZE] 57 64 62 
Wolf, J.j. (WC) [USA]  
    Smith, John-Patrick
Smith, John-Patrick [AUS] 64 61 
Schnur, Brayden [CAN]  
    Krueger, Mitchell
Krueger, Mitchell [USA] 46 64 75 
Coria, Federico [ARG]  
    Gerasimov, Egor[17]
Gerasimov, Egor[17] [BLR] 63 64 
Olivo, Renzo[13] [ARG]  
    Olivo, Renzo[13]
Jahn, Jeremy [GER] 76(5) 64 
King, Evan (WC) [USA]  
    King, Evan (WC)
Caruso, Salvatore [ITA] 76(2) 62 
Ilkel, Cem [TUR]  
    Ilkel, Cem
Blumberg, William (WC) [USA] 62 64 
Sijsling, Igor [NED]  
    Mmoh, Michael[31]
Mmoh, Michael[31] [USA] 63 62 
Mahut, Nicolas[14] [FRA]  
    Mahut, Nicolas[14]
Kwon, Soonwoo [KOR] 63 64 
Ramanathan, Ramkumar [IND]  
    Ramanathan, Ramkumar
Mathieu, Paul-Henri [FRA] 64 64 
Wu, Di [CHN]  
    Tsitsipas, Stefanos
Tsitsipas, Stefanos [GRE] 46 61 61 
Arevalo, Marcelo [ESA]  
    Berrettini, Matteo[28]
Berrettini, Matteo[28] [ITA] 62 76(0) 
Lacko, Lukas[15] [SVK]  
    Lacko, Lukas[15]
Grigelis, Laurynas [LTU] 63 64 
Krajicek, Austin (WC) [USA]  
    Krajicek, Austin (WC)
Safwat, Mohamed [EGY] 46 76(2) 76(4) 
King, Darian [BAR]  
    King, Darian
Nguyen, Daniel (WC) [USA] 62 61 
Hemery, Calvin [FRA]  
    Jarry, Nicolas[21]
Jarry, Nicolas[21] [CHI] 75 63 
Halys, Quentin[16] [FRA]  
    Smyczek, Tim
Smyczek, Tim [USA] 76(5) 64 
Bonzi, Benjamin [FRA]  
    Sarmiento, Raymond (WC)
Sarmiento, Raymond (WC) [USA] 62 63 
Napolitano, Stefano [ITA]  
    Rola, Blaz
Rola, Blaz [SLO] 63 62 
Kravchuk, Konstantin [RUS]  
    Polansky, Peter[20]
Polansky, Peter[20] [CAN] 63 76(5) 
Mayer, Leonardo[1] [ARG]  
    Mayer, Leonardo[1]
Sakharov, Gleb [FRA] 62 61 
Novikov, Dennis [USA]  
    Marterer, Maximilian[18]
Marterer, Maximilian[18] [GER] 36 75 63 
Shapovalov, Denis[2] [CAN]  
    Shapovalov, Denis[2]
Elias, Gastao [POR] 63 75 
Mcdonald, Mackenzie [USA]  
    Satral, Jan
Satral, Jan [CZE] 64 63 
Robert, Stephane (ALT) [FRA]  
    Dancevic, Frank
Dancevic, Frank [CAN] 63 67(6) 75 
Garin, Cristian [CHI]  
    Albot, Radu[27]
Albot, Radu[27] [MDA] 64 64 
Stakhovsky, Sergiy[4] [UKR]  
    Stakhovsky, Sergiy[4]
Auger-Aliassime, Felix [CAN] 76(8) 64 
Safranek, Vaclav [CZE]  
    Safranek, Vaclav
Hanfmann, Yannick[24] [GER] 26 64 75 
Aragone, Jc (WC) [USA]  
    Aragone, Jc (WC)
Bellotti, Riccardo [ITA] 36 75 63 
Ignatik, Uladzimir [BLR]  
    Santillan, Akira
Santillan, Akira [AUS] 63 62 
Kukushkin, Mikhail[6] [KAZ]  
    Kukushkin, Mikhail[6]
Kamke, Tobias [GER] 64 76(4) 
Klahn, Bradley [USA]  
    Andreozzi, Guido
Andreozzi, Guido [ARG] 64 67(6) 64 
Norrie, Cameron [GBR]  
    Norrie, Cameron
Bangoura, Sekou (WC) [USA] 64 75 
Chiudinelli, Marco [SUI]  
    Soeda, Go[22]
Soeda, Go[22] [JPN] 63 61 
Gojowczyk, Peter[8] [GER]  
    Gojowczyk, Peter[8]
Opelka, Reilly [USA] 76(4) 62 
Harrison, Christian [USA]  
    Travaglia, Stefano[30]
Travaglia, Stefano[30] [ITA] 63 61 
Stebe, Cedrik-Marcel[9] [GER]  
    Stebe, Cedrik-Marcel[9]
Basic, Mirza [BIH] 63 64 
Trungelliti, Marco [ARG]  
    Gonzalez, Alejandro
Gonzalez, Alejandro [COL] 75 63 
Bagnis, Facundo[10] [ARG]  
    Menendez-Maceiras, Adrian
Menendez-Maceiras, Adrian [ESP] 34 Ret'd 
De Loore, Joris [BEL]  
    De Loore, Joris
Lee, Duckhee [KOR] 64 62 
Ruud, Casper[11] [NOR]  
    Bolelli, Simone
Bolelli, Simone [ITA] 62 64 
Millot, Vincent [FRA]  
    Millot, Vincent
Ito, Tatsuma [JPN] 60 64 
Krajinovic, Filip[12] [SRB]  
    Smith, John-Patrick
Smith, John-Patrick [AUS] 64 64 
Krueger, Mitchell [USA]  
    Krueger, Mitchell
Gerasimov, Egor[17] [BLR] 75 64 
Olivo, Renzo[13] [ARG]  
    King, Evan (WC)
King, Evan (WC) [USA] 36 61 60 
Ilkel, Cem [TUR]  
    Mmoh, Michael[31]
Mmoh, Michael[31] [USA] 61 62 
Mahut, Nicolas[14] [FRA]  
    Mahut, Nicolas[14]
Ramanathan, Ramkumar [IND] 63 67(5) 62 
Tsitsipas, Stefanos [GRE]  
    Tsitsipas, Stefanos
Berrettini, Matteo[28] [ITA] 67(6) 76(4) 76(2) 
Lacko, Lukas[15] [SVK]  
    Lacko, Lukas[15]
Krajicek, Austin (WC) [USA] 76(5) 76(6) 
King, Darian [BAR]  
    King, Darian
Jarry, Nicolas[21] [CHI] 76(4) 63 
Smyczek, Tim [USA]  
    Smyczek, Tim
Sarmiento, Raymond (WC) [USA] 61 63 
Rola, Blaz [SLO]  
    Polansky, Peter[20]
Polansky, Peter[20] [CAN] 36 64 63 
Mayer, Leonardo[1] [ARG]  
    Marterer, Maximilian[18]
Marterer, Maximilian[18] [GER] 64 75 
Shapovalov, Denis[2] [CAN]  
    Shapovalov, Denis[2]
Satral, Jan [CZE] 67(2) 61 63 
Dancevic, Frank [CAN]  
    Albot, Radu[27]
Albot, Radu[27] [MDA] 62 64 
Stakhovsky, Sergiy[4] [UKR]  
    Safranek, Vaclav
Safranek, Vaclav [CZE] 36 75 61 
Aragone, Jc (WC) [USA]  
    Aragone, Jc (WC)
Santillan, Akira [AUS] 63 26 63 
Kukushkin, Mikhail[6] [KAZ]  
    Kukushkin, Mikhail[6]
Andreozzi, Guido [ARG] 61 46 75 
Norrie, Cameron [GBR]  
    Norrie, Cameron
Soeda, Go[22] [JPN] 61 76(5) 
Gojowczyk, Peter[8] [GER]  
    Travaglia, Stefano[30]
Travaglia, Stefano[30] [ITA] 63 63 
Stebe, Cedrik-Marcel[9] [GER]  
    Stebe, Cedrik-Marcel[9]
Gonzalez, Alejandro [COL] 62 64 
Menendez-Maceiras, Adrian [ESP]  
    Menendez-Maceiras, Adrian
De Loore, Joris [BEL] 63 63 
Bolelli, Simone [ITA]  
    Millot, Vincent
Millot, Vincent [FRA] 16 64 63 
Smith, John-Patrick [AUS]  
    Smith, John-Patrick
Krueger, Mitchell [USA] 64 64 
King, Evan (WC) [USA]  
    King, Evan (WC)
Mmoh, Michael[31] [USA] 63 63 
Mahut, Nicolas[14] [FRA]  
    Mahut, Nicolas[14]
Tsitsipas, Stefanos [GRE] 76(6) 36 60 
Lacko, Lukas[15] [SVK]  
    King, Darian
King, Darian [BAR] 36 64 63 
Smyczek, Tim [USA]  
    Smyczek, Tim
Polansky, Peter[20] [CAN] 63 64 
Marterer, Maximilian[18] [GER]  
Shapovalov, Denis[2] [CAN]   
Albot, Radu[27] [MDA]  
Safranek, Vaclav [CZE]   
Aragone, Jc (WC) [USA]  
Kukushkin, Mikhail[6] [KAZ]   
Norrie, Cameron [GBR]  
Travaglia, Stefano[30] [ITA]   
Stebe, Cedrik-Marcel[9] [GER]  
Menendez-Maceiras, Adrian [ESP]   
Millot, Vincent [FRA]  
Smith, John-Patrick [AUS]   
King, Evan (WC) [USA]  
Mahut, Nicolas[14] [FRA]   
King, Darian [BAR]  
Smyczek, Tim [USA]   
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