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Copa Nicarao [Q], 2016, J30 Boys

Kobayashi, Toi[1] [JPN]  
    Kobayashi, Toi[1]
Vacalares, Emmanuel [PHI]  
    Vacalares, Emmanuel
Ocana Lavoie, Nicolas [CAN] 62 64 
Hernandez Coronado, Diego Jose [GUA]  
    Berry Leon, Juan Pablo
Berry Leon, Juan Pablo [MEX] 60 60 
Lapadat, Joshua [CAN]  
    Lapadat, Joshua
Villamizar Abia, Jesus Alejandro[8] [VEN] 36 60 61 
Iorio, Andres Isaac[2] [VEN]  
    Iorio, Andres Isaac[2]
Davison Ceballos, Alberto Andres [MEX]  
    Mere Quan, Rodrigo Antonio
Mere Quan, Rodrigo Antonio [GUA] 62 62 
Perales Terada, Arturo [MEX]  
    Bermudez Alvarez, Julian
Bermudez Alvarez, Julian [COL] 63 63 
Gutierrez Kahn, Esteban [PAN]  
    Sihota, Jovan[6]
Sihota, Jovan[6] [CAN] 62 60 
Fenoaltea, Michele Maria[3] [ITA]  
    Fenoaltea, Michele Maria[3]
Vargas, Francisco [MEX]  
    Vargas, Francisco
Younan, Michael [CAN] 61 61 
Amirsoleimani, Dariush [CRC]  
    Lopato-Miguel, Zak
Lopato-Miguel, Zak [CAN] w/o 
Alvarez Ortiz, Julio Alberto [MEX]  
    Hernandez Mariona, Kevin Leonel[7]
Hernandez Mariona, Kevin Leonel[7] [GUA] 60 61 
Hernandez Mariona, Kris Alessandro[4] [GUA]  
    Pachnev, Sasha
Pachnev, Sasha [CAN] 62 64 
Jaen, Jayson [PAN]  
    Jaen, Jayson
Hernandez Gonzales, Ronny Joshua [NCA] 63 64 
Gonzalez Hernandez, Pablo [MEX]  
    Pocari, Marvin
Pocari, Marvin [CAN] 62 64 
Leal Guerrero, Victor Andres (WC) [GUA]  
    Guarin, Samuel[5]
Guarin, Samuel[5] [COL] 62 61 
Kobayashi, Toi[1] [JPN]  
    Vacalares, Emmanuel
Vacalares, Emmanuel [PHI] 63 64 
Berry Leon, Juan Pablo [MEX]  
    Lapadat, Joshua
Lapadat, Joshua [CAN] 64 61 
Iorio, Andres Isaac[2] [VEN]  
    Iorio, Andres Isaac[2]
Mere Quan, Rodrigo Antonio [GUA] 36 76(4) 64 
Bermudez Alvarez, Julian [COL]  
    Sihota, Jovan[6]
Sihota, Jovan[6] [CAN] 61 60 
Fenoaltea, Michele Maria[3] [ITA]  
    Fenoaltea, Michele Maria[3]
Vargas, Francisco [MEX] 64 63 
Lopato-Miguel, Zak [CAN]  
    Lopato-Miguel, Zak
Hernandez Mariona, Kevin Leonel[7] [GUA] 63 63 
Pachnev, Sasha [CAN]  
    Pachnev, Sasha
Jaen, Jayson [PAN] 60 62 
Pocari, Marvin [CAN]  
    Guarin, Samuel[5]
Guarin, Samuel[5] [COL] 62 57 75 
Vacalares, Emmanuel [PHI]  
    Lapadat, Joshua
Lapadat, Joshua [CAN] 36 63 60 
Iorio, Andres Isaac[2] [VEN]  
    Sihota, Jovan[6]
Sihota, Jovan[6] [CAN] 61 63 
Fenoaltea, Michele Maria[3] [ITA]  
    Fenoaltea, Michele Maria[3]
Lopato-Miguel, Zak [CAN] 26 61 64 
Pachnev, Sasha [CAN]  
    Pachnev, Sasha
Guarin, Samuel[5] [COL] 60 62 
Lapadat, Joshua [CAN]  
Sihota, Jovan[6] [CAN]   
Fenoaltea, Michele Maria[3] [ITA]  
Pachnev, Sasha [CAN]   
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