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Tournament Rounds

Turkey F15 Futures [Q], 2017, M25

GD Tennis Cup

Ilkel, Cem[1] [TUR]  
    Ilkel, Cem[1]
Tiainen, Jussi [FIN] 76(5) 60 
Tenti, Fermin [ARG]  
    Tenti, Fermin
Ben Abdennibi, Sami [MAR] 62 76(1) 
Zubkou, Maksim [BLR]  
    Codescu, Razvan Marius
Codescu, Razvan Marius [ROU] 60 61 
Parada, Bastian [CHI]  
    Markovic, Goran[16]
Markovic, Goran[16] [SRB] 62 63 
Sakamoto, Pedro[2] [BRA]  
    Sakamoto, Pedro[2]
Kaelin, Yanik [SUI] 60 61 
Kopp, Sandro [AUT]  
    Tikhomirov, Maksim
Tikhomirov, Maksim [USA] 64 64 
Kralj, Kevin [GER]  
    Bant, Jarryd
Bant, Jarryd [GBR] 64 20 Ret'd 
Frisk, Nickolas [CHI]  
    Navarro, Simon[13]
Navarro, Simon[13] [CHI] 75 62 
Griekspoor, Kevin[3] [NED]  
    Griekspoor, Kevin[3]
Yamada, Kento [JPN] 67(5) 64 61 
Mora, Daniel [COL]  
    Mora, Daniel
Babanine, Alexander [AUS] 63 63 
Morr, Jonathan [GER]  
    Morr, Jonathan
Niculescu, Vincentiu Andrei [ROU] 61 62 
Vilaro, Alejo [ARG]  
    Cortes Alcaraz, Aaron[10]
Cortes Alcaraz, Aaron[10] [ESP] 64 46 63 
Cannell, Joel[4] [GBR]  
    Cannell, Joel[4]
Leuch, Vital Flurin [LIE] 62 62 
Trinker, Jonas [AUT]  
    Trinker, Jonas
Ivanov, Vladislav [RUS] 62 75 
Liu, Hanyi [CHN]  
    Liu, Hanyi
Antal, Mert Guven (WC) [TUR] 63 30 Ret'd 
Walder, Jim [GER]  
    Pena Lopez, Manuel[11]
Pena Lopez, Manuel[11] [ARG] 61 63 
Saez, Juan Carlos[5] [CHI]  
    Saez, Juan Carlos[5]
Naser, Javier [CHI] 64 62 
Kendler, Maximilian (WC) [NED]  
    Grynkowski, Piotr
Grynkowski, Piotr [POL] 60 60 
Haim, Matthias [AUT]  
    Krohn, Linus
Krohn, Linus [GER] 62 63 
Arriagada Ceballos, Simon Hamel (WC) [CHI]  
    Prechtel, Sebastian[12]
Prechtel, Sebastian[12] [GER] 60 60 
Kossler, Bernd[6] [AUT]  
    Seyboth Wild, Thiago
Seyboth Wild, Thiago [BRA] 63 63 
Manda, Calin [ROU]  
    Manda, Calin
Bilgin, Burak [TUR] 61 61 
Chepelev, Andrey [RUS]  
    Chepelev, Andrey
Tiainen, Hermanni [FIN] 64 61 
Mikhaylyuk, Ivan [RUS]  
    Frawley, James[9]
Frawley, James[9] [AUS] 63 61 
Statzberger, Thomas[7] [AUT]  
    Statzberger, Thomas[7]
Arjona Venturelli, Juan Jose [CHI] 62 63 
Walder, Jordi [GER]  
    Tomescu, Dan Alexandru
Tomescu, Dan Alexandru [ROU] 36 61 61 
Iordache, Sorin Andrei [ROU]  
    Iordache, Sorin Andrei
Tagashira, Kent [GUA] 62 62 
Rua, Daniel (WC) [ARG]  
    Brtnicky, Filip[14]
Brtnicky, Filip[14] [CZE] 61 63 
Kekez, Duje[8] [CRO]  
    Kekez, Duje[8]
Vylegzhanin, Nikolay [RUS] 62 63 
Barriga Barra, Brandon Nicolas (WC) [CHI]  
    Sandoval, Poul Matías
Sandoval, Poul Matías [CHI] 62 62 
Alekseenko, Gleb [UKR]  
    Kirk, Owen
Kirk, Owen [IRL] 36 64 60 
Krivokuca, Neven [CRO]  
    Krivokuca, Neven
Nunez, Victor[15] [CHI] 26 76(11) 63 
Ilkel, Cem[1] [TUR]  
    Ilkel, Cem[1]
Tenti, Fermin [ARG] 62 62 
Codescu, Razvan Marius [ROU]  
    Markovic, Goran[16]
Markovic, Goran[16] [SRB] 63 46 61 
Sakamoto, Pedro[2] [BRA]  
    Sakamoto, Pedro[2]
Tikhomirov, Maksim [USA] 63 46 63 
Bant, Jarryd [GBR]  
    Navarro, Simon[13]
Navarro, Simon[13] [CHI] 61 62 
Griekspoor, Kevin[3] [NED]  
    Mora, Daniel
Mora, Daniel [COL] 75 62 
Morr, Jonathan [GER]  
    Cortes Alcaraz, Aaron[10]
Cortes Alcaraz, Aaron[10] [ESP] 76(1) 62 
Cannell, Joel[4] [GBR]  
    Cannell, Joel[4]
Trinker, Jonas [AUT] 64 16 63 
Liu, Hanyi [CHN]  
    Pena Lopez, Manuel[11]
Pena Lopez, Manuel[11] [ARG] 60 60 
Saez, Juan Carlos[5] [CHI]  
    Saez, Juan Carlos[5]
Grynkowski, Piotr [POL] 63 62 
Krohn, Linus [GER]  
    Prechtel, Sebastian[12]
Prechtel, Sebastian[12] [GER] 60 64 
Seyboth Wild, Thiago [BRA]  
    Seyboth Wild, Thiago
Manda, Calin [ROU] 76(7) 61 
Chepelev, Andrey [RUS]  
    Frawley, James[9]
Frawley, James[9] [AUS] 63 76(1) 
Statzberger, Thomas[7] [AUT]  
    Statzberger, Thomas[7]
Tomescu, Dan Alexandru [ROU] 57 62 62 
Iordache, Sorin Andrei [ROU]  
    Brtnicky, Filip[14]
Brtnicky, Filip[14] [CZE] 62 61 
Kekez, Duje[8] [CRO]  
    Kekez, Duje[8]
Sandoval, Poul Matías [CHI] 60 60 
Kirk, Owen [IRL]  
    Krivokuca, Neven
Krivokuca, Neven [CRO] 62 63 
Ilkel, Cem[1] [TUR]  
    Ilkel, Cem[1]
Markovic, Goran[16] [SRB] 64 64 
Sakamoto, Pedro[2] [BRA]  
    Sakamoto, Pedro[2]
Navarro, Simon[13] [CHI] 62 64 
Mora, Daniel [COL]  
    Mora, Daniel
Cortes Alcaraz, Aaron[10] [ESP] 62 63 
Cannell, Joel[4] [GBR]  
    Pena Lopez, Manuel[11]
Pena Lopez, Manuel[11] [ARG] 57 75 63 
Saez, Juan Carlos[5] [CHI]  
    Saez, Juan Carlos[5]
Prechtel, Sebastian[12] [GER] 67(5) 63 63 
Seyboth Wild, Thiago [BRA]  
    Seyboth Wild, Thiago
Frawley, James[9] [AUS] 64 75 
Statzberger, Thomas[7] [AUT]  
    Statzberger, Thomas[7]
Brtnicky, Filip[14] [CZE] 61 62 
Kekez, Duje[8] [CRO]  
    Kekez, Duje[8]
Krivokuca, Neven [CRO] 63 64 
Ilkel, Cem[1] [TUR]  
Sakamoto, Pedro[2] [BRA]   
Mora, Daniel [COL]  
Pena Lopez, Manuel[11] [ARG]   
Saez, Juan Carlos[5] [CHI]  
Seyboth Wild, Thiago [BRA]   
Statzberger, Thomas[7] [AUT]  
Kekez, Duje[8] [CRO]   
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