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Tournament Rounds

International Pascuas Bowl, 2017, Boys 16

Club Internacional de Tenis

Marini, Franco[1] [ARG]  
    Marini, Franco[1]
Ramos Souza, Gabriel (Q) [BRA]  
    Ramos Souza, Gabriel (Q)
Anez Rolon, Augusto Yohel [PAR] 62 61 
Gomes, Henrique Silvestre [BRA]  
    Gomes, Henrique Silvestre
Colmenero, G. (LL) [ARG] 61 60 
    Real, Bernardino[16]
Real, Bernardino[16] [URU]   
Deszczynski, Gustavo[10] [BRA]  
    Deszczynski, Gustavo[10]
Pallas, Ignacio (LL) [URU]  
    Ameller, Mateo
Ameller, Mateo [BOL] 60 60 
Cano Villagra, Antonio Sebastian [PAR]  
    Monterroso, Alejo
Monterroso, Alejo [URU] 62 64 
    Traipe, Jose Tomás[7]
Traipe, Jose Tomás[7] [CHI]   
Li, Christopher[3] [PER]  
    Li, Christopher[3]
Robiglio, Mateo (LL) [ARG]  
    Granville Costa, Ernani
Granville Costa, Ernani [BRA] 62 62 
Gomez Llamas, Enric (Q) [ESP]  
    Marangoni, Gustavo
Marangoni, Gustavo [URU] 62 61 
    Amorim Neto, Olavo[14]
Amorim Neto, Olavo[14] [BRA]   
Britez Risso, Lucas[11] [PAR]  
    Britez Risso, Lucas[11]
Buzan, Emir Pablo [ARG]  
    Magarian, Diego
Magarian, Diego [URU] 62 61 
Takata, Kenji [URU]  
    Takata, Kenji
Rodriguez, Ignacio (LL) [URU] 60 60 
    Pozzi, Marcelo[6]
Pozzi, Marcelo[6] [BRA]   
Pavon Cristaldo, Jesus Humberto[5] [PAR]  
    Pavon Cristaldo, Jesus Humberto[5]
Rubio, Felipe (LL) [BRA]  
    Juan Bosio, Pedro
Juan Bosio, Pedro [ARG] 63 60 
Leonel, Joshua (LL) [BRA]  
    Aguiar Barros, F. (Q)
Aguiar Barros, F. (Q) [BRA] 60 61 
    Poggi, Stefano[12]
Poggi, Stefano[12] [URU]   
Barreaux, Franco[15] [CHI]  
    Barreaux, Franco[15]
Massimino, Lucas (LL) [URU]  
    Eufrazio, Thiago (Q)
Eufrazio, Thiago (Q) [BRA] 60 60 
Jaidopulos, Lucas [URU]  
    Jaidopulos, Lucas
Penteado, Nicolau (LL) [BRA] 63 76(4) 
    Maciel Costa, Kaue[4]
Maciel Costa, Kaue[4] [BRA]   
Monferrer, Ezequiel[8] [ARG]  
    Monferrer, Ezequiel[8]
Zarate, Santiago (LL) [COL]  
    Araujo Batista, Lucas (Q)
Araujo Batista, Lucas (Q) [BRA] 61 64 
De Leon, Facundo [URU]  
    Gutierrez Rioseco, Martin (LL)
Gutierrez Rioseco, Martin (LL) [CHI] 60 64 
    Aguiar Kuntz, Bryan[9]
Aguiar Kuntz, Bryan[9] [BRA]   
Junghanns Dietze, Sebastian Raul[13] [PAR]  
    Junghanns Dietze, Sebastian Raul[13]
Gebelin, Agustin [URU]  
    Gebelin, Agustin
    Ferro, Joao Gabriel (Q)
Ferro, Joao Gabriel (Q) [BRA]   
    Aguiar, Carlos[2]
Aguiar, Carlos[2] [CHI]   
Marini, Franco[1] [ARG]  
    Marini, Franco[1]
Ramos Souza, Gabriel (Q) [BRA] 62 62 
Gomes, Henrique Silvestre [BRA]  
    Gomes, Henrique Silvestre
Real, Bernardino[16] [URU] 61 62 
Deszczynski, Gustavo[10] [BRA]  
    Deszczynski, Gustavo[10]
Ameller, Mateo [BOL] 62 61 
Monterroso, Alejo [URU]  
    Traipe, Jose Tomás[7]
Traipe, Jose Tomás[7] [CHI] 60 60 
Li, Christopher[3] [PER]  
    Li, Christopher[3]
Granville Costa, Ernani [BRA] 60 61 
Marangoni, Gustavo [URU]  
    Amorim Neto, Olavo[14]
Amorim Neto, Olavo[14] [BRA] 60 60 
Britez Risso, Lucas[11] [PAR]  
    Britez Risso, Lucas[11]
Magarian, Diego [URU] 62 63 
Takata, Kenji [URU]  
    Pozzi, Marcelo[6]
Pozzi, Marcelo[6] [BRA] 62 62 
Pavon Cristaldo, Jesus Humberto[5] [PAR]  
    Pavon Cristaldo, Jesus Humberto[5]
Juan Bosio, Pedro [ARG] 26 63 76(4) 
Aguiar Barros, F. (Q) [BRA]  
    Poggi, Stefano[12]
Poggi, Stefano[12] [URU] 61 76(4) 
Barreaux, Franco[15] [CHI]  
    Barreaux, Franco[15]
Eufrazio, Thiago (Q) [BRA] 63 62 
Jaidopulos, Lucas [URU]  
    Maciel Costa, Kaue[4]
Maciel Costa, Kaue[4] [BRA] 64 62 
Monferrer, Ezequiel[8] [ARG]  
    Monferrer, Ezequiel[8]
Araujo Batista, Lucas (Q) [BRA] 62 60 
Gutierrez Rioseco, Martin (LL) [CHI]  
    Aguiar Kuntz, Bryan[9]
Aguiar Kuntz, Bryan[9] [BRA] 63 63 
Junghanns Dietze, Sebastian Raul[13] [PAR]  
    Junghanns Dietze, Sebastian Raul[13]
Gebelin, Agustin [URU] 61 60 
Ferro, Joao Gabriel (Q) [BRA]  
    Ferro, Joao Gabriel (Q)
Aguiar, Carlos[2] [CHI] w/o 
Marini, Franco[1] [ARG]  
    Marini, Franco[1]
Gomes, Henrique Silvestre [BRA] 63 61 
Deszczynski, Gustavo[10] [BRA]  
    Deszczynski, Gustavo[10]
Traipe, Jose Tomás[7] [CHI] 62 61 
Li, Christopher[3] [PER]  
    Li, Christopher[3]
Amorim Neto, Olavo[14] [BRA] 75 36 64 
Britez Risso, Lucas[11] [PAR]  
    Pozzi, Marcelo[6]
Pozzi, Marcelo[6] [BRA] 62 63 
Pavon Cristaldo, Jesus Humberto[5] [PAR]  
    Poggi, Stefano[12]
Poggi, Stefano[12] [URU] 61 46 64 
Barreaux, Franco[15] [CHI]  
    Maciel Costa, Kaue[4]
Maciel Costa, Kaue[4] [BRA] 60 61 
Monferrer, Ezequiel[8] [ARG]  
    Monferrer, Ezequiel[8]
Aguiar Kuntz, Bryan[9] [BRA] 62 63 
Junghanns Dietze, Sebastian Raul[13] [PAR]  
    Junghanns Dietze, Sebastian Raul[13]
Ferro, Joao Gabriel (Q) [BRA] 61 62 
Marini, Franco[1] [ARG]  
    Deszczynski, Gustavo[10]
Deszczynski, Gustavo[10] [BRA] 63 26 62 
Li, Christopher[3] [PER]  
    Li, Christopher[3]
Pozzi, Marcelo[6] [BRA] 63 62 
Poggi, Stefano[12] [URU]  
    Maciel Costa, Kaue[4]
Maciel Costa, Kaue[4] [BRA] 63 62 
Monferrer, Ezequiel[8] [ARG]  
    Monferrer, Ezequiel[8]
Junghanns Dietze, Sebastian Raul[13] [PAR] 63 62 
Deszczynski, Gustavo[10] [BRA]  
    Li, Christopher[3]
Li, Christopher[3] [PER] 75 63 
Maciel Costa, Kaue[4] [BRA]  
    Monferrer, Ezequiel[8]
Monferrer, Ezequiel[8] [ARG] 63 62 
Li, Christopher[3] [PER]  
    Li, Christopher[3]
Monferrer, Ezequiel[8] [ARG] 46 75 64 
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