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Tournament Rounds

US Open, 2017, JR Grand Slam Boys

USTA National Tennis Center

Geller, Axel[1] [ARG]  
    Geller, Axel[1]
Fenty, Andrew [USA] 63 64 
Nakashima, Brandon (WC) [USA]  
    Nakashima, Brandon (WC)
Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus (SE) [BRA] 61 64 
Rotsaert, Alexandre [USA]  
    Rotsaert, Alexandre
Bellalouna, Mohamed Ali [TUN] 62 63 
Mejia, Nicolas [COL]  
    Vale, Duarte[15]
Vale, Duarte[15] [POR] 64 64 
Vrbensky, Michael[9] [CZE]  
    Tajima, Naoki
Tajima, Naoki [JPN] 57 64 62 
Gaston, Hugo [FRA]  
    Gaston, Hugo
Greif, Lukas (WC) [USA] 36 62 61 
Forti, Francesco [ITA]  
    Efstathiou, Menelaos
Efstathiou, Menelaos [CYP] 26 62 76(5) 
Hardt, Nick (Q) [DOM]  
    Bryde, Trent[7]
Bryde, Trent[7] [USA] 63 64 
Rodionov, Jurij[3] [AUT]  
    Rodionov, Jurij[3]
Cernoch, Brian [USA] 76(6) 36 64 
Skatov, Timofey [KAZ]  
    Skatov, Timofey
Hazawa, Shinji [JPN] 76(4) 61 
Carr, Simon [IRL]  
    Carr, Simon
Sridhar, Sangeet (WC) [USA] 76(0) 64 
Angele, Jaimee Floyd (WC) [FRA]  
    Angele, Jaimee Floyd (WC)
Grassi Mazzuchi, Juan Pablo[16] [ARG] 46 62 62 
Kypson, Patrick[12] [USA]  
    Loffhagen, George (Q)
Loffhagen, George (Q) [GBR] 61 63 
Nijboer, Ryan [NED]  
    Nijboer, Ryan
Styler, Ondrej [CZE] 64 64 
Banthia, Siddhant [IND]  
    Thomas, Danny
Thomas, Danny [USA] 61 62 
Shi, Brian (WC) [USA]  
    Hsu, Yu Hsiou[8]
Hsu, Yu Hsiou[8] [TPE] 64 64 
Miladinovic, Marko[5] [SRB]  
    Miladinovic, Marko[5]
Hernandez Ramirez, Sergio Luis (Q) [COL] 63 62 
Hilderbrand, Trey (WC) [USA]  
    Hilderbrand, Trey (WC)
Zakharov, Alexey [RUS] 46 64 75 
Bittoun Kouzmine, Constantin [FRA]  
    Ayeni, Alafia
Ayeni, Alafia [USA] 36 63 64 
Decamps, Gabriel [BRA]  
    Baez, Sebastian[10]
Baez, Sebastian[10] [ARG] 46 63 64 
Korda, Sebastian[13] [USA]  
    Korda, Sebastian[13]
Draper, Jack (Q) [GBR] 62 62 
Ruusuvuori, Emil [FIN]  
    Ruusuvuori, Emil
Nanda, Govind (Q) [USA] 62 63 
Bergs, Zizou [BEL]  
    Machac, Tomas
Machac, Tomas [CZE] 76(3) 67(4) 63 
Riffice, Sam [USA]  
    Riffice, Sam
Shimizu, Yuta[4] [JPN] 63 62 
Oliel, Yshai[6] [ISR]  
    Oliel, Yshai[6]
Goetz, Ryan (WC) [USA] 64 64 
Ross, Gianni [USA]  
    Park, Uisung
Park, Uisung [KOR] 36 64 62 
Tabur, Clement (Q) [FRA]  
    Rubio Fierros, Alan Fernando
Rubio Fierros, Alan Fernando [MEX] 63 63 
Mchugh, Aidan [GBR]  
    Crawford, Oliver[11]
Crawford, Oliver[11] [GBR] 64 36 64 
Seyboth Wild, Thiago[14] [BRA]  
    Paul, Jakub (Q)
Paul, Jakub (Q) [SUI] 75 36 64 
Kirkov, Vasil [USA]  
    Kirkov, Vasil
Horie, Toru [JPN] 36 64 61 
Nefve, Axel [USA]  
    De Jong, Jesper (Q)
De Jong, Jesper (Q) [NED] 16 75 60 
Added, Dan [FRA]  
    Wu, Yibing[2]
Wu, Yibing[2] [CHN] 63 64 
Geller, Axel[1] [ARG]  
    Geller, Axel[1]
Nakashima, Brandon (WC) [USA] 75 64 
Rotsaert, Alexandre [USA]  
    Vale, Duarte[15]
Vale, Duarte[15] [POR] 64 61 
Tajima, Naoki [JPN]  
    Tajima, Naoki
Gaston, Hugo [FRA] 61 26 76(4) 
Efstathiou, Menelaos [CYP]  
    Efstathiou, Menelaos
Bryde, Trent[7] [USA] 64 62 
Rodionov, Jurij[3] [AUT]  
    Skatov, Timofey
Skatov, Timofey [KAZ] 63 62 
Carr, Simon [IRL]  
    Carr, Simon
Angele, Jaimee Floyd (WC) [FRA] 64 64 
Loffhagen, George (Q) [GBR]  
    Loffhagen, George (Q)
Nijboer, Ryan [NED] 60 63 
Thomas, Danny [USA]  
    Thomas, Danny
Hsu, Yu Hsiou[8] [TPE] 62 64 
Miladinovic, Marko[5] [SRB]  
    Hilderbrand, Trey (WC)
Hilderbrand, Trey (WC) [USA] 16 61 62 
Ayeni, Alafia [USA]  
    Baez, Sebastian[10]
Baez, Sebastian[10] [ARG] 64 64 
Korda, Sebastian[13] [USA]  
    Ruusuvuori, Emil
Ruusuvuori, Emil [FIN] 63 63 
Machac, Tomas [CZE]  
    Riffice, Sam
Riffice, Sam [USA] 63 60 
Oliel, Yshai[6] [ISR]  
    Park, Uisung
Park, Uisung [KOR] 57 64 60 
Rubio Fierros, Alan Fernando [MEX]  
    Crawford, Oliver[11]
Crawford, Oliver[11] [GBR] 62 46 64 
Paul, Jakub (Q) [SUI]  
    Paul, Jakub (Q)
Kirkov, Vasil [USA] 63 64 
De Jong, Jesper (Q) [NED]  
    Wu, Yibing[2]
Wu, Yibing[2] [CHN] 61 61 
Geller, Axel[1] [ARG]  
    Geller, Axel[1]
Vale, Duarte[15] [POR] 76(2) 62 
Tajima, Naoki [JPN]  
    Tajima, Naoki
Efstathiou, Menelaos [CYP] 60 67(1) 63 
Skatov, Timofey [KAZ]  
    Skatov, Timofey
Carr, Simon [IRL] 75 26 61 
Loffhagen, George (Q) [GBR]  
    Thomas, Danny
Thomas, Danny [USA] 61 76(5) 
Hilderbrand, Trey (WC) [USA]  
    Baez, Sebastian[10]
Baez, Sebastian[10] [ARG] 46 62 75 
Ruusuvuori, Emil [FIN]  
    Ruusuvuori, Emil
Riffice, Sam [USA] 46 64 62 
Park, Uisung [KOR]  
    Crawford, Oliver[11]
Crawford, Oliver[11] [GBR] 62 62 
Paul, Jakub (Q) [SUI]  
    Wu, Yibing[2]
Wu, Yibing[2] [CHN] 63 75 
Geller, Axel[1] [ARG]  
    Geller, Axel[1]
Tajima, Naoki [JPN] 63 67(8) 64 
Skatov, Timofey [KAZ]  
    Skatov, Timofey
Thomas, Danny [USA] 63 61 
Baez, Sebastian[10] [ARG]  
    Ruusuvuori, Emil
Ruusuvuori, Emil [FIN] 76(5) 64 
Crawford, Oliver[11] [GBR]  
    Wu, Yibing[2]
Wu, Yibing[2] [CHN] 46 63 63 
Geller, Axel[1] [ARG]  
    Geller, Axel[1]
Skatov, Timofey [KAZ] 61 76(7) 
Ruusuvuori, Emil [FIN]  
    Wu, Yibing[2]
Wu, Yibing[2] [CHN] 46 63 76(4) 
Geller, Axel[1] [ARG]  
    Wu, Yibing[2]
Wu, Yibing[2] [CHN] 64 64 
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