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Tournament Rounds

USTA National Championships, 2017, Boys 18

Kalamazoo College

Riffice, Sam[1] [USA]  
    Riffice, Sam[1]
Ihrig, Morgan H [USA] 62 63 
Sculley, Sean [USA]  
    Sculley, Sean
Krill, Robert [USA] 64 62 
Green, Max [USA]  
    Kumar, Pranav
Kumar, Pranav [USA] 63 36 61 
Siniakowicz, Robert S. [USA]  
    Siniakowicz, Robert S.
Ilagan, Andre [USA] 57 64 63 
Ross, Gianni[9] [USA]  
    Ross, Gianni[9]
Pulliam, Jack [USA] 61 62 
Frye, Bradley [USA]  
    Frye, Bradley
Poling, Karl [USA] 63 64 
Kiger, Mac[23] [USA]  
    Kiger, Mac[23]
Van Emburgh, Jake [USA] 76(6) 62 
Brumm, Jacob [USA]  
    Shi, Brian
Shi, Brian [USA] 46 76(6) 40 Ret'd 
Wolf, J.j.[5] [USA]  
    Wolf, J.j.[5]
Stringfellow, Brandon [USA] 60 61 
Pickens, Atrice [USA]  
    Kotzen, Alexander
Kotzen, Alexander [USA] 76(6) 26 62 
Sands, Jake[28] [USA]  
    Sands, Jake[28]
Perrone, Nathan [USA] 62 64 
Benkaim, Russell [USA]  
    Bailey, Aaron N
Bailey, Aaron N [USA] 36 64 64 
Fenty, Andrew[14] [USA]  
    Fenty, Andrew[14]
Kenyatte, Kweisi [USA] 61 62 
Dhingra, Arnav [USA]  
    Dhingra, Arnav
Gota, Paul E. [USA] w/o 
Sah, Timothy[30] [USA]  
    Sah, Timothy[30]
Hillis, Ethan [USA] 64 63 
Bynoe, Evan [USA]  
    Bynoe, Evan
Winters, Brett [USA] 36 64 61 
Crawford, Oliver S.[4] [USA]  
    Crawford, Oliver S.[4]
Morris, Eric [USA] 61 62 
Alshon, Christian [USA]  
    Solomon, Yuval
Solomon, Yuval [USA] 64 61 
Seggerman, Ryan[19] [USA]  
    Seggerman, Ryan[19]
Watson, Nicholas [USA] 61 62 
Meier, Mason A [USA]  
    Meier, Mason A
Sands, R.j. [USA] 63 06 62 
Ayeni, Alafia[12] [USA]  
    Ayeni, Alafia[12]
Mercer, John J [USA] 63 63 
Wei, Sean L [USA]  
    Wei, Sean L
Winkler, Jack [USA] 63 62 
Brooksby, Jenson[22] [USA]  
    Brooksby, Jenson[22]
Howells, William [USA] 61 61 
Fu, Ryan M. [USA]  
    Fu, Ryan M.
Dickson, Michael R. [USA] 62 62 
Thomas, Danny[8] [USA]  
    Thomas, Danny[8]
Stice, Tyler [USA] 60 61 
Nefve, Axel [USA]  
    Nefve, Axel
Dufort, Noah E. [USA] 61 61 
Haskins, Carson[26] [USA]  
    Haskins, Carson[26]
Perera, Kento [USA] 75 46 61 
Ciamarra, Richard [USA]  
    Ciamarra, Richard
Krimbill, Cameron M. [USA] 61 63 
Walker, Harris[16] [USA]  
    Walker, Harris[16]
Swanson, Chethan [USA] 61 64 
Rodriguez, Matthew [USA]  
    Rodriguez, Matthew
Horve, Lucas [USA] 61 63 
Johnston, Britton[32] [USA]  
    Johnston, Britton[32]
Garner, Finna [USA] 75 75 
Huynh, Phuc [VIE]  
    Huynh, Phuc
Mizrahi, David [USA] 75 75 
Baird, Drew [USA]  
    Allen, Jackson
Allen, Jackson [USA] 64 62 
Di Giulio, Austin [USA]  
    Di Giulio, Austin
Maciag, Robert[20] [USA] 64 64 
Huynh, Kevin V. [USA]  
    Huang, Austen
Huang, Austen [USA] 62 61 
Hance, Connor [USA]  
    Kirkov, Vasil[10]
Kirkov, Vasil[10] [USA] 64 63 
Rodriguez-Vidal, Alejandro [PUR]  
    Peters, William
Peters, William [USA] 64 36 64 
Shick, Collin [USA]  
    Brown, Alexander[21]
Brown, Alexander[21] [USA] 61 63 
Fletchall, Patrick [USA]  
    Thamma, Ivan
Thamma, Ivan [USA] 63 75 
Sarkar, Sumit [USA]  
    Mcnally, John[6]
Mcnally, John[6] [USA] 63 62 
Lilienthal, Noah S [USA]  
    Russell, Conrad
Russell, Conrad [USA] 46 76(7) 60 
Croyder, Blake [USA]  
    Beiler, Mason[25]
Beiler, Mason[25] [USA] 64 16 76(4) 
Cacciatore, Grey [USA]  
    Cacciatore, Grey
Arimilli, Nevin [USA] 64 63 
Wild, Maximilian [USA]  
    Cernoch, Brian[13]
Cernoch, Brian[13] [USA] 63 76(1) 
Wanner, William F. [USA]  
    Speicher, John P.
Speicher, John P. [USA] 63 64 
Bellamy, Lucas O. [USA]  
    Goetz, Ryan[29]
Goetz, Ryan[29] [USA] 60 63 
Chou, Roger [USA]  
    Chou, Roger
Lui, Jason [USA] 61 61 
Zucker, Jeff [USA]  
    Bryde, Trent J.[3]
Bryde, Trent J.[3] [USA] 61 60 
Baylon, Robert [USA]  
    Baylon, Robert
Freeman, Maxwell [USA] 64 64 
Brailovsky, Joseph [USA]  
    Duo, Bill[18]
Duo, Bill[18] [USA] 64 60 
Pham, Brandon [USA]  
    Zhu, Kevin
Zhu, Kevin [USA] 62 61 
Cassone, Hayden [USA]  
    Rotsaert, Alexandre[11]
Rotsaert, Alexandre[11] [USA] 61 60 
Oscislawski, Adam M. [USA]  
    Maloney, Patrick
Maloney, Patrick [USA] 62 67(0) 63 
Abbrat, Austin [USA]  
    Nanda, Govind[24]
Nanda, Govind[24] [USA] 63 64 
Kronenberg, Jed M. [USA]  
    Redding, Andrew
Redding, Andrew [USA] 63 63 
Larichev, Nikita [USA]  
    Korda, Sebastian[7]
Korda, Sebastian[7] [USA] 76(6) 63 
Maughan, Harvey G. [USA]  
    Draheim, Brady
Draheim, Brady [USA] 76(6) 64 
Heller, Michael [USA]  
    Hilderbrand, Trey[27]
Hilderbrand, Trey[27] [USA] 75 67(3) 62 
Forman, Steven [USA]  
    Forman, Steven
Sun, Michael [USA] 62 61 
Sarita, Kabir R. [USA]  
    Greif, Lukas[15]
Greif, Lukas[15] [USA] 63 63 
Fishkin, Jake [USA]  
    Fishkin, Jake
Kozlov, Boris [USA] 63 46 62 
Gollin, Benjamin [USA]  
    Barretto, Paul[31]
Barretto, Paul[31] [USA] 63 67(4) 63 
Vandecasteele, Luke [USA]  
    Terry, Matthew
Terry, Matthew [USA] 75 64 
Nuzhny, Daniel [USA]  
    Kypson, Patrick[2]
Kypson, Patrick[2] [USA] 63 64 
Riffice, Sam[1] [USA]  
    Riffice, Sam[1]
Sculley, Sean [USA] 61 63 
Kumar, Pranav [USA]  
    Kumar, Pranav
Siniakowicz, Robert S. [USA] 61 76(5) 
Ross, Gianni[9] [USA]  
    Ross, Gianni[9]
Frye, Bradley [USA] 61 75 
Kiger, Mac[23] [USA]  
    Kiger, Mac[23]
Shi, Brian [USA] 64 62 
Wolf, J.j.[5] [USA]  
    Wolf, J.j.[5]
Kotzen, Alexander [USA] 60 75 
Sands, Jake[28] [USA]  
    Sands, Jake[28]
Bailey, Aaron N [USA] 75 67(4) 61 
Fenty, Andrew[14] [USA]  
    Fenty, Andrew[14]
Dhingra, Arnav [USA] 46 61 75 
Sah, Timothy[30] [USA]  
    Sah, Timothy[30]
Bynoe, Evan [USA] 62 62 
Crawford, Oliver S.[4] [USA]  
    Crawford, Oliver S.[4]
Solomon, Yuval [USA] 61 63 
Seggerman, Ryan[19] [USA]  
    Seggerman, Ryan[19]
Meier, Mason A [USA] 76(3) 62 
Ayeni, Alafia[12] [USA]  
    Ayeni, Alafia[12]
Wei, Sean L [USA] 60 63 
Brooksby, Jenson[22] [USA]  
    Brooksby, Jenson[22]
Fu, Ryan M. [USA] 60 60 
Thomas, Danny[8] [USA]  
    Thomas, Danny[8]
Nefve, Axel [USA] 63 61 
Haskins, Carson[26] [USA]  
    Haskins, Carson[26]
Ciamarra, Richard [USA] 64 46 63 
Walker, Harris[16] [USA]  
    Walker, Harris[16]
Rodriguez, Matthew [USA] 36 75 61 
Johnston, Britton[32] [USA]  
    Johnston, Britton[32]
Huynh, Phuc [VIE] 63 46 63 
Allen, Jackson [USA]  
    Di Giulio, Austin
Di Giulio, Austin [USA] 26 64 61 
Huang, Austen [USA]  
    Kirkov, Vasil[10]
Kirkov, Vasil[10] [USA] 62 46 63 
Peters, William [USA]  
    Peters, William
Brown, Alexander[21] [USA] 64 63 
Thamma, Ivan [USA]  
    Mcnally, John[6]
Mcnally, John[6] [USA] 63 63 
Russell, Conrad [USA]  
    Beiler, Mason[25]
Beiler, Mason[25] [USA] 62 76(2) 
Cacciatore, Grey [USA]  
    Cernoch, Brian[13]
Cernoch, Brian[13] [USA] 62 63 
Speicher, John P. [USA]  
    Goetz, Ryan[29]
Goetz, Ryan[29] [USA] 61 62 
Chou, Roger [USA]  
    Bryde, Trent J.[3]
Bryde, Trent J.[3] [USA] 61 64 
Baylon, Robert [USA]  
    Duo, Bill[18]
Duo, Bill[18] [USA] 63 46 60 
Zhu, Kevin [USA]  
    Rotsaert, Alexandre[11]
Rotsaert, Alexandre[11] [USA] 64 64 
Maloney, Patrick [USA]  
    Nanda, Govind[24]
Nanda, Govind[24] [USA] 57 63 64 
Redding, Andrew [USA]  
    Korda, Sebastian[7]
Korda, Sebastian[7] [USA] 75 64 
Draheim, Brady [USA]  
    Hilderbrand, Trey[27]
Hilderbrand, Trey[27] [USA] 75 60 
Forman, Steven [USA]  
    Greif, Lukas[15]
Greif, Lukas[15] [USA] 63 64 
Fishkin, Jake [USA]  
    Barretto, Paul[31]
Barretto, Paul[31] [USA] 64 62 
Terry, Matthew [USA]  
    Kypson, Patrick[2]
Kypson, Patrick[2] [USA] 63 76(4) 
Riffice, Sam[1] [USA]  
    Riffice, Sam[1]
Kumar, Pranav [USA] 61 61 
Ross, Gianni[9] [USA]  
    Ross, Gianni[9]
Kiger, Mac[23] [USA] 64 46 64 
Wolf, J.j.[5] [USA]  
    Wolf, J.j.[5]
Sands, Jake[28] [USA] 76(3) 63 
Fenty, Andrew[14] [USA]  
    Sah, Timothy[30]
Sah, Timothy[30] [USA] 75 67(4) 61 
Crawford, Oliver S.[4] [USA]  
    Crawford, Oliver S.[4]
Seggerman, Ryan[19] [USA] 76(6) 63 
Ayeni, Alafia[12] [USA]  
    Ayeni, Alafia[12]
Brooksby, Jenson[22] [USA] 64 62 
Thomas, Danny[8] [USA]  
    Thomas, Danny[8]
Haskins, Carson[26] [USA] 61 63 
Walker, Harris[16] [USA]  
    Johnston, Britton[32]
Johnston, Britton[32] [USA] 46 75 63 
Di Giulio, Austin [USA]  
    Kirkov, Vasil[10]
Kirkov, Vasil[10] [USA] 16 61 75 
Peters, William [USA]  
    Mcnally, John[6]
Mcnally, John[6] [USA] 64 62 
Beiler, Mason[25] [USA]  
    Beiler, Mason[25]
Cernoch, Brian[13] [USA] 63 16 61 
Goetz, Ryan[29] [USA]  
    Goetz, Ryan[29]
Bryde, Trent J.[3] [USA] 64 63 
Duo, Bill[18] [USA]  
    Rotsaert, Alexandre[11]
Rotsaert, Alexandre[11] [USA] 61 61 
Nanda, Govind[24] [USA]  
    Korda, Sebastian[7]
Korda, Sebastian[7] [USA] 61 64 
Hilderbrand, Trey[27] [USA]  
    Hilderbrand, Trey[27]
Greif, Lukas[15] [USA] 57 64 64 
Barretto, Paul[31] [USA]  
    Kypson, Patrick[2]
Kypson, Patrick[2] [USA] 62 62 
Riffice, Sam[1] [USA]  
    Riffice, Sam[1]
Ross, Gianni[9] [USA] 76(0) 62 
Wolf, J.j.[5] [USA]  
    Wolf, J.j.[5]
Sah, Timothy[30] [USA] 61 61 
Crawford, Oliver S.[4] [USA]  
    Ayeni, Alafia[12]
Ayeni, Alafia[12] [USA] 62 57 63 
Thomas, Danny[8] [USA]  
    Thomas, Danny[8]
Johnston, Britton[32] [USA] 63 46 62 
Kirkov, Vasil[10] [USA]  
    Mcnally, John[6]
Mcnally, John[6] [USA] 57 75 64 
Beiler, Mason[25] [USA]  
    Goetz, Ryan[29]
Goetz, Ryan[29] [USA] 62 63 
Rotsaert, Alexandre[11] [USA]  
    Korda, Sebastian[7]
Korda, Sebastian[7] [USA] 76(5) 64 
Hilderbrand, Trey[27] [USA]  
    Kypson, Patrick[2]
Kypson, Patrick[2] [USA] 62 76(2) 
Riffice, Sam[1] [USA]  
    Wolf, J.j.[5]
Wolf, J.j.[5] [USA] 57 64 61 
Ayeni, Alafia[12] [USA]  
    Ayeni, Alafia[12]
Thomas, Danny[8] [USA] 67(6) 64 64 
Mcnally, John[6] [USA]  
    Goetz, Ryan[29]
Goetz, Ryan[29] [USA] 63 76(4) 
Korda, Sebastian[7] [USA]  
    Kypson, Patrick[2]
Kypson, Patrick[2] [USA] 64 76(6) 
Wolf, J.j.[5] [USA]  
    Wolf, J.j.[5]
Ayeni, Alafia[12] [USA] 63 61 
Goetz, Ryan[29] [USA]  
    Kypson, Patrick[2]
Kypson, Patrick[2] [USA] 60 63 
Wolf, J.j.[5] [USA]  
    Kypson, Patrick[2]
Kypson, Patrick[2] [USA] 67(1) 64 16 63 62 
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