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Tournament Rounds

Hungary F6 Futures [Q], 2017, M25

Park Tenisz klub

Nejedly, Pavel[1] [CZE]  
    Nejedly, Pavel[1]
Metyko, Matyas [HUN]  
    Metyko, Matyas
Pavur, Lukas [SVK] 61 61 
Dhawan, Shramay [IND]  
    Kisantal, Dominik
Kisantal, Dominik [HUN] 75 61 
Kennedy, George [GBR]  
    Varga-Toth, Oliver
Varga-Toth, Oliver [HUN] 64 64 
Mammetgulyyev, Isa[2] [TKM]  
    Mammetgulyyev, Isa[2]
Necz, Andras [HUN]  
    Necz, Andras
Neuhauser, Markus [AUT] 75 46 64 
Pinter, Gyula [HUN]  
    Petko, Leon
Petko, Leon [SVK] 61 62 
Simion, Dacian [ROU]  
    Szebeni, Daniel
Szebeni, Daniel [HUN] 60 62 
Liska, Tomas[3] [SVK]  
    Liska, Tomas[3]
Kalocsa, Bence [HUN] w/o 
Shaaf, Ofek [ISR]  
    Mirzakhani, Ali
Mirzakhani, Ali [GER] 61 64 
Keane, Patrick [IRL]  
    Szappanos, Marton
Szappanos, Marton [HUN] 61 60 
Ryan Ziegann, Sam [AUS]  
    Ryan Ziegann, Sam
Naqvi, Mehdi [GBR] 75 64 
Ianakiev, Milen[4] [GER]  
    Ianakiev, Milen[4]
Soha, Lenard [HUN] 61 60 
Horvath, Peter [HUN]  
    Ferrando, Nicolas
Ferrando, Nicolas [ARG] 62 62 
Mugelli, Pietro [ITA]  
    Mugelli, Pietro
Li-Ernoul, Joachim [FRA] 64 26 75 
Alexis, Shem [GRN]  
    Alexis, Shem
Flinner, Marek [GER] 61 36 75 
Rabas, Daniel[5] [CZE]  
    Rabas, Daniel[5]
Cseh, Tamas Krisztofer [HUN] 60 61 
Torge, Dragos Iarmil [ROU]  
    Szendroi, Laszlo
Szendroi, Laszlo [HUN] 60 61 
Samosi, Peter [SVK]  
    Samosi, Peter
Katzaros, Nicholas [GBR] 62 61 
Bartakovics, Marcell [HUN]  
    Bartakovics, Marcell
Kurzmann, Sebastian [AUT] 75 62 
Balla, Peter[6] [HUN]  
    Balla, Peter[6]
Csaholczi, Arnold [ROU] 60 61 
Hruncak, Dominik [SVK]  
    Hruncak, Dominik
Koczan, Lajos [HUN] 60 60 
Peter, Soma [HUN]  
    Lukacovic, Marek
Lukacovic, Marek [SVK] 62 60 
Afilipoaei, Andrei [CAN]  
    Brizic, Denis
Brizic, Denis [CRO] 63 63 
Glvac, Andrej[7] [SVK]  
    Fekiac, Martin
Fekiac, Martin [SVK] 57 Ret'd 
Nagyi, Norbert [AUT]  
    Aleshchev, Alexey
Aleshchev, Alexey [RUS] 60 61 
Arh, Anze [SLO]  
    Arh, Anze
Jancovic, Patrik [SVK] 63 61 
Linnemann, Julius [GER]  
    Cseresznyes, Mate
Cseresznyes, Mate [HUN] 62 61 
Zeljenka, Martin [HUN]  
    Colautti, Thomas
Colautti, Thomas [GBR] 62 46 61 
Pop, Vlad Corneliu [ROU]  
    Schranz, Bernie
Schranz, Bernie [AUT] 61 62 
Boychuk, Roman [UKR]  
    Boychuk, Roman
Zhou, Xian Yao [CHN] 64 61 
Hochel, Juraj [SVK]  
    Hochel, Juraj
Kurzmann, Florian [AUT] 75 36 63 
Nejedly, Pavel[1] [CZE]  
    Nejedly, Pavel[1]
Metyko, Matyas [HUN] 64 62 
Kisantal, Dominik [HUN]  
    Kisantal, Dominik
Varga-Toth, Oliver [HUN] 76(4) 63 
Mammetgulyyev, Isa[2] [TKM]  
    Mammetgulyyev, Isa[2]
Necz, Andras [HUN] 76(2) 61 
Petko, Leon [SVK]  
    Petko, Leon
Szebeni, Daniel [HUN] 63 64 
Liska, Tomas[3] [SVK]  
    Liska, Tomas[3]
Mirzakhani, Ali [GER] 61 61 
Szappanos, Marton [HUN]  
    Szappanos, Marton
Ryan Ziegann, Sam [AUS] 62 60 
Ianakiev, Milen[4] [GER]  
    Ferrando, Nicolas
Ferrando, Nicolas [ARG] 75 61 
Mugelli, Pietro [ITA]  
    Mugelli, Pietro
Alexis, Shem [GRN] 61 76(5) 
Rabas, Daniel[5] [CZE]  
    Szendroi, Laszlo
Szendroi, Laszlo [HUN] 61 61 
Samosi, Peter [SVK]  
    Bartakovics, Marcell
Bartakovics, Marcell [HUN] 64 61 
Balla, Peter[6] [HUN]  
    Balla, Peter[6]
Hruncak, Dominik [SVK] 75 62 
Lukacovic, Marek [SVK]  
    Lukacovic, Marek
Brizic, Denis [CRO] 61 64 
Fekiac, Martin [SVK]  
    Fekiac, Martin
Aleshchev, Alexey [RUS] 62 20 Ret'd 
Arh, Anze [SLO]  
    Arh, Anze
Cseresznyes, Mate [HUN] 62 62 
Colautti, Thomas [GBR]  
    Colautti, Thomas
Schranz, Bernie [AUT] 64 64 
Boychuk, Roman [UKR]  
    Boychuk, Roman
Hochel, Juraj [SVK] 60 60 
Nejedly, Pavel[1] [CZE]  
    Nejedly, Pavel[1]
Kisantal, Dominik [HUN] 61 61 
Mammetgulyyev, Isa[2] [TKM]  
    Mammetgulyyev, Isa[2]
Petko, Leon [SVK] 63 64 
Liska, Tomas[3] [SVK]  
    Liska, Tomas[3]
Szappanos, Marton [HUN] 61 63 
Ferrando, Nicolas [ARG]  
    Ferrando, Nicolas
Mugelli, Pietro [ITA] 63 60 
Szendroi, Laszlo [HUN]  
    Szendroi, Laszlo
Bartakovics, Marcell [HUN] 61 16 64 
Balla, Peter[6] [HUN]  
    Balla, Peter[6]
Lukacovic, Marek [SVK] 64 64 
Fekiac, Martin [SVK]  
    Fekiac, Martin
Arh, Anze [SLO] 62 57 61 
Colautti, Thomas [GBR]  
    Colautti, Thomas
Boychuk, Roman [UKR] 62 67(5) 76(5) 
Nejedly, Pavel[1] [CZE]  
Mammetgulyyev, Isa[2] [TKM]   
Liska, Tomas[3] [SVK]  
Ferrando, Nicolas [ARG]   
Szendroi, Laszlo [HUN]  
Balla, Peter[6] [HUN]   
Fekiac, Martin [SVK]  
Colautti, Thomas [GBR]   
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