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Tournament Rounds

J500 Plantation \ Orange Bowl Int'l Tennis Championships [Q], 2017, J500 Boys

Orange Bowl International Tennis Championship

Riquelme, Agustin[1] [ARG]  
    Riquelme, Agustin[1]
Sebastian, Patrick [USA] 60 63 
Poling, Karl [USA]  
    Poling, Karl
Davis, George [GBR] 63 36 62 
Meister, Nicolas [USA]  
    Meister, Nicolas
Queiroz, Matheus [BRA] 63 62 
Zeng, Zicheng [CHN]  
    Zeng, Zicheng
Mandlik, Mark[14] [USA] 36 63 62 
Perez, Brandon[2] [VEN]  
    Watane, Anuj
Watane, Anuj [USA] 36 76(5) 20 Ret'd 
Judy Hansen, Jonathan [USA]  
    Platas, Luis Andres
Platas, Luis Andres [MEX] 46 62 63 
Paredes, Juan Manuel [COL]  
    Paredes, Juan Manuel
Garner, Zachary [USA] 76(8) 62 
Magalhaes Campos, Gustavo [BRA]  
    Welch, Sebastian[9]
Welch, Sebastian[9] [CHI] 61 64 
Sarkar, Sumit[3] [USA]  
    Sarkar, Sumit[3]
Schaefer, Joachim Andreas [NOR] 63 62 
Pezzoli, Giacomo [ITA]  
    Neff, Adam
Neff, Adam [USA] 61 62 
Pachnev, Sasha [CAN]  
    Steinhausen, Julian Noah
Steinhausen, Julian Noah [USA] 61 62 
Prieto, Nicolas Jose [COL]  
    Deschamps, Allan[11]
Deschamps, Allan[11] [FRA] 62 57 62 
Cronje, Lleyton[4] [RSA]  
    Cronje, Lleyton[4]
Lerby, Christian [NED] 63 63 
Feijao Nogueira, Vinicius [BRA]  
    Feijao Nogueira, Vinicius
Belfort, Diego [USA] 60 60 
Moreno, Daniel [MEX]  
    Moreno, Daniel
Heller, Michael [USA] 60 60 
Bode, Joshua [USA]  
    Narbekov, Sultan[15]
Narbekov, Sultan[15] [KAZ] 46 64 63 
Sepulveda Garza, Marcelo[5] [MEX]  
    Sepulveda Garza, Marcelo[5]
Harper, Cleeve [CAN] 75 62 
Companion, Kahaka'ioikamalie [USA]  
    Moses, Dennis
Moses, Dennis [ZIM] 62 61 
Kingsley, Cannon [USA]  
    Kingsley, Cannon
Cernuda Alonso, Cesar [ESP] 62 60 
Pak, Rodion [KAZ]  
    Johns, Garrett[16]
Johns, Garrett[16] [USA] 62 36 75 
Riviere Padilha, Diego[6] [BRA]  
    Riviere Padilha, Diego[6]
Siegler, Louis [USA] 76(5) 75 
Johnson, Janmagnus [USA]  
    Johnson, Janmagnus
Dawani, Ali [BRN] 64 62 
Sanchez, Juan Manuel [COL]  
    Pratt, Jared
Pratt, Jared [USA] 62 63 
Wild, Maximilian [USA]  
    Wild, Maximilian
Wu, Yuchen[13] [CHN] 75 57 63 
Glinka, Daniil[7] [EST]  
    Glinka, Daniil[7]
Pognon, Christophe [FRA] 63 63 
Sundaram, Ritik [USA]  
    Sundaram, Ritik
Pessoa, Bruno [BRA] 63 60 
Giler Cho, Jose [ECU]  
    Villar, Yeudy
Villar, Yeudy [DOM] 64 61 
Castaneda, Guillermo [MEX]  
    Rollins, Pierce Brazil[10]
Rollins, Pierce Brazil[10] [USA] 60 61 
Schlageter, Justin[8] [GER]  
    Schlageter, Justin[8]
Schachter, Noah [USA] 75 63 
Sen, Aryaan [USA]  
    Giannella, Joao
Giannella, Joao [BRA] 61 61 
Jorgensen, Sebastian Grundtvig [DEN]  
    Jorgensen, Sebastian Grundtvig
Redelijk, Jordi [USA] 62 63 
Johnson, Mitchell [GBR]  
    Caula, Bruno[12]
Caula, Bruno[12] [ARG] 60 61 
Riquelme, Agustin[1] [ARG]  
    Poling, Karl
Poling, Karl [USA] 36 64 61 
Meister, Nicolas [USA]  
    Zeng, Zicheng
Zeng, Zicheng [CHN] 62 61 
Watane, Anuj [USA]  
    Watane, Anuj
Platas, Luis Andres [MEX] 61 61 
Paredes, Juan Manuel [COL]  
    Welch, Sebastian[9]
Welch, Sebastian[9] [CHI] 63 61 
Sarkar, Sumit[3] [USA]  
    Sarkar, Sumit[3]
Neff, Adam [USA] 61 62 
Steinhausen, Julian Noah [USA]  
    Deschamps, Allan[11]
Deschamps, Allan[11] [FRA] 06 75 62 
Cronje, Lleyton[4] [RSA]  
    Cronje, Lleyton[4]
Feijao Nogueira, Vinicius [BRA] 62 76(1) 
Moreno, Daniel [MEX]  
    Moreno, Daniel
Narbekov, Sultan[15] [KAZ] 62 63 
Sepulveda Garza, Marcelo[5] [MEX]  
    Sepulveda Garza, Marcelo[5]
Moses, Dennis [ZIM] 61 61 
Kingsley, Cannon [USA]  
    Johns, Garrett[16]
Johns, Garrett[16] [USA] 63 57 63 
Riviere Padilha, Diego[6] [BRA]  
    Johnson, Janmagnus
Johnson, Janmagnus [USA] 26 60 64 
Pratt, Jared [USA]  
    Wild, Maximilian
Wild, Maximilian [USA] 75 63 
Glinka, Daniil[7] [EST]  
    Glinka, Daniil[7]
Sundaram, Ritik [USA] 62 61 
Villar, Yeudy [DOM]  
    Rollins, Pierce Brazil[10]
Rollins, Pierce Brazil[10] [USA] 61 64 
Schlageter, Justin[8] [GER]  
    Schlageter, Justin[8]
Giannella, Joao [BRA] 64 64 
Jorgensen, Sebastian Grundtvig [DEN]  
    Caula, Bruno[12]
Caula, Bruno[12] [ARG] 26 75 61 
Poling, Karl [USA]  
    Poling, Karl
Zeng, Zicheng [CHN] 63 62 
Watane, Anuj [USA]  
    Welch, Sebastian[9]
Welch, Sebastian[9] [CHI] 63 63 
Sarkar, Sumit[3] [USA]  
    Sarkar, Sumit[3]
Deschamps, Allan[11] [FRA] 60 63 
Cronje, Lleyton[4] [RSA]  
    Moreno, Daniel
Moreno, Daniel [MEX] 76(5) 76(4) 
Sepulveda Garza, Marcelo[5] [MEX]  
    Sepulveda Garza, Marcelo[5]
Johns, Garrett[16] [USA] 62 67(7) 62 
Johnson, Janmagnus [USA]  
    Johnson, Janmagnus
Wild, Maximilian [USA] 62 62 
Glinka, Daniil[7] [EST]  
    Glinka, Daniil[7]
Rollins, Pierce Brazil[10] [USA] 63 64 
Schlageter, Justin[8] [GER]  
    Caula, Bruno[12]
Caula, Bruno[12] [ARG] 64 06 62 
Poling, Karl [USA]  
Welch, Sebastian[9] [CHI]   
Sarkar, Sumit[3] [USA]  
Moreno, Daniel [MEX]   
Sepulveda Garza, Marcelo[5] [MEX]  
Johnson, Janmagnus [USA]   
Glinka, Daniil[7] [EST]  
Caula, Bruno[12] [ARG]   
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