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Tunisia F36 Futures [Q], 2017, M25

Hidalgo, Diego[1] [ECU]  
    Hidalgo, Diego[1]
Lamberti, Edoardo [ITA]  
    Lamberti, Edoardo
Ben Abdallah, Elyes (WC) [TUN] 62 60 
Collins, Sean [IRL]  
    Dolz, Lluis
Dolz, Lluis [ESP] 62 64 
Schelcher Muro, Pablo [ESP]  
    Korobeynikov, Grigoriy
Korobeynikov, Grigoriy [UZB] 64 46 62 
Barranco, Sergio[2] [ESP]  
    Barranco, Sergio[2]
Ben Abdallah, Skander (WC) [TUN]  
    Ben Abdallah, Skander (WC)
Xu, Yifeng [SGP] 60 60 
Messaoud, Youssef [TUN]  
    Messaoud, Youssef
Castorino, Davide [ITA] 46 63 63 
Benzal Alia, Ignacio [ESP]  
    Luque Rico, Enrique
Luque Rico, Enrique [ESP] 61 60 
Sanz Llopis, Aitor[3] [ESP]  
    Sanz Llopis, Aitor[3]
Gabarro, Xavier [ESP]  
    Kranic, Karlo
Kranic, Karlo [CRO] 64 61 
Micarelli, Giorgio [ITA]  
    Albertoni, Davide
Albertoni, Davide [ITA] 60 64 
Brees, Thomas [BEL]  
    Trapani, Andrea
Trapani, Andrea [ITA] 75 61 
Semedo, Miguel[4] [POR]  
    Semedo, Miguel[4]
Busch, Ruben [GER]  
    Hjorth, Philip
Hjorth, Philip [DEN] 61 64 
O'connor, Neil [IRL]  
    Caparco, Giuseppe
Caparco, Giuseppe [ITA] 60 61 
Munafo, Pedro [ARG]  
    Didenko, Bogdan[10]
Didenko, Bogdan[10] [UKR] 76(9) 26 64 
Dowson, Dan[5] [GBR]  
    Dowson, Dan[5]
Ortega, Pedro [BRA]  
    Ortega, Pedro
Testa, Daniil [ITA] 75 64 
Ben Abdennibi, Sami [MAR]  
    Batlle, Carles
Batlle, Carles [ESP] 64 76(1) 
Bakunin, Maksim [UKR]  
    Bessire, Andrea[11]
Bessire, Andrea[11] [ITA] 64 61 
Danes, Alexandru[6] [FRA]  
    Martin Tiffon, Pol
Martin Tiffon, Pol [ESP] 63 67(5) 64 
Abibsi, Mohamed Ali [ALG]  
    Schubert, Hans Albert
Schubert, Hans Albert [CHI] 62 51 Ret'd 
Dal Santo, Tommaso [ITA]  
    Dal Santo, Tommaso
Ben Ali, Mohamed Selim (WC) [TUN] 62 62 
Garcia, Alejandro [ESP]  
    Garcia, Alejandro
Mansilla Diez, Mario[9] [ESP] 62 75 
Rodrigues, Daniel[7] [POR]  
    Rodrigues, Daniel[7]
Salazar, Daniel [COL] 64 60 
Yehorov, Vasyl [UKR]  
    Vives Marcos, Pedro
Vives Marcos, Pedro [ESP] 26 63 76(3) 
Gorsic, David [SLO]  
    Palmese, Andrea
Palmese, Andrea [ITA] 62 60 
Butler, Harry [GBR]  
    Mancineiras Cornella, Oscar[12]
Mancineiras Cornella, Oscar[12] [ESP] 63 61 
Berbegal Moreno, Alberto[8] [ESP]  
    Berbegal Moreno, Alberto[8]
Niv, Benjamin [BUL] 63 63 
Nardelli, Gabriele [ITA]  
    Phunsawat, Chanon
Phunsawat, Chanon [THA] 61 63 
Bothwell, Samuel [IRL]  
    Bothwell, Samuel
Kendler, Maximilian [NED] 61 60 
Nagoudi, Adam (WC) [TUN]  
    Sardella, Edoardo[13]
Sardella, Edoardo[13] [ITA] 64 62 
Hidalgo, Diego[1] [ECU]  
    Lamberti, Edoardo
Lamberti, Edoardo [ITA] w/o 
Dolz, Lluis [ESP]  
    Dolz, Lluis
Korobeynikov, Grigoriy [UZB] 61 64 
Barranco, Sergio[2] [ESP]  
    Barranco, Sergio[2]
Ben Abdallah, Skander (WC) [TUN] 62 63 
Messaoud, Youssef [TUN]  
    Luque Rico, Enrique
Luque Rico, Enrique [ESP] 61 62 
Sanz Llopis, Aitor[3] [ESP]  
    Kranic, Karlo
Kranic, Karlo [CRO] 64 63 
Albertoni, Davide [ITA]  
    Trapani, Andrea
Trapani, Andrea [ITA] 63 61 
Semedo, Miguel[4] [POR]  
    Hjorth, Philip
Hjorth, Philip [DEN] 63 61 
Caparco, Giuseppe [ITA]  
    Caparco, Giuseppe
Didenko, Bogdan[10] [UKR] 62 62 
Dowson, Dan[5] [GBR]  
    Dowson, Dan[5]
Ortega, Pedro [BRA] 61 60 
Batlle, Carles [ESP]  
    Bessire, Andrea[11]
Bessire, Andrea[11] [ITA] 36 62 64 
Martin Tiffon, Pol [ESP]  
    Martin Tiffon, Pol
Schubert, Hans Albert [CHI] 60 64 
Dal Santo, Tommaso [ITA]  
    Garcia, Alejandro
Garcia, Alejandro [ESP] 62 75 
Rodrigues, Daniel[7] [POR]  
    Rodrigues, Daniel[7]
Vives Marcos, Pedro [ESP] 76(5) 63 
Palmese, Andrea [ITA]  
    Palmese, Andrea
Mancineiras Cornella, Oscar[12] [ESP] 63 46 76(4) 
Berbegal Moreno, Alberto[8] [ESP]  
    Berbegal Moreno, Alberto[8]
Phunsawat, Chanon [THA] 63 61 
Bothwell, Samuel [IRL]  
    Sardella, Edoardo[13]
Sardella, Edoardo[13] [ITA] 63 46 61 
Lamberti, Edoardo [ITA]  
    Dolz, Lluis
Dolz, Lluis [ESP] 26 62 64 
Barranco, Sergio[2] [ESP]  
    Luque Rico, Enrique
Luque Rico, Enrique [ESP] 63 36 64 
Kranic, Karlo [CRO]  
    Kranic, Karlo
Trapani, Andrea [ITA] 63 61 
Hjorth, Philip [DEN]  
    Caparco, Giuseppe
Caparco, Giuseppe [ITA] 64 Ret'd 
Dowson, Dan[5] [GBR]  
    Bessire, Andrea[11]
Bessire, Andrea[11] [ITA] 62 62 
Martin Tiffon, Pol [ESP]  
    Garcia, Alejandro
Garcia, Alejandro [ESP] 64 46 63 
Rodrigues, Daniel[7] [POR]  
    Rodrigues, Daniel[7]
Palmese, Andrea [ITA] 62 63 
Berbegal Moreno, Alberto[8] [ESP]  
    Berbegal Moreno, Alberto[8]
Sardella, Edoardo[13] [ITA] 64 67(1) 64 
Dolz, Lluis [ESP]  
Luque Rico, Enrique [ESP]   
Kranic, Karlo [CRO]  
Caparco, Giuseppe [ITA]   
Bessire, Andrea[11] [ITA]  
Garcia, Alejandro [ESP]   
Rodrigues, Daniel[7] [POR]  
Berbegal Moreno, Alberto[8] [ESP]   
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