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Tournament Rounds

El Salvador F1 Futures [Q], 2008, M25

Maya Country Club

Grimolizzi, Gaston-Arturo[1] [ARG]  
    Grimolizzi, Gaston-Arturo[1]
Escobar Serrano, Cesar [ESA]  
    Escobar Serrano, Cesar
Paiz, Guillermo Jose [GUA]  
    Castillo, Diego
Castillo, Diego [GUA] 60 64 
Tosi, Matteo [ITA]  
    Nahim, Raul
Nahim, Raul [ARG] 60 61 
Reichel, Alexander[2] [USA]  
    Reichel, Alexander[2]
Nguyen, Christopher [USA]  
    Nguyen, Christopher
George Jr, Viju [USA]  
    George Jr, Viju
Ramirez, German [PAR] 62 60 
Traldi, Rodrigo [BRA]  
    Traldi, Rodrigo
Fuller, Mason [USA] 62 61 
Fuller, Jeremiah[3] [USA]  
    Fuller, Jeremiah[3]
Ramirez, Juan-Carlos [PAR]  
    Ramirez, Juan-Carlos
Rud, Igor [RUS]  
    Marrone, Gaetano
Marrone, Gaetano [ITA] 61 46 30 Ret'd 
Centeno, Santiago [GUA]  
    Valls, Ignacio
Valls, Ignacio [ESP] 63 36 64 
Ruiz-Rosales, Antonio[4] [MEX]  
    Ruiz-Rosales, Antonio[4]
Howe, Andrew [AUS]  
    Howe, Andrew
Cooper, Joe [GBR]  
    Tur, Gonzalo
Tur, Gonzalo [ARG] 62 61 
Kaire, Manuel [GUA]  
    Suriano, Benito Jose
Suriano, Benito Jose [ESA] 61 75 
Romero-Torres, Amador[5] [ESP]  
    Romero-Torres, Amador[5]
Jim, Sydney [USA]  
    Jim, Sydney
Roman, Rafael [ESA]  
    Gehrke, Geoffrey
Gehrke, Geoffrey [USA] 36 60 62 
Sobarzo-Vignolo, Marco [CHI]  
    Mateljan, Andrew
Mateljan, Andrew [USA] 64 60 
Ndlela, Mlandeli[6] [ZIM]  
    Ndlela, Mlandeli[6]
Solbes-Lloren, Miguel-Ange [ESP]  
    Solbes-Lloren, Miguel-Ange
Chora Rojas, Marco Antonio [MEX]  
    Chora Rojas, Marco Antonio
Solanas-Lafuente, Jonathan [ESP] 63 60 
Alvarez, Rodrigo [ARG]  
    Alvarez, Rodrigo
Valero-Payro, Mauricio [MEX] 76(4) 64 
Vukov, Stefano[7] [CRO]  
    Vukov, Stefano[7]
Bustamante, Rodolfo [BRA]  
    Bustamante, Rodolfo
Esposito, Mario [GUA] 61 61 
Ortiz, Jose Alvaro [GUA]  
    Cardenas, Moises
Cardenas, Moises [PER] 60 62 
    Schwandt, Derek[9]
Schwandt, Derek[9] [USA]   
Fanucci, Pietro[8] [ITA]  
    Fanucci, Pietro[8]
Bernay, Jonathan [ARG]  
    Bernay, Jonathan
Kapitula, Damian [ARG] 64 62 
Salvatore Deprez, Jean-Alexandre [CAM]  
    Pallares, Edgar
Pallares, Edgar [ESP] 61 62 
    Gumbs, Gregory[10]
Gumbs, Gregory[10] [FRA]   
Grimolizzi, Gaston-Arturo[1] [ARG]  
    Grimolizzi, Gaston-Arturo[1]
Escobar Serrano, Cesar [ESA] 61 61 
Castillo, Diego [GUA]  
    Nahim, Raul
Nahim, Raul [ARG] 62 63 
Reichel, Alexander[2] [USA]  
    Reichel, Alexander[2]
Nguyen, Christopher [USA] 61 60 
George Jr, Viju [USA]  
    George Jr, Viju
Traldi, Rodrigo [BRA] 63 61 
Fuller, Jeremiah[3] [USA]  
    Ramirez, Juan-Carlos
Ramirez, Juan-Carlos [PAR] 75 67(5) 63 
Marrone, Gaetano [ITA]  
    Marrone, Gaetano
Valls, Ignacio [ESP] 61 61 
Ruiz-Rosales, Antonio[4] [MEX]  
    Ruiz-Rosales, Antonio[4]
Howe, Andrew [AUS] 63 64 
Tur, Gonzalo [ARG]  
    Tur, Gonzalo
Suriano, Benito Jose [ESA] 60 60 
Romero-Torres, Amador[5] [ESP]  
    Romero-Torres, Amador[5]
Jim, Sydney [USA] 60 76(6) 
Gehrke, Geoffrey [USA]  
    Mateljan, Andrew
Mateljan, Andrew [USA] 60 63 
Ndlela, Mlandeli[6] [ZIM]  
    Solbes-Lloren, Miguel-Ange
Solbes-Lloren, Miguel-Ange [ESP] 76(5) 62 
Chora Rojas, Marco Antonio [MEX]  
    Chora Rojas, Marco Antonio
Alvarez, Rodrigo [ARG] 61 67(6) 61 
Vukov, Stefano[7] [CRO]  
    Bustamante, Rodolfo
Bustamante, Rodolfo [BRA] 75 75 
Cardenas, Moises [PER]  
    Schwandt, Derek[9]
Schwandt, Derek[9] [USA] 57 76(4) 61 
Fanucci, Pietro[8] [ITA]  
    Bernay, Jonathan
Bernay, Jonathan [ARG] 64 64 
Pallares, Edgar [ESP]  
    Pallares, Edgar
Gumbs, Gregory[10] [FRA] 46 62 64 
Grimolizzi, Gaston-Arturo[1] [ARG]  
    Grimolizzi, Gaston-Arturo[1]
Nahim, Raul [ARG] 63 62 
Reichel, Alexander[2] [USA]  
    George Jr, Viju
George Jr, Viju [USA] 64 11 Ret'd 
Ramirez, Juan-Carlos [PAR]  
    Ramirez, Juan-Carlos
Marrone, Gaetano [ITA] 46 63 64 
Ruiz-Rosales, Antonio[4] [MEX]  
    Tur, Gonzalo
Tur, Gonzalo [ARG] 36 63 63 
Romero-Torres, Amador[5] [ESP]  
    Romero-Torres, Amador[5]
Mateljan, Andrew [USA] 36 63 63 
Solbes-Lloren, Miguel-Ange [ESP]  
    Chora Rojas, Marco Antonio
Chora Rojas, Marco Antonio [MEX] 61 57 61 
Bustamante, Rodolfo [BRA]  
    Schwandt, Derek[9]
Schwandt, Derek[9] [USA] 62 63 
Bernay, Jonathan [ARG]  
    Pallares, Edgar
Pallares, Edgar [ESP] 63 62 
Grimolizzi, Gaston-Arturo[1] [ARG]  
George Jr, Viju [USA]   
Ramirez, Juan-Carlos [PAR]  
Tur, Gonzalo [ARG]   
Romero-Torres, Amador[5] [ESP]  
Chora Rojas, Marco Antonio [MEX]   
Schwandt, Derek[9] [USA]  
Pallares, Edgar [ESP]   
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