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Tournament Rounds

J300 Traralgon \ Loy Yang Power Traralgon International, 2018, J300 Boys

Traralgon Tennis Association

Skatov, Timofey[1] [KAZ]  
    Skatov, Timofey[1]
Baird, Drew [USA] 76(4) 76(3) 
Ho, Ray [TPE]  
    Ho, Ray
Watanabe, Seita [JPN] 76(3) 63 
Cavrak, Ken [AUS]  
    Wenger, Damien
Wenger, Damien [SUI] 63 64 
Ichikawa, Taisei [JPN]  
    Styler, Ondrej[14]
Styler, Ondrej[14] [CZE] 64 76(10) 
Cerundolo, Juan Manuel[10] [ARG]  
    Cerundolo, Juan Manuel[10]
Kalender, Admir [CRO] 64 63 
Sweeny, Dane [AUS]  
    Angele, Jaimee Floyd (Q)
Angele, Jaimee Floyd (Q) [FRA] 62 61 
Gimenez, Igor [BRA]  
    Gimenez, Igor
Loffhagen, George [GBR] 76(3) 62 
Sridhar, Sangeet [USA]  
    Gaston, Hugo[5]
Gaston, Hugo[5] [FRA] 63 76(3) 
Han, Seon Yong (LL) [KOR]  
    Han, Seon Yong (LL)
Shiraishi, Hikaru (Q) [JPN] 63 63 
Hijikata, Rinky (WC) [AUS]  
    Hijikata, Rinky (WC)
Reis Da Silva, Joao Lucas [BRA] 60 16 62 
Musetti, Lorenzo [ITA]  
    Musetti, Lorenzo
Svrcina, Dalibor [CZE] 62 62 
Dellavedova, Matthew [AUS]  
    Fenty, Andrew[13]
Fenty, Andrew[13] [USA] 62 26 76(4) 
Tirante, Thiago Agustin[11] [ARG]  
    Tirante, Thiago Agustin[11]
Marek, Wojciech [POL] 76(4) 76(4) 
Schoolkate, Tristan (WC) [AUS]  
    Tabur, Clement
Tabur, Clement [FRA] 62 67(3) 76(3) 
Colas Sanchez, Alberto (Q) [ESP]  
    Zeppieri, Giulio (Q)
Zeppieri, Giulio (Q) [ITA] 62 46 62 
Henning, Philip (Q) [RSA]  
    Henning, Philip (Q)
Mejia, Nicolas[8] [COL] 60 62 
Tseng, Chun-Hsin[6] [TPE]  
    Tseng, Chun-Hsin[6]
Pucinelli De Almeida, Matheus [BRA] 62 62 
Court, Jayden (WC) [AUS]  
    Krutykh, Oleksii (LL)
Krutykh, Oleksii (LL) [UKR] 61 64 
Salmon, Campbell (WC) [AUS]  
    Mchugh, Aidan
Mchugh, Aidan [GBR] 60 61 
Erel, Yanki [TUR]  
    Erel, Yanki
Zakharov, Alexey[12] [RUS] 64 75 
Machac, Tomas[16] [CZE]  
    Machac, Tomas[16]
Boyer, Tristan [USA] 63 63 
Storch, Stefan (WC) [AUS]  
    De Jong, Jesper
De Jong, Jesper [NED] 57 60 61 
Jianu, Filip Cristian [ROU]  
    Andreev, Adrian
Andreev, Adrian [BUL] 63 67(5) 63 
Michalski, Daniel [POL]  
    Michalski, Daniel
Baez, Sebastian[4] [ARG] 46 62 75 
Korda, Sebastian[7] [USA]  
    Korda, Sebastian[7]
Mu, Tao [CHN] 63 62 
Hardt, Nick [DOM]  
    Hardt, Nick
Droguet, Titouan [FRA] 60 76(4) 
Jeong, Yeong-Seok [KOR]  
    Jeong, Yeong-Seok
Crnokrak, Alexander (WC) [AUS] 76(7) 75 
Draper, Jack [GBR]  
    Seyboth Wild, Thiago[9]
Seyboth Wild, Thiago[9] [BRA] 62 Ret'd 
Tajima, Naoki[15] [JPN]  
    Tajima, Naoki[15]
Chin, Christian Didier [MAS] 62 62 
Ajdukovic, Duje [CRO]  
    Ajdukovic, Duje
Shi, Brian (Q) [USA] 63 67(6) 61 
Bosancic, Thomas [AUS]  
    Bosancic, Thomas
Grevelius, Erik (Q) [SWE] 46 76(9) 60 
Paulson, Andrew [CZE]  
    Miladinovic, Marko[2]
Miladinovic, Marko[2] [SRB] 63 76(2) 
Skatov, Timofey[1] [KAZ]  
    Skatov, Timofey[1]
Ho, Ray [TPE] 46 75 75 
Wenger, Damien [SUI]  
    Styler, Ondrej[14]
Styler, Ondrej[14] [CZE] 62 76(4) 
Cerundolo, Juan Manuel[10] [ARG]  
    Angele, Jaimee Floyd (Q)
Angele, Jaimee Floyd (Q) [FRA] 61 76(2) 
Gimenez, Igor [BRA]  
    Gaston, Hugo[5]
Gaston, Hugo[5] [FRA] 61 75 
Han, Seon Yong (LL) [KOR]  
    Hijikata, Rinky (WC)
Hijikata, Rinky (WC) [AUS] 61 63 
Musetti, Lorenzo [ITA]  
    Fenty, Andrew[13]
Fenty, Andrew[13] [USA] 75 63 
Tirante, Thiago Agustin[11] [ARG]  
    Tabur, Clement
Tabur, Clement [FRA] 62 63 
Zeppieri, Giulio (Q) [ITA]  
    Zeppieri, Giulio (Q)
Henning, Philip (Q) [RSA] 62 63 
Tseng, Chun-Hsin[6] [TPE]  
    Tseng, Chun-Hsin[6]
Krutykh, Oleksii (LL) [UKR] 63 62 
Mchugh, Aidan [GBR]  
    Mchugh, Aidan
Erel, Yanki [TUR] 63 26 64 
Machac, Tomas[16] [CZE]  
    De Jong, Jesper
De Jong, Jesper [NED] 61 63 
Andreev, Adrian [BUL]  
    Michalski, Daniel
Michalski, Daniel [POL] 64 26 63 
Korda, Sebastian[7] [USA]  
    Korda, Sebastian[7]
Hardt, Nick [DOM] 63 67(4) 60 
Jeong, Yeong-Seok [KOR]  
    Seyboth Wild, Thiago[9]
Seyboth Wild, Thiago[9] [BRA] 64 75 
Tajima, Naoki[15] [JPN]  
    Tajima, Naoki[15]
Ajdukovic, Duje [CRO] 63 63 
Bosancic, Thomas [AUS]  
    Miladinovic, Marko[2]
Miladinovic, Marko[2] [SRB] 63 64 
Skatov, Timofey[1] [KAZ]  
    Styler, Ondrej[14]
Styler, Ondrej[14] [CZE] 63 76(1) 
Angele, Jaimee Floyd (Q) [FRA]  
    Gaston, Hugo[5]
Gaston, Hugo[5] [FRA] 64 75 
Hijikata, Rinky (WC) [AUS]  
    Fenty, Andrew[13]
Fenty, Andrew[13] [USA] 64 26 60 
Tabur, Clement [FRA]  
    Tabur, Clement
Zeppieri, Giulio (Q) [ITA] 62 64 
Tseng, Chun-Hsin[6] [TPE]  
    Mchugh, Aidan
Mchugh, Aidan [GBR] 76(2) 62 
De Jong, Jesper [NED]  
    Michalski, Daniel
Michalski, Daniel [POL] 64 16 62 
Korda, Sebastian[7] [USA]  
    Korda, Sebastian[7]
Seyboth Wild, Thiago[9] [BRA] 76(4) 75 
Tajima, Naoki[15] [JPN]  
    Miladinovic, Marko[2]
Miladinovic, Marko[2] [SRB] 63 64 
Styler, Ondrej[14] [CZE]  
    Gaston, Hugo[5]
Gaston, Hugo[5] [FRA] 62 36 63 
Fenty, Andrew[13] [USA]  
    Tabur, Clement
Tabur, Clement [FRA] 63 62 
Mchugh, Aidan [GBR]  
    Mchugh, Aidan
Michalski, Daniel [POL] 64 Ret'd 
Korda, Sebastian[7] [USA]  
    Miladinovic, Marko[2]
Miladinovic, Marko[2] [SRB] 57 76(4) 64 
Gaston, Hugo[5] [FRA]  
    Gaston, Hugo[5]
Tabur, Clement [FRA] 63 76(6) 
Mchugh, Aidan [GBR]  
    Mchugh, Aidan
Miladinovic, Marko[2] [SRB] 46 64 62 
Gaston, Hugo[5] [FRA]  
    Gaston, Hugo[5]
Mchugh, Aidan [GBR] 61 61 
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