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Tournament Rounds

J4 Delray Beach \ Delray Beach ITF [Q], 2018, J60 Boys

Delray Beach Swim & Tennis Club

Berdusco, Russell[1] [USA]  
    Braswell, Micah
Braswell, Micah [USA] 63 62 
Bonchis, Serban [ROU]  
    Gordon, Eli
Gordon, Eli [USA] 75 62 
Kane, Brian [USA]  
    Kane, Brian
Hendrikse, Koen (WC) [NED] 60 75 
Beaudoin, Hudson [USA]  
    Johnson, Mitchell[11]
Johnson, Mitchell[11] [GBR] 62 62 
Liu, Hanyu[2] [CHN]  
    Motaghedi, Nadim
Motaghedi, Nadim [USA] 62 64 
Winegar, Theo [USA]  
    Winegar, Theo
Gunawan, Daniel [INA] 61 62 
Elias Hanni, Facundo [ARG]  
    Elias Hanni, Facundo
Martinez, Mateo [USA] 63 64 
Gold, Harrison [USA]  
    Gold, Harrison
Nezar, Damien[12] [RSA] 63 61 
Karagozoglu, Kemal[3] [TUR]  
    Karagozoglu, Kemal[3]
Becker, Noah [USA] 63 62 
Armistead, Jackson [USA]  
    Armistead, Jackson
Platas, Luis Eduardo [MEX] 64 63 
Campoverde, Roberto [USA]  
    Duan, Adam
Duan, Adam [USA] 61 63 
Casabon, Jeremie [USA]  
    Casabon, Jeremie
Suarez Espinosa, Agustin[14] [ECU] 62 61 
Huang, Haoyuan[4] [CHN]  
    Huang, Haoyuan[4]
Torres, Noah Michael [USA] 63 61 
Inada, Koichiro [USA]  
    Inada, Koichiro
Geschwind, Francisco Tomas [ARG] 62 76(4) 
Grunig, Nicolas [SUI]  
    Sverdlov, Mark
Sverdlov, Mark [USA] 75 62 
Pinzon Moreno, Nicolas [USA]  
    Zhu, Andy[15]
Zhu, Andy[15] [CAN] 61 46 62 
Brown, Preston[5] [USA]  
    Brown, Preston[5]
Amiri, Farhan [USA] 60 60 
Moledina, Zamaan [USA]  
    Moledina, Zamaan
Shaoul, Abie [USA] 62 61 
Filatov, Nikita (WC) [RUS]  
    Nicholls, Michael (WC)
Nicholls, Michael (WC) [USA] 64 63 
Caicedo, Nicholas [USA]  
    Vilicich, Bautista[9]
Vilicich, Bautista[9] [ARG] 60 61 
Mercelina, Philippe[6] [NED]  
    Mercelina, Philippe[6]
Pinzon Moreno, Felipe [USA] 64 62 
Gbedey, Khaleel [USA]  
    Gbedey, Khaleel
Dickson, Samuel [DOM] 75 62 
Castillo, Carlos [VEN]  
    Castillo, Carlos
Han, Alex [USA] 46 63 62 
Kurtz, Alex [USA]  
    Pezzoli, Giacomo[13]
Pezzoli, Giacomo[13] [ITA] 60 61 
Bencedic, Zvonko[7] [GBR]  
    Bencedic, Zvonko[7]
Ribas, Simon [USA] 62 62 
Kamyshev, Sean [ISR]  
    Kamyshev, Sean
Uter, Aaron [USA] 61 62 
Sanater, Alperen [TUR]  
    Goli, Saiprakash
Goli, Saiprakash [USA] 64 62 
Marino, Frank [USA]  
    Rodriguez Guerra, Nicolas[16]
Rodriguez Guerra, Nicolas[16] [ECU] 63 62 
Rico Arias, Nicolas Esteban[8] [COL]  
    Rico Arias, Nicolas Esteban[8]
Pereverzev, Andrew [USA] 64 62 
Giles, Solomon (WC) [USA]  
    Giles, Solomon (WC)
Olive-Blanco, Jonathan [USA] 76(6) 46 75 
Strother, Caleb [USA]  
    Strother, Caleb
Beaujon, Gianluca [AHO] 60 76(4) 
Zubillaga Chavez, Ernesto [MEX]  
    Gray, Spencer[10]
Gray, Spencer[10] [USA] 62 61 
Braswell, Micah [USA]  
    Braswell, Micah
Gordon, Eli [USA] 61 62 
Kane, Brian [USA]  
    Johnson, Mitchell[11]
Johnson, Mitchell[11] [GBR] 62 61 
Motaghedi, Nadim [USA]  
    Winegar, Theo
Winegar, Theo [USA] 63 63 
Elias Hanni, Facundo [ARG]  
    Gold, Harrison
Gold, Harrison [USA] 63 63 
Karagozoglu, Kemal[3] [TUR]  
    Karagozoglu, Kemal[3]
Armistead, Jackson [USA] 63 62 
Duan, Adam [USA]  
    Casabon, Jeremie
Casabon, Jeremie [USA] 60 63 
Huang, Haoyuan[4] [CHN]  
    Inada, Koichiro
Inada, Koichiro [USA] 61 75 
Sverdlov, Mark [USA]  
    Sverdlov, Mark
Zhu, Andy[15] [CAN] 61 61 
Brown, Preston[5] [USA]  
    Brown, Preston[5]
Moledina, Zamaan [USA] 60 60 
Nicholls, Michael (WC) [USA]  
    Vilicich, Bautista[9]
Vilicich, Bautista[9] [ARG] 75 60 
Mercelina, Philippe[6] [NED]  
    Gbedey, Khaleel
Gbedey, Khaleel [USA] 64 63 
Castillo, Carlos [VEN]  
    Castillo, Carlos
Pezzoli, Giacomo[13] [ITA] 75 63 
Bencedic, Zvonko[7] [GBR]  
    Bencedic, Zvonko[7]
Kamyshev, Sean [ISR] 64 64 
Goli, Saiprakash [USA]  
    Goli, Saiprakash
Rodriguez Guerra, Nicolas[16] [ECU] 64 75 
Rico Arias, Nicolas Esteban[8] [COL]  
    Rico Arias, Nicolas Esteban[8]
Giles, Solomon (WC) [USA] 61 62 
Strother, Caleb [USA]  
    Gray, Spencer[10]
Gray, Spencer[10] [USA] 63 60 
Braswell, Micah [USA]  
    Braswell, Micah
Johnson, Mitchell[11] [GBR] 61 62 
Winegar, Theo [USA]  
    Winegar, Theo
Gold, Harrison [USA] 26 64 76(1) 
Karagozoglu, Kemal[3] [TUR]  
    Karagozoglu, Kemal[3]
Casabon, Jeremie [USA] 26 64 75 
Inada, Koichiro [USA]  
    Inada, Koichiro
Sverdlov, Mark [USA] 75 62 
Brown, Preston[5] [USA]  
    Vilicich, Bautista[9]
Vilicich, Bautista[9] [ARG] 36 64 61 
Gbedey, Khaleel [USA]  
    Castillo, Carlos
Castillo, Carlos [VEN] 75 61 
Bencedic, Zvonko[7] [GBR]  
    Bencedic, Zvonko[7]
Goli, Saiprakash [USA] 64 76(10) 
Rico Arias, Nicolas Esteban[8] [COL]  
    Gray, Spencer[10]
Gray, Spencer[10] [USA] 62 61 
Braswell, Micah [USA]  
Winegar, Theo [USA]   
Karagozoglu, Kemal[3] [TUR]  
Inada, Koichiro [USA]   
Vilicich, Bautista[9] [ARG]  
Castillo, Carlos [VEN]   
Bencedic, Zvonko[7] [GBR]  
Gray, Spencer[10] [USA]   
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