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Tournament Rounds

W25 Canberra [Q], 2018, W35

Canberra Clay Court International

Ninomiya, Makoto[1] [JPN]  
    Ninomiya, Makoto[1]
Parke, Darcy [AUS]  
    Parke, Darcy
Hetrel, Beatrice [AUS]  
    Hetrel, Beatrice
Fassone, Jessica [AUS]  
    Fassone, Jessica
Ozeki, Michika[2] [JPN]  
    Ozeki, Michika[2]
Edwards, Elyse [AUS]  
    Edwards, Elyse
James, Elizabeth [AUS]  
    James, Elizabeth
Beslagic, Binasa [MKD]  
    Beslagic, Binasa
Myers, Abbie[3] [AUS]  
    Myers, Abbie[3]
Lewis, Kelsey [AUS]  
    Lewis, Kelsey
Farrow, Tallulah [AUS]  
    Farrow, Tallulah
Stojkovic, Tiana [AUS]  
    Stojkovic, Tiana
Lorbergs, Genevieve[4] [AUS]  
    Lorbergs, Genevieve[4]
Marinkov, Bojana [AUS]  
    Marinkov, Bojana
Stoica, Beatrice Nicole [AUS]  
    Stoica, Beatrice Nicole
Jovic, Teodora [AUS]  
    Jovic, Teodora
Svinos, Angelique[5] [AUS]  
    Svinos, Angelique[5]
Balic, Sonja [AUS]  
    Balic, Sonja
Prescott, Sarah [AUS]  
    Prescott, Sarah
Casey, Maree [AUS]  
    Casey, Maree
Walters, Alexandra[6] [AUS]  
    Walters, Alexandra[6]
Simes, Ashleigh [AUS]  
    Simes, Ashleigh
Mataruga, Ramona [AUS]  
    Mataruga, Ramona
Barbir, Natalie [AUS] 64 36 76(1) 
Clements-Markham, Lily [AUS]  
    Poile, Miranda
Poile, Miranda [AUS] 26 63 63 
Popovic, Ivana[7] [AUS]  
    Popovic, Ivana[7]
Spiridis, Helena [AUS]  
    Spiridis, Helena
Stojkovic, Kristina [AUS] 60 61 
Ouliaris, Selamawit [AUS]  
    Pasini, Laia
Pasini, Laia [AUS] 61 63 
Starr, Jasmin [AUS]  
    Starr, Jasmin
Vujasinovic, Lara [AUS] 60 63 
Stojanovic, Jelena[8] [AUS]  
    Stojanovic, Jelena[8]
Petreski, Kirijana [AUS]  
    Petreski, Kirijana
Kalachova, Oleksandra [NZL]  
    Kalachova, Oleksandra
    Bozicevic, Isabella[9]
Bozicevic, Isabella[9] [AUS]   
Ninomiya, Makoto[1] [JPN]  
    Ninomiya, Makoto[1]
Parke, Darcy [AUS] 60 60 
Hetrel, Beatrice [AUS]  
    Hetrel, Beatrice
Fassone, Jessica [AUS] 61 60 
Ozeki, Michika[2] [JPN]  
    Ozeki, Michika[2]
Edwards, Elyse [AUS] 64 64 
James, Elizabeth [AUS]  
    Beslagic, Binasa
Beslagic, Binasa [MKD] 63 57 62 
Myers, Abbie[3] [AUS]  
    Myers, Abbie[3]
Lewis, Kelsey [AUS] 60 60 
Farrow, Tallulah [AUS]  
    Farrow, Tallulah
Stojkovic, Tiana [AUS] 62 60 
Lorbergs, Genevieve[4] [AUS]  
    Lorbergs, Genevieve[4]
Marinkov, Bojana [AUS] 64 64 
Stoica, Beatrice Nicole [AUS]  
    Jovic, Teodora
Jovic, Teodora [AUS] 63 76(3) 
Svinos, Angelique[5] [AUS]  
    Svinos, Angelique[5]
Balic, Sonja [AUS] 64 63 
Prescott, Sarah [AUS]  
    Casey, Maree
Casey, Maree [AUS] 60 61 
Walters, Alexandra[6] [AUS]  
    Walters, Alexandra[6]
Simes, Ashleigh [AUS] 60 64 
Mataruga, Ramona [AUS]  
    Mataruga, Ramona
Poile, Miranda [AUS] 60 62 
Popovic, Ivana[7] [AUS]  
    Popovic, Ivana[7]
Spiridis, Helena [AUS] 75 64 
Pasini, Laia [AUS]  
    Starr, Jasmin
Starr, Jasmin [AUS] 61 64 
Stojanovic, Jelena[8] [AUS]  
    Stojanovic, Jelena[8]
Petreski, Kirijana [AUS] 63 61 
Kalachova, Oleksandra [NZL]  
    Bozicevic, Isabella[9]
Bozicevic, Isabella[9] [AUS] 75 60 
Ninomiya, Makoto[1] [JPN]  
    Ninomiya, Makoto[1]
Hetrel, Beatrice [AUS] 60 60 
Ozeki, Michika[2] [JPN]  
    Ozeki, Michika[2]
Beslagic, Binasa [MKD] 62 36 63 
Myers, Abbie[3] [AUS]  
    Myers, Abbie[3]
Farrow, Tallulah [AUS] 60 60 
Lorbergs, Genevieve[4] [AUS]  
    Lorbergs, Genevieve[4]
Jovic, Teodora [AUS] 62 63 
Svinos, Angelique[5] [AUS]  
    Svinos, Angelique[5]
Casey, Maree [AUS] 63 64 
Walters, Alexandra[6] [AUS]  
    Mataruga, Ramona
Mataruga, Ramona [AUS] 64 62 
Popovic, Ivana[7] [AUS]  
    Popovic, Ivana[7]
Starr, Jasmin [AUS] 62 64 
Stojanovic, Jelena[8] [AUS]  
    Stojanovic, Jelena[8]
Bozicevic, Isabella[9] [AUS] 76(1) 63 
Ninomiya, Makoto[1] [JPN]  
Ozeki, Michika[2] [JPN]   
Myers, Abbie[3] [AUS]  
Lorbergs, Genevieve[4] [AUS]   
Svinos, Angelique[5] [AUS]  
Mataruga, Ramona [AUS]   
Popovic, Ivana[7] [AUS]  
Stojanovic, Jelena[8] [AUS]   
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