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Tournament Rounds

J60 Plantation \ Plantation ITF Tournament [Q], 2018, J60 Boys

Frank Veltri Tennis Center

Huang, Haoyuan[1] [CHN]  
    Huang, Haoyuan[1]
Koulisis, Nicholas [USA] 60 61 
Ferri, Mario [USA]  
    Platas, Luis Andres
Platas, Luis Andres [MEX] 26 63 61 
Hulyanich, Demian [UKR]  
    Rata, Cezar
Rata, Cezar [USA] 61 36 76(8) 
Pinzon Moreno, Nicolas [USA]  
    Suarez Espinosa, Agustin[13]
Suarez Espinosa, Agustin[13] [ECU] 61 76(4) 
Mercelina, Philippe[2] [NED]  
    Gbedey, Khaleel
Gbedey, Khaleel [USA] 63 62 
Shick, Braden [USA]  
    Shick, Braden
Williams, Cordell [ANT] 63 60 
Berenstein, Michael [USA]  
    Jordao, Vitor
Jordao, Vitor [BRA] 60 61 
Laymon, Connor [USA]  
    Krug, Connor[16]
Krug, Connor[16] [USA] 60 61 
Bain, Jacobi[3] [BAH]  
    Braswell, Micah
Braswell, Micah [USA] 63 63 
Pinzon Moreno, Felipe [USA]  
    Pinzon Moreno, Felipe
Duboulay, Zachary [LCA] 64 61 
Pimenta, Caio [BRA]  
    Pimenta, Caio
Soriano, Fernando [USA] 61 60 
Marino, Frank [USA]  
    Nezar, Damien[10]
Nezar, Damien[10] [RSA] 61 62 
Labrador, Daniel[4] [USA]  
    Labrador, Daniel[4]
Geschwind, Francisco Tomas [ARG] 61 62 
Dickson, Samuel [DOM]  
    Krug, Jake
Krug, Jake [USA] 61 60 
Laforest, Jonathan Zachary [USA]  
    Brignacca, Andrea
Brignacca, Andrea [ITA] 61 61 
Kurtz, Alex [USA]  
    Zhu, Andy[4]
Zhu, Andy[4] [CAN] 63 63 
Bencedic, Zvonko[5] [GBR]  
    Bencedic, Zvonko[5]
Gambetta, Fabio [USA] 62 60 
Machado, Daniel [VEN]  
    Rodriguez Guerra, Nicolas
Rodriguez Guerra, Nicolas [ECU] 61 60 
Becker, Noah [USA]  
    Becker, Noah
Borovykh, Danila [RUS] 62 60 
Omdahl, Marlon [USA]  
    Omdahl, Marlon
Katta, Phillip[15] [USA] 62 60 
Rico Arias, Nicolas Esteban[7] [COL]  
    Casabon, Jeremie
Casabon, Jeremie [USA] 61 63 
Inada, Koichiro [USA]  
    Lamas Villarroel, Francisco
Lamas Villarroel, Francisco [VEN] 75 64 
Davila Garza, Jose Pablo [MEX]  
    Davila Garza, Jose Pablo
Uter, Aaron [USA] 61 62 
Motaghedi, Nadim [USA]  
    Motaghedi, Nadim
Pezzoli, Giacomo[12] [ITA] 62 75 
Vilicich, Bautista[7] [ARG]  
    Vilicich, Bautista[7]
Campoverde, Roberto [USA] 61 61 
Sanchez, Samuel [MEX]  
    Platas, Luis Eduardo (ALT)
Platas, Luis Eduardo (ALT) [MEX] 63 63 
Moser, Sven [SUI]  
    Moser, Sven
Gbedey, Mekhi G [USA] 36 63 62 
Strother, Caleb [USA]  
    Tvedt, Nikolas
Tvedt, Nikolas [NOR] 62 61 
Johnson, Mitchell[8] [GBR]  
    Johnson, Mitchell[8]
Cooper, Michael [USA] 60 61 
Torres, Noah Michael [USA]  
    Gunawan, Daniel
Gunawan, Daniel [INA] 63 62 
Flores, Paolo [USA]  
    Flores, Paolo
Branco Diavan, Pedro [BRA] 46 60 64 
Kamyshev, Sean [ISR]  
    Hohmann, Ronald[9]
Hohmann, Ronald[9] [USA] 76(5) 63 
Huang, Haoyuan[1] [CHN]  
    Platas, Luis Andres
Platas, Luis Andres [MEX] 63 31 Ret'd 
Rata, Cezar [USA]  
    Rata, Cezar
Suarez Espinosa, Agustin[13] [ECU] 61 36 62 
Gbedey, Khaleel [USA]  
    Shick, Braden
Shick, Braden [USA] 63 75 
Jordao, Vitor [BRA]  
    Krug, Connor[16]
Krug, Connor[16] [USA] 64 61 
Braswell, Micah [USA]  
    Braswell, Micah
Pinzon Moreno, Felipe [USA] 60 61 
Pimenta, Caio [BRA]  
    Nezar, Damien[10]
Nezar, Damien[10] [RSA] 62 62 
Labrador, Daniel[4] [USA]  
    Krug, Jake
Krug, Jake [USA] 76(5) 62 
Brignacca, Andrea [ITA]  
    Brignacca, Andrea
Zhu, Andy[4] [CAN] 60 62 
Bencedic, Zvonko[5] [GBR]  
    Bencedic, Zvonko[5]
Rodriguez Guerra, Nicolas [ECU] 64 64 
Becker, Noah [USA]  
    Becker, Noah
Omdahl, Marlon [USA] 64 61 
Casabon, Jeremie [USA]  
    Casabon, Jeremie
Lamas Villarroel, Francisco [VEN] 63 11 Ret'd 
Davila Garza, Jose Pablo [MEX]  
    Motaghedi, Nadim
Motaghedi, Nadim [USA] 60 63 
Vilicich, Bautista[7] [ARG]  
    Vilicich, Bautista[7]
Platas, Luis Eduardo (ALT) [MEX] 60 75 
Moser, Sven [SUI]  
    Tvedt, Nikolas
Tvedt, Nikolas [NOR] 63 26 63 
Johnson, Mitchell[8] [GBR]  
    Johnson, Mitchell[8]
Gunawan, Daniel [INA] 61 62 
Flores, Paolo [USA]  
    Hohmann, Ronald[9]
Hohmann, Ronald[9] [USA] 62 60 
Platas, Luis Andres [MEX]  
    Platas, Luis Andres
Rata, Cezar [USA] 63 61 
Shick, Braden [USA]  
    Krug, Connor[16]
Krug, Connor[16] [USA] 64 46 60 
Braswell, Micah [USA]  
    Braswell, Micah
Nezar, Damien[10] [RSA] 61 61 
Krug, Jake [USA]  
    Brignacca, Andrea
Brignacca, Andrea [ITA] 60 36 64 
Bencedic, Zvonko[5] [GBR]  
    Bencedic, Zvonko[5]
Becker, Noah [USA] 62 75 
Casabon, Jeremie [USA]  
    Motaghedi, Nadim
Motaghedi, Nadim [USA] 75 30 Ret'd 
Vilicich, Bautista[7] [ARG]  
    Vilicich, Bautista[7]
Tvedt, Nikolas [NOR] 62 64 
Johnson, Mitchell[8] [GBR]  
    Hohmann, Ronald[9]
Hohmann, Ronald[9] [USA] 64 63 
Platas, Luis Andres [MEX]  
Krug, Connor[16] [USA]   
Braswell, Micah [USA]  
Brignacca, Andrea [ITA]   
Bencedic, Zvonko[5] [GBR]  
Motaghedi, Nadim [USA]   
Vilicich, Bautista[7] [ARG]  
Hohmann, Ronald[9] [USA]   
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