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Malaysia F1 Futures [Q], 2018, M25

Stoute, Isaac[1] [GBR]  
    Stoute, Isaac[1]
Hamdan, Muhammad Aiman (WC) [MAS] 63 60 
Yong, Leroy [MAS]  
    Kurita, Kenta
Kurita, Kenta [JPN] 62 61 
Jewoor, Naesar [IND]  
    Kim, Cheong Hwi (WC)
Kim, Cheong Hwi (WC) [KOR] 63 63 
Gulia, Anshuman [IND]  
    Chaudhry, Shamael[11]
Chaudhry, Shamael[11] [GBR] 61 61 
Susanto, David Agung[2] [INA]  
    Susanto, David Agung[2]
Garg, Dipanshu [IND] 62 60 
Arh, Anze [SLO]  
    Arh, Anze
Malik, Anuj [IND] 06 64 75 
Bakshi, Chinmay [IND]  
    Fukuoka, Yusei
Fukuoka, Yusei [JPN] 62 61 
Pascual, Marlino [AUS]  
    Hobbs, Roy[15]
Hobbs, Roy[15] [SGP] 64 76(5) 
Nkomba, Benard Bruno[3] [AUS]  
    Susanto, Anthony
Susanto, Anthony [INA] 16 61 76(4) 
Md Shaharudin, Muhammad Syabil [MAS]  
    Sharma, Ashwin Ryan (WC)
Sharma, Ashwin Ryan (WC) [AUS] 62 62 
Soares Flach, Felipe [BRA]  
    Dev Garg, Parav
Dev Garg, Parav [IND] 64 62 
Azevedo Pereira E Oliveira, Bernardo (WC) [BRA]  
    Vishwakarma, Siddharth[9]
Vishwakarma, Siddharth[9] [IND] 76(5) 76(5) 
Morin Kougoucheff, Christopher[4] [FRA]  
    Delaney, Jesse
Delaney, Jesse [AUS] 67(9) 63 62 
Tham, Jacky Khai Hong [MAS]  
    Pradhan, Chinmay
Pradhan, Chinmay [IND] 63 60 
Mohd Noor Ariffin, Muhammad Nur (WC) [MAS]  
    Nouchi, Kennosuke
Nouchi, Kennosuke [JPN] 60 61 
Kossek, Daniel [POL]  
    Sookton-Eng, Chanchai[14]
Sookton-Eng, Chanchai[14] [THA] 75 62 
Kovapitukted, Palaphoom[5] [THA]  
    Kovapitukted, Palaphoom[5]
Mehrotra, Arjun [AUS] 64 10 Ret'd 
Malhotra, Shubham [IND]  
    Malhotra, Shubham
Chong, Jun [SGP] 61 62 
Aradhya, Alok [IND]  
    Dahiya, Jatin
Dahiya, Jatin [IND] 63 63 
Beniwal, Amit [IND]  
    Brugnerotto, Marco[13]
Brugnerotto, Marco[13] [ITA] 63 61 
Navasirisomboon, Jirat[6] [THA]  
    Navasirisomboon, Jirat[6]
Staley, Jera [AUS] 64 62 
Pozzi, Davide (WC) [ITA]  
    Sood, Lakshit (WC)
Sood, Lakshit (WC) [IND] 61 61 
Jeong, In Kyo [KOR]  
    Jeong, In Kyo
Kamaruzzaman, Naufal Siddiq (WC) [MAS] 60 64 
Martini, Ottaviano [ITA]  
    Kerdlaphee, Kittirat[16]
Kerdlaphee, Kittirat[16] [THA] 61 62 
Evans, Tom[7] [AUS]  
    Evans, Tom[7]
Ankam, Krishna Teja [IND] 76(3) 62 
Gautam, Vivek [IND]  
    Hann, Thomas
Hann, Thomas [AUS] 62 62 
Bhardwaj, Mohit [IND]  
    Untung Setiawan, Panji
Untung Setiawan, Panji [INA] 67(11) 61 64 
Kerdlaphee, Phongsapak [THA]  
    Fitriadi, M Rifki[12]
Fitriadi, M Rifki[12] [INA] 46 64 61 
Inui, Yuichiro[8] [JPN]  
    Inui, Yuichiro[8]
Ahmad Farid, Danial [MAS] 62 61 
Becroft, Isaac [NZL]  
    Becroft, Isaac
Arora, Varnit [IND] 61 62 
Ravikiran, Ribhav [IND]  
    Ribeiro, Eduardo
Ribeiro, Eduardo [BRA] 62 62 
Salleh, Seleem [MAS]  
    Noh, Sang-Woo[10]
Noh, Sang-Woo[10] [KOR] 60 60 
Stoute, Isaac[1] [GBR]  
    Stoute, Isaac[1]
Kurita, Kenta [JPN] 61 61 
Kim, Cheong Hwi (WC) [KOR]  
    Chaudhry, Shamael[11]
Chaudhry, Shamael[11] [GBR] 63 75 
Susanto, David Agung[2] [INA]  
    Susanto, David Agung[2]
Arh, Anze [SLO] 64 61 
Fukuoka, Yusei [JPN]  
    Hobbs, Roy[15]
Hobbs, Roy[15] [SGP] 63 62 
Susanto, Anthony [INA]  
    Sharma, Ashwin Ryan (WC)
Sharma, Ashwin Ryan (WC) [AUS] 62 62 
Dev Garg, Parav [IND]  
    Vishwakarma, Siddharth[9]
Vishwakarma, Siddharth[9] [IND] 60 61 
Delaney, Jesse [AUS]  
    Delaney, Jesse
Pradhan, Chinmay [IND] 63 61 
Nouchi, Kennosuke [JPN]  
    Nouchi, Kennosuke
Sookton-Eng, Chanchai[14] [THA] 63 64 
Kovapitukted, Palaphoom[5] [THA]  
    Kovapitukted, Palaphoom[5]
Malhotra, Shubham [IND] 61 62 
Dahiya, Jatin [IND]  
    Brugnerotto, Marco[13]
Brugnerotto, Marco[13] [ITA] 61 63 
Navasirisomboon, Jirat[6] [THA]  
    Sood, Lakshit (WC)
Sood, Lakshit (WC) [IND] 62 61 
Jeong, In Kyo [KOR]  
    Jeong, In Kyo
Kerdlaphee, Kittirat[16] [THA] 64 26 61 
Evans, Tom[7] [AUS]  
    Evans, Tom[7]
Hann, Thomas [AUS] 61 63 
Untung Setiawan, Panji [INA]  
    Fitriadi, M Rifki[12]
Fitriadi, M Rifki[12] [INA] 57 62 63 
Inui, Yuichiro[8] [JPN]  
    Becroft, Isaac
Becroft, Isaac [NZL] 64 36 76(2) 
Ribeiro, Eduardo [BRA]  
    Noh, Sang-Woo[10]
Noh, Sang-Woo[10] [KOR] 61 64 
Stoute, Isaac[1] [GBR]  
    Stoute, Isaac[1]
Chaudhry, Shamael[11] [GBR] 63 61 
Susanto, David Agung[2] [INA]  
    Susanto, David Agung[2]
Hobbs, Roy[15] [SGP] 64 61 
Sharma, Ashwin Ryan (WC) [AUS]  
    Vishwakarma, Siddharth[9]
Vishwakarma, Siddharth[9] [IND] 62 75 
Delaney, Jesse [AUS]  
    Delaney, Jesse
Nouchi, Kennosuke [JPN] 63 63 
Kovapitukted, Palaphoom[5] [THA]  
    Brugnerotto, Marco[13]
Brugnerotto, Marco[13] [ITA] 62 61 
Sood, Lakshit (WC) [IND]  
    Sood, Lakshit (WC)
Jeong, In Kyo [KOR] 64 75 
Evans, Tom[7] [AUS]  
    Evans, Tom[7]
Fitriadi, M Rifki[12] [INA] 36 64 61 
Becroft, Isaac [NZL]  
    Noh, Sang-Woo[10]
Noh, Sang-Woo[10] [KOR] 61 63 
Stoute, Isaac[1] [GBR]  
Susanto, David Agung[2] [INA]   
Vishwakarma, Siddharth[9] [IND]  
Delaney, Jesse [AUS]   
Brugnerotto, Marco[13] [ITA]  
Sood, Lakshit (WC) [IND]   
Evans, Tom[7] [AUS]  
Noh, Sang-Woo[10] [KOR]   
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