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Tournament Rounds

M25 Vogau 05 [Q], 2018, M25

TC Kern

Panak, Yvo[1] [CZE]  
    Panak, Yvo[1]
Roider, Leon C [AUT] 62 60 
Parchomovskij, Leonid [AUT]  
    Parchomovskij, Leonid
Muehr, Alexander (WC) [AUT] 63 61 
Gloeckler, Michael [AUT]  
    Gloeckler, Michael
Wolfschmidt, Alexander [GER] 60 61 
Angerbauer, Matthias [AUT]  
    Ku Meza, Andre
Ku Meza, Andre [PER] 60 32 Ret'd 
Trocker, Moritz[2] [ITA]  
    Trocker, Moritz[2]
Popovic, Andrej [SRB] 63 67(5) 61 
Nareyka, Bjorn Manfred [AUT]  
    Giovannini, Umberto Maria
Giovannini, Umberto Maria [ITA] 64 41 Ret'd 
Graupner, Stefan (WC) [AUT]  
    Kovacic, Tino
Kovacic, Tino [SLO] 62 62 
Lusovsky, Michal [CZE]  
    Cubelic, Karlo
Cubelic, Karlo [GER] 63 46 76(2) 
Aplienz, Philip[3] [AUT]  
    Aplienz, Philip[3]
Cacciapuoti, Simone [ITA] 64 61 
Talic, Zaharije-Zak (WC) [AUS]  
    Talic, Zaharije-Zak (WC)
Rak, Marko [SLO] 61 61 
Rous, Uros [SLO]  
    Kennedy, George
Kennedy, George [GBR] 62 61 
Gruber, Fabian [AUT]  
    Miklavcic, Luka
Miklavcic, Luka [SLO] 62 67(3) 63 
Derdoy, Felipe[4] [ARG]  
    Farcas, Ioan
Farcas, Ioan [ROU] 63 64 
Dobrowolny, Maximilian (WC) [AUT]  
    Dobrowolny, Maximilian (WC)
Subasic, Kerim [BIH] 64 63 
Battaglino, Stefano [ITA]  
    Battaglino, Stefano
Podlesak, Marek [CZE] 63 61 
Lopez, Luis Humberto [MEX]  
    Huber, Gabriel
Huber, Gabriel [AUT] 61 64 
Hubner, Edward[5] [GBR]  
    Hubner, Edward[5]
Neuhauser, Markus [AUT] 61 61 
Mazzeschi, Emanuele [ITA]  
    Martirosian, David (WC)
Martirosian, David (WC) [USA] 64 76(4) 
Cano, Francesco [ITA]  
    Cano, Francesco
Albu, Daniel [AUT] 61 61 
Richardson, Connor [AUS]  
    Vladusic, Nenad (WC)
Vladusic, Nenad (WC) [AUT] 63 61 
Georgescu, Matei Adrian[6] [ROU]  
    Georgescu, Matei Adrian[6]
Fabian, Elmar (WC) [AUT] 61 62 
Cmager, Nick [SLO]  
    Cmager, Nick
Chandrasekar, Viboosh [USA] 60 41 Ret'd 
Zupancic, Filip Jakob [SLO]  
    Zupancic, Filip Jakob
Kegl, Marino [SLO] 62 46 76(5) 
Corino, Marco [ITA]  
    Corino, Marco
Lah, Jan [SLO] 76(2) 67(3) 62 
Nakamura, Ren[7] [JPN]  
    Nakamura, Ren[7]
Zeiler, Christof [AUT] 67(5) 61 61 
Fugina, Aljaz [SLO]  
    Leuch, Vital Flurin
Leuch, Vital Flurin [LIE] 64 36 61 
Hadzalic, Dino [CRO]  
    Giovannini, Filippo
Giovannini, Filippo [ITA] 62 31 Def. 
Matic, Luka [AUT]  
    Ambrozic, David Lucas
Ambrozic, David Lucas [SLO] 26 76(5) 60 
Aichhorn, Jakob[8] [AUT]  
    Aichhorn, Jakob[8]
Bezjak, Gasper [SLO] 61 60 
Daxboeck, Moritz [AUT]  
    Daxboeck, Moritz
Schager, Alexander [AUT] 61 61 
Neuhold, Philipp [AUT]  
    Bangratz, Johannes
Bangratz, Johannes [AUT] 61 61 
Kelaidis, Carlos (WC) [SUI]  
    Kelaidis, Carlos (WC)
Falabella, Lautaro Agustin [ARG] 26 60 60 
Panak, Yvo[1] [CZE]  
    Panak, Yvo[1]
Parchomovskij, Leonid [AUT] 61 61 
Gloeckler, Michael [AUT]  
    Gloeckler, Michael
Ku Meza, Andre [PER] 61 61 
Trocker, Moritz[2] [ITA]  
    Giovannini, Umberto Maria
Giovannini, Umberto Maria [ITA] 60 64 
Kovacic, Tino [SLO]  
    Cubelic, Karlo
Cubelic, Karlo [GER] 64 62 
Aplienz, Philip[3] [AUT]  
    Aplienz, Philip[3]
Talic, Zaharije-Zak (WC) [AUS] 64 67(5) 64 
Kennedy, George [GBR]  
    Miklavcic, Luka
Miklavcic, Luka [SLO] w/o 
Farcas, Ioan [ROU]  
    Dobrowolny, Maximilian (WC)
Dobrowolny, Maximilian (WC) [AUT] 57 63 63 
Battaglino, Stefano [ITA]  
    Battaglino, Stefano
Huber, Gabriel [AUT] 61 62 
Hubner, Edward[5] [GBR]  
    Hubner, Edward[5]
Martirosian, David (WC) [USA] 36 63 60 
Cano, Francesco [ITA]  
    Cano, Francesco
Vladusic, Nenad (WC) [AUT] 62 62 
Georgescu, Matei Adrian[6] [ROU]  
    Cmager, Nick
Cmager, Nick [SLO] 76(4) 63 
Zupancic, Filip Jakob [SLO]  
    Corino, Marco
Corino, Marco [ITA] 64 46 63 
Nakamura, Ren[7] [JPN]  
    Leuch, Vital Flurin
Leuch, Vital Flurin [LIE] 36 76(5) 64 
Giovannini, Filippo [ITA]  
    Ambrozic, David Lucas
Ambrozic, David Lucas [SLO] 62 46 64 
Aichhorn, Jakob[8] [AUT]  
    Aichhorn, Jakob[8]
Daxboeck, Moritz [AUT] 61 62 
Bangratz, Johannes [AUT]  
    Bangratz, Johannes
Kelaidis, Carlos (WC) [SUI] 62 61 
Panak, Yvo[1] [CZE]  
    Panak, Yvo[1]
Gloeckler, Michael [AUT] 76(4) 61 
Giovannini, Umberto Maria [ITA]  
    Giovannini, Umberto Maria
Cubelic, Karlo [GER] 61 63 
Aplienz, Philip[3] [AUT]  
    Aplienz, Philip[3]
Miklavcic, Luka [SLO] 63 64 
Dobrowolny, Maximilian (WC) [AUT]  
    Battaglino, Stefano
Battaglino, Stefano [ITA] 46 63 75 
Hubner, Edward[5] [GBR]  
    Cano, Francesco
Cano, Francesco [ITA] 62 61 
Cmager, Nick [SLO]  
    Cmager, Nick
Corino, Marco [ITA] 67(2) 61 62 
Leuch, Vital Flurin [LIE]  
    Leuch, Vital Flurin
Ambrozic, David Lucas [SLO] 61 60 
Aichhorn, Jakob[8] [AUT]  
    Aichhorn, Jakob[8]
Bangratz, Johannes [AUT] 64 63 
Panak, Yvo[1] [CZE]  
Giovannini, Umberto Maria [ITA]   
Aplienz, Philip[3] [AUT]  
Battaglino, Stefano [ITA]   
Cano, Francesco [ITA]  
Cmager, Nick [SLO]   
Leuch, Vital Flurin [LIE]  
Aichhorn, Jakob[8] [AUT]   
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