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J30 Luque \ Paraguay Junior Open, 2018, J30 Boys

Rakiura Resort Day

Cabrera, Miguel Angel[1] [CHI]  
    Cabrera, Miguel Angel[1]
Cundom, Julian [ARG]  
    Cundom, Julian
Barrios Rolon, Alejandro Andres [PAR] 60 60 
De Leon, Facundo [URU]  
    Mouilleron Salvo, Manuel (Q)
Mouilleron Salvo, Manuel (Q) [ARG] 62 20 Ret'd 
    Montes De Oca Murillo, Rodrigo Nicolas[15]
Montes De Oca Murillo, Rodrigo Nicolas[15] [PER]   
Cossioterrazas, Freddy[11] [BOL]  
    Cossioterrazas, Freddy[11]
Martinez Morel, Facundo Martin (WC) [PAR]  
    Greco, Valentin Manuel (WC)
Greco, Valentin Manuel (WC) [ARG] 60 62 
Moreira Lyra, Lucas [PAR]  
    Moreira Lyra, Lucas
Lichter, Alec (WC) [BRA] 75 61 
    Simkin, Nicolás[7]
Simkin, Nicolás[7] [ARG]   
Benitez Garcia, Alan[3] [PAR]  
    Benitez Garcia, Alan[3]
Franco, Tobias (WC) [ARG]  
    Lucentini, Maximo (Q)
Lucentini, Maximo (Q) [ARG] 62 62 
Morel Rieder, Santino [PAR]  
    Morel Rieder, Santino
Torrealba Casanello, Sebastian Andres (WC) [CHI] 75 63 
    Monferrer, Ezequiel[14]
Monferrer, Ezequiel[14] [ARG]   
Rivas Maturana, Vicente Manuel[9] [CHI]  
    Rivas Maturana, Vicente Manuel[9]
Schumliansky, Fabricio [PAR]  
    Tapia, Diego
Tapia, Diego [PER] 63 63 
Currea Vergara, Juan Esteban [COL]  
    Romano, Gino (LL)
Romano, Gino (LL) [ARG] 61 63 
    Ventura, Leandro Ezequiel[8]
Ventura, Leandro Ezequiel[8] [ARG]   
Catala, Jose Antonio[5] [BOL]  
    Catala, Jose Antonio[5]
Junghanns Dietze, Sebastian Raul [PAR]  
    Junghanns Dietze, Sebastian Raul
Marini, Franco (Q) [ARG] 63 63 
Gonzalez, Alejo (Q) [ARG]  
    Gonzalez, Alejo (Q)
Pavon, Jesus [PAR] 60 76(3) 
    Vilicich, Bautista[10]
Vilicich, Bautista[10] [ARG]   
Tano, Gonzalo[13] [ARG]  
    Tano, Gonzalo[13]
Anez Rolon, Augusto Yohel [PAR]  
    Bibiloni, Mariano Andres (Q)
Bibiloni, Mariano Andres (Q) [ARG] 63 64 
Mancini, Pedro (WC) [BRA]  
    Mancini, Pedro (WC)
Ramsay, Dylan [ARG] 60 64 
    Traipe, Jose Tomás[4]
Traipe, Jose Tomás[4] [CHI]   
Dun, Valentin[6] [ARG]  
    Dun, Valentin[6]
Vergara Del Puerto, Martin Antonio [PAR]  
    Vergara Del Puerto, Martin Antonio
Jordao, Vitor [BRA] 63 60 
Britez Risso, Lucas [PAR]  
    Britez Risso, Lucas
Mayorga Cruz, Jose [ECU] 63 75 
    Gonzalez Jorquera, Renato Esteban[12]
Gonzalez Jorquera, Renato Esteban[12] [CHI]   
Perez Cespedes, Rodrigo Eduardo[16] [CHI]  
    Perez Cespedes, Rodrigo Eduardo[16]
Gutierrez, Mauricio [PER]  
    Demuth, Lucas
Demuth, Lucas [ARG] 46 62 62 
Yanine Dagach, Juan Luis (Q) [CHI]  
    Yanine Dagach, Juan Luis (Q)
Regier Barg, Aldo Ruben [PAR] 60 60 
    Ribas Crichigno, Lucas Carlos[2]
Ribas Crichigno, Lucas Carlos[2] [PAR]   
Cabrera, Miguel Angel[1] [CHI]  
    Cabrera, Miguel Angel[1]
Cundom, Julian [ARG] 16 61 62 
Mouilleron Salvo, Manuel (Q) [ARG]  
    Montes De Oca Murillo, Rodrigo Nicolas[15]
Montes De Oca Murillo, Rodrigo Nicolas[15] [PER] 76(3) 76(2) 
Cossioterrazas, Freddy[11] [BOL]  
    Cossioterrazas, Freddy[11]
Greco, Valentin Manuel (WC) [ARG] 75 63 
Moreira Lyra, Lucas [PAR]  
    Simkin, Nicolás[7]
Simkin, Nicolás[7] [ARG] 64 36 64 
Benitez Garcia, Alan[3] [PAR]  
    Benitez Garcia, Alan[3]
Lucentini, Maximo (Q) [ARG] 57 64 60 
Morel Rieder, Santino [PAR]  
    Monferrer, Ezequiel[14]
Monferrer, Ezequiel[14] [ARG] 62 63 
Rivas Maturana, Vicente Manuel[9] [CHI]  
    Rivas Maturana, Vicente Manuel[9]
Tapia, Diego [PER] 61 61 
Romano, Gino (LL) [ARG]  
    Ventura, Leandro Ezequiel[8]
Ventura, Leandro Ezequiel[8] [ARG] 62 60 
Catala, Jose Antonio[5] [BOL]  
    Catala, Jose Antonio[5]
Junghanns Dietze, Sebastian Raul [PAR] 76(5) 75 
Gonzalez, Alejo (Q) [ARG]  
    Gonzalez, Alejo (Q)
Vilicich, Bautista[10] [ARG] 63 64 
Tano, Gonzalo[13] [ARG]  
    Tano, Gonzalo[13]
Bibiloni, Mariano Andres (Q) [ARG] 57 75 63 
Mancini, Pedro (WC) [BRA]  
    Traipe, Jose Tomás[4]
Traipe, Jose Tomás[4] [CHI] 61 61 
Dun, Valentin[6] [ARG]  
    Vergara Del Puerto, Martin Antonio
Vergara Del Puerto, Martin Antonio [PAR] 61 64 
Britez Risso, Lucas [PAR]  
    Britez Risso, Lucas
Gonzalez Jorquera, Renato Esteban[12] [CHI] 64 36 63 
Perez Cespedes, Rodrigo Eduardo[16] [CHI]  
    Demuth, Lucas
Demuth, Lucas [ARG] 62 63 
Yanine Dagach, Juan Luis (Q) [CHI]  
    Ribas Crichigno, Lucas Carlos[2]
Ribas Crichigno, Lucas Carlos[2] [PAR] 61 60 
Cabrera, Miguel Angel[1] [CHI]  
    Cabrera, Miguel Angel[1]
Montes De Oca Murillo, Rodrigo Nicolas[15] [PER] 64 64 
Cossioterrazas, Freddy[11] [BOL]  
    Simkin, Nicolás[7]
Simkin, Nicolás[7] [ARG] 62 64 
Benitez Garcia, Alan[3] [PAR]  
    Benitez Garcia, Alan[3]
Monferrer, Ezequiel[14] [ARG] 75 63 
Rivas Maturana, Vicente Manuel[9] [CHI]  
    Ventura, Leandro Ezequiel[8]
Ventura, Leandro Ezequiel[8] [ARG] 63 63 
Catala, Jose Antonio[5] [BOL]  
    Gonzalez, Alejo (Q)
Gonzalez, Alejo (Q) [ARG] 76(5) 36 62 
Tano, Gonzalo[13] [ARG]  
    Traipe, Jose Tomás[4]
Traipe, Jose Tomás[4] [CHI] 62 60 
Vergara Del Puerto, Martin Antonio [PAR]  
    Britez Risso, Lucas
Britez Risso, Lucas [PAR] 63 67(5) 62 
Demuth, Lucas [ARG]  
    Ribas Crichigno, Lucas Carlos[2]
Ribas Crichigno, Lucas Carlos[2] [PAR] 60 60 
Cabrera, Miguel Angel[1] [CHI]  
    Simkin, Nicolás[7]
Simkin, Nicolás[7] [ARG] 76(5) 64 
Benitez Garcia, Alan[3] [PAR]  
    Ventura, Leandro Ezequiel[8]
Ventura, Leandro Ezequiel[8] [ARG] 75 64 
Gonzalez, Alejo (Q) [ARG]  
    Gonzalez, Alejo (Q)
Traipe, Jose Tomás[4] [CHI] 75 63 
Britez Risso, Lucas [PAR]  
    Ribas Crichigno, Lucas Carlos[2]
Ribas Crichigno, Lucas Carlos[2] [PAR] 75 60 
Simkin, Nicolás[7] [ARG]  
    Simkin, Nicolás[7]
Ventura, Leandro Ezequiel[8] [ARG] 26 63 63 
Gonzalez, Alejo (Q) [ARG]  
    Ribas Crichigno, Lucas Carlos[2]
Ribas Crichigno, Lucas Carlos[2] [PAR] 76(5) 60 
Simkin, Nicolás[7] [ARG]  
    Simkin, Nicolás[7]
Ribas Crichigno, Lucas Carlos[2] [PAR] 75 61 
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