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J5 Aarhus \ ITF Aarhus, 2018, J30 Boys

Hoeyeraal, Herman[1] [NOR]  
    Hoeyeraal, Herman[1]
Tagesen, Mads (WC) [DEN] 62 64 
Heinonen, Adam (Q) [SWE]  
    Heinonen, Adam (Q)
Fellin, Pietro (Q) [USA] 63 64 
Miyake, Keiju [JPN]  
    Gormsen, William
Gormsen, William [DEN] 60 62 
Jurajda, Adam [CZE]  
    Llamas Ruiz, Pablo[14]
Llamas Ruiz, Pablo[14] [ESP] 75 60 
Loureiro, Joao Victor Couto[10] [BRA]  
    Loureiro, Joao Victor Couto[10]
Hovland, Filip Aksel [NOR] 64 61 
Lucas, Emmanuel [FRA]  
    Blot, Ethan (Q)
Blot, Ethan (Q) [SWE] 61 60 
Hyldedal, Philip Qvist [DEN]  
    Bonchis, Serban
Bonchis, Serban [ROU] 64 63 
Kosinski, Patryk [POL]  
    Borg, Leo[5]
Borg, Leo[5] [SWE] 64 62 
Inagawa, Daisuke[4] [JPN]  
    Inagawa, Daisuke[4]
Eliasson, Erik (WC) [SWE] 63 36 64 
Jucha, William [FRA]  
    Feixas Panella, Pol
Feixas Panella, Pol [ESP] 60 62 
Carlsson Halldin, Linus (Q) [SWE]  
    Carlsson Halldin, Linus (Q)
Pape, Valdemar Frederik [DEN] 60 64 
Moser, Sven [SUI]  
    Moser, Sven
Nordby, Felix[16] [NOR] 61 75 
Kasnikowski, Maks[9] [POL]  
    Kasnikowski, Maks[9]
Tsimiklis, Alexander (WC) [AUS] 61 61 
Pecci, Alessandro (LL) [ITA]  
    Pecci, Alessandro (LL)
Theilgaard, Gustav (WC) [DEN] 63 62 
Sorensen, Markus [NOR]  
    Sorensen, Markus
Luthra, Christopher (WC) [DEN] 60 60 
Stromberg, Nicolas [SWE]  
    Andrejic, Marko[8]
Andrejic, Marko[8] [AUT] 60 60 
Schaefer, Joachim Andreas[7] [NOR]  
    Boscardin Dias, Pedro
Boscardin Dias, Pedro [BRA] 61 60 
Wallin, Olle [SWE]  
    Okkels Jensen, Emil (WC)
Okkels Jensen, Emil (WC) [DEN] 36 75 60 
Carlsson Seger, Timothy (Q) [SWE]  
    Carlsson Seger, Timothy (Q)
Hulyanich, Demian [UKR] 76(5) 46 60 
Iturbe, Matías [ARG]  
    Iturbe, Matías
Bosancic, Matthew[12] [AUS] 62 26 63 
Garcian, Axel[15] [FRA]  
    Garcian, Axel[15]
Kalocsai, Peter [HUN] 64 75 
Kudsk, Tobias Bo (WC) [DEN]  
    Llanes, Francisco
Llanes, Francisco [URU] 63 64 
Komagata, Reiya [JPN]  
    Perez, Miquel (Q)
Perez, Miquel (Q) [ESP] 62 63 
Andersen, Christian [DEN]  
    Dahlberg, Mans[3]
Dahlberg, Mans[3] [SWE] 63 62 
Wiklund, Olof[6] [SWE]  
    Svenningsen Holmvang, Noah
Svenningsen Holmvang, Noah [DEN] 36 61 76(8) 
Zalubski, Przemyslaw [POL]  
    Zalubski, Przemyslaw
Minsaas, Lars [NOR] 64 64 
Vidal, Carlos [ESP]  
    Korsgaard, Niels Heise
Korsgaard, Niels Heise [DEN] 60 61 
Westling, Emil (Q) [SWE]  
    Den Hartog, Jesse[11]
Den Hartog, Jesse[11] [NED] 67(3) 64 64 
Burdet, Adrien[13] [SUI]  
    Burdet, Adrien[13]
Westphal, Max [FRA] 16 64 76(4) 
Immler, Keanu Elias (Q) [AUT]  
    Immler, Keanu Elias (Q)
Petersen, Marcus Gram [DEN] 61 61 
Abboud, Sebastian [SWE]  
    Abboud, Sebastian
Baumann, Mikkel (LL) [NOR] 36 61 76(5) 
Gorbushin, Ivan [CZE]  
    Hirano, Taiyo[2]
Hirano, Taiyo[2] [JPN] 76(5) 64 
Hoeyeraal, Herman[1] [NOR]  
    Hoeyeraal, Herman[1]
Heinonen, Adam (Q) [SWE] 64 63 
Gormsen, William [DEN]  
    Llamas Ruiz, Pablo[14]
Llamas Ruiz, Pablo[14] [ESP] 64 64 
Loureiro, Joao Victor Couto[10] [BRA]  
    Loureiro, Joao Victor Couto[10]
Blot, Ethan (Q) [SWE] 63 61 
Bonchis, Serban [ROU]  
    Borg, Leo[5]
Borg, Leo[5] [SWE] 46 62 62 
Inagawa, Daisuke[4] [JPN]  
    Feixas Panella, Pol
Feixas Panella, Pol [ESP] 64 64 
Carlsson Halldin, Linus (Q) [SWE]  
    Carlsson Halldin, Linus (Q)
Moser, Sven [SUI] 64 62 
Kasnikowski, Maks[9] [POL]  
    Pecci, Alessandro (LL)
Pecci, Alessandro (LL) [ITA] 64 63 
Sorensen, Markus [NOR]  
    Andrejic, Marko[8]
Andrejic, Marko[8] [AUT] 60 60 
Boscardin Dias, Pedro [BRA]  
    Boscardin Dias, Pedro
Okkels Jensen, Emil (WC) [DEN] 64 64 
Carlsson Seger, Timothy (Q) [SWE]  
    Iturbe, Matías
Iturbe, Matías [ARG] 57 76(4) 76(5) 
Garcian, Axel[15] [FRA]  
    Garcian, Axel[15]
Llanes, Francisco [URU] 63 63 
Perez, Miquel (Q) [ESP]  
    Perez, Miquel (Q)
Dahlberg, Mans[3] [SWE] 76(3) 63 
Svenningsen Holmvang, Noah [DEN]  
    Svenningsen Holmvang, Noah
Zalubski, Przemyslaw [POL] 62 63 
Korsgaard, Niels Heise [DEN]  
    Korsgaard, Niels Heise
Den Hartog, Jesse[11] [NED] 60 62 
Burdet, Adrien[13] [SUI]  
    Immler, Keanu Elias (Q)
Immler, Keanu Elias (Q) [AUT] 62 63 
Abboud, Sebastian [SWE]  
    Hirano, Taiyo[2]
Hirano, Taiyo[2] [JPN] 63 62 
Hoeyeraal, Herman[1] [NOR]  
    Llamas Ruiz, Pablo[14]
Llamas Ruiz, Pablo[14] [ESP] 63 63 
Loureiro, Joao Victor Couto[10] [BRA]  
    Borg, Leo[5]
Borg, Leo[5] [SWE] 63 62 
Feixas Panella, Pol [ESP]  
    Carlsson Halldin, Linus (Q)
Carlsson Halldin, Linus (Q) [SWE] 61 63 
Pecci, Alessandro (LL) [ITA]  
    Andrejic, Marko[8]
Andrejic, Marko[8] [AUT] 64 60 
Boscardin Dias, Pedro [BRA]  
    Boscardin Dias, Pedro
Iturbe, Matías [ARG] 64 63 
Garcian, Axel[15] [FRA]  
    Garcian, Axel[15]
Perez, Miquel (Q) [ESP] 62 20 Ret'd 
Svenningsen Holmvang, Noah [DEN]  
    Korsgaard, Niels Heise
Korsgaard, Niels Heise [DEN] 75 64 
Immler, Keanu Elias (Q) [AUT]  
    Hirano, Taiyo[2]
Hirano, Taiyo[2] [JPN] 62 75 
Llamas Ruiz, Pablo[14] [ESP]  
    Llamas Ruiz, Pablo[14]
Borg, Leo[5] [SWE] 64 62 
Carlsson Halldin, Linus (Q) [SWE]  
    Carlsson Halldin, Linus (Q)
Andrejic, Marko[8] [AUT] 36 76(5) 75 
Boscardin Dias, Pedro [BRA]  
    Boscardin Dias, Pedro
Garcian, Axel[15] [FRA] 64 62 
Korsgaard, Niels Heise [DEN]  
    Korsgaard, Niels Heise
Hirano, Taiyo[2] [JPN] 63 75 
Llamas Ruiz, Pablo[14] [ESP]  
    Llamas Ruiz, Pablo[14]
Carlsson Halldin, Linus (Q) [SWE] 63 62 
Boscardin Dias, Pedro [BRA]  
    Boscardin Dias, Pedro
Korsgaard, Niels Heise [DEN] 64 75 
Llamas Ruiz, Pablo[14] [ESP]  
    Boscardin Dias, Pedro
Boscardin Dias, Pedro [BRA] 57 63 64 
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