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Dominican Republic F3 Futures [Q], 2018, M25

Blumenberg, Alex[1] [BRA]  
    Blumenberg, Alex[1]
Leguizamon, Alexis (WC) [PAR]  
    Moini, Omead A.
Moini, Omead A. [USA] w/o 
Infante Santana, Federico [DOM]  
    Van Den Dijssel, Tim
Van Den Dijssel, Tim [NED] 62 63 
Major, Kevin [BAH]  
    Major, Kevin
Felix, Jesus Francisco [DOM] 60 60 
Maginley, Jody[2] [ANT]  
    Maginley, Jody[2]
Torres, Alex [USA]  
    Carnevale-Miino, Tommaso
Carnevale-Miino, Tommaso [ITA] 61 62 
Rozo Torres, Andres Matteo [COL]  
    Matos Fermin, Gabriel Jose
Matos Fermin, Gabriel Jose [DOM] 46 64 63 
Rousseau, Hillel [HAI]  
    Rousseau, Hillel
Lapides, Sam [USA] 62 60 
Bradley, Julian[3] [IRL]  
    Bradley, Julian[3]
Mohanty, Arnav [USA]  
    Mendez, Matthew
Mendez, Matthew [USA] 62 62 
Banov, Danail [BUL]  
    Mohanty, Arsav
Mohanty, Arsav [USA] 63 26 63 
Segarelli, Emilio Andrea [ITA]  
    Ross, Jesse[10]
Ross, Jesse[10] [USA] 76(5) 62 
Kumar, Omni[4] [USA]  
    Kumar, Omni[4]
Batalla Diez, Juan Ignacio [MEX]  
    Batalla Diez, Juan Ignacio
Sepulveda Navarro, Carlos Andres [COL] 60 36 61 
Maleno Rosario, Jesus (WC) [DOM]  
    Moya, Diego A
Moya, Diego A [COL] w/o 
Richmond, John Harrison [USA]  
    Eguez, Sebastian[12]
Eguez, Sebastian[12] [BOL] 64 26 63 
Feitt, Franco[5] [ARG]  
    Feitt, Franco[5]
Azevedo Pereira E Oliveira, Bernardo [BRA]  
    Azevedo Pereira E Oliveira, Bernardo
Perez, Yoan [CUB] 60 46 63 
Bertoldo, Victor [BRA]  
    Major, Philip Wilbert
Major, Philip Wilbert [BAH] 64 64 
Rodriguez, David [CUB]  
    Semedo, Miguel[14]
Semedo, Miguel[14] [POR] 61 61 
Catanzariti, A.j.[6] [USA]  
    Catanzariti, A.j.[6]
Nunez, Pablo [CRC]  
    Bicknell, Blaise
Bicknell, Blaise [JAM] 76(3) 60 
Irizarry, Eduardo Neftali [PUR]  
    Stafford, Jabari
Stafford, Jabari [USA] 64 57 54 Ret'd 
Rajshekhar Raman, Rithwik [IND]  
    Bresciani, Lorenzo[9]
Bresciani, Lorenzo[9] [ITA] 62 61 
Konings, Ruben[7] [NED]  
    Konings, Ruben[7]
Gessner, Lucas [BRA] 62 63 
Medina, Sebastian [DOM]  
    Lopez Torres, Omar Felipe
Lopez Torres, Omar Felipe [COL] 62 62 
Turino, Osviel [CUB]  
    Robles, Sean
Robles, Sean [USA] 63 62 
Santamaria, Felipe [COL]  
    Hinsching, Joao[13]
Hinsching, Joao[13] [BRA] 61 61 
Gomez, Juan Sebastian[8] [COL]  
    Gomez, Juan Sebastian[8]
Gurevich, Victor [USA] 75 63 
Freund, Simon [SWE]  
    Freund, Simon
Navelkar, Rohit [USA] 63 63 
Rosensteel, Christopher [USA]  
    Fortin, Michel-Alexandre
Fortin, Michel-Alexandre [CAN] 62 62 
Krcma, Tomas [CZE]  
    Rivera Granja, Osmel[11]
Rivera Granja, Osmel[11] [CUB] 61 60 
Blumenberg, Alex[1] [BRA]  
    Blumenberg, Alex[1]
Moini, Omead A. [USA] 75 61 
Van Den Dijssel, Tim [NED]  
    Major, Kevin
Major, Kevin [BAH] 61 63 
Maginley, Jody[2] [ANT]  
    Maginley, Jody[2]
Carnevale-Miino, Tommaso [ITA] 61 60 
Matos Fermin, Gabriel Jose [DOM]  
    Rousseau, Hillel
Rousseau, Hillel [HAI] 61 62 
Bradley, Julian[3] [IRL]  
    Mendez, Matthew
Mendez, Matthew [USA] 76(4) 75 
Mohanty, Arsav [USA]  
    Mohanty, Arsav
Ross, Jesse[10] [USA] 63 64 
Kumar, Omni[4] [USA]  
    Kumar, Omni[4]
Batalla Diez, Juan Ignacio [MEX] 57 64 53 Ret'd 
Moya, Diego A [COL]  
    Eguez, Sebastian[12]
Eguez, Sebastian[12] [BOL] 63 61 
Feitt, Franco[5] [ARG]  
    Feitt, Franco[5]
Azevedo Pereira E Oliveira, Bernardo [BRA] 63 63 
Major, Philip Wilbert [BAH]  
    Semedo, Miguel[14]
Semedo, Miguel[14] [POR] 06 76(1) 76(6) 
Catanzariti, A.j.[6] [USA]  
    Catanzariti, A.j.[6]
Bicknell, Blaise [JAM] 62 61 
Stafford, Jabari [USA]  
    Bresciani, Lorenzo[9]
Bresciani, Lorenzo[9] [ITA] 26 63 62 
Konings, Ruben[7] [NED]  
    Konings, Ruben[7]
Lopez Torres, Omar Felipe [COL] 63 61 
Robles, Sean [USA]  
    Hinsching, Joao[13]
Hinsching, Joao[13] [BRA] 61 61 
Gomez, Juan Sebastian[8] [COL]  
    Freund, Simon
Freund, Simon [SWE] 61 63 
Fortin, Michel-Alexandre [CAN]  
    Rivera Granja, Osmel[11]
Rivera Granja, Osmel[11] [CUB] 61 64 
Blumenberg, Alex[1] [BRA]  
    Blumenberg, Alex[1]
Major, Kevin [BAH] 36 63 64 
Maginley, Jody[2] [ANT]  
    Maginley, Jody[2]
Rousseau, Hillel [HAI] 64 64 
Mendez, Matthew [USA]  
    Mendez, Matthew
Mohanty, Arsav [USA] 76(3) 63 
Kumar, Omni[4] [USA]  
    Kumar, Omni[4]
Eguez, Sebastian[12] [BOL] 76(4) 62 
Feitt, Franco[5] [ARG]  
    Feitt, Franco[5]
Semedo, Miguel[14] [POR] 64 63 
Catanzariti, A.j.[6] [USA]  
    Catanzariti, A.j.[6]
Bresciani, Lorenzo[9] [ITA] 16 62 63 
Konings, Ruben[7] [NED]  
    Hinsching, Joao[13]
Hinsching, Joao[13] [BRA] 63 62 
Freund, Simon [SWE]  
    Freund, Simon
Rivera Granja, Osmel[11] [CUB] 61 63 
Blumenberg, Alex[1] [BRA]  
Maginley, Jody[2] [ANT]   
Mendez, Matthew [USA]  
Kumar, Omni[4] [USA]   
Feitt, Franco[5] [ARG]  
Catanzariti, A.j.[6] [USA]   
Hinsching, Joao[13] [BRA]  
Freund, Simon [SWE]   
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