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Tournament Rounds

Easter Bowl ITF, 2008, Boys 14

Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa

Rinaldi, Michael[1] [USA]  
    Rinaldi, Michael[1]
Torsch, Robert E. [USA] 60 62 
Lawson, Alex [USA]  
    Monaghan, Quentin
Monaghan, Quentin [USA] 64 64 
Pura, Thomas[17] [USA]  
    Pura, Thomas[17]
Vrabel, Christopher [USA] 61 60 
Collins, Daniel [USA]  
    Kopinski, Tim
Kopinski, Tim [USA] 26 61 60 
Vongman, Jeff[12] [USA]  
    Vongman, Jeff[12]
Daigle, Jordan Tucker [USA] 63 61 
Alves, Matthew [USA]  
    Alves, Matthew
Carswell, John [USA] 63 67(8) 64 
Gardiner, Tyler[17] [USA]  
    Gardiner, Tyler[17]
Barnhart, Hudson [USA] 62 62 
Goertz, Hunter [USA]  
    Carcione, Jonathan
Carcione, Jonathan [USA] 60 46 60 
Korinek, Andrew[7] [USA]  
    Korinek, Andrew[7]
Hernandez, Caryl [USA] 62 62 
Chen, William [USA]  
    Van Cott, Ian
Van Cott, Ian [USA] 76 63 
Halebian, Alexios[17] [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios[17]
Reiter, Jensen H. [USA] 63 64 
Tsodikov, Anthony G. [USA]  
    Tsodikov, Anthony G.
Chamerski, Michael [CAN] 62 60 
Scheinman, Alex[14] [USA]  
    Scheinman, Alex[14]
Tsvetkov, Maksym [USA] 62 36 62 
Pearce, John [USA]  
    Pearce, John
Daynes, Gannon [USA] 64 63 
Kay, Casey[17] [USA]  
    Kay, Casey[17]
Jesse, Alexander [USA] 62 64 
Madregallejo, Nikko [USA]  
    Brown, Jason
Brown, Jason [USA] 61 63 
Krueger, Mitchell[4] [USA]  
    Krueger, Mitchell[4]
Chan, Justin M. [USA] 61 61 
Wallace, Alexander [USA]  
    Wallace, Alexander
Styslinger, Mac [USA] 36 61 63 
Bloom, Sam[17] [USA]  
    Bloom, Sam[17]
Shibahara, Shuhei [USA] 62 63 
Hotard, John Hobie [USA]  
    Hotard, John Hobie
Castellanos, Jimmy [USA] 16 63 75 
Guignon, Ross[16] [USA]  
    Guignon, Ross[16]
Sabada, Deepak [USA] 75 67 62 
Aguilar, Brendan [USA]  
    Aguilar, Brendan
Van Cott, Alexander [USA] 26 60 60 
Guzman, Michael[17] [USA]  
    Guzman, Michael[17]
Corinteli, Luca [USA] 62 60 
Petersen, Mitchell [USA]  
    Menichella, Stefan
Menichella, Stefan [USA] 61 36 61 
Asami, Reo[6] [JPN]  
    Asami, Reo[6]
Marbach, Eric [USA] 63 63 
Aria, Brian [USA]  
    Weiner, David
Weiner, David [USA] 63 76 
Mays, Morgan[17] [USA]  
    Mays, Morgan[17]
Pleat, Alan [USA] 60 60 
Pham, Tyler [USA]  
    Dawson, Drew F.
Dawson, Drew F. [USA] 60 61 
Strobel, Trey[9] [USA]  
    Strobel, Trey[9]
Boyd, James [USA] 26 62 60 
Golman, Clint [USA]  
    Golman, Clint
Bu, Jeffrey [USA] 64 64 
Court, Jeremy[17] [USA]  
    Court, Jeremy[17]
Smith, Jordan [USA] 62 64 
Bauer, Nolan [USA]  
    Bauer, Nolan
Wood, Austin [USA] 75 76(4) 
Daniel, Trey [USA]  
    Daniel, Trey
Martino, Kyle [USA] 61 60 
Imam, Jacob F. [USA]  
    Montoya, Nicolas[17]
Montoya, Nicolas[17] [USA] 61 60 
Di Giulio, Joseph [USA]  
    Di Giulio, Joseph
Okamoto, Chas [USA] 62 75 
Johnson, Daymon S. [USA]  
    Livi, Robert[10]
Livi, Robert[10] [USA] 63 60 
Hammel, Jonathan [USA]  
    Hammel, Jonathan
Zhang, Gordon B. [USA] 61 62 
Johnson, Erik L. [USA]  
    Riechmann, Michael[17]
Riechmann, Michael[17] [USA] 60 60 
Arem, Karim [USA]  
    Arem, Karim
Garcia, Gregory [USA] 62 62 
Wood, Nick [USA]  
    Nguyen, Quoc-Daniel[8]
Nguyen, Quoc-Daniel[8] [USA] 64 76(3) 
Pises, Andrew M. [USA]  
    Barry, Matthew O.
Barry, Matthew O. [USA] 63 62 
Goldberg, Yale [USA]  
    Goldberg, Yale
Yeh, Lestter[17] [USA] 61 61 
Kostadinov, Tony [USA]  
    Kostadinov, Tony
Ball, Andrew [USA] 62 62 
Agbayani, Justin [USA]  
    Berman, Kyle[11]
Berman, Kyle[11] [USA] 62 63 
Goodman, Joshua [USA]  
    Goodman, Joshua
Sutter, Brandon [USA] 36 63 63 
Celestine, Terrell [USA]  
    Celestine, Terrell
Hiltzik, Jared[17] [USA] 62 75 
Smith, Austin [USA]  
    Smith, Austin
Brinzenskiy, Eric [USA] 75 62 
Oosterbaan, Paul [USA]  
    Yee, Kristofer[3]
Yee, Kristofer[3] [USA] 62 63 
Spinazze, Austin [USA]  
    Caputo, Thomas
Caputo, Thomas [USA] 62 61 
Van Meter, Joseph W. [USA]  
    Paige, Nolan[17]
Paige, Nolan[17] [USA] 61 62 
Andreasen, Kent W. [USA]  
    Andreasen, Kent W.
Beckwith, Jim G. [USA] 62 63 
Rubin, Noah [USA]  
    Baylon, Rickey[13]
Baylon, Rickey[13] [USA] 61 62 
Weiss, Howard [USA]  
    Tu, Travis Y.
Tu, Travis Y. [USA] 62 63 
Blakeley, David [USA]  
    Kumar, Mihir[17]
Kumar, Mihir[17] [USA] 62 63 
Page Jr., Brian [USA]  
    Page Jr., Brian
Simon, Robert [USA] 61 06 63 
Ritschard, Alexander [SUI]  
    Richmond, John Harrison[5]
Richmond, John Harrison[5] [USA] 61 62 
Glickman, Jayson L. [USA]  
    Glickman, Jayson L.
Hedderig, Jacob [USA] 36 61 62 
Jadun, Harris [USA]  
    Jadun, Harris
Billa, Jayabharath R.[17] [USA] 62 64 
Scholnick, Andrew [USA]  
    Naumann, Nicholas
Naumann, Nicholas [USA] 62 75 
Cullimore, Keaton [USA]  
    Delcore, Anthony[15]
Delcore, Anthony[15] [USA] 61 67 64 
Thompson, Connor [USA]  
    Thompson, Connor
Brandt, Joey S. [USA] 76(5) 63 
Chu, Kevin [USA]  
    Del Nunzio, Richard[17]
Del Nunzio, Richard[17] [USA] 61 61 
Ruffin, Julian [USA]  
    Levine, Josh
Levine, Josh [USA] 64 64 
Schneider, Ronnie [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon[2]
Watson, Gordon[2] [USA] 60 67 64 
Rinaldi, Michael[1] [USA]  
    Rinaldi, Michael[1]
Monaghan, Quentin [USA] 62 61 
Pura, Thomas[17] [USA]  
    Kopinski, Tim
Kopinski, Tim [USA] 76(5) 75 
Vongman, Jeff[12] [USA]  
    Vongman, Jeff[12]
Alves, Matthew [USA] 61 62 
Gardiner, Tyler[17] [USA]  
    Gardiner, Tyler[17]
Carcione, Jonathan [USA] 63 61 
Korinek, Andrew[7] [USA]  
    Korinek, Andrew[7]
Van Cott, Ian [USA] 76 61 
Halebian, Alexios[17] [USA]  
    Halebian, Alexios[17]
Tsodikov, Anthony G. [USA] 63 67(3) 61 
Scheinman, Alex[14] [USA]  
    Scheinman, Alex[14]
Pearce, John [USA] 63 62 
Kay, Casey[17] [USA]  
    Brown, Jason
Brown, Jason [USA] 64 21 Ret'd 
Krueger, Mitchell[4] [USA]  
    Krueger, Mitchell[4]
Wallace, Alexander [USA] 75 64 
Bloom, Sam[17] [USA]  
    Bloom, Sam[17]
Hotard, John Hobie [USA] 61 64 
Guignon, Ross[16] [USA]  
    Guignon, Ross[16]
Aguilar, Brendan [USA] 62 62 
Guzman, Michael[17] [USA]  
    Guzman, Michael[17]
Menichella, Stefan [USA] 63 63 
Asami, Reo[6] [JPN]  
    Asami, Reo[6]
Weiner, David [USA] 60 61 
Mays, Morgan[17] [USA]  
    Dawson, Drew F.
Dawson, Drew F. [USA] 76 76 
Strobel, Trey[9] [USA]  
    Strobel, Trey[9]
Golman, Clint [USA] 61 60 
Court, Jeremy[17] [USA]  
    Bauer, Nolan
Bauer, Nolan [USA] 16 75 75 
Daniel, Trey [USA]  
    Montoya, Nicolas[17]
Montoya, Nicolas[17] [USA] 67(4) 61 62 
Di Giulio, Joseph [USA]  
    Di Giulio, Joseph
Livi, Robert[10] [USA] 64 26 62 
Hammel, Jonathan [USA]  
    Riechmann, Michael[17]
Riechmann, Michael[17] [USA] 64 64 
Arem, Karim [USA]  
    Nguyen, Quoc-Daniel[8]
Nguyen, Quoc-Daniel[8] [USA] 63 60 
Barry, Matthew O. [USA]  
    Goldberg, Yale
Goldberg, Yale [USA] 63 46 64 
Kostadinov, Tony [USA]  
    Berman, Kyle[11]
Berman, Kyle[11] [USA] 60 61 
Goodman, Joshua [USA]  
    Celestine, Terrell
Celestine, Terrell [USA] 61 Ret'd 
Smith, Austin [USA]  
    Smith, Austin
Yee, Kristofer[3] [USA] 63 36 76(2) 
Caputo, Thomas [USA]  
    Paige, Nolan[17]
Paige, Nolan[17] [USA] 61 63 
Andreasen, Kent W. [USA]  
    Baylon, Rickey[13]
Baylon, Rickey[13] [USA] 62 63 
Tu, Travis Y. [USA]  
    Tu, Travis Y.
Kumar, Mihir[17] [USA] 63 36 76(4) 
Page Jr., Brian [USA]  
    Richmond, John Harrison[5]
Richmond, John Harrison[5] [USA] 61 63 
Glickman, Jayson L. [USA]  
    Jadun, Harris
Jadun, Harris [USA] 60 67(3) 64 
Naumann, Nicholas [USA]  
    Naumann, Nicholas
Delcore, Anthony[15] [USA] 64 62 
Thompson, Connor [USA]  
    Del Nunzio, Richard[17]
Del Nunzio, Richard[17] [USA] 60 63 
Levine, Josh [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon[2]
Watson, Gordon[2] [USA] 63 60 
Rinaldi, Michael[1] [USA]  
    Rinaldi, Michael[1]
Kopinski, Tim [USA] 76(2) 76(4) 
Vongman, Jeff[12] [USA]  
    Gardiner, Tyler[17]
Gardiner, Tyler[17] [USA] 75 62 
Korinek, Andrew[7] [USA]  
    Korinek, Andrew[7]
Halebian, Alexios[17] [USA] 61 57 64 
Scheinman, Alex[14] [USA]  
    Brown, Jason
Brown, Jason [USA] 60 60 
Krueger, Mitchell[4] [USA]  
    Krueger, Mitchell[4]
Bloom, Sam[17] [USA] 62 61 
Guignon, Ross[16] [USA]  
    Guzman, Michael[17]
Guzman, Michael[17] [USA] 76 26 61 
Asami, Reo[6] [JPN]  
    Asami, Reo[6]
Dawson, Drew F. [USA] 61 57 60 
Strobel, Trey[9] [USA]  
    Strobel, Trey[9]
Bauer, Nolan [USA] 61 61 
Montoya, Nicolas[17] [USA]  
    Montoya, Nicolas[17]
Di Giulio, Joseph [USA] 16 64 62 
Riechmann, Michael[17] [USA]  
    Nguyen, Quoc-Daniel[8]
Nguyen, Quoc-Daniel[8] [USA] 61 61 
Goldberg, Yale [USA]  
    Berman, Kyle[11]
Berman, Kyle[11] [USA] 61 76 
Celestine, Terrell [USA]  
    Smith, Austin
Smith, Austin [USA] 63 63 
Paige, Nolan[17] [USA]  
    Paige, Nolan[17]
Baylon, Rickey[13] [USA] 76 63 
Tu, Travis Y. [USA]  
    Richmond, John Harrison[5]
Richmond, John Harrison[5] [USA] 76(6) 64 
Jadun, Harris [USA]  
    Jadun, Harris
Naumann, Nicholas [USA] 76 62 
Del Nunzio, Richard[17] [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon[2]
Watson, Gordon[2] [USA] 67(5) 60 61 
Rinaldi, Michael[1] [USA]  
    Rinaldi, Michael[1]
Gardiner, Tyler[17] [USA] 62 75 
Korinek, Andrew[7] [USA]  
    Brown, Jason
Brown, Jason [USA] 64 16 64 
Krueger, Mitchell[4] [USA]  
    Krueger, Mitchell[4]
Guzman, Michael[17] [USA] 63 26 63 
Asami, Reo[6] [JPN]  
    Asami, Reo[6]
Strobel, Trey[9] [USA] 62 46 62 
Montoya, Nicolas[17] [USA]  
    Nguyen, Quoc-Daniel[8]
Nguyen, Quoc-Daniel[8] [USA] 62 62 
Berman, Kyle[11] [USA]  
    Smith, Austin
Smith, Austin [USA] 61 67(3) 64 
Paige, Nolan[17] [USA]  
    Richmond, John Harrison[5]
Richmond, John Harrison[5] [USA] 06 63 64 
Jadun, Harris [USA]  
    Watson, Gordon[2]
Watson, Gordon[2] [USA] 61 61 
Rinaldi, Michael[1] [USA]  
    Rinaldi, Michael[1]
Brown, Jason [USA] 61 16 60 
Krueger, Mitchell[4] [USA]  
    Asami, Reo[6]
Asami, Reo[6] [JPN] 64 63 
Nguyen, Quoc-Daniel[8] [USA]  
    Smith, Austin
Smith, Austin [USA] 63 63 
Richmond, John Harrison[5] [USA]  
    Richmond, John Harrison[5]
Watson, Gordon[2] [USA] 26 62 60 
Rinaldi, Michael[1] [USA]  
    Rinaldi, Michael[1]
Asami, Reo[6] [JPN] 61 63 
Smith, Austin [USA]  
    Richmond, John Harrison[5]
Richmond, John Harrison[5] [USA] 46 76 61 
Rinaldi, Michael[1] [USA]  
    Rinaldi, Michael[1]
Richmond, John Harrison[5] [USA] 63 62 
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