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Tournament Rounds

ITF/CAT African Junior Circuit- Egypt 14U Leg I, 2018, Girls 14

Al Solaimaneyah Tennis Center

Kabbaj, Yasmine [MAR]  
    Kabbaj, Yasmine
Hany Abo Seif, Jana [EGY] 62 62 
Shokry, Aliaa [EGY]  
    Shokry, Aliaa
Baitiche, Sarah [ALG] 26 75 107 
Sabra, Farida [EGY]  
    Bargaoui, Ines
Bargaoui, Ines [TUN] 63 67(3) 108 
Samy Ahmed, Mariem [EGY]  
    Samy Ahmed, Mariem
Varese, Shakira [ETH] 61 60 
Elsherif, Hana Ayman [EGY]  
    Elsherif, Hana Ayman
Diabate, Ranhya [CIV] 60 60 
Rassil, Ranim [TUN]  
    Rassil, Ranim
Ragab, Kenzy [EGY] 75 75 
Mohamed Ade, Jana [EGY]  
    El Aouni, Aya
El Aouni, Aya [MAR] 63 63 
Sherif Mahmoud, Jermin[4] [EGY]  
    Sherif Mahmoud, Jermin[4]
Gueblaoui, Nour [TUN] 64 46 106 
Mebarki, Bochra Rehab [ALG]  
    Mebarki, Bochra Rehab
Medhat Eldib, Hanna [EGY] 63 62 
Aboutaleb, Basmala [EGY]  
    Aboutaleb, Basmala
Miheso, Esther [KEN] 60 60 
Ammor, Malak [MAR]  
    Osama Aboubakr, Lina
Osama Aboubakr, Lina [EGY] 61 63 
Malak, Wael Arafat [EGY]  
    Jeribi, Ghaida
Jeribi, Ghaida [TUN] 76(6) 26 119 
Zeghlouli, Chems Doha [MAR]  
    Zeghlouli, Chems Doha
Mohamed Adel, Nour [EGY] 62 62 
Cherif, Ines [ALG]  
    Wael Elzohery, Wafaa (ALT)
Wael Elzohery, Wafaa (ALT) [EGY] 62 62 
Ennaciri, Manal [MAR]  
    Ennaciri, Manal
Hossam Saber, Hala [EGY] 64 62 106 
Hachem, Lina [TUN]  
    Farouk, Habiba
Farouk, Habiba [EGY] 63 61 
Kabbaj, Yasmine [MAR]  
    Kabbaj, Yasmine
Shokry, Aliaa [EGY] 60 61 
Bargaoui, Ines [TUN]  
    Bargaoui, Ines
Samy Ahmed, Mariem [EGY] 64 64 
Elsherif, Hana Ayman [EGY]  
    Elsherif, Hana Ayman
Rassil, Ranim [TUN] 62 64 
El Aouni, Aya [MAR]  
    El Aouni, Aya
Sherif Mahmoud, Jermin[4] [EGY] 64 26 105 
Mebarki, Bochra Rehab [ALG]  
    Mebarki, Bochra Rehab
Aboutaleb, Basmala [EGY] 64 63 
Osama Aboubakr, Lina [EGY]  
    Jeribi, Ghaida
Jeribi, Ghaida [TUN] 60 61 
Zeghlouli, Chems Doha [MAR]  
    Zeghlouli, Chems Doha
Wael Elzohery, Wafaa (ALT) [EGY] 63 63 
Ennaciri, Manal [MAR]  
    Farouk, Habiba
Farouk, Habiba [EGY] 63 63 
Kabbaj, Yasmine [MAR]  
    Kabbaj, Yasmine
Bargaoui, Ines [TUN] 62 60 
Elsherif, Hana Ayman [EGY]  
    Elsherif, Hana Ayman
El Aouni, Aya [MAR] 63 63 
Mebarki, Bochra Rehab [ALG]  
    Mebarki, Bochra Rehab
Jeribi, Ghaida [TUN] 63 64 
Zeghlouli, Chems Doha [MAR]  
    Zeghlouli, Chems Doha
Farouk, Habiba [EGY] 62 64 
Kabbaj, Yasmine [MAR]  
    Kabbaj, Yasmine
Elsherif, Hana Ayman [EGY] 62 61 
Mebarki, Bochra Rehab [ALG]  
    Zeghlouli, Chems Doha
Zeghlouli, Chems Doha [MAR] 75 62 
Kabbaj, Yasmine [MAR]  
    Zeghlouli, Chems Doha
Zeghlouli, Chems Doha [MAR] 64 62 
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