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J4 Asuncion \ Pascuas Bowl [Q], 2019, J60 Boys

Gaedechens, Matias[1] [CHI]  
    Gaedechens, Matias[1]
Cupertino De Santana, Luis Guilherme [BRA] 61 62 
Camelo, Gustavo [BRA]  
    Camelo, Gustavo
De Lima, Lucas Costa [BRA] 64 76(3) 
Virreira Toro, Mario Alejandro [BOL]  
    Jompolsky, Juliano
Jompolsky, Juliano [BRA] 63 61 
Gabrielli, Manuel [URU]  
    Kano, Thomas (ALT)
Kano, Thomas (ALT) [BRA] 64 46 108 
Morel Rieder, Santino[2] [PAR]  
    Morel Rieder, Santino[2]
Azeredo, Vinicius [BRA] 63 61 
Midon, Lautaro (WC) [ARG]  
    Midon, Lautaro (WC)
Antunes Burckhardt, Murilo [BRA] 64 63 
Martins, Gustavo Datto [BRA]  
    Martins, Gustavo Datto
Ramos, Diego [PER] 60 63 
Alcaras Lulio Dos Santos, Isaque Theodorio [BRA]  
    Mauriziano Abumohor, Mattia Marco[9]
Mauriziano Abumohor, Mattia Marco[9] [CHI] 63 61 
Pedrosa Brito Dos Santos, Augusto Fernando[3] [BRA]  
    Fukushima, Henrique (WC)
Fukushima, Henrique (WC) [BRA] 63 63 
Lemos Franzoloso, Murilo [BRA]  
    Lemos Franzoloso, Murilo
Nino Mendoza, Nicolas [COL] 75 67(5) 108 
Cruz Valente, Victor [BRA]  
    Cruz Valente, Victor
Regier, Andre Roman (WC) [ARG] 60 62 
Reis, Luis Fernando [BRA]  
    Torres Fernandez, Benjamín Ignacio[7]
Torres Fernandez, Benjamín Ignacio[7] [CHI] 61 64 
Franca, Pedro[4] [BRA]  
    Franca, Pedro[4]
Prado Angelo, Juan Carlos [BOL] 62 63 
Sanchez Rojas, Daniel Esteban [COL]  
    Schiabel, Andre
Schiabel, Andre [BRA] 61 60 
Fernandez Moreno, Piero [CHI]  
    Fernandez Moreno, Piero
Abreu, Leonardo [BRA] 60 60 
Pinto, Lucca [BRA]  
    Pinto, Lucca
Velazquez, Valentin[10] [ARG] 57 76(2) 119 
Pini, Francisco[5] [ARG]  
    Pini, Francisco[5]
Centurion, Ivan [PAR] 61 60 
Rickli Da Matta, Guilherme [BRA]  
    Braunstein, Rodrigo (ALT)
Braunstein, Rodrigo (ALT) [BRA] 75 61 
Saleme, Vinicius [BRA]  
    Saleme, Vinicius
Ortiz Gamonal, Diego [CHI] 67(4) 64 1816 
Del Porto Rubio, Felipe (WC) [BRA]  
    Del Porto Rubio, Felipe (WC)
Quintanilla Davalos, Leonardo Julian[11] [BOL] 36 63 1614 
Deszczynski, Gustavo[6] [BRA]  
    Deszczynski, Gustavo[6]
Cressoni, Kaua Lopes (ALT) [BRA] 63 60 
Chicone Recchia, Enrico (WC) [BRA]  
    Sued, Esteban Federico
Sued, Esteban Federico [ARG] 62 61 
Romboli Filho, Marcelo [BRA]  
    Romboli Filho, Marcelo
Anez Rolon, Augusto Yohel [PAR] 64 76(4) 
Buffara, Percy V [BRA]  
    Baltazar, Andre[8]
Baltazar, Andre[8] [PER] 62 63 
Gaedechens, Matias[1] [CHI]  
    Gaedechens, Matias[1]
Camelo, Gustavo [BRA] 61 62 
Jompolsky, Juliano [BRA]  
    Kano, Thomas (ALT)
Kano, Thomas (ALT) [BRA] 46 61 107 
Morel Rieder, Santino[2] [PAR]  
    Morel Rieder, Santino[2]
Midon, Lautaro (WC) [ARG] 62 64 
Martins, Gustavo Datto [BRA]  
    Martins, Gustavo Datto
Mauriziano Abumohor, Mattia Marco[9] [CHI] 62 75 
Fukushima, Henrique (WC) [BRA]  
    Fukushima, Henrique (WC)
Lemos Franzoloso, Murilo [BRA] 62 61 
Cruz Valente, Victor [BRA]  
    Cruz Valente, Victor
Torres Fernandez, Benjamín Ignacio[7] [CHI] 76(0) 63 
Franca, Pedro[4] [BRA]  
    Franca, Pedro[4]
Schiabel, Andre [BRA] 64 62 
Fernandez Moreno, Piero [CHI]  
    Fernandez Moreno, Piero
Pinto, Lucca [BRA] 64 75 
Pini, Francisco[5] [ARG]  
    Pini, Francisco[5]
Braunstein, Rodrigo (ALT) [BRA] 60 61 
Saleme, Vinicius [BRA]  
    Saleme, Vinicius
Del Porto Rubio, Felipe (WC) [BRA] 63 63 
Deszczynski, Gustavo[6] [BRA]  
    Deszczynski, Gustavo[6]
Sued, Esteban Federico [ARG] 63 62 
Romboli Filho, Marcelo [BRA]  
    Baltazar, Andre[8]
Baltazar, Andre[8] [PER] 64 21 Ret'd 
Gaedechens, Matias[1] [CHI]  
    Gaedechens, Matias[1]
Kano, Thomas (ALT) [BRA] 61 60 
Morel Rieder, Santino[2] [PAR]  
    Morel Rieder, Santino[2]
Martins, Gustavo Datto [BRA] 76(3) 62 
Fukushima, Henrique (WC) [BRA]  
    Fukushima, Henrique (WC)
Cruz Valente, Victor [BRA] 64 46 106 
Franca, Pedro[4] [BRA]  
    Fernandez Moreno, Piero
Fernandez Moreno, Piero [CHI] 61 64 
Pini, Francisco[5] [ARG]  
    Pini, Francisco[5]
Saleme, Vinicius [BRA] 61 64 
Deszczynski, Gustavo[6] [BRA]  
    Deszczynski, Gustavo[6]
Baltazar, Andre[8] [PER] 62 60 
Gaedechens, Matias[1] [CHI]  
Morel Rieder, Santino[2] [PAR]   
Fukushima, Henrique (WC) [BRA]  
Fernandez Moreno, Piero [CHI]   
Pini, Francisco[5] [ARG]  
Deszczynski, Gustavo[6] [BRA]   
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