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Tournament Rounds

J4 Antalya \ Nurcan Sertkaya Cup [Q], 2019, J60 Boys

Fellin, Pietro Orlando[1] [ITA]  
    Fellin, Pietro Orlando[1]
Atabay, Ahmet [TUR]  
    Atabay, Ahmet
Tigyi, Oliver [HUN] 75 64 
Ballisager, Mikkel [DEN]  
    Ballisager, Mikkel
Curovic, Alen [SWE] 62 75 
Gurmeric, Mahmut Emre [TUR]  
    Soares, Hugo
Soares, Hugo [FRA] 60 62 
Bielinskyi, Viacheslav[2] [UKR]  
    Bielinskyi, Viacheslav[2]
Moosavi, Seyed Amirhossein [IRI]  
    Bergdahl, Axel
Bergdahl, Axel [SWE] 60 60 
Gheorghe, David Alexandru [ROU]  
    Gheorghe, David Alexandru
Stroberg, Erik [SWE] 62 62 
Reale, Lorenzo [ITA]  
    Reale, Lorenzo
Sarikaya, Ata Faruk [TUR] 62 76(6) 
Grondahl, Viggo[3] [SWE]  
    Grondahl, Viggo[3]
Duran, Birtan [TUR]  
    Temov, Aleksandar
Temov, Aleksandar [BUL] 64 63 
Citak, Bartu [TUR]  
    Sakellaridis, Stefanos
Sakellaridis, Stefanos [GRE] 64 61 
Pampanin, Pietro [ITA]  
    Pampanin, Pietro
Fisette, Brieuc [BEL] 64 26 62 
Marcu, Vlad[4] [ROU]  
    Marcu, Vlad[4]
Danielsson, Ludvig [SWE]  
    Danielsson, Ludvig
Dasic, Lav [SRB] 46 61 64 
Boros, Attila [HUN]  
    Boros, Attila
Soyler, Baran [TUR] 76(5) 46 64 
Hammarsten, Nils [SWE]  
    Hammarsten, Nils
Sousa, Tiago [POR] 60 64 
Parr, Anders[5] [NOR]  
    Parr, Anders[5]
Gurmeric, Iskender Arda [TUR]  
    Stepanov, Timofey
Stepanov, Timofey [SUI] 61 61 
Szakacs, Oliver [HUN]  
    Tylehed, Hannes
Tylehed, Hannes [SWE] 63 63 
Sancaklioglu, Mustafa [TUR]  
    Hausberger, Gregor
Hausberger, Gregor [AUT] 60 62 
Simeonov, Dimitur[6] [BUL]  
    Simeonov, Dimitur[6]
Demichelis, Alessio [ITA]  
    Demichelis, Alessio
Eerola, Oskari [FIN] 63 60 
Ramer Olofsson, Lukas [SWE]  
    Paliska, Bradley
Paliska, Bradley [FRA] 63 64 
Dragar, Peter [HUN]  
    Dragar, Peter
Cetin, Osman Ilber [TUR] 60 60 
Parr, Christian[7] [NOR]  
    Parr, Christian[7]
Deli, Merse [HUN]  
    Kostopoulos, Julius
Kostopoulos, Julius [DEN] 60 60 
Gunes, Mustafa Can [TUR]  
    Gunes, Mustafa Can
Ierokhin, Dmytrii [UKR] 76(3) 63 
Ruggeri, Federico [ITA]  
    Ruggeri, Federico
Ekman, Mellwin [SWE] 61 63 
Cucka, Konstantin[8] [GER]  
    Cucka, Konstantin[8]
Rydstrom, Marcus [SWE]  
    Rydstrom, Marcus
Turan, Yagiz [TUR] 64 63 
Armioun, Amirreza [IRI]  
    Andrian, Alexandru
Andrian, Alexandru [ROU] 60 63 
Sonesson Lidholt, Olle [SWE]  
    Sonesson Lidholt, Olle
Sanchez, Lautaro[9] [ITA] 61 75 
Fellin, Pietro Orlando[1] [ITA]  
    Fellin, Pietro Orlando[1]
Atabay, Ahmet [TUR] 60 61 
Ballisager, Mikkel [DEN]  
    Soares, Hugo
Soares, Hugo [FRA] 76(6) 62 
Bielinskyi, Viacheslav[2] [UKR]  
    Bielinskyi, Viacheslav[2]
Bergdahl, Axel [SWE] 62 61 
Gheorghe, David Alexandru [ROU]  
    Reale, Lorenzo
Reale, Lorenzo [ITA] 60 60 
Grondahl, Viggo[3] [SWE]  
    Grondahl, Viggo[3]
Temov, Aleksandar [BUL] 64 64 
Sakellaridis, Stefanos [GRE]  
    Pampanin, Pietro
Pampanin, Pietro [ITA] 76(5) 63 
Marcu, Vlad[4] [ROU]  
    Marcu, Vlad[4]
Danielsson, Ludvig [SWE] 64 63 
Boros, Attila [HUN]  
    Boros, Attila
Hammarsten, Nils [SWE] 63 64 
Parr, Anders[5] [NOR]  
    Stepanov, Timofey
Stepanov, Timofey [SUI] 63 63 
Tylehed, Hannes [SWE]  
    Hausberger, Gregor
Hausberger, Gregor [AUT] 63 61 
Simeonov, Dimitur[6] [BUL]  
    Demichelis, Alessio
Demichelis, Alessio [ITA] 61 61 
Paliska, Bradley [FRA]  
    Paliska, Bradley
Dragar, Peter [HUN] 61 61 
Parr, Christian[7] [NOR]  
    Kostopoulos, Julius
Kostopoulos, Julius [DEN] 62 64 
Gunes, Mustafa Can [TUR]  
    Ruggeri, Federico
Ruggeri, Federico [ITA] 26 75 62 
Cucka, Konstantin[8] [GER]  
    Cucka, Konstantin[8]
Rydstrom, Marcus [SWE] 75 64 
Andrian, Alexandru [ROU]  
    Sonesson Lidholt, Olle
Sonesson Lidholt, Olle [SWE] 62 61 
Fellin, Pietro Orlando[1] [ITA]  
    Fellin, Pietro Orlando[1]
Soares, Hugo [FRA] 60 61 
Bielinskyi, Viacheslav[2] [UKR]  
    Bielinskyi, Viacheslav[2]
Reale, Lorenzo [ITA] 76(3) 64 
Grondahl, Viggo[3] [SWE]  
    Pampanin, Pietro
Pampanin, Pietro [ITA] 36 75 63 
Marcu, Vlad[4] [ROU]  
    Marcu, Vlad[4]
Boros, Attila [HUN] 64 76(4) 
Stepanov, Timofey [SUI]  
    Hausberger, Gregor
Hausberger, Gregor [AUT] 75 63 
Demichelis, Alessio [ITA]  
    Paliska, Bradley
Paliska, Bradley [FRA] 62 60 
Kostopoulos, Julius [DEN]  
    Ruggeri, Federico
Ruggeri, Federico [ITA] 63 64 
Cucka, Konstantin[8] [GER]  
    Cucka, Konstantin[8]
Sonesson Lidholt, Olle [SWE] 75 76(2) 
Fellin, Pietro Orlando[1] [ITA]  
Bielinskyi, Viacheslav[2] [UKR]   
Pampanin, Pietro [ITA]  
Marcu, Vlad[4] [ROU]   
Hausberger, Gregor [AUT]  
Paliska, Bradley [FRA]   
Ruggeri, Federico [ITA]  
Cucka, Konstantin[8] [GER]   
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