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Tournament Rounds

J100 Londrina \ Londrina Tennis Cup [Q], 2019, J100 Boys

Londrina Country Club

Constantino, Gabriel[1] [BRA]  
    Constantino, Gabriel[1]
Pela Hernandes, Arthur [BRA]  
    Braunstein, Rodrigo
Braunstein, Rodrigo [BRA] 61 61 
Fruhling Neto, Henrique [BRA]  
    Ebenriter, Luca
Ebenriter, Luca [BRA] 60 62 
Alexandre, Ronaldo [BRA]  
    Italo Santos, Adriell
Italo Santos, Adriell [BRA] 61 63 
Geovani Correa, Matheus[2] [BRA]  
    Geovani Correa, Matheus[2]
Canabrava, Danilo [BRA] 61 60 
Saleme, Vinicius [BRA]  
    Saleme, Vinicius
Weffort Hilbert, Gabriel [BRA] 61 60 
Costa Lima, Lucas [BRA]  
    Costa Lima, Lucas
Cesario, Thiago [BRA] 61 16 103 
Lopes, Caio [BRA]  
    Lopes, Caio
Vieira, Matheus [BRA] 64 60 
Pereira Rodrigues, Vinicius[3] [BRA]  
    Sommer Siviero, Marco Antonio
Sommer Siviero, Marco Antonio [BRA] 57 64 108 
Camelo, Gustavo [BRA]  
    Maciel Neto, Jose Nilson D
Maciel Neto, Jose Nilson D [BRA] 61 62 
Jompolsky, Juliano [BRA]  
    Jompolsky, Juliano
Peralta, Bernardo [BRA] 62 62 
Arce Gonzalez, Ezequiel [PAR]  
    Costa Paiva, Matheus[5]
Costa Paiva, Matheus[5] [BRA] 62 64 
Deszczynski, Gustavo[4] [BRA]  
    Schiabel, Andre
Schiabel, Andre [BRA] 64 62 
Silva, Igor [BRA]  
    Melo, Jorge Fernando
Melo, Jorge Fernando [BRA] 64 61 
Lemos Franzoloso, Murilo [BRA]  
    Prust Gelbcke, Matheus
Prust Gelbcke, Matheus [BRA] 61 63 
Moreno, Marcos [BRA]  
    Bordini Garutti, Enzo[6]
Bordini Garutti, Enzo[6] [BRA] 63 61 
Constantino, Gabriel[1] [BRA]  
    Braunstein, Rodrigo
Braunstein, Rodrigo [BRA] 61 64 
Ebenriter, Luca [BRA]  
    Ebenriter, Luca
Italo Santos, Adriell [BRA] 63 06 1311 
Geovani Correa, Matheus[2] [BRA]  
    Geovani Correa, Matheus[2]
Saleme, Vinicius [BRA] 46 61 108 
Costa Lima, Lucas [BRA]  
    Costa Lima, Lucas
Lopes, Caio [BRA] 62 75 
Sommer Siviero, Marco Antonio [BRA]  
    Sommer Siviero, Marco Antonio
Maciel Neto, Jose Nilson D [BRA] 75 61 
Jompolsky, Juliano [BRA]  
    Costa Paiva, Matheus[5]
Costa Paiva, Matheus[5] [BRA] 62 64 
Schiabel, Andre [BRA]  
    Schiabel, Andre
Melo, Jorge Fernando [BRA] 36 62 107 
Prust Gelbcke, Matheus [BRA]  
    Bordini Garutti, Enzo[6]
Bordini Garutti, Enzo[6] [BRA] 61 62 
Braunstein, Rodrigo [BRA]  
    Braunstein, Rodrigo
Ebenriter, Luca [BRA] 62 64 
Geovani Correa, Matheus[2] [BRA]  
    Geovani Correa, Matheus[2]
Costa Lima, Lucas [BRA] 62 63 
Sommer Siviero, Marco Antonio [BRA]  
    Costa Paiva, Matheus[5]
Costa Paiva, Matheus[5] [BRA] 75 64 
Schiabel, Andre [BRA]  
    Bordini Garutti, Enzo[6]
Bordini Garutti, Enzo[6] [BRA] 61 61 
Braunstein, Rodrigo [BRA]  
Geovani Correa, Matheus[2] [BRA]   
Costa Paiva, Matheus[5] [BRA]  
Bordini Garutti, Enzo[6] [BRA]   
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