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Tournament Rounds

M15 East Lansing, MI 41 [Q], 2019, M15

Fox, David[1] [GBR]  
    Fox, David[1]
Giddens, Maxwell [USA] 63 67(4) 108 
Matsuno, Kazuki (WC) [USA]  
    Story, James
Story, James [GBR] 61 64 
Liu, Yang [CHN]  
    Forman, Steven
Forman, Steven [USA] 63 61 
Ellefsen, Nils [NOR]  
    Lakoseljac, Christian[8]
Lakoseljac, Christian[8] [CAN] 76(6) 64 
Parker, Jordan[2] [USA]  
    Parker, Jordan[2]
Chadwell, Ian [USA] 75 64 
Cullimore, Keaton [USA]  
    Cullimore, Keaton
Gore, Rico [USA] 60 61 
Cahn, Andrew [USA]  
    Cahn, Andrew
Goldenberg, Dustin [USA] 64 51 Ret'd 
Beloqui, Adrian Dario [URU]  
    De La Bassetiere, Constant[7]
De La Bassetiere, Constant[7] [FRA] 60 60 
Hurrion, Millen[3] [GBR]  
    Hurrion, Millen[3]
Cooksey, William [USA] 62 63 
Cassone, Murphy [USA]  
    Cassone, Murphy
Childers, Julian Allen [USA] 61 75 
Baylis, Luke (WC) [USA]  
    Baylis, Luke (WC)
Walter, Elias Emilio [GER] 61 63 
Sock, Eric [USA]  
    Diallo, Gabriel[10]
Diallo, Gabriel[10] [CAN] 60 63 
Smith, Tanner K[4] [USA]  
    Smith, Tanner K[4]
Sorbo, Jonathan [CAN] 60 63 
Keene, Andrew (WC) [USA]  
    Kakhniuk, Daniil
Kakhniuk, Daniil [BLR] 76(4) 64 
Portnoy, Joshua [USA]  
    Portnoy, Joshua
Zheng, Yili [CHN] 67(5) 61 1311 
Milavsky, Daniel [USA]  
    Perez, Brandon[11]
Perez, Brandon[11] [VEN] 06 62 106 
Wallart, Enzo[5] [FRA]  
    Wallart, Enzo[5]
Lair, Graydon [USA] 63 63 
Hills, Langford [USA]  
    Hills, Langford
Beren, Samuel [USA] 64 62 
Kobelt, Alex [USA]  
    Kobelt, Alex
Baris, Ozan [USA] 64 46 104 
Aggarwal, Parth [IND]  
    Asaba, Abraham[9]
Asaba, Abraham[9] [GHA] 75 46 106 
Banthia, Siddhant[6] [IND]  
    Banthia, Siddhant[6]
Rajia, Youssef [USA] 67(5) 61 104 
Russell, Austin G. [USA]  
    Russell, Austin G.
Campbell, Jarreau A. (WC) [USA] 64 46 106 
Gates, Carson (WC) [USA]  
    Gates, Carson (WC)
Luthra, Varun [USA] 60 60 
De Alwis, Vimuktha [SRI]  
    Kuhar, Matt[12]
Kuhar, Matt[12] [USA] 75 63 
Fox, David[1] [GBR]  
    Fox, David[1]
Story, James [GBR] 62 62 
Forman, Steven [USA]  
    Lakoseljac, Christian[8]
Lakoseljac, Christian[8] [CAN] 76(5) 64 
Parker, Jordan[2] [USA]  
    Parker, Jordan[2]
Cullimore, Keaton [USA] 64 76(4) 
Cahn, Andrew [USA]  
    De La Bassetiere, Constant[7]
De La Bassetiere, Constant[7] [FRA] 63 63 
Hurrion, Millen[3] [GBR]  
    Hurrion, Millen[3]
Cassone, Murphy [USA] 60 60 
Baylis, Luke (WC) [USA]  
    Diallo, Gabriel[10]
Diallo, Gabriel[10] [CAN] 63 63 
Smith, Tanner K[4] [USA]  
    Smith, Tanner K[4]
Kakhniuk, Daniil [BLR] 64 64 
Portnoy, Joshua [USA]  
    Perez, Brandon[11]
Perez, Brandon[11] [VEN] 64 63 
Wallart, Enzo[5] [FRA]  
    Wallart, Enzo[5]
Hills, Langford [USA] 63 63 
Kobelt, Alex [USA]  
    Kobelt, Alex
Asaba, Abraham[9] [GHA] 64 76(4) 
Banthia, Siddhant[6] [IND]  
    Banthia, Siddhant[6]
Russell, Austin G. [USA] 63 64 
Gates, Carson (WC) [USA]  
    Kuhar, Matt[12]
Kuhar, Matt[12] [USA] 60 75 
Fox, David[1] [GBR]  
    Lakoseljac, Christian[8]
Lakoseljac, Christian[8] [CAN] 76(2) 63 
Parker, Jordan[2] [USA]  
    De La Bassetiere, Constant[7]
De La Bassetiere, Constant[7] [FRA] 62 62 
Hurrion, Millen[3] [GBR]  
    Hurrion, Millen[3]
Diallo, Gabriel[10] [CAN] 62 46 104 
Smith, Tanner K[4] [USA]  
    Smith, Tanner K[4]
Perez, Brandon[11] [VEN] 64 76(5) 
Wallart, Enzo[5] [FRA]  
    Kobelt, Alex
Kobelt, Alex [USA] 67(3) 76(4) 108 
Banthia, Siddhant[6] [IND]  
    Kuhar, Matt[12]
Kuhar, Matt[12] [USA] 63 67(4) 104 
Lakoseljac, Christian[8] [CAN]  
De La Bassetiere, Constant[7] [FRA]   
Hurrion, Millen[3] [GBR]  
Smith, Tanner K[4] [USA]   
Kobelt, Alex [USA]  
Kuhar, Matt[12] [USA]   
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