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Tournament Rounds

J5 Guayaquil \ Copa Club Nacional, 2019, J30 Boys

Zabala Vargas, Juan Sebastian[1] [ECU]  
    Zabala Vargas, Juan Sebastian[1]
Ramirez Latorre, Anthony [ECU] 60 60 
Rojas Mora, Juan Diego (WC) [ECU]  
    Torres Fernandez, Benjamín Ignacio
Torres Fernandez, Benjamín Ignacio [CHI] 76(5) 57 76(4) 
Pino Amador, Emilio [ECU]  
    Davila, Mathias (Q)
Davila, Mathias (Q) [ECU] 61 60 
Martinez Toral, Jose Antonio [ECU]  
    Duque Ramirez, Juan David[6]
Duque Ramirez, Juan David[6] [COL] 60 62 
Ballotta, Gianluca[4] [PER]  
    Ballotta, Gianluca[4]
Suarez Berrezueta, Omar (Q) [ECU] 75 63 
Pinargote Palma, Roberto [ECU]  
    Trapero Laos, Santiago
Trapero Laos, Santiago [ECU] 63 64 
Ramos Ponce, Nelson (Q) [ECU]  
    Ramos Ponce, Nelson (Q)
Blacud Zamora, Vito Marcelo [BOL] 64 63 
Valencia Ponce, Julian [ECU]  
    Gutierrez Ruperti, Paulo[5]
Gutierrez Ruperti, Paulo[5] [ECU] 75 62 
Trigosso Mercado, Sebastian[8] [BOL]  
    Larrea Sicco, Miguel (WC)
Larrea Sicco, Miguel (WC) [ECU] 61 62 
Cajamarca Mero, Bryan [ECU]  
    Cadena, Alessandro
Cadena, Alessandro [ECU] 76(2) 62 
Zapata, Frank [ECU]  
    Guevara Garcia, Alejandro
Guevara Garcia, Alejandro [COL] 46 62 61 
Moncada Salazar, John (Q) [ECU]  
    Castillo Martinez, Paulo Cesar[3]
Castillo Martinez, Paulo Cesar[3] [ECU] 63 75 
Robalino Munoz, Jose Mari[7] [ECU]  
    Robalino Munoz, Jose Mari[7]
Sanchez Rojas, Daniel Esteban [COL] 60 62 
Poblete, Benjamin Ambrosio (WC) [CHI]  
    Valarezo Lingen, Paulo
Valarezo Lingen, Paulo [ECU] 62 64 
Raffo, Alejandro [PER]  
    Raffo, Alejandro
Jacome Bruque, Rodolfo [ECU] 62 26 64 
Moscoso, Jose [ECU]  
    Zederbauer Lapentti, Alexander[2]
Zederbauer Lapentti, Alexander[2] [ECU] 60 61 
Zabala Vargas, Juan Sebastian[1] [ECU]  
    Zabala Vargas, Juan Sebastian[1]
Torres Fernandez, Benjamín Ignacio [CHI] 63 61 
Davila, Mathias (Q) [ECU]  
    Davila, Mathias (Q)
Duque Ramirez, Juan David[6] [COL] 46 62 75 
Ballotta, Gianluca[4] [PER]  
    Ballotta, Gianluca[4]
Trapero Laos, Santiago [ECU] 62 64 
Ramos Ponce, Nelson (Q) [ECU]  
    Ramos Ponce, Nelson (Q)
Gutierrez Ruperti, Paulo[5] [ECU] 76(5) 62 
Larrea Sicco, Miguel (WC) [ECU]  
    Larrea Sicco, Miguel (WC)
Cadena, Alessandro [ECU] 75 62 
Guevara Garcia, Alejandro [COL]  
    Castillo Martinez, Paulo Cesar[3]
Castillo Martinez, Paulo Cesar[3] [ECU] 64 75 
Robalino Munoz, Jose Mari[7] [ECU]  
    Robalino Munoz, Jose Mari[7]
Valarezo Lingen, Paulo [ECU] 63 62 
Raffo, Alejandro [PER]  
    Zederbauer Lapentti, Alexander[2]
Zederbauer Lapentti, Alexander[2] [ECU] 60 60 
Zabala Vargas, Juan Sebastian[1] [ECU]  
    Zabala Vargas, Juan Sebastian[1]
Davila, Mathias (Q) [ECU] 61 62 
Ballotta, Gianluca[4] [PER]  
    Ballotta, Gianluca[4]
Ramos Ponce, Nelson (Q) [ECU] 60 62 
Larrea Sicco, Miguel (WC) [ECU]  
    Castillo Martinez, Paulo Cesar[3]
Castillo Martinez, Paulo Cesar[3] [ECU] 63 36 62 
Robalino Munoz, Jose Mari[7] [ECU]  
    Zederbauer Lapentti, Alexander[2]
Zederbauer Lapentti, Alexander[2] [ECU] 61 57 64 
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