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Tournament Rounds

USA F11 Futures [Q], 2008, M25

Kielbowicz, Joel[1] [USA]  
    Kielbowicz, Joel[1]
Woodford-Smith, Zander [GBR]  
    Woodford-Smith, Zander
Thunberg, Eric [USA] 62 61 
Tikhomirov, Maksim [USA]  
    Tikhomirov, Maksim
Vora, Amar [GBR] 60 60 
Lund, Gavin [USA]  
    Chen, Guan-Hua
Chen, Guan-Hua [CHN] 60 60 
Ganju, Aron [USA]  
    Anandan, Brandon
Anandan, Brandon [USA] 61 60 
Atiso, Theophilus Kofi [GHA]  
    Pylypenko, Christian
Pylypenko, Christian [AUS] w/o 
Yu, Marcus [USA]  
    Bodle, Jackson
Bodle, Jackson [NZL] 63 64 
Reid, Matt [AUS]  
    Reid, Matt
Skwira, Michael [CAN] 60 60 
Neilly, Timothy[2] [BAH]  
    Neilly, Timothy[2]
Viruega-Diaz, Luis-David [MEX]  
    Viruega-Diaz, Luis-David
Zenisek, Jeff [USA] 76(4) 61 
Giger, Joel [SUI]  
    Giger, Joel
Long, Owen [USA] 75 62 
Taboada, Ignacio [USA]  
    Taboada, Ignacio
Staton, Kyle [USA] 62 61 
Spell, Jason [USA]  
    Escarate, Adrian
Escarate, Adrian [CHI] 61 60 
Kelly, Tyler [USA]  
    Lundquist, Calle
Lundquist, Calle [SWE] 75 46 62 
Cardenas, Moises [PER]  
    Cardenas, Moises
Musella, Luciano [ITA] 60 60 
Belov, Evgeniy [RUS]  
    Belov, Evgeniy
Makurdi, Terhemba [NGR] 36 76(3) 61 
Abougzir, Ytai[3] [USA]  
    Abougzir, Ytai[3]
Burkhardt, Joey [USA]  
    Burkhardt, Joey
George Jr, Viju [USA] 64 30 Ret'd 
Snook, Tyler [USA]  
    Smith, Corey
Smith, Corey [USA] 60 64 
Bates, Joe [USA]  
    Bates, Joe
Gutierrez, Beau [USA] 62 61 
Meyer, Jacob [USA]  
    Hardt, Bo
Hardt, Bo [USA] 62 60 
Laheney, Nicholas [USA]  
    Sato, Bumpei
Sato, Bumpei [JPN] 61 62 
Lopez, Salvador [MEX]  
    Davis, Michael
Davis, Michael [GBR] 62 61 
O'shea, Michael [USA]  
    Gonzalez, Andres
Gonzalez, Andres [VEN] 46 61 61 
Mavropoulos-Stoliarenko, Vlademyros[4] [GRE]  
    Mavropoulos-Stoliarenko, Vlademyros[4]
Boe-Wiegaard, William [USA]  
    Kane, Steven
Kane, Steven [USA] 62 62 
Short, Matthew [GBR]  
    Short, Matthew
Halaj, Erik [SVK] 62 75 
Gonzalez, Ben [USA]  
    Meza, Jose Gerardo
Meza, Jose Gerardo [MEX] 61 63 
Diaz, Alexander [VEN]  
    David, Jonathan
David, Jonathan [CAN] 62 61 
Flach, Richard [USA]  
    Flach, Richard
Gonzalez, Keith [USA] 61 60 
Bucaro, Andres [GUA]  
    Bucaro, Andres
Pattenden, Sean [AUS] 62 63 
Higuchi, Sho [JPN]  
    Wali, Sheharyar
Wali, Sheharyar [CAN] 60 76(6) 
Lasry, Diego [VEN]  
    Lasry, Diego
Karia, Vijay [USA]  
    Podgainii, Artiom
Podgainii, Artiom [MDA] 62 62 
Dalla Fontana, Mateo [ARG]  
    Dalla Fontana, Mateo
Eriksson, Adam [USA] 76(2) 63 
Yoshizawa, Yannick [BRA]  
    Carey, Rodney
Carey, Rodney [BAH] 62 63 
Mata, Franco [MOZ]  
    Mata, Franco
Arias, Kevin [USA] 67(6) 75 62 
Harrer, Rudolf [RSA]  
    Eppley, Maximilian
Eppley, Maximilian [USA] 46 76(2) 40 Ret'd 
Neumann, Ace Alexander Christoffer [CAN]  
    Azhar, Na'im
Azhar, Na'im [BER] 63 75 
    Kleine, Gustavo[10]
Kleine, Gustavo[10] [BRA]   
Rojas, Sergio[6] [PER]  
    Rojas, Sergio[6]
Basile, Michael Joseph [USA]  
    Gates, Robert
Gates, Robert [USA] 76(5) 63 
Jolly, Jeswin [USA]  
    Kamono, Kyohhei
Kamono, Kyohhei [JPN] 64 64 
Chavez, Pablo [VEN]  
    Chavez, Pablo
Le, Tho [VIE] 75 61 
Polarczyk, Paul [CAN]  
    Polarczyk, Paul
Burks, Ronnie [USA] 60 60 
Keong, Soon-Ping [SGP]  
    Keong, Soon-Ping
Peck, Chris [USA] 62 61 
Cathalina, David [AHO]  
    Clarke, Michael
Clarke, Michael [TTO] 62 63 
Hindle, Zeke [USA]  
    Munroe, Bjorn[12]
Munroe, Bjorn[12] [BAH] 63 62 
Zivkovic, Denis[7] [USA]  
    Zivkovic, Denis[7]
Otsuka, Shinnosuke [JPN]  
    Otsuka, Shinnosuke
Koiwa, Tatsuji [JPN] 36 63 64 
Ouyang, Bowen [CHN]  
    Ouyang, Bowen
Valenti, John [USA] 62 36 62 
Oliveira-Amor, Luciano [BRA]  
    Thomsen, Ulrik
Thomsen, Ulrik [DEN] 60 62 
Santiago, Douglas [USA]  
    Vladimirsky, Gregory
Vladimirsky, Gregory [USA] 63 62 
Jacobs, Yves [BEL]  
    Gilliland, Michael
Gilliland, Michael [USA] 63 64 
O'loughlin, Francis [USA]  
    Khabiyev, Nail
Khabiyev, Nail [UZB] 63 60 
    Sinitsyn, Kirill[9]
Sinitsyn, Kirill[9] [CAN]   
Frandji, Patrick[8] [USA]  
    Frandji, Patrick[8]
Jones, Diallo [TOG]  
    Najjar, Jack
Najjar, Jack [USA] 63 63 
Samaha, Joel [USA]  
    Samaha, Joel
Kaver, Andres [CRC] 60 61 
Le, Chris [USA]  
    Dickson, Christopher
Dickson, Christopher [USA] 76(2) 16 64 
Pasareanu, Alexandru [CAN]  
    Pasareanu, Alexandru
Schelling-Tisza, Connor [GBR] 61 64 
Gambill, Torrey [USA]  
    White, Nicholas
White, Nicholas [USA] 76(4) 64 
Fiorentino, Carlton [USA]  
    Fiorentino, Carlton
Frayssinoux, Philippe [FRA] 46 76(3) 10 Ret'd 
    Chanakira, Tinotenda[11]
Chanakira, Tinotenda[11] [ZIM]   
Kielbowicz, Joel[1] [USA]  
    Kielbowicz, Joel[1]
Woodford-Smith, Zander [GBR] 63 57 60 
Tikhomirov, Maksim [USA]  
    Tikhomirov, Maksim
Chen, Guan-Hua [CHN] 60 63 
Anandan, Brandon [USA]  
    Anandan, Brandon
Pylypenko, Christian [AUS] 61 62 
Bodle, Jackson [NZL]  
    Reid, Matt
Reid, Matt [AUS] 36 61 60 
Neilly, Timothy[2] [BAH]  
    Neilly, Timothy[2]
Viruega-Diaz, Luis-David [MEX] 60 63 
Giger, Joel [SUI]  
    Taboada, Ignacio
Taboada, Ignacio [USA] 64 63 
Escarate, Adrian [CHI]  
    Lundquist, Calle
Lundquist, Calle [SWE] 63 62 
Cardenas, Moises [PER]  
    Cardenas, Moises
Belov, Evgeniy [RUS] 60 64 
Abougzir, Ytai[3] [USA]  
    Abougzir, Ytai[3]
Burkhardt, Joey [USA] 60 57 62 
Smith, Corey [USA]  
    Bates, Joe
Bates, Joe [USA] 75 63 
Hardt, Bo [USA]  
    Sato, Bumpei
Sato, Bumpei [JPN] 61 60 
Davis, Michael [GBR]  
    Davis, Michael
Gonzalez, Andres [VEN] w/o 
Mavropoulos-Stoliarenko, Vlademyros[4] [GRE]  
    Kane, Steven
Kane, Steven [USA] 76(4) 76(4) 
Short, Matthew [GBR]  
    Meza, Jose Gerardo
Meza, Jose Gerardo [MEX] 62 64 
David, Jonathan [CAN]  
    David, Jonathan
Flach, Richard [USA] 62 63 
Bucaro, Andres [GUA]  
    Wali, Sheharyar
Wali, Sheharyar [CAN] 64 46 63 
Lasry, Diego [VEN]  
    Lasry, Diego
Podgainii, Artiom [MDA] 60 75 
Dalla Fontana, Mateo [ARG]  
    Carey, Rodney
Carey, Rodney [BAH] 61 75 
Mata, Franco [MOZ]  
    Mata, Franco
Eppley, Maximilian [USA] 63 60 
Azhar, Na'im [BER]  
    Kleine, Gustavo[10]
Kleine, Gustavo[10] [BRA] 60 61 
Rojas, Sergio[6] [PER]  
    Rojas, Sergio[6]
Gates, Robert [USA] 62 61 
Kamono, Kyohhei [JPN]  
    Kamono, Kyohhei
Chavez, Pablo [VEN] 61 61 
Polarczyk, Paul [CAN]  
    Polarczyk, Paul
Keong, Soon-Ping [SGP] 61 62 
Clarke, Michael [TTO]  
    Munroe, Bjorn[12]
Munroe, Bjorn[12] [BAH] 76(2) 76(7) 
Zivkovic, Denis[7] [USA]  
    Zivkovic, Denis[7]
Otsuka, Shinnosuke [JPN] 76(5) 62 
Ouyang, Bowen [CHN]  
    Thomsen, Ulrik
Thomsen, Ulrik [DEN] 63 61 
Vladimirsky, Gregory [USA]  
    Gilliland, Michael
Gilliland, Michael [USA] 60 75 
Khabiyev, Nail [UZB]  
    Sinitsyn, Kirill[9]
Sinitsyn, Kirill[9] [CAN] 64 21 Ret'd 
Frandji, Patrick[8] [USA]  
    Frandji, Patrick[8]
Najjar, Jack [USA] 63 64 
Samaha, Joel [USA]  
    Samaha, Joel
Dickson, Christopher [USA] 60 60 
Pasareanu, Alexandru [CAN]  
    Pasareanu, Alexandru
White, Nicholas [USA] 67(5) 61 64 
Fiorentino, Carlton [USA]  
    Fiorentino, Carlton
Chanakira, Tinotenda[11] [ZIM] 61 63 
Kielbowicz, Joel[1] [USA]  
    Kielbowicz, Joel[1]
Tikhomirov, Maksim [USA] 76(3) 62 
Anandan, Brandon [USA]  
    Reid, Matt
Reid, Matt [AUS] 64 64 
Neilly, Timothy[2] [BAH]  
    Taboada, Ignacio
Taboada, Ignacio [USA] 16 63 64 
Lundquist, Calle [SWE]  
    Lundquist, Calle
Cardenas, Moises [PER] 64 61 
Abougzir, Ytai[3] [USA]  
    Abougzir, Ytai[3]
Bates, Joe [USA] 62 60 
Sato, Bumpei [JPN]  
    Sato, Bumpei
Davis, Michael [GBR] 76(3) 64 
Kane, Steven [USA]  
    Kane, Steven
Meza, Jose Gerardo [MEX] 62 76(1) 
David, Jonathan [CAN]  
    Wali, Sheharyar
Wali, Sheharyar [CAN] 75 63 
Lasry, Diego [VEN]  
    Carey, Rodney
Carey, Rodney [BAH] 75 67(8) 22 Ret'd 
Mata, Franco [MOZ]  
    Kleine, Gustavo[10]
Kleine, Gustavo[10] [BRA] 75 63 
Rojas, Sergio[6] [PER]  
    Rojas, Sergio[6]
Kamono, Kyohhei [JPN] 63 61 
Polarczyk, Paul [CAN]  
    Munroe, Bjorn[12]
Munroe, Bjorn[12] [BAH] 61 36 63 
Zivkovic, Denis[7] [USA]  
    Zivkovic, Denis[7]
Thomsen, Ulrik [DEN] 46 60 63 
Gilliland, Michael [USA]  
    Sinitsyn, Kirill[9]
Sinitsyn, Kirill[9] [CAN] 62 61 
Frandji, Patrick[8] [USA]  
    Samaha, Joel
Samaha, Joel [USA] 26 61 64 
Pasareanu, Alexandru [CAN]  
    Fiorentino, Carlton
Fiorentino, Carlton [USA] 61 61 
Kielbowicz, Joel[1] [USA]  
    Kielbowicz, Joel[1]
Reid, Matt [AUS] 63 76(5) 
Taboada, Ignacio [USA]  
    Taboada, Ignacio
Lundquist, Calle [SWE] 61 63 
Abougzir, Ytai[3] [USA]  
    Abougzir, Ytai[3]
Sato, Bumpei [JPN] 62 75 
Kane, Steven [USA]  
    Kane, Steven
Wali, Sheharyar [CAN] 62 26 63 
Carey, Rodney [BAH]  
    Kleine, Gustavo[10]
Kleine, Gustavo[10] [BRA] 62 61 
Rojas, Sergio[6] [PER]  
    Rojas, Sergio[6]
Munroe, Bjorn[12] [BAH] 26 63 63 
Zivkovic, Denis[7] [USA]  
    Zivkovic, Denis[7]
Sinitsyn, Kirill[9] [CAN] 63 61 
Samaha, Joel [USA]  
    Fiorentino, Carlton
Fiorentino, Carlton [USA] 62 62 
Kielbowicz, Joel[1] [USA]  
Taboada, Ignacio [USA]   
Abougzir, Ytai[3] [USA]  
Kane, Steven [USA]   
Kleine, Gustavo[10] [BRA]  
Rojas, Sergio[6] [PER]   
Zivkovic, Denis[7] [USA]  
Fiorentino, Carlton [USA]   
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