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Tournament Rounds

J500 Plantation \ Orange Bowl Int'l Tennis Championships [Q], 2019, J500 Boys

Orange Bowl International Tennis Championship

Claverie, Lorenzo[1] [ITA]  
    Claverie, Lorenzo[1]
Cossu, Milledge [USA] 64 63 
Paquette, Samuel [CAN]  
    Paquette, Samuel
Blake, Dillon (WC) [USA] 61 63 
Gobis De Castro, Diego Nora Rosa [BRA]  
    Gobis De Castro, Diego Nora Rosa
Moreno, Jose (WC) [USA] 63 61 
Brown, Preston (WC) [USA]  
    Dong, Bohua[9]
Dong, Bohua[9] [CHN] 61 26 106 
Leblanc Claverie Cazassus, Tom[2] [FRA]  
    Leblanc Claverie Cazassus, Tom[2]
Snyder, Quinn (WC) [USA] 76(2) 61 
Brachman, Spencer [USA]  
    Brachman, Spencer
Gallardo Olivares, Carlos Alonso [CHI] 06 64 1210 
Browning, Tauheed (WC) [USA]  
    Fu, Hong-Lin
Fu, Hong-Lin [TPE] 63 16 106 
Sklenka, Victor [CZE]  
    Milavsky, Daniel[14]
Milavsky, Daniel[14] [USA] 62 62 
Stakusic, Marko[3] [CAN]  
    Stakusic, Marko[3]
Corsillo, Jameson [USA] 62 63 
Lee, Karl Kazuma [USA]  
    Lee, Karl Kazuma
Farlie, Ethan [AUS] 62 61 
Webb, Daniel [GBR]  
    Webb, Daniel
Sinha, Adit [USA] 75 75 
Ravichander, Ishaan [USA]  
    Ravichander, Ishaan
Ibragimov, Daniel[15] [RUS] 61 46 103 
Heck, Hunter[4] [USA]  
    Heck, Hunter[4]
Templeman, Jayden [CAN] 63 61 
Mouilleron Salvo, Manuel [ARG]  
    Bonetto, Nate
Bonetto, Nate [USA] 64 26 107 
Schwebel, Gustavo [BRA]  
    Schwebel, Gustavo
Stoiana, Nicolas (WC) [USA] 61 61 
Suarez, Billy [USA]  
    Kam, Alan[11]
Kam, Alan[11] [MEX] 60 62 
Tracy, James[5] [USA]  
    Tracy, James[5]
Geschwind, Francisco Tomas [ARG] 61 62 
Navarro, Thomas [USA]  
    Navarro, Thomas
Chin, John [JAM] 62 63 
Zederbauer Lapentti, Alexander [ECU]  
    Pereverzev, Andrew
Pereverzev, Andrew [USA] 63 76(4) 
Bernard, John [USA]  
    Bernard, John
Tiraspolsky, Ilya[13] [CAN] 76(6) 76(4) 
Dominguez Collado, Juan Sebastian[6] [GUA]  
    Vandecasteele, Quinn
Vandecasteele, Quinn [USA] 64 76(0) 
Whitaker, Spencer [USA]  
    Whitaker, Spencer
Franca, Pedro [BRA] 62 76(2) 
Foster, Zachery [USA]  
    Foster, Zachery
Vm, Sandeep [IND] 46 61 119 
Ma, Jiaxi [CHN]  
    Mckennon, Maxwell[12]
Mckennon, Maxwell[12] [USA] 63 63 
Llanes, Francisco[7] [URU]  
    Llanes, Francisco[7]
Jakovljevic, Dominik [USA] 63 62 
Shelton, Ben [USA]  
    Shelton, Ben
Nordby, Felix [NOR] 64 61 
Krug, Jake [USA]  
    Krug, Jake
Kalinin, Aleksandr [BLR] 46 64 105 
Ross, Matthis [GBR]  
    Ross, Matthis
Fradkin, Jeffrey[16] [USA] 64 62 
Guerrero Melgar, Angel[8] [ESP]  
    Guerrero Melgar, Angel[8]
Belfort, Diego (WC) [USA] 60 60 
Roddick, Jc [USA]  
    Roddick, Jc
Kuehne, Christian [SUI] 63 64 
Pinzon Moreno, Nicolas (WC) [USA]  
    Hurtado, Gabriel
Hurtado, Gabriel [COL] 60 63 
Tudorica, Alvin Nicholas [CAN]  
    Ross, Jackson[10]
Ross, Jackson[10] [USA] 62 75 
Claverie, Lorenzo[1] [ITA]  
    Claverie, Lorenzo[1]
Paquette, Samuel [CAN] 64 64 
Gobis De Castro, Diego Nora Rosa [BRA]  
    Dong, Bohua[9]
Dong, Bohua[9] [CHN] 61 63 
Leblanc Claverie Cazassus, Tom[2] [FRA]  
    Brachman, Spencer
Brachman, Spencer [USA] 61 26 107 
Fu, Hong-Lin [TPE]  
    Milavsky, Daniel[14]
Milavsky, Daniel[14] [USA] 64 63 
Stakusic, Marko[3] [CAN]  
    Lee, Karl Kazuma
Lee, Karl Kazuma [USA] 67(4) 75 108 
Webb, Daniel [GBR]  
    Ravichander, Ishaan
Ravichander, Ishaan [USA] 62 63 
Heck, Hunter[4] [USA]  
    Heck, Hunter[4]
Bonetto, Nate [USA] 75 63 
Schwebel, Gustavo [BRA]  
    Kam, Alan[11]
Kam, Alan[11] [MEX] 61 62 
Tracy, James[5] [USA]  
    Tracy, James[5]
Navarro, Thomas [USA] 64 76(5) 
Pereverzev, Andrew [USA]  
    Pereverzev, Andrew
Bernard, John [USA] 64 64 
Vandecasteele, Quinn [USA]  
    Vandecasteele, Quinn
Whitaker, Spencer [USA] 46 75 105 
Foster, Zachery [USA]  
    Mckennon, Maxwell[12]
Mckennon, Maxwell[12] [USA] 62 63 
Llanes, Francisco[7] [URU]  
    Llanes, Francisco[7]
Shelton, Ben [USA] 63 16 108 
Krug, Jake [USA]  
    Ross, Matthis
Ross, Matthis [GBR] 64 62 
Guerrero Melgar, Angel[8] [ESP]  
    Roddick, Jc
Roddick, Jc [USA] 64 64 
Hurtado, Gabriel [COL]  
    Ross, Jackson[10]
Ross, Jackson[10] [USA] 57 61 106 
Claverie, Lorenzo[1] [ITA]  
    Claverie, Lorenzo[1]
Dong, Bohua[9] [CHN] 61 62 
Brachman, Spencer [USA]  
    Milavsky, Daniel[14]
Milavsky, Daniel[14] [USA] 61 75 
Lee, Karl Kazuma [USA]  
    Lee, Karl Kazuma
Ravichander, Ishaan [USA] 62 63 
Heck, Hunter[4] [USA]  
    Heck, Hunter[4]
Kam, Alan[11] [MEX] 62 62 
Tracy, James[5] [USA]  
    Tracy, James[5]
Pereverzev, Andrew [USA] 26 64 108 
Vandecasteele, Quinn [USA]  
    Mckennon, Maxwell[12]
Mckennon, Maxwell[12] [USA] 61 64 
Llanes, Francisco[7] [URU]  
    Llanes, Francisco[7]
Ross, Matthis [GBR] 76(2) 63 
Roddick, Jc [USA]  
    Roddick, Jc
Ross, Jackson[10] [USA] 64 46 104 
Claverie, Lorenzo[1] [ITA]  
Milavsky, Daniel[14] [USA]   
Lee, Karl Kazuma [USA]  
Heck, Hunter[4] [USA]   
Tracy, James[5] [USA]  
Mckennon, Maxwell[12] [USA]   
Llanes, Francisco[7] [URU]  
Roddick, Jc [USA]   
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