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Tournament Rounds

W15 Heraklion [Q], 2019, W15

Lyttos Beach Hotel

Cervino Ruiz, Celia[1] [ESP]  
    Cervino Ruiz, Celia[1]
Babic, Jovana [SRB] 61 57 106 
Peruhova, Lyuboslava [BUL]  
    Peruhova, Lyuboslava
Ortega Redondo, Paula [ESP] 75 16 106 
Zlatarova, Aleksandra [BUL]  
    Intert, Sophia
Intert, Sophia [GER] 61 46 107 
Popescu, Maria Alexandra Medeea [ROU]  
    Nepliy, Elina[10]
Nepliy, Elina[10] [RUS] 64 64 
Bouzo Zanotti, Noelia[2] [ESP]  
    Bouzo Zanotti, Noelia[2]
Lohan, Sinead [IRL] 64 63 
Gomez, Maria [ECU]  
    Portela, Caitlyn
Portela, Caitlyn [AUS] 60 20 Ret'd 
Adeshina, Esther [GBR]  
    Adeshina, Esther
Tiscornia, Isabella [URU] 64 60 
Krasnova, Diana [RUS]  
    Gemovic, Elena[8]
Gemovic, Elena[8] [GER] 76(2) 06 108 
Kardava, Zoziya[3] [GEO]  
    Kardava, Zoziya[3]
Mozgaleva, Anastasia [RUS] 62 62 
Saccani, Silvia [ITA]  
    Amariei, Ilinca
Amariei, Ilinca [ROU] 64 60 
Kartal, Sonay [GBR]  
    Kartal, Sonay
Dima, Isabela Ioana [ROU] 60 60 
Ortenzi, Benedetta (WC) [ITA]  
    Svatikova, Laura[9]
Svatikova, Laura[9] [SVK] 63 62 
Duca, Gabriela[4] [ROU]  
    Duca, Gabriela[4]
Copas, Ruth [IRL] 61 60 
Snezhkina, Iana [RUS]  
    Shchetinina, Irina
Shchetinina, Irina [RUS] 60 61 
Fowler, Jessica [AUS]  
    Fowler, Jessica
Marnellou, Maria [GRE] 61 60 
Iskakova, Zere [KAZ]  
    Powaska-Kobylarz, Anna[11]
Powaska-Kobylarz, Anna[11] [POL] 64 61 
Amiraghyan, Ani[5] [ARM]  
    Amiraghyan, Ani[5]
Koldobski, Koral [ISR] 60 63 
La Cerra, Syria [ITA]  
    Auer, Stefanie
Auer, Stefanie [AUT] 63 16 107 
Kostaki, Eleni [GRE]  
    Corneanu, Oana
Corneanu, Oana [ROU] 60 61 
Milenkovic, Dejana [SRB]  
    Ciuca, Alessia Beatrice[12]
Ciuca, Alessia Beatrice[12] [ROU] 62 64 
Amendola, Alice[6] [ITA]  
    Amendola, Alice[6]
Fulop, Rafailia Nikoletta [GRE] 61 60 
Zarnoveanu, Gabriela Aura [ROU]  
    Zarnoveanu, Gabriela Aura
Katsouda Taka, Aspasia (WC) [GRE] 61 60 
Romanyshyn, Olha [UKR]  
    Mukhortova, Alina
Mukhortova, Alina [RUS] 61 60 
Hinka, Anna Laura [UKR]  
    Mesochoritou, Galateia[7]
Mesochoritou, Galateia[7] [GRE] 63 76(3) 
Cervino Ruiz, Celia[1] [ESP]  
    Cervino Ruiz, Celia[1]
Peruhova, Lyuboslava [BUL] 63 61 
Intert, Sophia [GER]  
    Intert, Sophia
Nepliy, Elina[10] [RUS] 76(4) 36 107 
Bouzo Zanotti, Noelia[2] [ESP]  
    Bouzo Zanotti, Noelia[2]
Portela, Caitlyn [AUS] 63 57 102 
Adeshina, Esther [GBR]  
    Gemovic, Elena[8]
Gemovic, Elena[8] [GER] 60 33 Ret'd 
Kardava, Zoziya[3] [GEO]  
    Amariei, Ilinca
Amariei, Ilinca [ROU] 63 63 
Kartal, Sonay [GBR]  
    Svatikova, Laura[9]
Svatikova, Laura[9] [SVK] 75 76(4) 
Duca, Gabriela[4] [ROU]  
    Duca, Gabriela[4]
Shchetinina, Irina [RUS] 60 61 
Fowler, Jessica [AUS]  
    Powaska-Kobylarz, Anna[11]
Powaska-Kobylarz, Anna[11] [POL] 06 60 1816 
Amiraghyan, Ani[5] [ARM]  
    Amiraghyan, Ani[5]
Auer, Stefanie [AUT] 61 63 
Corneanu, Oana [ROU]  
    Ciuca, Alessia Beatrice[12]
Ciuca, Alessia Beatrice[12] [ROU] 63 63 
Amendola, Alice[6] [ITA]  
    Amendola, Alice[6]
Zarnoveanu, Gabriela Aura [ROU] 63 60 
Mukhortova, Alina [RUS]  
    Mukhortova, Alina
Mesochoritou, Galateia[7] [GRE] 64 62 
Cervino Ruiz, Celia[1] [ESP]  
    Cervino Ruiz, Celia[1]
Intert, Sophia [GER] 62 62 
Bouzo Zanotti, Noelia[2] [ESP]  
    Bouzo Zanotti, Noelia[2]
Gemovic, Elena[8] [GER] 63 63 
Amariei, Ilinca [ROU]  
    Amariei, Ilinca
Svatikova, Laura[9] [SVK] 06 76(6) 108 
Duca, Gabriela[4] [ROU]  
    Duca, Gabriela[4]
Powaska-Kobylarz, Anna[11] [POL] 60 60 
Amiraghyan, Ani[5] [ARM]  
    Amiraghyan, Ani[5]
Ciuca, Alessia Beatrice[12] [ROU] 63 63 
Amendola, Alice[6] [ITA]  
    Amendola, Alice[6]
Mukhortova, Alina [RUS] 60 76(3) 
Cervino Ruiz, Celia[1] [ESP]  
Bouzo Zanotti, Noelia[2] [ESP]   
Amariei, Ilinca [ROU]  
Duca, Gabriela[4] [ROU]   
Amiraghyan, Ani[5] [ARM]  
Amendola, Alice[6] [ITA]   
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