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Tournament Rounds

USA F16 Futures [Q], 2008, M25

Mount Lebanon Tennis Centre

Roberts, Andrew[1] [AUS]  
    Roberts, Andrew[1]
Cox, Bradley [USA] 63 63 
Kane, Steven [USA]  
    Kane, Steven
Weinberg, Bryon [CAN] 62 64 
Ore, Junior A. [USA]  
    Ore, Junior A.
D'angelo, Stephen (WC) [USA] 60 62 
Pasareanu, Alexandru [CAN]  
    Compton, Brian (WC)
Compton, Brian (WC) [USA] 36 63 75 
Roberts, Mark Peter [RSA]  
    Kalmanovich, Roy
Kalmanovich, Roy [USA] 64 62 
Kandath, Matthew (WC) [USA]  
    Hovhannisyan, Mousheg (WC)
Hovhannisyan, Mousheg (WC) [USA] 63 46 63 
Sarmiento, Raymond [USA]  
    Sarmiento, Raymond
Meyer, Jacob [USA] 60 60 
Alam, Ali [USA]  
    Rogers, Benjamin
Rogers, Benjamin [USA] 60 61 
Bobusic, Strahinja[3] [AUS]  
    Hamui, Johnny (WC)
Hamui, Johnny (WC) [MEX] 64 63 
Rockman, Michael [CAN]  
    Pinsky, Jared A
Pinsky, Jared A [USA] 63 61 
Schwandt, Derek [USA]  
    Schwandt, Derek
Kim, Ji Hoon [KOR] 60 60 
Mcclelland, Jeremy [USA]  
    Sandgren, Tennys (WC)
Sandgren, Tennys (WC) [USA] 61 60 
Salifu, Mohammed[4] [GHA]  
    Seal, James Bo
Seal, James Bo [USA] 61 62 
Pasha, Nathan (WC) [USA]  
    Pasha, Nathan (WC)
Rasner, Mikhael [USA] 63 62 
Bestha, Arvind Vishnu [IND]  
    Huey, Treat
Huey, Treat [PHI] 61 61 
Szydlowski, Eric [USA]  
    Difazio, Derek
Difazio, Derek [USA] 61 61 
Abougzir, Ytai[5] [USA]  
    Abougzir, Ytai[5]
Wallner, Bernhard [AUT] 63 63 
Globerman, Eric [USA]  
    Globerman, Eric
Merg, Andre [USA] 64 61 
Tikhomirov, Maksim [USA]  
    Tikhomirov, Maksim
Jeflea, David [AUS] 61 61 
Finlayson, David [USA]  
    Finlayson, David
Hatch, Tanner [USA] 60 60 
Bangoura, Sekou[6] [USA]  
    Bangoura, Sekou[6]
Ismail, Tarik [ZIM] 63 63 
Dadamo, Jeff [USA]  
    Dadamo, Jeff
Okorie, Nnanna [NGR] 60 60 
Tulchinsky, Nate [USA]  
    Chambaz, Gregory
Chambaz, Gregory [SUI] 62 61 
Arias, Kevin [USA]  
    Arias, Kevin
Valenti, John [USA] 62 64 
Mavropoulos-Stoliarenko, Vlademyros[7] [GRE]  
    Corace, Erik
Corace, Erik [USA] 62 10 Ret'd 
Derijk, Jason [USA]  
    Derijk, Jason
Galustyan, Arsen [RUS] 61 61 
Bodle, Jackson [NZL]  
    Bodle, Jackson
Park, Won Min [USA] 60 60 
Allare, Matthew [USA]  
    Allare, Matthew
Cox, Jordan [USA] 75 76(6) 
Kincaid, Joel [USA]  
    Delass, Jordan
Delass, Jordan [USA] 63 67(4) 61 
Salcedo, Bryant [USA]  
    Salcedo, Bryant
Gates, Robert [USA] 64 75 
Sandgren, Davey [USA]  
    Sandgren, Davey
Tunnero, Anthony B [USA] 60 61 
Oljaca, Mark [USA]  
    Gonzales, Ruben
Gonzales, Ruben [USA] 61 61 
Roberts, Andrew[1] [AUS]  
    Roberts, Andrew[1]
Kane, Steven [USA] 36 64 64 
Ore, Junior A. [USA]  
    Compton, Brian (WC)
Compton, Brian (WC) [USA] 63 26 62 
Kalmanovich, Roy [USA]  
    Kalmanovich, Roy
Hovhannisyan, Mousheg (WC) [USA] 63 63 
Sarmiento, Raymond [USA]  
    Rogers, Benjamin
Rogers, Benjamin [USA] 63 64 
Hamui, Johnny (WC) [MEX]  
    Pinsky, Jared A
Pinsky, Jared A [USA] 16 63 62 
Schwandt, Derek [USA]  
    Sandgren, Tennys (WC)
Sandgren, Tennys (WC) [USA] 76(3) 62 
Seal, James Bo [USA]  
    Seal, James Bo
Pasha, Nathan (WC) [USA] 64 61 
Huey, Treat [PHI]  
    Huey, Treat
Difazio, Derek [USA] 62 20 Ret'd 
Abougzir, Ytai[5] [USA]  
    Abougzir, Ytai[5]
Globerman, Eric [USA] 61 60 
Tikhomirov, Maksim [USA]  
    Tikhomirov, Maksim
Finlayson, David [USA] 63 60 
Bangoura, Sekou[6] [USA]  
    Dadamo, Jeff
Dadamo, Jeff [USA] 64 75 
Chambaz, Gregory [SUI]  
    Arias, Kevin
Arias, Kevin [USA] 60 76(2) 
Corace, Erik [USA]  
    Corace, Erik
Derijk, Jason [USA] 63 75 
Bodle, Jackson [NZL]  
    Allare, Matthew
Allare, Matthew [USA] 63 67(4) 61 
Delass, Jordan [USA]  
    Delass, Jordan
Salcedo, Bryant [USA] 36 63 62 
Sandgren, Davey [USA]  
    Sandgren, Davey
Gonzales, Ruben [USA] 75 26 64 
Roberts, Andrew[1] [AUS]  
    Roberts, Andrew[1]
Compton, Brian (WC) [USA] 64 64 
Kalmanovich, Roy [USA]  
    Kalmanovich, Roy
Rogers, Benjamin [USA] 62 63 
Pinsky, Jared A [USA]  
    Sandgren, Tennys (WC)
Sandgren, Tennys (WC) [USA] 63 26 64 
Seal, James Bo [USA]  
    Huey, Treat
Huey, Treat [PHI] 64 64 
Abougzir, Ytai[5] [USA]  
    Abougzir, Ytai[5]
Tikhomirov, Maksim [USA] 67(10) 63 Ret'd 
Dadamo, Jeff [USA]  
    Dadamo, Jeff
Arias, Kevin [USA] 64 75 
Corace, Erik [USA]  
    Allare, Matthew
Allare, Matthew [USA] 63 63 
Delass, Jordan [USA]  
    Sandgren, Davey
Sandgren, Davey [USA] 61 46 61 
Roberts, Andrew[1] [AUS]  
Kalmanovich, Roy [USA]   
Sandgren, Tennys (WC) [USA]  
Huey, Treat [PHI]   
Abougzir, Ytai[5] [USA]  
Dadamo, Jeff [USA]   
Allare, Matthew [USA]  
Sandgren, Davey [USA]   
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