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Tournament Rounds

M15 Antalya 02 [Q], 2021, M15

Harris, Billy[1] [GBR]  
    Harris, Billy[1]
Ozdemir, S Mert (WC) [TUR] 60 60 
Azkara, Arda [TUR]  
    Koshis, Constantinos
Koshis, Constantinos [CYP] 76(6) 06 108 
De Rosa, Marco [ITA]  
    De Rosa, Marco
Whitelock, Marcus [AUS] 62 76(5) 
Trunov, Igor [RUS]  
    Trunov, Igor
Trapeznikov, Zakhar[13] [RUS] 64 76(7) 
Frunza, Nicolae[2] [ROU]  
    Frunza, Nicolae[2]
Fossati, Carlo Alberto [ITA] 62 67(10) 107 
Demeroutis, Nicolas [BEL]  
    Demeroutis, Nicolas
Meneghetti, Matteo [ITA] 75 63 
Digraci, Diego [BEL]  
    Kudriashov, Igor
Kudriashov, Igor [RUS] 57 63 107 
Alimli, Mikail (WC) [FRA]  
    Philippov, Evgeny[12]
Philippov, Evgeny[12] [RUS] 60 36 105 
Sabanin, Yan[3] [RUS]  
    Sabanin, Yan[3]
Dagan, Guy [ISR] 60 63 
Shchaya-Zubrov, Pavel [RUS]  
    Shchaya-Zubrov, Pavel
Galiev, Bulat [RUS] 63 62 
Emesz, Benedikt [AUT]  
    Emesz, Benedikt
Corbinais, Sven (WC) [FRA] 61 62 
Soyler, Osmancan (WC) [TUR]  
    Timmermans, Jesse[16]
Timmermans, Jesse[16] [NED] 61 61 
Manda, Calin[4] [ROU]  
    Manda, Calin[4]
Krstanovic, Josip [CRO] 63 62 
Sutekin, Emir [TUR]  
    Weindl, Michael
Weindl, Michael [GER] 60 62 
Bachmaier, Philip [AUT]  
    Bachmaier, Philip
Erdinc, Sarp (WC) [TUR] 60 60 
Deschamps, Allan [FRA]  
    Binda, Alexandr[9]
Binda, Alexandr[9] [ITA] 62 62 
Battaglino, Stefano[5] [ITA]  
    Battaglino, Stefano[5]
Shah, Dharmil [IND] 60 61 
Tasenkov, Vladislav [RUS]  
    Vianello, Michele
Vianello, Michele [ITA] 62 62 
Ilkel, Berk [TUR]  
    Veremeychuk, Danylo
Veremeychuk, Danylo [UKR] 61 46 103 
Snitari, Ilya [MDA]  
    Snitari, Ilya
Tryakshin, Mark[14] [UZB] 61 63 
Arnaboldi, Federico[6] [ITA]  
    Arnaboldi, Federico[6]
Yenilmez, Umut Kaan (WC) [TUR] 60 61 
Temel, Deniz (WC) [TUR]  
    Tresca, Giuseppe
Tresca, Giuseppe [ITA] 61 63 
Lopez Linquet, Leonardo [ARG]  
    Lopez Linquet, Leonardo
Simsek, Hasan Basaran [TUR] 61 60 
Gusev, Daniil [RUS]  
    Ferrari, Gianmarco[15]
Ferrari, Gianmarco[15] [ITA] 62 62 
Marti Pujolras, Alex[7] [ESP]  
    Marti Pujolras, Alex[7]
Jovic, Petar [AUS] 60 64 
Chaiyarin, Credit [THA]  
    Dimitrov, Vasil
Dimitrov, Vasil [BUL] 63 67(4) 103 
Saritas, Gokberk [TUR]  
    Saritas, Gokberk
Kos, Dorian [IRL] 62 64 
Savelev, Daniil [RUS]  
    Yulik, Viacheslav[10]
Yulik, Viacheslav[10] [RUS] 62 63 
Tashbulatov, Dostanbek[8] [KAZ]  
    Martinez Martinez, Jorge
Martinez Martinez, Jorge [ESP] 61 61 
Boyer, Toby D [USA]  
    Ragazzi, Alessandro
Ragazzi, Alessandro [ITA] 61 75 
Sakellaridis, Michalis [GRE]  
    Sakellaridis, Michalis
Avcibasi, Toprak [TUR] 62 63 
Zorlu, Can (WC) [TUR]  
    Zima, Leopold[11]
Zima, Leopold[11] [GER] 60 61 
Harris, Billy[1] [GBR]  
    Koshis, Constantinos
Koshis, Constantinos [CYP] 67(6) 76(5) 106 
De Rosa, Marco [ITA]  
    Trunov, Igor
Trunov, Igor [RUS] 76(4) 64 
Frunza, Nicolae[2] [ROU]  
    Frunza, Nicolae[2]
Demeroutis, Nicolas [BEL] 61 62 
Kudriashov, Igor [RUS]  
    Kudriashov, Igor
Philippov, Evgeny[12] [RUS] 75 26 1412 
Sabanin, Yan[3] [RUS]  
    Sabanin, Yan[3]
Shchaya-Zubrov, Pavel [RUS] 62 63 
Emesz, Benedikt [AUT]  
    Timmermans, Jesse[16]
Timmermans, Jesse[16] [NED] 64 64 
Manda, Calin[4] [ROU]  
    Manda, Calin[4]
Weindl, Michael [GER] 76(2) 62 
Bachmaier, Philip [AUT]  
    Binda, Alexandr[9]
Binda, Alexandr[9] [ITA] 63 62 
Battaglino, Stefano[5] [ITA]  
    Vianello, Michele
Vianello, Michele [ITA] 06 75 102 
Veremeychuk, Danylo [UKR]  
    Snitari, Ilya
Snitari, Ilya [MDA] 61 62 
Arnaboldi, Federico[6] [ITA]  
    Arnaboldi, Federico[6]
Tresca, Giuseppe [ITA] 76(3) 64 
Lopez Linquet, Leonardo [ARG]  
    Ferrari, Gianmarco[15]
Ferrari, Gianmarco[15] [ITA] 46 61 107 
Marti Pujolras, Alex[7] [ESP]  
    Marti Pujolras, Alex[7]
Dimitrov, Vasil [BUL] 64 61 
Saritas, Gokberk [TUR]  
    Yulik, Viacheslav[10]
Yulik, Viacheslav[10] [RUS] 76(8) 64 
Martinez Martinez, Jorge [ESP]  
    Ragazzi, Alessandro
Ragazzi, Alessandro [ITA] 46 61 1412 
Sakellaridis, Michalis [GRE]  
    Zima, Leopold[11]
Zima, Leopold[11] [GER] 61 75 
Koshis, Constantinos [CYP]  
    Koshis, Constantinos
Trunov, Igor [RUS] 62 64 
Frunza, Nicolae[2] [ROU]  
    Frunza, Nicolae[2]
Kudriashov, Igor [RUS] 62 31 Ret'd 
Sabanin, Yan[3] [RUS]  
    Sabanin, Yan[3]
Timmermans, Jesse[16] [NED] 61 61 
Manda, Calin[4] [ROU]  
    Binda, Alexandr[9]
Binda, Alexandr[9] [ITA] 36 76(1) 102 
Vianello, Michele [ITA]  
    Snitari, Ilya
Snitari, Ilya [MDA] 61 60 
Arnaboldi, Federico[6] [ITA]  
    Arnaboldi, Federico[6]
Ferrari, Gianmarco[15] [ITA] 62 61 
Marti Pujolras, Alex[7] [ESP]  
    Marti Pujolras, Alex[7]
Yulik, Viacheslav[10] [RUS] 62 61 
Ragazzi, Alessandro [ITA]  
    Ragazzi, Alessandro
Zima, Leopold[11] [GER] 62 62 
Koshis, Constantinos [CYP]  
Frunza, Nicolae[2] [ROU]   
Sabanin, Yan[3] [RUS]  
Binda, Alexandr[9] [ITA]   
Snitari, Ilya [MDA]  
Arnaboldi, Federico[6] [ITA]   
Marti Pujolras, Alex[7] [ESP]  
Ragazzi, Alessandro [ITA]   
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