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Tournament Rounds

M15 Cairo 03 [Q], 2021, M15

Vidal Azorin, Jose Fco.[1] [ESP]  
    Vidal Azorin, Jose Fco.[1]
Grekul, Alexander (WC) [UKR] 60 60 
Parson, Pavlos [CYP]  
    Watanabe, Seita
Watanabe, Seita [JPN] 63 75 
Dragomirov, Dennis (WC) [GER]  
    El Sayed, Ashraf
El Sayed, Ashraf [EGY] 64 75 
Photiades, Photos [CYP]  
    Bertola, Remy[9]
Bertola, Remy[9] [SUI] 63 60 
Hampel, Lenny[2] [AUT]  
    Hampel, Lenny[2]
Kapadia, Taha [IND] 61 63 
Madan, Tushar [IND]  
    Sadek, Youssef
Sadek, Youssef [EGY] 75 67(3) 103 
Beckley, Alec [RSA]  
    Beckley, Alec
Sumizawa, Daisuke [JPN] 62 75 
Atturu, Babji Siva [IND]  
    Bocchi, Lorenzo[11]
Bocchi, Lorenzo[11] [ITA] 61 61 
Tajima, Naoki[3] [JPN]  
    Tajima, Naoki[3]
Ben Abdennibi, Sami (WC) [MAR] 64 64 
Mounir, Ahmed [EGY]  
    Beauge, Maxence
Beauge, Maxence [FRA] 64 64 
El-Moslemany, Omar [EGY]  
    Tzicas, Charles
Tzicas, Charles [BEL] 61 75 
Makhlouf, Sherif [EGY]  
    Dzhavakian, Yurii[14]
Dzhavakian, Yurii[14] [UKR] 62 63 
Chepelev, Andrey[4] [RUS]  
    Chepelev, Andrey[4]
Sharipov, Marat [RUS] 60 61 
Gabr, Adham Hesham (WC) [EGY]  
    Khotkov, Oleg
Khotkov, Oleg [UKR] 60 64 
Sunish, Dhruv [IND]  
    Krainer, Lukas
Krainer, Lukas [AUT] 63 63 
Perez Contri, Sergi [ESP]  
    Perez Contri, Sergi
Granollers, Gerard[16] [ESP] 62 63 
Agamenone, Franco[5] [ITA]  
    Agamenone, Franco[5]
Passaro, Francesco [ITA] 64 62 
Qamar, Faisal [IND]  
    Qamar, Faisal
Elkamony, Anwar (WC) [EGY] 60 62 
Genidy, Abdalla (WC) [EGY]  
    Matuszewski, Piotr
Matuszewski, Piotr [POL] 60 63 
Kawakami, Rimpei [JPN]  
    Kawakami, Rimpei
Ichikawa, Taisei[13] [JPN] 26 62 106 
Folliot, Quentin[6] [FRA]  
    Folliot, Quentin[6]
Salton, Dylan [RSA] 62 62 
Catani, Leonardo [ITA]  
    Catani, Leonardo
Zakaria, Fares [EGY] 63 64 
Novikov, Egor [RUS]  
    Thanos, Aristotelis
Thanos, Aristotelis [GRE] 64 57 106 
Vojinovic, Lazar (WC) [SRB]  
    Vojinovic, Lazar (WC)
Goveas, Aryan[15] [IND] 46 64 107 
Roncalli, Simone[7] [ITA]  
    Roncalli, Simone[7]
Onishi, Ken [JPN] 63 61 
Bouquet, Lucas [FRA]  
    Bouquet, Lucas
Steiner, Maik [GER] 61 63 
Shokeir, Aly [EGY]  
    Beaupain, Simon
Beaupain, Simon [BEL] 61 75 
Mounir, Ali [EGY]  
    Otegui, Juan Bautista[12]
Otegui, Juan Bautista[12] [ARG] 61 61 
Lingua Lavallen, Alejo Lorenzo[8] [ARG]  
    Lingua Lavallen, Alejo Lorenzo[8]
Lorens, Mikolaj [POL] 76(4) 61 
Rottoli, Lorenzo [ITA]  
    Rottoli, Lorenzo
Savelev, Ilya (WC) [RUS] 60 61 
Stone, Zakai [USA]  
    Aranzabal, Mikel
Aranzabal, Mikel [ESP] 60 64 
Schinas, Stephanos [GRE]  
    Miceli, Marco[10]
Miceli, Marco[10] [ITA] 62 67(6) 107 
Vidal Azorin, Jose Fco.[1] [ESP]  
    Vidal Azorin, Jose Fco.[1]
Watanabe, Seita [JPN] 61 61 
El Sayed, Ashraf [EGY]  
    Bertola, Remy[9]
Bertola, Remy[9] [SUI] 61 75 
Hampel, Lenny[2] [AUT]  
    Hampel, Lenny[2]
Sadek, Youssef [EGY] 63 63 
Beckley, Alec [RSA]  
    Bocchi, Lorenzo[11]
Bocchi, Lorenzo[11] [ITA] 16 62 107 
Tajima, Naoki[3] [JPN]  
    Beauge, Maxence
Beauge, Maxence [FRA] 64 63 
Tzicas, Charles [BEL]  
    Dzhavakian, Yurii[14]
Dzhavakian, Yurii[14] [UKR] 75 64 
Chepelev, Andrey[4] [RUS]  
    Chepelev, Andrey[4]
Khotkov, Oleg [UKR] 64 63 
Krainer, Lukas [AUT]  
    Krainer, Lukas
Perez Contri, Sergi [ESP] 61 64 
Agamenone, Franco[5] [ITA]  
    Agamenone, Franco[5]
Qamar, Faisal [IND] 61 63 
Matuszewski, Piotr [POL]  
    Matuszewski, Piotr
Kawakami, Rimpei [JPN] 76(2) 63 
Folliot, Quentin[6] [FRA]  
    Folliot, Quentin[6]
Catani, Leonardo [ITA] 63 63 
Thanos, Aristotelis [GRE]  
    Thanos, Aristotelis
Vojinovic, Lazar (WC) [SRB] 61 64 
Roncalli, Simone[7] [ITA]  
    Roncalli, Simone[7]
Bouquet, Lucas [FRA] 61 61 
Beaupain, Simon [BEL]  
    Beaupain, Simon
Otegui, Juan Bautista[12] [ARG] 64 64 
Lingua Lavallen, Alejo Lorenzo[8] [ARG]  
    Lingua Lavallen, Alejo Lorenzo[8]
Rottoli, Lorenzo [ITA] 62 62 
Aranzabal, Mikel [ESP]  
    Aranzabal, Mikel
Miceli, Marco[10] [ITA] 61 62 
Vidal Azorin, Jose Fco.[1] [ESP]  
    Vidal Azorin, Jose Fco.[1]
Bertola, Remy[9] [SUI] 60 62 
Hampel, Lenny[2] [AUT]  
    Bocchi, Lorenzo[11]
Bocchi, Lorenzo[11] [ITA] 62 61 
Beauge, Maxence [FRA]  
    Dzhavakian, Yurii[14]
Dzhavakian, Yurii[14] [UKR] 64 67(4) 106 
Chepelev, Andrey[4] [RUS]  
    Chepelev, Andrey[4]
Krainer, Lukas [AUT] 63 26 106 
Agamenone, Franco[5] [ITA]  
    Agamenone, Franco[5]
Matuszewski, Piotr [POL] 62 61 
Folliot, Quentin[6] [FRA]  
    Folliot, Quentin[6]
Thanos, Aristotelis [GRE] 64 46 108 
Roncalli, Simone[7] [ITA]  
    Roncalli, Simone[7]
Beaupain, Simon [BEL] 62 60 
Lingua Lavallen, Alejo Lorenzo[8] [ARG]  
    Lingua Lavallen, Alejo Lorenzo[8]
Aranzabal, Mikel [ESP] 61 62 
Vidal Azorin, Jose Fco.[1] [ESP]  
Bocchi, Lorenzo[11] [ITA]   
Dzhavakian, Yurii[14] [UKR]  
Chepelev, Andrey[4] [RUS]   
Agamenone, Franco[5] [ITA]  
Folliot, Quentin[6] [FRA]   
Roncalli, Simone[7] [ITA]  
Lingua Lavallen, Alejo Lorenzo[8] [ARG]   
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