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J500 Criciuma \ Banana Bowl [Q], 2021, J500 Boys

Gomes, Miguel[1] [POR]  
    Gomes, Miguel[1]
Tosetto, Victor [BRA] 75 63 
Berta, Mateo [ARG]  
    Ebenriter, Luca
Ebenriter, Luca [BRA] 64 64 
Phung, Timothy [USA]  
    Phung, Timothy
Varella, Fabio (WC) [BRA] 63 76(7) 
Schenekenberg, Gabriel [BRA]  
    Prado Angelo, Juan Carlos[8]
Prado Angelo, Juan Carlos[8] [BOL] 61 63 
Kim, Aidan[2] [USA]  
    Kim, Aidan[2]
Sasso, Pedro (WC) [BRA] 64 63 
Pereira Rodrigues, Vinicius [BRA]  
    Pereira, Tiago
Pereira, Tiago [POR] 36 75 119 
Britez Risso, Lucas [PAR]  
    Britez Risso, Lucas
Fernandes, Victor Barros [BRA] 75 46 107 
Fernandez, Bruno (WC) [BRA]  
    Midon, Lautaro[6]
Midon, Lautaro[6] [ARG] 63 63 
Pacheco Mendez, Rodrigo[3] [MEX]  
    Pacheco Mendez, Rodrigo[3]
Braunstein, Rodrigo [BRA] 36 75 104 
Antunes Burckhardt, Murilo (WC) [BRA]  
    Vergara Del Puerto, Martin Antonio
Vergara Del Puerto, Martin Antonio [PAR] 60 76(7) 
Krstic, Veljko [SRB]  
    Krstic, Veljko
Rebelo, Daniel Vecchio Couldrey (WC) [BRA] 63 46 108 
Savelli Cardoso, Pedro Antonio [BRA]  
    Visaya, Azuma[5]
Visaya, Azuma[5] [USA] 67(4) 64 105 
Chen, Derrick[4] [GBR]  
    Faria, Jaime
Faria, Jaime [POR] 63 63 
Mouilleron Salvo, Manuel [ARG]  
    Mouilleron Salvo, Manuel
Miguel, Luis Felipe [BRA] 76(5) 26 107 
Phillips, Joseph [USA]  
    Phillips, Joseph
Alves Moreira, Tasso (WC) [BRA] 62 63 
Cupertino De Santana, Luis Guilherme [BRA]  
    Komagata, Reiya[7]
Komagata, Reiya[7] [JPN] 36 61 108 
Gomes, Miguel[1] [POR]  
    Gomes, Miguel[1]
Ebenriter, Luca [BRA] 41 42 
Phung, Timothy [USA]  
    Prado Angelo, Juan Carlos[8]
Prado Angelo, Juan Carlos[8] [BOL] 53 41 
Kim, Aidan[2] [USA]  
    Kim, Aidan[2]
Pereira, Tiago [POR] 40 04 105 
Britez Risso, Lucas [PAR]  
    Midon, Lautaro[6]
Midon, Lautaro[6] [ARG] 53 41 
Pacheco Mendez, Rodrigo[3] [MEX]  
    Pacheco Mendez, Rodrigo[3]
Vergara Del Puerto, Martin Antonio [PAR] 42 54(4) 
Krstic, Veljko [SRB]  
    Krstic, Veljko
Visaya, Azuma[5] [USA] 42 42 
Faria, Jaime [POR]  
    Faria, Jaime
Mouilleron Salvo, Manuel [ARG] 40 40 
Phillips, Joseph [USA]  
    Komagata, Reiya[7]
Komagata, Reiya[7] [JPN] 54(5) 42 
Gomes, Miguel[1] [POR]  
    Gomes, Miguel[1]
Prado Angelo, Juan Carlos[8] [BOL] 54(3) 40 
Kim, Aidan[2] [USA]  
    Kim, Aidan[2]
Midon, Lautaro[6] [ARG] 41 04 108 
Pacheco Mendez, Rodrigo[3] [MEX]  
    Krstic, Veljko
Krstic, Veljko [SRB] 42 53 
Faria, Jaime [POR]  
    Faria, Jaime
Komagata, Reiya[7] [JPN] 24 41 119 
Gomes, Miguel[1] [POR]  
Kim, Aidan[2] [USA]   
Krstic, Veljko [SRB]  
Faria, Jaime [POR]   
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