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Tournament Rounds

J5 La Paz \ Condor de Plata, 2021, J30 Boys

Navarro, Santiago[1] [BOL]  
    Navarro, Santiago[1]
Diaz Rincon, Juan David [COL] 63 62 
Vargas Fernandez, Grover (WC) [BOL]  
    Vargas Fernandez, Grover (WC)
Barot, Meethre [USA] 36 64 62 
Requena Leigue, Ernesto [BOL]  
    Requena Leigue, Ernesto
Mahecha, Cesar [COL] 64 61 
Vedia Villegas, Santiago Adrian [BOL]  
    Perez Martin, Ivan[7]
Perez Martin, Ivan[7] [ESP] 36 64 61 
Padilla Cote, Santiago[4] [MEX]  
    Padilla Cote, Santiago[4]
Bohrt, Sebastian (WC) [BOL] 64 64 
Del Prado Flores, Eduardo Nunez [BOL]  
    Del Prado Flores, Eduardo Nunez
Ayerbe Streubel, Antonio [COL] 76(4) 63 
Bancalari, Alejandro [CHI]  
    Bancalari, Alejandro
Stoughton Fuentes, Geoffrey Brady [BOL] 57 62 60 
Azurduy Castellanos, Luis Felipe (Q) [BOL]  
    Azurduy Castellanos, Luis Felipe (Q)
Frantzis, Alexander[6] [USA] 62 61 
Davila, Esteban[8] [BOL]  
    Davila, Esteban[8]
Kotarski, Alexander [USA] 62 64 
Arias, Juan David [COL]  
    Arias, Juan David
Ticona Sainz, Gabriel (Q) [BOL] 63 75 
Virreira Toro, Mario Alejandro [BOL]  
    Poblete Martinez, Benjamin
Poblete Martinez, Benjamin [CHI] 61 62 
Orellana Orellana, Samuel (Q) [BOL]  
    Orellana Orellana, Samuel (Q)
Pestana, Martin[3] [PER] 64 61 
Villegas Villarroel, Fabrizio[5] [BOL]  
    Trigo Lopez, Nicolas Marcelo (WC)
Trigo Lopez, Nicolas Marcelo (WC) [BOL] 75 36 62 
Pinzon Pinto, Daniel Jose [COL]  
    Donoso, Nicolas (Q)
Donoso, Nicolas (Q) [BOL] 64 64 
Cano Gomez, Camilo [COL]  
    Sanchez Hurtado, Rodrigo
Sanchez Hurtado, Rodrigo [BOL] 76(4) 62 
Torrez, Jose Santiago (WC) [BOL]  
    Torrez, Jose Santiago (WC)
Fernandez, Luis[2] [USA] 76(4) 62 
Navarro, Santiago[1] [BOL]  
    Navarro, Santiago[1]
Vargas Fernandez, Grover (WC) [BOL] 36 60 63 
Requena Leigue, Ernesto [BOL]  
    Requena Leigue, Ernesto
Perez Martin, Ivan[7] [ESP] 75 64 
Padilla Cote, Santiago[4] [MEX]  
    Del Prado Flores, Eduardo Nunez
Del Prado Flores, Eduardo Nunez [BOL] 63 75 
Bancalari, Alejandro [CHI]  
    Azurduy Castellanos, Luis Felipe (Q)
Azurduy Castellanos, Luis Felipe (Q) [BOL] 62 61 
Davila, Esteban[8] [BOL]  
    Davila, Esteban[8]
Arias, Juan David [COL] 67(10) 62 76(7) 
Poblete Martinez, Benjamin [CHI]  
    Poblete Martinez, Benjamin
Orellana Orellana, Samuel (Q) [BOL] 57 63 21 Ret'd 
Trigo Lopez, Nicolas Marcelo (WC) [BOL]  
    Trigo Lopez, Nicolas Marcelo (WC)
Donoso, Nicolas (Q) [BOL] 64 61 
Sanchez Hurtado, Rodrigo [BOL]  
    Sanchez Hurtado, Rodrigo
Torrez, Jose Santiago (WC) [BOL] 63 63 
Requena Leigue, Ernesto [BOL]  
    Requena Leigue, Ernesto
Azurduy Castellanos, Luis Felipe (Q) [BOL] 61 60 
Davila, Esteban[8] [BOL]  
    Davila, Esteban[8]
Trigo Lopez, Nicolas Marcelo (WC) [BOL] 63 60 
Requena Leigue, Ernesto [BOL]  
    Requena Leigue, Ernesto
Davila, Esteban[8] [BOL] 16 63 62 
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