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Tournament Rounds

M15 Monastir 24 [Q], 2021, M15

Barroso Campos, Alberto[1] [ESP]  
    Lorusso, Lorenzo
Lorusso, Lorenzo [ITA] 75 64 
Brun, Thomas George (WC) [SUI]  
    Ventre, Alessandro-Damiano
Ventre, Alessandro-Damiano [BRA] 76(4) 57 108 
Nagoudi, Adam [TUN]  
    Brigida, Omar (WC)
Brigida, Omar (WC) [ITA] 63 64 
Jones, Alex [USA]  
    Atmane, Terence[11]
Atmane, Terence[11] [FRA] 63 62 
Saito, Takashi[2] [JPN]  
    Saito, Takashi[2]
Ilkel, Berk [TUR] 62 63 
Rihane, Youcef [ALG]  
    Rihane, Youcef
Simonit, Ezequiel [ARG] 46 63 105 
Suzuki, Ko [JPN]  
    Van Emburgh, Jake
Van Emburgh, Jake [USA] 64 62 
Zinyakov, Vladimir (WC) [RUS]  
    Banthia, Siddhant[16]
Banthia, Siddhant[16] [IND] 61 36 107 
Park, Uisung[3] [KOR]  
    Park, Uisung[3]
Oliver Moratalla, Vicente [ESP] 64 62 
Lam, Brandon [USA]  
    Son, Ji Hoon (ALT)
Son, Ji Hoon (ALT) [KOR] 76(3) 64 
Faigenbaum, Francisco [ARG]  
    Faigenbaum, Francisco
Seely, Seth [RSA] 76(5) 75 
Chikami, Shohei [JPN]  
    Chikami, Shohei
Kawachi, Kazuma[12] [JPN] 62 61 
Nishiwaki, Kazuki[4] [JPN]  
    Lambling, Raphael
Lambling, Raphael [FRA] 63 64 
Di Marco, Connor (WC) [AUS]  
    Di Marco, Connor (WC)
Zhuk, Uladzislau [BLR] 63 61 
Affes, Mhamed [TUN]  
    Hussey, Giles
Hussey, Giles [GBR] 60 63 
Lopez, Noah [SUI]  
    Weightman, Oscar[13]
Weightman, Oscar[13] [GBR] 76(3) 60 
Rai, Ajeet[5] [NZL]  
    Mayo, Aidan
Mayo, Aidan [USA] 63 Ret'd 
Bruna, Nicolas [CHI]  
    Bruna, Nicolas
Gurevich, Victor [USA] 76(9) 63 
Ogura, Kosuke [JPN]  
    De Maio, Mauro
De Maio, Mauro [ITA] 76(5) 75 
Mayo, Keenan [USA]  
    Cash, Julian[14]
Cash, Julian[14] [GBR] 62 67(7) 106 
Kotzen, Alexander[6] [USA]  
    Kotzen, Alexander[6]
Bourgois, Cesar [FRA] 75 67(5) 104 
Kim, Geun Jun [KOR]  
    Kim, Geun Jun
Alshati, Ali (WC) [KUW] 62 60 
Stepanian, Areg [ARG]  
    Salton, Dylan
Salton, Dylan [RSA] 63 60 
Pearson, Kody [AUS]  
    Pearson, Kody
Barreto Sanchez, Diego Augusto[10] [ESP] 67(4) 61 119 
Farjat, Tomas[7] [ARG]  
    Farjat, Tomas[7]
Hernandez, Carles [ESP] 36 75 104 
Lopez Linquet, Leonardo [ARG]  
    Sim, Seongbin
Sim, Seongbin [KOR] 63 61 
Lalami Laaroussi, Younes [MAR]  
    Lalami Laaroussi, Younes
Kruger, Connor [RSA] 63 67(5) 104 
Gonzalez, Alejo (WC) [ARG]  
    Kumar, Omni[9]
Kumar, Omni[9] [USA] 61 61 
Kiyamov, Timur[8] [RUS]  
    Kiyamov, Timur[8]
Kim, Dong Ju [KOR] 76(1) 63 
Suarez, Valentin (WC) [ARG]  
    Jones, Miles
Jones, Miles [USA] 60 60 
Gregg, Perry [USA]  
    Gregg, Perry
Revelli, Giacomo [GBR] 76(6) 36 108 
Beckley, Alec [RSA]  
    Beckley, Alec
Ivanov, Vladislav[15] [RUS] 64 75 
Lorusso, Lorenzo [ITA]  
    Ventre, Alessandro-Damiano
Ventre, Alessandro-Damiano [BRA] 64 63 
Brigida, Omar (WC) [ITA]  
    Atmane, Terence[11]
Atmane, Terence[11] [FRA] 63 64 
Saito, Takashi[2] [JPN]  
    Saito, Takashi[2]
Rihane, Youcef [ALG] 57 64 103 
Van Emburgh, Jake [USA]  
    Van Emburgh, Jake
Banthia, Siddhant[16] [IND] 63 64 
Park, Uisung[3] [KOR]  
    Park, Uisung[3]
Son, Ji Hoon (ALT) [KOR] 63 60 
Faigenbaum, Francisco [ARG]  
    Chikami, Shohei
Chikami, Shohei [JPN] 61 61 
Lambling, Raphael [FRA]  
    Di Marco, Connor (WC)
Di Marco, Connor (WC) [AUS] 76(5) 76(3) 
Hussey, Giles [GBR]  
    Weightman, Oscar[13]
Weightman, Oscar[13] [GBR] 63 63 
Mayo, Aidan [USA]  
    Mayo, Aidan
Bruna, Nicolas [CHI] 64 76(4) 
De Maio, Mauro [ITA]  
    De Maio, Mauro
Cash, Julian[14] [GBR] 26 60 108 
Kotzen, Alexander[6] [USA]  
    Kotzen, Alexander[6]
Kim, Geun Jun [KOR] 60 62 
Salton, Dylan [RSA]  
    Pearson, Kody
Pearson, Kody [AUS] 61 62 
Farjat, Tomas[7] [ARG]  
    Farjat, Tomas[7]
Sim, Seongbin [KOR] 64 64 
Lalami Laaroussi, Younes [MAR]  
    Kumar, Omni[9]
Kumar, Omni[9] [USA] 61 63 
Kiyamov, Timur[8] [RUS]  
    Jones, Miles
Jones, Miles [USA] 36 63 1412 
Gregg, Perry [USA]  
    Gregg, Perry
Beckley, Alec [RSA] 61 76(1) 
Ventre, Alessandro-Damiano [BRA]  
    Atmane, Terence[11]
Atmane, Terence[11] [FRA] 63 46 107 
Saito, Takashi[2] [JPN]  
    Van Emburgh, Jake
Van Emburgh, Jake [USA] 26 63 108 
Park, Uisung[3] [KOR]  
    Park, Uisung[3]
Chikami, Shohei [JPN] 64 63 
Di Marco, Connor (WC) [AUS]  
    Weightman, Oscar[13]
Weightman, Oscar[13] [GBR] 60 Ret'd 
Mayo, Aidan [USA]  
    Mayo, Aidan
De Maio, Mauro [ITA] 62 76(4) 
Kotzen, Alexander[6] [USA]  
    Pearson, Kody
Pearson, Kody [AUS] 67(8) 61 105 
Farjat, Tomas[7] [ARG]  
    Kumar, Omni[9]
Kumar, Omni[9] [USA] 62 57 103 
Jones, Miles [USA]  
    Jones, Miles
Gregg, Perry [USA] 64 63 
Atmane, Terence[11] [FRA]  
Van Emburgh, Jake [USA]   
Park, Uisung[3] [KOR]  
Weightman, Oscar[13] [GBR]   
Mayo, Aidan [USA]  
Pearson, Kody [AUS]   
Kumar, Omni[9] [USA]  
Jones, Miles [USA]   
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