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Tournament Rounds

US Open, 2006, JR Grand Slam Boys

USTA National Tennis Center

Klizan, Martin[1] [SVK]  
    Klizan, Martin[1]
Klahn, Bradley (WC) [USA] 61 76(2) 
Balazs, Attila [HUN]  
    Polansky, Peter
Polansky, Peter [CAN] 61 62 
Gawron, Marcin [POL]  
    Gawron, Marcin
Kilani, Wael [TUN] 63 57 62 
Bemelmans, Ruben [BEL]  
    Ramos-Vinolas, Albert[16]
Ramos-Vinolas, Albert[16] [ESP] 67(5) 63 62 
Jebavy, Roman[12] [CZE]  
    Jebavy, Roman[12]
Velasco, Jose-Roberto [BOL] 26 61 62 
Gemouchidis, Paris [GRE]  
    Gemouchidis, Paris
Schnugg, Nathaniel [USA] 64 16 63 
Zinyakov, Vladimir (Q) [RUS]  
    Zinyakov, Vladimir (Q)
Williams, Rhyne (WC) [USA] 63 62 
Lopez Cassaccia, Daniel-Alejandro [PAR]  
    Lopez Cassaccia, Daniel-Alejandro
Nishikori, Kei[5] [JPN] 63 62 
Young, Donald [USA]  
    Young, Donald
Poldma, Jaak [EST] 61 61 
Romboli, Fernando [BRA]  
    Romboli, Fernando
Daniel, Drew (Q) [USA] 64 57 64 
Mcclune, Michael (WC) [USA]  
    Mcclune, Michael (WC)
Urzua-Rivera, Ricardo [CHI] 61 64 
Jones, Greg [AUS]  
    Jones, Greg
Sousa, Pedro[14] [POR] 76(4) 62 
Chekhov, Pavel[11] [RUS]  
    Chekhov, Pavel[11]
Kecki, Mateusz (Q) [USA] 36 76(3) 63 
Rungkat, Christopher [INA]  
    Rungkat, Christopher
Krajicek, Austin (WC) [USA] 76(7) 26 76(9) 
Fugate, Marcus [USA]  
    Veic, Antonio
Veic, Antonio [CRO] 64 67(7) 63 
Re, Yoann (Q) [CAN]  
    Re, Yoann (Q)
Singh, Sanam[6] [IND] 61 61 
Luncanu, Petru-Alexandru[7] [ROU]  
    Buchanan, Chase
Buchanan, Chase [USA] 75 26 75 
Maytin, Roberto [VEN]  
    Ramiaramanana, Lofo
Ramiaramanana, Lofo [MAD] 76(8) 63 
Roy, Rupesh [IND]  
    Elias, Gastao
Elias, Gastao [POR] 46 75 60 
Arsenov, Danila [RUS]  
    Lojda, Dusan[10]
Lojda, Dusan[10] [CZE] 63 63 
Damico, Kellen[13] [USA]  
    Smirnov, Artem (Q)
Smirnov, Artem (Q) [UKR] 61 57 64 
Martin, Andrej [SVK]  
    Lajola, Dennis
Lajola, Dennis [USA] 76(0) 60 
Arnould, Dylan (Q) [USA]  
    Trevisan, Matteo
Trevisan, Matteo [ITA] 61 60 
Beidas, Bassam [LBN]  
    Santos, Nicolas[3]
Santos, Nicolas[3] [BRA] 62 75 
Chernov, Artur[8] [RUS]  
    Zopp, Jurgen
Zopp, Jurgen [EST] 76(5) 62 
Fabbiano, Thomas [ITA]  
    Fabbiano, Thomas
Jung, Jason (Q) [TPE] 64 46 64 
Castillo, Hans Podlipnik [CHI]  
    Castillo, Hans Podlipnik
Jenkins, Jarmere (WC) [USA] 75 61 
Boyajian, Brennan (WC) [USA]  
    Belic, Luka[9]
Belic, Luka[9] [CRO] 63 62 
Nedunchezhiyan, Jeevan[15] [IND]  
    Konecny, Michal
Konecny, Michal [CZE] 61 60 
Ito, Tatsuma (Q) [JPN]  
    Ito, Tatsuma (Q)
Bowles, Clint [USA] 63 63 
Bautista Agut, Roberto [ESP]  
    Bester, Philip
Bester, Philip [CAN] 63 64 
Hunt, Jamie [USA]  
    Eysseric, Jonathan[2]
Eysseric, Jonathan[2] [FRA] 46 63 62 
Klizan, Martin[1] [SVK]  
    Polansky, Peter
Polansky, Peter [CAN] 63 67(3) 64 
Gawron, Marcin [POL]  
    Gawron, Marcin
Ramos-Vinolas, Albert[16] [ESP] 67(4) 64 62 
Jebavy, Roman[12] [CZE]  
    Jebavy, Roman[12]
Gemouchidis, Paris [GRE] 76(6) 64 
Zinyakov, Vladimir (Q) [RUS]  
    Lopez Cassaccia, Daniel-Alejandro
Lopez Cassaccia, Daniel-Alejandro [PAR] 64 76(8) 
Young, Donald [USA]  
    Young, Donald
Romboli, Fernando [BRA] 75 63 
Mcclune, Michael (WC) [USA]  
    Jones, Greg
Jones, Greg [AUS] 61 62 
Chekhov, Pavel[11] [RUS]  
    Chekhov, Pavel[11]
Rungkat, Christopher [INA] 75 61 
Veic, Antonio [CRO]  
    Veic, Antonio
Re, Yoann (Q) [CAN] 62 67(5) 62 
Buchanan, Chase [USA]  
    Ramiaramanana, Lofo
Ramiaramanana, Lofo [MAD] 64 63 
Elias, Gastao [POR]  
    Lojda, Dusan[10]
Lojda, Dusan[10] [CZE] 64 62 
Smirnov, Artem (Q) [UKR]  
    Smirnov, Artem (Q)
Lajola, Dennis [USA] 26 67(1) 75 
Trevisan, Matteo [ITA]  
    Santos, Nicolas[3]
Santos, Nicolas[3] [BRA] 62 63 
Zopp, Jurgen [EST]  
    Fabbiano, Thomas
Fabbiano, Thomas [ITA] 60 62 
Castillo, Hans Podlipnik [CHI]  
    Belic, Luka[9]
Belic, Luka[9] [CRO] 62 62 
Konecny, Michal [CZE]  
    Konecny, Michal
Ito, Tatsuma (Q) [JPN] 61 64 
Bester, Philip [CAN]  
    Eysseric, Jonathan[2]
Eysseric, Jonathan[2] [FRA] 63 26 64 
Polansky, Peter [CAN]  
    Polansky, Peter
Gawron, Marcin [POL] 60 57 61 
Jebavy, Roman[12] [CZE]  
    Jebavy, Roman[12]
Lopez Cassaccia, Daniel-Alejandro [PAR] 64 62 
Young, Donald [USA]  
    Young, Donald
Jones, Greg [AUS] 63 64 
Chekhov, Pavel[11] [RUS]  
    Chekhov, Pavel[11]
Veic, Antonio [CRO] 64 64 
Ramiaramanana, Lofo [MAD]  
    Lojda, Dusan[10]
Lojda, Dusan[10] [CZE] 61 63 
Smirnov, Artem (Q) [UKR]  
    Smirnov, Artem (Q)
Santos, Nicolas[3] [BRA] 63 36 62 
Fabbiano, Thomas [ITA]  
    Belic, Luka[9]
Belic, Luka[9] [CRO] 76(4) 62 
Konecny, Michal [CZE]  
    Eysseric, Jonathan[2]
Eysseric, Jonathan[2] [FRA] 63 75 
Polansky, Peter [CAN]  
    Polansky, Peter
Jebavy, Roman[12] [CZE] 76(9) 61 
Young, Donald [USA]  
    Young, Donald
Chekhov, Pavel[11] [RUS] 76(1) 63 
Lojda, Dusan[10] [CZE]  
    Lojda, Dusan[10]
Smirnov, Artem (Q) [UKR] 62 62 
Belic, Luka[9] [CRO]  
    Belic, Luka[9]
Eysseric, Jonathan[2] [FRA] 64 64 
Polansky, Peter [CAN]  
    Polansky, Peter
Young, Donald [USA] 63 67(2) 63 
Lojda, Dusan[10] [CZE]  
    Lojda, Dusan[10]
Belic, Luka[9] [CRO] 63 63 
Polansky, Peter [CAN]  
    Lojda, Dusan[10]
Lojda, Dusan[10] [CZE] 76(4) 63 
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