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Tournament Rounds

M15 Monastir 33 [Q], 2021, M15

Nishiwaki, Kazuki[1] [JPN]  
    Nishiwaki, Kazuki[1]
Masabayashi, Tomohiro [JPN] 63 42 Ret'd 
Nemakal, Ajay Pruthvi [IND]  
    Nemakal, Ajay Pruthvi
Hatamleh, Karam (WC) [JOR] 64 64 
Gagliardo, Lorenzo [ITA]  
    Vasiliauskas, Matas
Vasiliauskas, Matas [LTU] 63 62 
Chikami, Shohei [JPN]  
    Batista, Daniel[10]
Batista, Daniel[10] [POR] 62 63 
Saitoh, Keisuke[2] [JPN]  
    Saitoh, Keisuke[2]
Aguiar Kuntz, Bryan (WC) [BRA] 64 64 
Utreras Santander, Bastian Alonso [CHI]  
    Utreras Santander, Bastian Alonso
Cebic, Filip [USA] 36 75 104 
Nakamura, Ren [JPN]  
    Nakamura, Ren
Kodancha Srinivasan, Dheeraj [IND] 64 75 
Ben Yaacoub, Hamza [TUN]  
    Reddy, Rishi[16]
Reddy, Rishi[16] [IND] 60 61 
Kawahashi, Yuta[3] [JPN]  
    Kawahashi, Yuta[3]
Chaiyarin, Credit [THA] 62 63 
Baker, Blu [GBR]  
    Baker, Blu
Masilamani, Kavin [IND] 60 76(4) 
Sakthivel, Boopathy [IND]  
    Andaloro, Fabrizio
Andaloro, Fabrizio [ITA] 63 64 
De Carvalho, Valentin [FRA]  
    Alkotop, Mousa[13]
Alkotop, Mousa[13] [JOR] 61 63 
Ellis, Blake[4] [AUS]  
    Ellis, Blake[4]
Mehrotra, Arjun [AUS] 63 61 
Mouilleron Salvo, Manuel [ARG]  
    Martinez, Mateo Nicolas
Martinez, Mateo Nicolas [ARG] 63 62 
Oueslati, Mohamed Amin (WC) [TUN]  
    Oueslati, Mohamed Amin (WC)
Coloma-Heck, Gianluca [GER] 36 64 105 
Imamura, Masamichi [JPN]  
    Chavez Villalpando, Luis Diego[11]
Chavez Villalpando, Luis Diego[11] [BOL] 76(4) 16 105 
Zhu, Michael[5] [USA]  
    Kumaran, Bharath Nishok
Kumaran, Bharath Nishok [IND] 64 57 106 
Haefele, Andres [CHI]  
    Inoue, Geni (WC)
Inoue, Geni (WC) [JPN] 62 60 
Hollender, Nicolas [ARG]  
    Tu, Li
Tu, Li [AUS] 61 62 
Chessari, Riccardo (WC) [ITA]  
    Chessari, Riccardo (WC)
Salton, Dylan[15] [RSA] 26 62 119 
Griffith, William[6] [USA]  
    Da Silva, Gabriel Ciro
Da Silva, Gabriel Ciro [BRA] 46 76(4) 104 
Kumasaka, Takuya [JPN]  
    Kumasaka, Takuya
Reid, Josh [AUS] 76(6) 63 
Adas, Seif (WC) [JOR]  
    Lacalle, Eduardo
Lacalle, Eduardo [CHI] 63 57 108 
Dynka, Tom [CAN]  
    Sookton-Eng, Chanchai[14]
Sookton-Eng, Chanchai[14] [THA] 62 63 
Bosio, Gabriele[7] [ITA]  
    Bosio, Gabriele[7]
Marcenaro, Tomas Merino [CHI] 61 61 
Zhang, Linghao [CHN]  
    Ravichander, Ishaan
Ravichander, Ishaan [USA] 64 62 
Syed Naguib, Syed Mohd Agil [MAS]  
    Zanellato, Nicolas
Zanellato, Nicolas [BRA] 46 62 104 
Dell'elba, Vito [ITA]  
    Bertrand, Robin[9]
Bertrand, Robin[9] [FRA] 62 61 
Watanabe, Seita[8] [JPN]  
    Watanabe, Seita[8]
Moroz, Danila [BLR] 60 60 
Hamza Reguig, Samir [ALG]  
    Hamza Reguig, Samir
Abdul Hazli, Imran Daniel [MAS] 64 62 
Arcon, Adrian [AUS]  
    Beckley, Alec
Beckley, Alec [RSA] 75 60 
Pinto, Lucca (WC) [BRA]  
    Lemstra, Kai[12]
Lemstra, Kai[12] [GER] 63 60 
Nishiwaki, Kazuki[1] [JPN]  
    Nishiwaki, Kazuki[1]
Nemakal, Ajay Pruthvi [IND] 62 63 
Vasiliauskas, Matas [LTU]  
    Batista, Daniel[10]
Batista, Daniel[10] [POR] 64 61 
Saitoh, Keisuke[2] [JPN]  
    Saitoh, Keisuke[2]
Utreras Santander, Bastian Alonso [CHI] 62 60 
Nakamura, Ren [JPN]  
    Reddy, Rishi[16]
Reddy, Rishi[16] [IND] 64 61 
Kawahashi, Yuta[3] [JPN]  
    Kawahashi, Yuta[3]
Baker, Blu [GBR] 62 20 Ret'd 
Andaloro, Fabrizio [ITA]  
    Andaloro, Fabrizio
Alkotop, Mousa[13] [JOR] 64 63 
Ellis, Blake[4] [AUS]  
    Martinez, Mateo Nicolas
Martinez, Mateo Nicolas [ARG] 64 36 119 
Oueslati, Mohamed Amin (WC) [TUN]  
    Chavez Villalpando, Luis Diego[11]
Chavez Villalpando, Luis Diego[11] [BOL] 62 60 
Kumaran, Bharath Nishok [IND]  
    Kumaran, Bharath Nishok
Inoue, Geni (WC) [JPN] 62 62 
Tu, Li [AUS]  
    Tu, Li
Chessari, Riccardo (WC) [ITA] 61 61 
Da Silva, Gabriel Ciro [BRA]  
    Da Silva, Gabriel Ciro
Kumasaka, Takuya [JPN] 67(5) 76(4) 106 
Lacalle, Eduardo [CHI]  
    Sookton-Eng, Chanchai[14]
Sookton-Eng, Chanchai[14] [THA] 62 61 
Bosio, Gabriele[7] [ITA]  
    Bosio, Gabriele[7]
Ravichander, Ishaan [USA] 64 62 
Zanellato, Nicolas [BRA]  
    Bertrand, Robin[9]
Bertrand, Robin[9] [FRA] 63 75 
Watanabe, Seita[8] [JPN]  
    Watanabe, Seita[8]
Hamza Reguig, Samir [ALG] 60 60 
Beckley, Alec [RSA]  
    Lemstra, Kai[12]
Lemstra, Kai[12] [GER] 63 62 
Nishiwaki, Kazuki[1] [JPN]  
    Nishiwaki, Kazuki[1]
Batista, Daniel[10] [POR] 63 64 
Saitoh, Keisuke[2] [JPN]  
    Saitoh, Keisuke[2]
Reddy, Rishi[16] [IND] 64 63 
Kawahashi, Yuta[3] [JPN]  
    Kawahashi, Yuta[3]
Andaloro, Fabrizio [ITA] 64 61 
Martinez, Mateo Nicolas [ARG]  
    Martinez, Mateo Nicolas
Chavez Villalpando, Luis Diego[11] [BOL] 64 64 
Kumaran, Bharath Nishok [IND]  
    Tu, Li
Tu, Li [AUS] 61 60 
Da Silva, Gabriel Ciro [BRA]  
    Sookton-Eng, Chanchai[14]
Sookton-Eng, Chanchai[14] [THA] 64 67 107 
Bosio, Gabriele[7] [ITA]  
    Bertrand, Robin[9]
Bertrand, Robin[9] [FRA] 63 64 
Watanabe, Seita[8] [JPN]  
    Lemstra, Kai[12]
Lemstra, Kai[12] [GER] 61 61 
Nishiwaki, Kazuki[1] [JPN]  
Saitoh, Keisuke[2] [JPN]   
Kawahashi, Yuta[3] [JPN]  
Martinez, Mateo Nicolas [ARG]   
Tu, Li [AUS]  
Sookton-Eng, Chanchai[14] [THA]   
Bertrand, Robin[9] [FRA]  
Lemstra, Kai[12] [GER]   
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